
Thursday, February 16, 2012


Well, sometimes that means that I’ve finally figured something out, or maybe gotten a clue on something I was being pretty clueless about – but in this case…..

I want you to look at my header banner picture up there --- yes that one…top of the blog.

Do you see anything different? Look closely!

I’ve had something in the legal process for what seems like months and months and months now, and it’s true…it HAS taken that long.

The registration with the filing of my QUILTVILLE trademark is FINISHED.

This letter just in from my lawyer:

This means that your trademark has gone through the process, and is now formally enforceable against infringing parties.

You can now put a Register “R” symbol next to the QUILTVILLE name wherever you advertise

If you know of anyone who is infringing on your QUILTVILLE trademark rights, please let me know and I can schedule a time to
discuss Cease & Desist options that might be available to you. Please keep in mind that you can stop others with similar services whose names are confusingly similar to QUILTVILLE, not just the “QUILTVILLE” itself anywhere across the United States.

This is probably the best thing to happen to me in a long while. And it’s a quiet hoorah because there isn’t any infringing going on at present, but still, this was a necessary step in protecting not only myself, but the name of my business.

I have celebrated by putting the Circle R here on the blog, AND on the banner of my website.

Oh happy day!

I’m off to the chiro to find out who won those hershey’s kisses --- Oh, I hope it’s me!


Rosa Robichaud said...

EXCELLENT!!!!! A big hoorah, from up North in Canada!!!

BTW, any idea when your next book will be available and/or we can pre-order it?


Weeellll... you WERE looking for questions... *grin*

Sarah Martin said...

Sweeeeeet! That's great, Bonnie, and about time!

Mrs. DillyDally said...

Congratulations! I am sew happy and thrilled for you... you have accomplished sew much and are sew deserving! You go girlfriend!

LintLady said...

How wonderful to have now your own trademark!
A warm Hello from Germany
Doris :o))

Cyn said...

Congrats, Bonnie. This is wonderful news! I'm Happy Dancing for ya.

Judy D in WA said...

Congratulations!!! :) This is a BIG deal.

MaryLu said...

Yay!! Three cheers!! Great job!!
Now I know that when I talk about Quiltville (R), no one else can say, "Which Quiltville?" Because YOU are the only one!!
Love it!!

Ray said...


Anonymous said...

Great to hear! I remember when you started using Quiltville (R!!) wayyyy back when.
Andrea in Calgary

Anonymous said...

Good news and good for you girlfriend!
What a smart cookie you are.

stitchinpenny said...

I can't imagine that any one would steal a name. but if you give it value and people look to it as a symbol of good things I guess some idiot would think that they deserved to benefit from your hard work. Glad you nipped it in the bud. Congratulations on Quiltville getting registered.

bingo~bonnie said...

Congratulations Quiltville®!!! :)

QuiltingShaz in Sunny South Africa said...

Congratulations!!! That is really great, makes you seem terribly official and all but I am happy for you.
Here's to many, many more happy quilting years for you and Quiltville!!

Saska said...

I'm SO happy for you! Hope you win those Kisses....and that you'll share!

Heather said...

Yay!! Congratulations! :)

qltmom9 said...

LOL, Quiltville is SO much more than any of that...it's a way of life, a legend in it's own time and ~F~U~N~!


Lin said...

Thats great - you are "Quiltville"

Julie said...

Congratulations! That is Awesome!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Have been using you technique for teaching bias binding, hope this is not infringing on your name, Always tell them where I got the info and send them to your website just because I love it and know they will tooo.
Ramona sewnsew@live.com

tink's mom said...


cityquilter grace said...

me, i wouldn't take the chance on not winning..i'd get them half price the day after, true!

Sandy Beach Sewing said...


Sandy in TN

Jody said...

Congratulations Bonnie! Great start to a new decade.

Vic in NH said...

Congratulations! Quiltville has really arrived now!

Anonymous said...

Great news Bonnie, no one is more deserving than you; you have worked long and hard for this. Keep up the good work, good luck with the Kisses!!
Faye in Maine

Debbie Lou said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! This is a great milestone. We need to celebrate. Cheers!!!

Anonymous said...

sending my congratulations along with the other quilters.
well done!

Lori said...

Awesome! Congrats on getting through that legal hurdle!!

HelenMarie said...

Congratulations Bonnie!

Kelly said...

Awesome news! Great job and you deserve it!!

Carolyn said...


CARMEN said...

Congratulations ,, you deserve it !

sawsan said...

Congratulations does that mean any thing u will chang on this refrencing pages online couse i do not picture my self without checking and learning from them about DALY


Julierose said...

I noticed--good for you. Did you know that some of your pix are un-viewable (is that a new word??) there is a blank spot and a little red x in the corner--just thought you might want to know...Julierose

Terri in BC said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! You have been so generous with your free patterns and lessons, it would break my heart if someone stole your name. Keep up the good work!

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