
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I’m not whining, Lord, I’m really not --

But you see, Lord, there are people out there who seem to think that they can change my blog content just like changing a channel or ordering from a menu at a restaurant.

I’m sitting here shaking my head at how some could say things like “I never win, I don’t know why I bother to leave a comment.” “There are too many Give-Aways on here”. “There are too many posts a day.” “Dang, I’ll never win with this many comments”

And: “What’s with all the kindle stuff, can you not post that?” “I already get your updates through facebook can you not send them to quiltvillechat too, I already have too much mail.”

And I sit here in amazement wondering who these people are and how they got the idea that they could determine what I want to talk about or where I post.

Yes, just this week I’ve talked about my hurting bunions, about toast crumbs on the butter dish, the things that show up in my mail, my massage appointment, what I had when I went out for dinner ----AND I posted links to free Kindle books. This is my blog --- I write what I want. And around everything, I quilt!

Dear Lord, please help me to breathe deep and let these things roll off my shoulders and far away from me and leave my soul at peace --- for I have lived today. And I have shared myself with others.

There is always the delete button. I know that works both ways, and I’ve been deleting, believe me, I’ve been deleting.

I make no apologies for what I post. The content is of my choosing. I am excited about and in love with my new Kindle Fire. I search for books I want to read. If I find one I think is good, I share it. For every person who doesn’t want the Kindle post, is another 1, 2 or 3 people that do.

But what matters most is that I feel good sharing it. That’s all. It’s easy to skip if you don’t want to read it. Is it hurting anyone that I share what I have downloaded for myself to read? And who assigned these random strangers as the blog content police?

And tomorrow there may be someone who isn’t happy with the free pattern I’m releasing for the blog. They won't like that I didn't write it for the technique they prefer to use. Or maybe that will be okay with everyone, because it is for FREE ---but you can’t please all of the people ANY of the time.

I just finished the Winston Ways quilting --- I’ll remove it from the machine tomorrow. Right now I think I’ll go tuck myself in with that new Kindle Fire and read until I fall asleep. And if I find another free book tomorrow --- I’ll post it. Because I can. And readers can read it, or not ----because they can.

Thank You. I feel better now!


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Carolyn said...

Bonnie.....delete this if you want...but I laugh at your entries, download the free Kindle books (well not all but most, marvel at your energy and enjoy knowing what you had for dinner ;)
see you in Glendale

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Hope I didn't upset you over the 'facebook' thing. I know lots of people facebook, I just chose not to. I just wanted to know if I could enter with just a comment. Sorry. I don't e-book, either, but, lots of other people do. I read some of those posts, and skip the ones I don't want to read. It's YOUR blog. Say what YOU want to say. We're reading about YOUR life.

Sandie said...

Bonnie... Write what you want, and what makes you happy. Nothing in this world says everyone has to read every post, and I only wish I had so few things to trouble me in my life, that duplicate posts from duplicate FB groups I choose to belong to, were worth the time to whine about! I for one, look forward to hearing about all of the things you choose to share with us. Kind of like chatting over a cup of tea with a friend... not all on topic, but all something that you felt like sharing. :)

Deb said...

Just keep on doing what you already are doing. I love all the little posts about everything. I feel like I'm chatting with a friend when I read your posts even though we have never met. Thanks for all the pics you post from your workshops. What a great source of inspiration! :)

Kristi said...

**smile** Very nice way of saying that!! I enjoy your posts....I do skip the free book post just because I don't have a kindle (but I think it's super sweet that you post it for people who do have one and might be interested in the books....*I'm jealous of your kindle* *smile*).
Keep doing what you do....You have followers who appreciate your blogs!

Mary said...

You go, girl!! I love all you share, so please keep doing it. I don't have a Kindle (yet), but still find it interesting to read about books. People just need to mind their manners and appreciate all the wonderful inspiration and fun you provide.

regan said...

I am always amazed at how much gall people have! Please keep posting everything you do, Bonnie .....kindle books, pics of quilts, patterns, antique shops, food, recipes, EVERYTHING! It's all good, and it makes my day! I've liked nearly every book you've posted about, and I'm not even a reader! lol I've put nearly every quilt you make on my 'must make one day' list! If I live that long! And when your hubby irks you with crumbs on the butter.....I get a good chuckle! And that's why I spend time on blogs! To feel good, to get good laugh, to learn something, and to get inspired! Who are these idiots trying to ruin it for the rest of us???? I want names! lol

Faye said...

Tell it sister!! Please DO keep posting as you do.... 100 percent love it and delete the nay-sayers!!

Marie said...

I am so sorry that you had to write this post. NO ONE should be made to feel that way! Some people are so nonsensical. I guess they have always been there in the world, just now they have the internet as their universal forum.

Lisa said...

I love your blog! Yes, some entries I enjoy more than others but that is my problem and not yours! I was thinking just yesterday that when you come teach at our guild I will really feel like I know you personally from all the "stuff" you write about (love the butter dish comments cause I can relate!) but to you I'll just be a name in the class but that's life. I'm sure you get that all the time. Keep up the good work. And since you're the one that turned me onto Kindle for PC through your postings - Thank You!

Anonymous said...

You go girl! It's your blog - you can post what you want. I love all that you posted - the quilting, daily updates and the kindle books. Keep up the good work and ignore the negative comments

Gwynette in NW Arkansas said...

Bonnie, you just have to do what YOU want. There will always be 'unhappy' people trying to pull you down to their level.

I'm glad you write about everyday things. It makes me not feel like I'm the only one 'suffering' through life... LOL.

It's lovely weather here in NW Arkansas and I think you would love to walk in our peaceful woods and find all the daffodils I've planted along the trails as 'surprises'.

Mary Grace McNamara said...

People! Ugh! Write what you want, when you want. If I feel like reading it, I will. If I read it, I will most likely enjoy it. If I have something nice to say about it, I'll comment. And I hope that's how people feel about my own blog as well. Just keep doing what you're doing!


Leeann said...

Some people should remember that the world doesn't revolve around them! As always it's your blog and we like it, that's why 99% of us read it. Forget about the whining 1%

Re kindle books the last one comes up with 'pricing not available' for me, so I'm wondering if they have caught on to heaps of people downloading it! They are probably trying to work out why so many people are downloading it. Hope they never guess it's us pesky quilters :-D

Janet said...

People! What can I say.............People!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Hey Bonnie don't let the haters get you down! Life is to short to stress on the overly selfish. BTW I love when you post Kindle books. Most I dont care for but because you do I put the kindle app on my iphone and started downlading free books. So thanks!

Unknown said...

Bonnie -- I love your blog, keep it up.

Sharon in Colorado

NancyB85374 said...

I love all you share, Bonnie. I so appreciate that you introduced me to the free Kindle books. There are too many grumpy grouches out there. If we keep smiling - they will wonder what we know, that they don't. Hee, hee.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Bonnie.

