
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I’m not whining, Lord, I’m really not --

But you see, Lord, there are people out there who seem to think that they can change my blog content just like changing a channel or ordering from a menu at a restaurant.

I’m sitting here shaking my head at how some could say things like “I never win, I don’t know why I bother to leave a comment.” “There are too many Give-Aways on here”. “There are too many posts a day.” “Dang, I’ll never win with this many comments”

And: “What’s with all the kindle stuff, can you not post that?” “I already get your updates through facebook can you not send them to quiltvillechat too, I already have too much mail.”

And I sit here in amazement wondering who these people are and how they got the idea that they could determine what I want to talk about or where I post.

Yes, just this week I’ve talked about my hurting bunions, about toast crumbs on the butter dish, the things that show up in my mail, my massage appointment, what I had when I went out for dinner ----AND I posted links to free Kindle books. This is my blog --- I write what I want. And around everything, I quilt!

Dear Lord, please help me to breathe deep and let these things roll off my shoulders and far away from me and leave my soul at peace --- for I have lived today. And I have shared myself with others.

There is always the delete button. I know that works both ways, and I’ve been deleting, believe me, I’ve been deleting.

I make no apologies for what I post. The content is of my choosing. I am excited about and in love with my new Kindle Fire. I search for books I want to read. If I find one I think is good, I share it. For every person who doesn’t want the Kindle post, is another 1, 2 or 3 people that do.

But what matters most is that I feel good sharing it. That’s all. It’s easy to skip if you don’t want to read it. Is it hurting anyone that I share what I have downloaded for myself to read? And who assigned these random strangers as the blog content police?

And tomorrow there may be someone who isn’t happy with the free pattern I’m releasing for the blog. They won't like that I didn't write it for the technique they prefer to use. Or maybe that will be okay with everyone, because it is for FREE ---but you can’t please all of the people ANY of the time.

I just finished the Winston Ways quilting --- I’ll remove it from the machine tomorrow. Right now I think I’ll go tuck myself in with that new Kindle Fire and read until I fall asleep. And if I find another free book tomorrow --- I’ll post it. Because I can. And readers can read it, or not ----because they can.

Thank You. I feel better now!


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janequiltsslowly said...

Yours is the first blog I check every day . . . don't worry, be happy!

Joanne said...

This is my first time to comment although I have been reading for quite awhile. Your blog is perfect just the way it is. Don't change a thing and don't let others get you down.

Denise J. said...

It is your blog and you are entitled to speak your mind. If they don't like it then they can "unsubscribe". No one is forcing us to read these. I enjoy your photos and little quips.

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

The way I look at it, it's your blog, it up to you what it contains. If people don't like it, they are not forced to read every post. I find if the title contains something I'm just not interested in, I just skip that post. Your blog is wonderful, very much you! Blogging is fun and work and time consuming all at once, perhaps they need their own blog and they can do what they think is right.

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up Bonnie! I love you because you are human and make me laugh! Keep up the great blog!

Judy at claytonja@live.com

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Write whatever you want, girlfriend. You write it and I'll read it. The "complainers" can just go $cratch.............!

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister! I love your blog and all you thoughtfully put into it. Just think about all of us who love what you do and try to overlook the others :) Thank you!! Nancy njnielsen@comcast.net

Cat Herder said...

Oh, Bonnie, you don't need to change a thing. You are such a positive person, and your blog is such fun to read. You can't please everyone, because that's not your job!! Keep on doing what you're doing, and don't worry about "Those People". I read what I want, and skip what I'm not interested in on any blog or group I read. I don't feel the need to comment about it. Some people just forgot all about manners. I work in retail, believe me, I know this all too well!
I love the free Kindle books you recommend! I don't get them all, but I've got a lot of great books, thanks to you. I'm sorry I haven't taken the time to thank you before now.
Keep up the good work, and don't let anybody bring you down!
Let's all have a group quilty hug for Bonnie!

shannon said...

trying to understand some people is like trying to pick up a turd by the clean end....

charity-crafter said...

Stand your ground, it is your blog. You can talk about anything you want. It's up to us to decide if we want to read it or not. We are grown ups who know how to delete emails and hit the back button if we don't want to read. You'd get burned out if you did nothing but quilt (I know, it's sacriligious to say that -but it's the truth)

Cat Herder said...

Oh, Bonnie, you don't need to change a thing. You are such a positive person, and your blog is such fun to read. You can't please everyone, because that's not your job!! Keep on doing what you're doing, and don't worry about "Those People". I read what I want, and skip what I'm not interested in on any blog or group I read. I don't feel the need to comment about it. Some people just forgot all about manners. I work in retail, believe me, I know this all too well!
I love the free Kindle books you recommend! I don't get them all, but I've got a lot of great books, thanks to you. I'm sorry I haven't taken the time to thank you before now.
Keep up the good work, and don't let anybody bring you down!
Let's all have a group quilty hug for Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

I never really knew what blogs were until I started reading yours. I enjoy them and feel like I'm part of a large network of quilting sisters. The only thing that bothers me is how energetic you are! Have no idea how you accomplish so much but keep it up.
Margaret Elliott

Julierose said...

Well, Bonnie, I'm here to say that I LOVE your blog, read it every post and feel that you are so generous to give us a peek into your life and feel so welcomed. (Not to mention all the patterns and extras you provide.) You are a wonderful e-friend. My Grand'mere would say you have "an old soul"....Hugs from me.... and keep up the super stuff....Julierose

Anonymous said...

I see there's about 214 people ahead of me in the comment queue, but I'll jump in anyway to say that I love everything you post about (wonderful diversity!), and I get quite lonesome for you when you are busy and don't have time to write! Please keep on being "you," I love you exactly the way you are! :) Dianne Brooking in England xxx

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I am going to say one thing....GO GIRL! I couldn't be prouder to call you a friend and confidant. Thank you for all you post, it is a breath of fresh air in my little room here in Phoenix. Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barb H said...

Just going to add my 2 cents here. No matter what you say or do, there will be someone who will criticize. Live for yourself, write your blog for yourself. If someone doesn't like your blog, they don't have to read it. So (sew) simple!

Carole D. said...

I LOVE your Kindle suggestions! You can download Kindle for your computer or your iPad and read from there, so you don't even have to own a Kindle. Keep on writing whatever you want to, 'cause I love reading it, even when I don't have time to start a new quilt!

Perry said...

I want to thank you for posting the Kindle free books, even the ones you need a Prime membership for. Every day I check your blog to see what might be new, and I love all of the pics you take of the places you go and the things you do. It's a shame some people don't have a great, or at least tolerable, life so they try to ruin yours too, lol. Keep on keeping on!!!

Anonymous said...


I know you don't need yet another fangirl telling you how great you are, but I need to tell you. :) Yours is the only blog I read regularly and I probably download about 1/2 of the books you suggest. The things that happen in your life are relatable to me... the whole me... and not just the "quilter" part. In other words, "keep on keeping on."

Debra G.

Smeek said...

Are they writing a blog, Bonnie? Maybe we should critique them. Love your blog!

Michelle said...

My daughter, 19, was listening to me as I read this to her & she said "The anonymity of the internet makes people feel like they can be rude to