Mary said...

I read the title of this post and knowing you were nearly done with Winston Ways, I thought oh now she had her backing come up shorter than her quilt... But that would NEVER happen to our BONNIE!
I don't have a Kindle, Nook or Fire and I still am interested in the books. If you find and share a good one, I could go buy it or borrow it, but I know some of the new books only come as E-books too. I just might get one because of the posts so I can read the fun books. Keep on Posting, we will read... the rest, who don't like it, can just go away!

Anonymous said...

Well, I really like the fact you post the Kindle stuff. It gives me an opportunity to read some authors I might not. I love reading, I'll read anything. Very rarely do I not finish a book. I guess it's one of those things I dislike about technology....people say things they probably would not say to someone's face. The cell phone, texting, etc all have a place but the rudeness of many people with the use of technology is just sad. Hang in there girlfriend, you give a lot of pleasure with your recommendations, your patterns, and your blog to a lot of people. AND you're right, the computer as well as the TV have a delete and an off button.

Karen in Corona (Still working on Jared Takes a Wife)

Brenda said...

You better post that new Kindle book!!! And another free pattern??? How in the world can you do so much!! And be so giving???!! I will never understand.....

(I hope you know I am trying to be a 'complainer' in the postive sense!! I have no idea what anyone could *ich about with this blog and what you say. If it's something I don't want to read, I don't. And as for the give-aways, if you are only on here to win something, then you have missed the whole point of it!!!

This blog is FUN!!! I love to come on here, and enjoy your points of view - and the pics you post!!! I am not going to be getting to the places you go anytime soon that I can tell, but with your help, I have seen them and enjoyed them too!!!

And by the way, I, because of you, have finished my Orca quilt (no pics! I just forgot!!) and it's the first time I have started and been finished a project in less then, oh, a year or more..... some are still waiting...... It is already in my quiters hands and Bonnie, I thank-you for this project! As my friend said (this is her first 'Bonnie' mystery!!) "No wounder it's called Orca!! It's a whale of a project!!") But what I really loved, as I was finishing - the borders went on PERFECTLY!!!! How do you do that??? It's amazing to me that you can design a pattern and just have it work! Thank-You!!!

And, is it true?? Another pattern?? For free??? That we can come on here and let our friends know and enjoy it?? And people find fault with you??

People who complain about this wounderful site: Go give your heads a good shake and rethink what your saying. You just don't have a clue and NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR IT!!!!!

This woman here is one of the best people on the web, in her town and in the world - remember that. If you can't do what Bonnie does every day - meaning, share her gift, laugh out loud and enjoy every day the best she can, then - you need to learn how. And until you can be so giving and joyful, you have to keep your thoughts in a journal you have by the computer and not sent out into cyber space.... that way, it's not clouding your system, but it's not polluting our cyber air either!

and with that, I am gone to watch tv!! Night Bonnie!!!!

Jfelb said...

Unfriend the whiners. Whiners....unsubscribe.
Bonnie, I love reading about your adventures...keep up the good work!

Linda said...

Darling... be YOURSELF!
We love you just the way you are!!

Anonymous said...

WHAT---Did you say a new free pattern tomorrow??

Donna in NW FL said...

Enjoy all of your posts, Bonnie! Please don't stop posting the free Kindle books! I've downloaded most of them and am enjoying reading them. I just finished Asylum-- different but enjoyed it. Thanks for all your posts. I live vicariously through you! Lol

Anonymous said...

love your blog, this is you, who you are, we adore it and if any doesn't they are free to not follow along. Ramona in Maine sewnsew@live.com

stitchinpenny said...

I like almost every post I catch, I have gotten the Kindle books I am interested in, I love traveling through your pictures, your daily trials and tribulations make me feel closer to you and as if we are sharing morning coffee like my mother did with the neighbors. I am happy with your blog. I have won a few giveaways on other blogs, but over the years I have probably entered thousands. Don't enter if you expect to win, feel the blessings if you do. You are not responsible for my happiness and if I ever say anything hateful, be a friend and call me on it. My sincere hope is that the people who are complaining are naive and are not that self centered.

Pamela said...

Don't change anything...I love you blog!!

Anonymous said...

I personally like EVERYTHING that you post. But if I didnt I would just not read it. People are out of their mind. They need to get a life and stop interferring in yours. Please don't ever stop doing what you do!! You are absolutely the BEST !! A real, done to earth person who is sharing you very busy life with us. Giving us the inspiration to get up each day and get more done. Ignore the idiots!!!

Sharon Stone said...

LOL! Bonnie, you have so many wonderful fans! Post what you want, blog what you want. I enjoy all of it. I can't wait to see what you quilted on Winston Ways and am so looking forward to your new quilt pattern - not that I'm in the market for starting another one, but anxious all the same. Keep up the great work. I love reading you!

Anonymous said...

LOVE. Your posts. Don't change a thing Just be yourself. We love it!!!

Anonymous said...

You go girl! It is your blog and I like reading it!

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

I just want you to know how much of a better person you are than I am. There is a particular body part that I would be inviting these people to kiss if I were you. Lol! Its YOUR blog. Put what YOU want on it. I , personally, appreciate all the patterns, ideas, books. I also appreciate that you choose to share your life with us. Hugs!

Reformed Supermom said...

Bonnie, I say this gently, lovingly....sometimes my eyes glaze over when the Kindle posts show up. Because I think it's "not quilt related" even though clearly it's posted by you, by Quiltville. So there's some weird disconnect for me to seek out "quilty" stuff with you. Granted, I'm in kind of a weird spot, health wise so my mind is like a sieve. I may really dig in for quilty stuff soon, as I'm able. I *do* totally get the fascination with Kindle (I just got one recently, and want to tuck it under my pillow!) I just know right now you're more like a one-woman show than a one-stop for my quilt fix, kwim? At the end of it all,it is your blog, your style, your rules. <3

jroen5472 said...

Deep breathe in, deep breathe out, turn the other cheek, and have pity for the haters of this world.

Jan said...

Amen! Keep it going Bonnie. I smile every time I open facebook and see that you have posted. Really look forward to all of them. Bring on the new pattern, I'm ready.

Anonymous said...

Your blogs give me a lift every day, no matter the content. I download most of your ebook suggestions, laugh with you, cry with you, and get disgusted with the nay-sayers. Don't let the freaks annoy you -- it's a fact of life that if they post negative comments, it's likely they deal with everything and everyone in a negative way. You just continue being the naturally happy, sincere, and giving person you are.
Mary in Chino, CA
(hope to see you in Burbank in a couple weeks)

Katie said...

wait... did you say. . "TOO MANY GIVEAWAYS?!?!?!?"
That's about like saying "too many shoes" or "too much chocolate"

Marilyn said...

Don't change a thing , we love you just the way you are.

Misha said...

YOUR blog, YOUR fb page, YOUR choice!!! Keep on keeping on, Bonnie, there are plenty of us who love you exactly the way you are. Today, in fact, I was quite engrossed in one of the Kindle books that I downloaded thanks to your suggestion. Much love!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, regan, I want those names too!!! About time the other blog police (we happy campers) took a shine to "fixing" these people so they don't bother Bonnie any more....what say we take away all their thread of hide their scissors...think that will fix them!! hahahaha
Faye in Maine

Misha said...

...or "too much fabric" right? ridiculous!! :)

Sandi P said...

The way I see it Up top there underneath Quiltville Quips and Snips it says by Bonnie K. Hunter. That means Bonnie K. Hunter gets to post what she wants to on this blog and if I want one with only the things I like posted then I need to have a blog that says "by Me" at the top of it. I don't read every word of every post, but I can't imagine asking you not to post something. Some people have a lot of nerve and no manners.

Deb said...

Amen girl! I know we would be friends...lol. Thanks for sharing you with us.

GeeMa said...

Gal, you need a glass of wine (not whine)! My granddaddy used to have a saying about opinions, but I better not repeat it here... but it is soooo appropriate. Once upon a time, I did have someone tell me there are two rules in life: 1) don't sweat the small stuff, and 2) it's all small stuff. Do what makes YOU happy!

Anonymous said...

Lol...I love when you post the free kindle downloads because then I don't have to look for them :) and isn't this your blog? Be a Honey Badger and do what you want? (Lol, check youtube for Honey Badger video to see what I'm talking about) ;)

Teresa in Music City said...

Amen sister!!! You preach it and I'll tap my foot!!! I, for one, would be very disappointed if you stopped posting the Kindle books :*O But besides that, don't let anyone else try to define you by telling you what should or should not be included in your blog! That's just plain narcissistic (how's that for a fancy word? I had to look up the spelling =^..^=) Tell them to start their own blog so you can tell them what they can and can't post on it!

Anonymous said...

You rock Bonnie. One of my favorite blogs. It's well rounded and enjoyable. I'm an avid quilter and love your style but most of all i enjoy your love of life and your ability to share it so naturally. One of one of the reasons I follow is your reading list. Oddly enough we have a lot of the same taste in literature.
Blogging/journaling is a personal thing and thank you for sharing with us and inviting all of us to your word.

Chatty Kathy said...

Take a deep breath. You post your heart. You share yourself with others. You give away a little part of yourself when you do that. That does not mean that others own you. When you choose to give up your privacy your expose yourself. Some will like it, others will not. Most of us who follow you embrace your enthusiasm and joy for life....there will always be someone who will criticize what you do. Stay who you are...just look at all the people who already love you. It pains me to see you question yourself. You have given so well of yourself already.. Just me, saying, Kathy

Jan Thompson said...

Bonnie, I say to the ones that don't like your blog LEAVE....they don't have to read it... I love it, I don't have a Kindle, I don't have a Nook but I do read, and I am always happy to hear about a new book. The one today sounds like something I will love....I don't win contests either, but that doesn't mean I won't try! I wake up to you every morning and go to sleep after I check your blog.....please don't stop.....the ones that don't like, find something else to do, but don't ruin my day! Thanks Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Chin up Bonnie, you are loved! I don't start my day without reading and enjoying your blog as I'm sure there are many of us. Keep up the great posts that inspire and entertain. I agree with Beth unfriend the whiners.


Barbara Black said...

I am flabbergasted anyone would dare complain about what you post in YOUR OWN BLOG! Just skip blogs you're not interested in. Blogs are open letters about whatever the blogger chooses. I enjoy your blog very much. You give so much so thanks! You are appreciated by many.

Sandra said...

Nicely said - Love every thing you do.

Sandra (who is till working on her Blue Bayou)

debbie said...

I love your blog! Keep posting what you want on here, it is your blog. LOL. I have never been to your blog and been disappointed by what you have written. Love all your patterns and books!


Debbie Hall

Laurie said...

I join in the support of you and your words. I especially enjoy sharing your snippets of wisdom that you share with us. I really dislike when people criticize others for those very things. Reading your blog is free and optional. I'm sorry people hurt you with their complaints. I hope you feel the love and support going your way tonight. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Margaret B said...

Bonnie--I love, love, love everything you post. Please don't change a thing!

Anonymous said...

((((((HUGS)))))))) That is the return hug I got from you when at retreat in Maine last October. I was so surprised when you came right up to me and gave me that hug....Who am I that Bonnie Hunter would give me a hug the first time we had met?? Now I know: I am one of those people who appreciate all you do (just like so many others, based on the previous comments!!) and have become "friends" with you over the internet -- through your FB page, your website, your blog. I love that your life is so much like the rest of us...crumbs on the butter dish and all....and that you are so willing to share that very busy life with us "cyber-watchers". Thank you, Bonnie, for being the giving person you are....and remember, the Lord has answered that prayer, because your sweetness trumps their selfishness!!
Faye in Maine

Sherri said...

Bonnie, don't let anyone deter you from what you have been doing and what you will continue to do........you are amazing, and I've never even met you in person, but I can still say that just because of what you share with us and how caring and giving of yourself you are! You do soooo much for soooo many people and still manage to keep a smile on your face, no matter how tired you might be. You are special, and don't forget that!

Sometimes I wonder about people too..........if they don't like it, they can always remove themselves from the situation. I love seeing what you have to say every day. Keep up the great work! and THANK YOU :)

Nancyk said...

Bonnie, Don't know you but LOVE everything about your Blog. So you go Girl.

TDJ said...

I am confused, I thought the by-line reads "by Bonnie Hunter"!?
Your friends have stated it before and we will support you by saying it again. This is your baby, write what ya want and remember ya can't please everyone. If they don't want to read what you wrote there is this little red 'X' in the top right hand corner.

I do not have a kindle but I still enjoy the kindle posts, gives me book suggestions I may want to try in a different media. That is if my kids ever let me read a book at my own reading level again.

Chin up, deep breath. There are move up us (positive) than them (the naggers).

Rita said...

Believe me..there are more people who enjoy your posts than those who complain and I LOVE it when you post about free Kindle downloads. It makes my day!

Miss Jamee Quilts said...

that is not whining, its venting. sometimes i find myself getting really upset...I am a school bus driver, and sometimes a kid will ask for permission to do something that he KNOWS I will not let him do...and sometimes, sometimes, I just cant find the words to say again. Sometimes I just dont answer, and now, L, the boy with the permanent assigned second seat, will answer for me..."no" he says!

Rina Mason said...

This was one of the best blogs I have read today! I read your blog because I love what you talk about.

I don't have a kindle but love your recommendations. Free quilt pattern - I'm there! A giveaway with hundreds of comments - Congratulations on having so many followers!

Reading your blog is like visiting with a friend. Just keep hitting the delete button and when you do feel a little sorry for the haters as they can never be truely happy in life.

Karen Heineck said...

Amen, Sister! Enough said. (And THANK YOU for all you share!)

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I wouldn't even waste my breath telling people all that, again and again. It IS your blog - just post what you want to and ignore the whiners. They will go away if they don't get a response and you just keep doing your thing! I couldn't even imagine sending a blogger a note complaining about what they post on their own blog - I would just leave and find someone else through whom to live my life... LOL!

Sheryl said...

You go, girl!! This is YOUR blog, and you have every right to write whatever YOU want. I love the chattiness of it all. Some people would gripe if they were hung with a new rope. What are those people doing hanging around here anyway? Go get a life and leave the rest of us alone!!! Can you believe that people gripe about FREE things???? Come ON, people!!! Keep up the good work, Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Oh and a note to e-readers that aren't kindle - don't forget to check the sony reader store, and kobo - they often have the same books for free. Lately not so much, but I have found a few! Or your library, if they have e-books.

TDJ said...

Wait wait!!! Who's giving away fabric, I want in!!!! hee hee

Maree said...

Why do these people follow your blog? Are they only after giveaways? Keep doing what you want and ignore these grumpy unhappy beings.

Beth said...

Hey Bonnie
I love your blog - I read at least daily - often more. I love quilt stuff, book stuff, recipes and stray threads on your socks!
I find your blog inspiring - I made "Paws Abound" based on your Florabunda post. I am making a quilt with cheddar (okay it might be pumpkin) but either way, it was a color I would have shied away from in the past but cheddar bow ties showed me the way. I save much smaller scraps now because I know just where to go to find ways to use them. I have read books I might not have found. I love the quotes and the wisdom about "life".

Anonymous said...

I have no kindle and yet have no problem with your kindle references...
I have no bunions and still read about yours...
I don't even quilt... but I LOVE reading and learning about quilting...

QUIT WHINING Jackwagons! If you don't like how she runs HER blog & her life... LEAVE!!!

Heather Fallon

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
I just love reading your Blog - every bit of it - the quilting adventures, the life on the road - and at home - and the information about Kindle books. It really is about the only Blog I have time to read, and it brightens my day. Don't worry what others say..by looks of the comments above, there are so many who receive pleasure from your daily snippets. You give joy to so many, soplease keep doing what you are doing. Jenny.

swakins said...

I don't often comment, but wanted to say I am a follower and although I don't enjoy every post you are so prolific there is always something to love at least daily. And I love following on my Kindle Fire...and I love all the freebies.

Martha said...

I've decided that people who complain about insignificant things don't have a life. You are always so cheerful, even when people are aggravating and unkind when they post. I don't have any problems with what you post. There are always a variety of subjects. Thanks, Bonnie, for all you do. You are a fine example of someone who enjoys life and loves to share those joys.

Sandra Coleman Clarke said...

Bonnie, I think you are WONDERFUL and I am your ambassador to my friends who are not computer folks. You are so giving of your time , patterns, and ideas and I am a cheerleader for Bonnie Hunter. Don't let the whiners & gripers get you down. I look forward to all your words. A while back you had a kindle book called "Maid to Match", about the Vanderbilt house. I am reading it & it is so good. My kind of book!!

Sara Fiedler said...

Bonnie please keep doing what you're doing. YOU do it GREAT! Continue to enjoy life while we enjoy ours along with you.
Thanks for all the time and effort you put into your blog :)

Katney said...

You know what? Reading the whole blog is not obligatory. Good grief! I read what I connect with and skim the rest. I see it in Facebook and either click to see it all or go on to the next thing. Again I say GOOD GRIEF!!!! Some people should get a life.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a Kindle or any e-reader, but through your blog, I've downloaded over 50 books to my computer. When I finally do get a Kindle, I'm set for a long time to come. As for blogging about things other than quilting, thank you. I've worked odd hours for over 30 years and have lost touch with most of my friends. Your posts keeps me in touch with 'the outside world'. Thanks for sharing so much with us on your blog.

zigo said...

It is YOUR blog, so YOU do what YOU want. And people who do not agree with that, they have only not read it. It is sooooooooooooo easy !

Paula said...

DO NOT CHANGE A THING. I love it all. You are just being you and that is what we like. I too love my Kindle. I dont have the fire yet..... Quilty hugs.

Sewgreen said...

This is YOUR blog! No one is being forced to read it! It's for you!

Keep doing what you're doing and don't let the haters get you down!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Way to go Bonnie! You write what you enjoy sharing as this is YOUR blog! I don't have a Kindle yet....but I download some of the books to my computer and can read them that way thanks to Amazon. Your blog is amazing and I am anxiously waiting to see what your newest creation is! Hugs!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I don't know who these people are who are upsetting you, but I really wish you would take no notice. Being the caring person that you are, you find this difficult.

I love that you share yourself with us. I love being a part of your life by reading what you write. I love your patterns which you so freely give. My Kindle has nearly three hundred books on it, mostly suggested by you. If only there where more people like you in the world! Don't change. Be who you are. We are all free to choose and I choose YOU!! Love ya Bonnie!!

deekae said...

Love your blog....... It is like hearing from an old friend every day.

Janet O. said...

By now all of those whiners should be slinking off behind the barn with their tails between their legs! : )

Aileen said...

I love your Heart and spirit! Nough said!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, the 'nopes' won the other night. I think the we love you just the way you are votes win tonight. keep on keeping on, love.

Leeanne said...

Oh dear, it would be a straight world without twisties! Meaning, it takes all kinds to make the world. What does it for some doesn't do for others, I guess? I enjoy your blog & think you are very generous, but there are some posts that just don't interest me, so I don't read....end of story.

Anonymous said...

I join the mass of others who say " illegitimis nil corborundum". (It sounds very classy in latin, huh?) I, too, read your blog everyday. I love your travels, especially the photos that you take. (seeing things with "a quilter's eye") You kindly share daily things with all of us. I appreciate that, it is like sharing a cuppa with a friend. I don't have a kindle, but have a nook. Sometimes the same books are free at B&N at the same time. (wonder why that happens??lol) Because you post the books, I have a long list of books to look for. I appreciate that because my Mom and I both read a lot, and I can keep her in books to read. So I really appreciate that! (She is 86.) So I say thank you for the books, the patterns, the mystery quilts, and the snapshot of your life. I am, alas, anonymous because I have no blog, but my name is Sara.

pricillaprecise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Luka said...

You go girl! I love your blog. Don't let the whiners ruin one minute of your day.

Joan S said...

I believe I've thanked you three times for all the Kindle heads-up you give. I've downloaded all but three of them. As for the rest of your blog, keep it going just like it is. It is one of the most informative, interesting blogs I read, with no spelling or grammar errors to drive me through the roof!! Now that you've vented your feelings, go get into a lovely bubble bath, with a glass of your favorite wine, and your Kindle Fire! I love my Kindle Fire, too!!

Anonymous said...

I love the kindle books that are free! thanks Bonnie...sharing your bunion stories makes you human...we all have other things beside quilting. it's tough to have a thick skin from all the comments! I'm not sure I would want to put up with that! thanks for keeping cooments...
thanks kiddo....Elaine in Fairview, AB.

pricillaprecise said...

I wonder if those who complain actually have lives/blogs of their own, or if they live their lives vicariously through others' blogs? The cheek of them trying to change your life into their own. Margaret.

Anonymous said...

YOU are my morning coffee and vitamin pill. I love to get on line and read about you and your quilting, your life, travels, family and friends. It is the b.e.s.t start to the day (I am Down Under in Oz) and I check again before I go to bed at night.
Thanks for putting yourself out, and out there, so much for us all. I am a Kindle-er (so thanks for all the suggestions) but if I wasn't it wouldn't worry me that you are.
Please try to let all the stupid posts slide right off, and keep on being YOU.
Jan in Oz - but have to be Anonymous as I'm not on Facebook or Google

Anonymous said...

My Dearest Bonnie,

I would like to just tell the people who complain about blog content or anything else that you do where to go. I know that's not nice but heck if you don't like the content don't read it and don't subscribe to the yahoo group. They are probably the first people in line for your mysteries and other great quilts you have given us.

It is your blog and a couple others that I read on a daily basis that keep my sanity. Without them I don't know where I'd be right now.

Please don't take the ungrateful to heart and continue as you are.

My best wishes
Upstate NY

Anonymous said...

You don't need a kindle to be able to download "PC for Kindle" so you can still read kindle books on your computer.
elaine in Fairview, ab

TADVR said...

You go Girlfriend! The rest of us love ya just the way you are. When you get whiners...just open the wine and add cheese & crackers, and sit down to a good ebook :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my Bonnie - you do have more patience than I do! I love ALL of your blog!
Teresa in Tennessee

Anonymous said...

The last time I looked (and I just doublechecked) at the top of this blog it says by Bonnie K. Hunter, not by Susie Schmuckitelli , Prudence Periwinkle or Ima Hogg. Write what you want, when you want, if you want and those of us who love reading your blog will continue to do so, those that don't-won't. I don't have a Kindle but I am always interested in hearing about a good read- free patterns? I'm on it. I would have NEVER undertaken a project like Orca Bay without knowing that since it's your pattern it WILL go together perfectly. And giveaways? Hey, who cares what my chance is? Nobody promised I'll win the lottery if I buy a ticket either!!!!! So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Hope you had a good evening tucked into your bed with your Kindle- Joy in AK P.S. Want to run away to Alaska? We have lots of snow for you to play in!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Phooey on them--don't let anyone bother your cute little head. It is yours--do what you please.

Janet said...

Your Blog- Your Life. I'm sure it's tempting to just block all replies. You are kind, generous, and fun, so don't let the buzzards get you down. I hope to meet you in Somers in May.

Mavis said...

Dear Bonnie, we love you. Please keep doing what you are doing. For every one person that complains there are ten who love you and appreciate every little thing you do. That means sharing your days and all that your days entail (bunions, food posts, kindle posts, quilty posts, family posts, pictures...the whole shabang!) Focus on your fans. We're here and love you.

Judith Davis said...

I am generally a lurker. I read everything that has Bonnie's name on it, download free patterns, avidly follow every mystery printing the steps so I can do them as I have time. Am trying to arrange my stash close to Bonnie's way mixed with a little of my needs. I do not have a Kindle and really have a hard time finding time to read anything, but some of the books sound really interesting. But most of all, I feel that Bonnie is a friend even though we have never met, because she had invited us into her life and feelings and avidly check the blog, facebook, and the email digests every day several times a day. Don't feel discouraged and don't change a thing. We love you the way you are.

Barbara Sindlinger said...

Your blog - your words - your way. Sometimes we win - most times we lose. But that's life - why do people feel the need to complain about someone elses blog which is a log of YOUR life. Carry on the way you do because you do it so well.

4dreamsr said...

Bonnie as blog owner you are entitled to write about anything you want & people can choose to read it or not. You got plenty of friends that love you for what you are; a sharing, caring, inspiration of energy. Don't change a thing unless you want to.

Anonymous said...

It's your blog . . . you get to write what you want. As a reader, we get to read it or not. Don't you just love free will. Too bad some just don't know they have it!

I love your blog, keep it up. Thanks.
Ps - i love my kindle fire too!

Bonnie l coliptt@Cox.net

Kathy said...

I enjoy your blog and look forward to hearing about your trips, projects and the books. Keep it up, I consider you my online friend to encourage and inspire me. Continue to use that delete button and I hope the complainers use it instead of whining about your blog.
Go Bonnie!

Mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary said...

Sorry, last comment had a typo!
I enjoy your blog with the kindle posts, the trips, the quilts, and definitely the contests! I think blogging is a personal thing, and you are free to post what ever you want! If the nay sayers don't like the posts, they are welcome to go write their very own blogs, and they can manage it anyway they want. I wouldn't change a thing with your blog!

Quilter Steph said...

As of right now, I don't have a job. My daily routine is get up, sit in my chair, check my e-mail, read Quiltville. My day hasn't really started until I do. I don't believe these people. If you don't like it, CHANGE THE CHANNEL...but don't ruin it for me. Just remember, there's always gonna be at LEAST one unhappy person. When I did have a job and had to arrange lunch meetings, people would complain about the food they had at a FREE LUNCH. Sheesh. My g'ma Ivy always said that some people wouldn't be happy if they were hanged with a new rope! Go g'ma!

AddieNCE said...

Thank you for this post, Bonnie.

There will always be people in the world who complain about everything - all in all, they may not be just a few, but then again, most of your other readers place kind comments, theyy love to read what you post and get inspired by you, your work and the things you write.

Keep on posting whatever you want since it's the same thing with reading blogs like it is with quilt magazines: if it's only patterns and descriptions, people get bored while reading it.
A link to a free kindle book, a post about the things that just happened in your life that kept you and/or your mind busy - all that makes reading your blog even more interesting for me.

Thanks for being the inspiring person that you are and please, please, please do not change anything due to a comment that some person posted who is definitely not satisfied with his/her own life and wants to share his/her 'grumpiness' (is there actually a word like this??) with others.

Greetings from good old Germany.

Anonymous said...

Vent girl! Get it out! It's your blog and you CAN post what you wish. No one is forcing anyone to read it! I personally like it all and check back a couple times a day. I appreciate your sharing and caring nature! Thank you Bonnie!
Lynne in Hawaii

Caddie said...

I love what you blog. I live 10 mile from town and you are my morning newspaper. Something to read whilst having a cup of tea. I couldn't live without your kindle posts. Books here in Australia are over $20. I love my kindle and also have downloaded a lot of the books you recommend. I find even though we live on opposite sides of the world we have so much in common. Both turn 50 this year, 3 sons love to sew and quilt read the same type of books. One difference, I love Aussie food. Not so cheesy as the American. By the way our cheese is pale yellow not orange.

Anonymous said...

Aw Bonnie! It makes me so sad when you feel so irate about these thoughtless people who are so opinionated that they try to control what you say. I am afraid they will never 'get it' . no matter how many times you explain your motivation. For every one reader like that though there are hundreds like me who follow your travels and traumas and enjoy and feel for you along the way. Who are inspired by you and grateful for your generosity of spirit. I am Jude, sending you a big 'virtual hug' across the blog-ways from the UK.

Henny said...

Hi Bonnie, I sure hope that you keep doing just like you did. I learned to follow tour instructions to make a scrapquilt, i learned to be brave and pick also fabrics i didn' t even like ( i cut them small) , i learned a lot new englishwords, I down loaded à lot of free kindle books and because I don' t have à kindle but an IPad I learned now to read them anyway, by reading those books I learned à lot more english words. Because you place the blog on Facebook i can read it on our campingplace where we do not have internet but do have à telephone and there are probably à lot more things that I learned from you. SO PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING, greetings from The Netherlands

Emma said...

Speaking of butter dishes...you need a French butter dish! Instead of having the stick of butter sitting on a little plate (which will then get crumbs on it as you butter your toast), you press your butter into a little bowl-looking thing and put it upside-down into water, which seals the butter from the air and keeps it good! See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_butter_dish for a picture in case you can't figure it out from my description! Plus then you don't get the lid into the butter when you try to close it! I absolutely *LOVE* my French Butter Dish...

MyCretanlife said...

That's right get it off your cheat you'll feel better. People don't have to read everything that you write. i don't because I am not a great reader so I just skip your kindle posts. It doessn't bother me that you write about books at all so why should other poeple complain about the content of YOUR BLOG, tell them to SOD OFF politely of course.

Deb said...

Silently loving your blog and posts, you are an entertaining girl with lots to give I am just so happy that you give freely. Hopefully you have had this roll off your shoulders and was able to enjoy your new read.

Anonymous said...

Ye gads girl! What are people thinking? For myself, I am so happy when I see my Bonnie friend has been visiting my computer. Some people would have to kick if they were drowning. Pay no attention and keep it coming.

Fleurette said...

I LOVE your blog!!! Thanks for sharing.

Connie said...

Oh, Bonnie, I love your blog just the way it is. You share so much, it lets us feel as if we know you, even if we've never had the opportunity to meet.

AngieT said...

I read & enjoy all of your posts, not just because you share so much of your quilting expertise, but also because I enjoy your personality. You lectured and taught at my guild a few years ago and we loved you so much, you are scheduled to come back again next year.
There will always be negative people; us positive ones just need to make a bit more noise to drown them out.

Gayle and Rob said...

Bonnie, I read your blog daily, enjoy your views, and love your quilts. I think the problem lies in the fact that we've become the United States of ME. Ignore the comments of those who think it's all about them.

sao said...

You just keep on keeping on. I enjoy hearing about what is going on with you. It is so nice that you share with us.

Why oh why do people think that they need to give their opinion when it isn't solicited? (LIKE I AM DOING NOW....LOL) I think people often behave the way that they were parented. You know, CHILDREN LIVE WHAT THEY LEARN......

Be happy - you are loved.

sao in Midlothian, VA

Anonymous said...

SOOOO SAD that a few bad apples can ruin a good thing. I too am a lurker - seldom post - but read your adventures everyday - look forward to seeing what you are up to each and every day. I was crushed when you removed your favorite blogs listed on the left side of page because of some snide comments sent to you. Your favorites had become mine too !!

I have a new Kindle Fire and usually download what you suggest because I am an avid reader and trust your judgement.

Don't let these few grumpies get to you. As you have mentioned - use that DELETE button (with vigor) and don't let them get you down !!! For every ONE of THEM - there are HUNDREDS of US lurking out there anxiously awaiting what Bonnie K Hunter has gotten herself involved in today !!

Tracey in CT said...

Some people have a lot of nerve!! Didn't their mother teach them "if you can't say something nice, Don't say anything at all??". It's your blog, post what you want. Readers, if you aren't interested in a post, keep scrolling down until you see something you like!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

so many people have to bitch and complain about something - I write a variety of things on my blog too and I figure if it isn't what people want to read they don't have to read my blog. Continue as you are doing - a variety of subjects is good. I can't believe how some people tell people who are taking the time to blog what we should or shouldn't write about - if they don't like it they can write their own or stop coming around!!

Shelia said...

AMEN!! Love your blog and EVERYTHING you post. I too have the God given right to read or not read anything that anyone posts on any blog. I am one of the thankful people who say Bonnie you are an inspiration. Don't stop being yourself!
Loving me some Quiltville in South Carolina!!

Debbie said...

All I can say is poo on those that want to change you. Someone somewhere is always trying to change those that inspire people. Just file them away in the unhappy bin and put them in the closet. Continue what you do, you do it so well. Thanks for the inspiration and chats and letting us into your life.

diegoagogo said...

I am always amazed at how cruel people can be on the web. These people would hopefully not say these things so harshly to your face.
I believe people do not take the time to think before they fire off a comment or response to a post. Constructive criticism may be OK but
I live by the adage that if you don't like something & it is not harming you KEEP YOUR FINGERS OFF THE KEYBOARD!!! then unsubscribe.
Bonnie you are clearly loved by loads of people but no-one ever gets universal approval. Make what you want of the negative nellies but it sounds like you are deleting them & I think this is the best idea.
It's your blog, write what you choose - I enjoy it & look forward to it with glee.
Lush x

Jeanne said...

I enjoy your blog and the free Kindle books. Some people are not happy unless they are trying to tell others how to live. You said it well, it is your blog. Keep up the great job!

Donna Keating said...

Hang in there Ms. Bonnie. It's your blog, that you write for your pleasure, and the hope that some others enjoy it (which oh so very many of us do). If I don't like something, I skip it. Easy. No problem. If it bothers someone so much they have to complain, they they should just unsubscribe and unlike us. No skin off our teeth. You have hundred of happy readers, including me!

Lori said...

Keep up the GREAT WORK! I appreciate YOU! Enjoying every "crumb" and morsel! Lori

Anonymous said...

You are my morning cup of coffee. Don't change a thing.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blog. Please don't change anything. You are a real person like me. I look forward to reading your blog. Sometimes your blog makes me feel like I am not the only one experiencing these problems.

Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

I have always enjoyed reading your blog, learning about the whole Bonnie as she lives her day to day. You are such a giving person who enjoys sharing. You have quite a following that only exemplifies there are many who love you, your quilting and want to know everything about you. I was quite taken back that anyone would have the nerve to even offer a negative comment. It seems quite rude to me. I say keep on being you.

Debbie Quilts said...

Hmmm, let me think, for every negative comment you get, I'll bet you get a hundred positive ones! I know the negatives are hard to take, but I promise you there are tons of us out here hanging on your every word! I love that you share so much of your life with us! Your REAL life, nothing made up. The goods and the bads, the laughter and the tears. We identify with you because you are real. Don't let the negatives get you down!!!!

Debbie Lou said...

I look forward to each and every post you write. It's like sitting down with a good friend for a cup of tea and a chat. Thanks for all the inspiration, talent, creativity and just plain fun you share with all of us. Big HUGS sent...can you feel it?

MaryBeth said...

Ignore the haters Bonnie. The vast majority of your readers love your blog just the way it is!

Marcia said...

Your blog - your posts - share what you like!!!!

I didn't know there were free books on Kindle. Now I can read them on my iPad2. Thanks.


qltmom9 said...

Don't let a few ruin what is ~wonderful~. I love your blog and getting to know you. My children always ask, "Does Bonnie Hunter know YOU too, Mom?" because I speak of you ALL THE TIME.~ Recently, my son took me out to eat and I chose...Chili's, of course! That fired grilled corn quac IS good! LOL, I love "knowing" you, and, I know it takes/gives from you to share as you do. THANK YOU.
Lucy (in IN)

Robert said...

Love your blog the way you write it. Yes, if I don't want to read the women's stuff, I've got the delete button to hit. Just remember you only have to please yourself. Thanks - Robert, in northern Iowa.

Carol said...

Lord Bless Bonnie with duck feathers! :)
So like water on a ducks back the complaints just roll off, never slowing her down!
And if today is as windy as it was yesterday...just step outside and all of the complaints will be carried away in the wind and land in the Atlantic!

sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Sheryl, I love that comment about "a gripe if hung with a new rope". That's like complaining about a free meal. hahaha
Faye in Maine

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up to you, Bonnie! Keep everything the same, don't let the whiners get you down. You remain, as always, an inspiration to me! Remember ... if you don't like the news, then change the channel, LOL !!! Cheri

Anonymous said...

It's like having a basket of ping pong balls and throwing it up in the air...you cant catch them all when the come down! I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading all of your activities and free kindle suggestions (that i "buy" and put on my ipad)and the free patterns and free inspiration.

Debbie in WNC said...

You're driving this bus, Miss Bonnie and people are free to get off whenever they want. You are also free to kick their hineys to the curb if they misbehave. :-) We value your gifts you give us each day and marvel at your generous spirit. Keep doing what you do and ignore the people who are hellbent and determined to be miserable. Nobody can make them happy.

Ann Davis said...

You Rock!!! Glad you let it roll off your back. As my dad would say some people would still complain even if they were hung with a new rope..LOL!!!

Beverley said...

Don't change a thing unless YOU want to. I love your blog.

D Brown said...

vent away.... as my mom would say, some people wouldn't be happy if they were hung with a NEW rope! :) :D

Miss Carol said...

I love you!

SandyPA said...

Debbie in WNC said it best. I definitely appreciate the tips on sewing and life comments. I am so happy to know you through your blog. Please do not let the few sour apples ruin what you enjoy. Regarding the new pattern posted, I'm thankful to see it doesn't require tiny pieces and over 100 blocks. Thank you for sharing your patterns freely.

Anonymous said...

I don't read your blog every day but whenever I do I thoroughly enjoy it. You are right -- it's YOUR blog and you write what you want to and pffffffffffffffffft!! to the complainers!! They don't have to be here. Please don't let them get you down :)

Potpourri said...

I love it and keep on trucking Bonnie. What doesn't interest me I ignore. Simple really.

@wendydesigns said...

Hi Bonnie. Long time reader, very infrequent poster. Welcome to the world of Internet popularity. There will always be people who are unhappy with WHATEVER you do. So do what you want. We'll be here.

Bonnie said...

Keep doing what you are doing! That's what keeps me reading, never know what I will find. I don't have a Kindle but like the book reviews. Like to know about your life, your friends, your quilting, etc.

Margy T said...

Bonnie - you keep right on posting, girl!! and whatever you want to! You are one of those few people in the world with a true people-loving PERSONALITY! (Yeah, I know, people can be a pain sometimes and hard to love) I love your blog because it is really you coming out in your writing and what you post and that's why I keep coming back, sometimes checking back more than once a day just to see if you've had more to say (tho I try not to do that too much because the internet as a whole can be a real time-suck and then there's not enough time for my own sewing!! ;D)
So, please keep right on doing what you're doing, I'll keep reading
Thanks for all your posts, patterns, give-aways, recipes, links, etc.

Elaine said...

As a famous singer once said "I love you just the way you are"

Great blog, thanks for sharing so much of you with us. Elaine

Ramona said...

They don't have to read it, no one forces them to. They are rude to complain. Pretend you are a duck and the comments are rain:)

Debra said...

Rock on, Bonnie! Rock on!

Regina said...


(your talk of a duck reminds me of the old McDonald's commercial where the little kids sing a camp song and go "quack quack waddle waddle" - now that's going to be in my head today making me smile!!!)

Unknown said...

You can't please everyone all the time. Keep up what you are doing. I love it although I don't have a Kindle.I go to the library and get my books

mamahen02 said...

You've been my link to the outside world as I recoup from double pneumonia. I love you!

Linda said...

Bonnie, some people are givers, and some are takers. You happen to be one of the givers. Takers think the world revolves around them. I hope you will continue to give. Your blog is, indeed, your own, and anyone who wants you to change it to suit themselves is out of line. As hard as it is, you have to let the hurtful comments roll off your back.
Just keep doing what you want to do.
Linda in Southern Illinois

Me and My Stitches said...

Haters! They are all haters! Wasn't it Dr. Phil who said "if you don't like what I'm saying, change the channel"! It really is just that easy. Forget the whiners - there are many more people who love all you do!

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! One can skimp over what one doesn't find interesting. I thank you for sharing your life with me. Anita

Barbara O. said...

Bonnie, I'm so sorry to read you so upset. I love your blog, I read it every day, I laugh with you and I'm sad with you.
And I'm very, very greatful that you are such a generous person and share your quilting experience, your patterns, your books, your life and your spirit with us. You are really gifted.
Just keep writing your blog as you like it to be, and just keep being you!
There is so much anger, hatred, envy and misgivings in the world, these people are so jealous of all and everything positive that they try to destroy it.
Don't take it to heart, it's their problem, not yours!
Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie my day would not be complete without reading your blog no matter what topic it is. The books you post have encouraged me to read more and I THANK you for that. You have opened our eyes to see the USA in all its beauty. You share ideas and thoughts without wanting anything in return and that is something that is a gift in itself. - Sue Smit in Connecticut

Gramma Quilter said...

I have been wondering the last couple of weeks, i have really been aware of it in myself and others. We tend to focus on the one negative and all of the positives go dim in the light of that negative. I hate that about myself and i dont want to do it anymore. I love your blog. I do not know where i would be without the things you and others share about quilting ( and how to get odors out)! I have learned so much since i have been following blogs. It is really my quilting community at this point in time. Keep up the good work.
Faithful follower

Jennie said...


You keep right on posting just the way you always have! I love getting to know you through your musings. When I finally get to meet you someday at one of your lectures or classes I will feel like I am meeting a good friend. The first thing I do every morning with my cup of coffee is check your blog to see what Bonnie is up to today! God bless.

Kay Holm said...

Bonnie: A blog is for sharing whatever parts of you that you wish to share. I love reading your posts and I love everything about them. You are a wonderful person and it feels like I have a friend out there telling me stories of her life. Keep up the musings and don't let those who are complaining bother you. They have a right to their opinion, but if they don't want you as a companion, then they should just not subscribe!

Karen said...

You go girl! My favorite saying is from Dr. Suess (whose birthday is tomorrow!) -
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...


Mrs T said...

Don't chane a thing!!! Love reading and quilting we must be kindred spirits. And yes, married with pet peeves too. You make life seem normal and you are very motivating! Freedom of the press is alive with your blog! Anne

Kathi said...

Bonnie -
I love your blog and read it daily. Don't pay any attention to the nay-sayers. Thank you for all the giggles!!

Teri Ploski said...

You tell 'em Bonnie! It's YOUR blog, you can do what you want on it, and if people don't like it, they don't have to read it! I get a lot of inspiration from not only your website, but your blogs as well. Now, I really need to get busy organizing my scraps!!!

Lynn said...

You go girl!

bistry said...

Keep on doing just what you are doing. Love your blog just the way it is! It is the only one that I read every day and night.


Patti said...

I just can't believe some people. Really?!? I don't receive any emails from you, I rarely go to FB. I have your blog saved in my Favs and I go to it EVERYDAY, because #1. I know you post daily. #2. You have great free patterns. #3. You talk about where you are and what your doing. #4 I love your outlook on life. There are more. Oh wait. #5 Love the Kindle additions!!!! My girlfriend has a blog and we've talked extensively about this topic. Seriously, if you don't like what someone posts on their blog....Hmmmm....how do I say this?....OH, yeah....DON'T GO TO IT!!!! It's just that simple. I LOVE your blog. It is one of my favorites and I visit it EVERYDAY!!! Don't change a thing. Or you'll loose me. lol

Freda said...

Don't change a thing Bonnie. I love your blog. I got the best potato soup recipe ever, though I did tweak it by adding some chicken, and we seem to have about the same taste in reading. Let the ones that don't like it go somewhere else. Oh and thanks for the pattern.

wendy weakley said...

You are wonderful! I love everything you post. Plus. You said that WAY better than I would have!!!!!!!! Get up the phenomenon energy and creative talent! Wendy W.

Jana said...

Can I just "like" this post?

Aliceart said...

A blog is just like the TV: if you don't like what's on just change the channel. If you don't want all the updates, don't follow (but remember to comment so that you are supporting your blogger). I'm enjoying your blog very much, thanks!

Tricia Benes said...

Oh posh....Keep doing what you are doing. I love reading your blog....ALL of it! And I don't have a Kindle either...but because of your posts about the free ebooks I have since found out that I can download them to my Smartphone so I have been enjoying them that way! My daughter now thinks I am a Techie!! Ha! Thanks so much for all you do for us.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love your blog just the way it is.

Mary said...

You go girl!! You are right it is your blog. I love it just the way it is. I too don't understand why others feel you , me or whoever, should conform to them. People!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, You go girl!!! It must be frustrating for a person as generous and thoughtful as you to get "grief" from people that think they are entitled to run the world and tell everyone else what to do when you are sharing yourself and trying to add a little joy to life. There is always a bad apple or two in every basket, just leave them out of your pie, it'll be much sweeter without them.

Linda in CT

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Bonnie, we live in an age of entitlement. And by entitlement I don't just mean people thinking they deserve all kinds of hand-outs. I also mean people who think they're entitled to tell everybody else what to do & how to do it. The Internet makes it easier for them because nothing is face to face. Just ignore them. I love your blog just the way it is....friendly, informative, all done in the spirit of sharing... and so do plenty of others if the comments here are anything to go by. Just keep on doin' what you're doin'.

marcella said...

I'm glad you got to unload a little bit. We quilters are opinionated people sometimes - just ask about starch or steam in an iron or pre-washing and really get them going ;-) Enjoy writing your blog just the way you want and there will be plenty of us here to read it and enjoy your fun and enthusiasm too!

Beth said...

I look forward to hearing what Bonnie is doing everyday. You are amazing. You are generous. Your creativity is unlimited. You share so much with us all. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Remember the song that goes " well it's alright now, I learned my lesson well. You can't please everyone so you gotta please yourself." :)

Anonymous said...

Hugs to you Bonnie, I think you are great.lol at the rest!!!

Anonymous said...

AMEN, Sister! It's nobody's business but yours what you write. We are LUCKY to have you--I NEVER miss a day. Keep up the great work no matter who likes/dislikes it!. Janine Baker

Marei said...

Bonnie, you please THIS person ALL THE TIME!! I totally enjoy reading your blog...all the info you share...hearing about your runs, your food, your good times....yes even about your bunions.
Keep on keeping on!! mdmontalvo@yahoo.com

Marsha said...

Bonnie, no you can't make everyone happy but you do me and so many others. If I'm behind on reading your blog, I go back to where I left off but I do try reading it every day and sometimes twice a day. Keep on blogging and being you!

Kathy Biggs said...

Ok, Bonnie girl, you tell 'em! I like your blog just the way it is, and THANK YOU for posting the free Kindle book suggestions. You are not responsible for stupid people's ignorance...simple as that. Keep up the good work, and let those that don't like it go on to something else. Too bad there isn't a DELETE button for them.
Quilty Hugs to you!

sunshineannie said...

Bonnie, Love your blog, leave it the way it is! I didn't read all the posts, but a quick tip I learned with my bunions (even the "fixed" one)When you are sitting don't put your feet back under the chair with your toes bent (up, not sure how to describe it). It will make those bunions scream like crazy! I catch myself doing this at the computer and when I'm sewing. Even when I'm weeding! Doesn't take long before I'm limping along ow-ow-ow, and smack myself for sitting with my toes bent up.

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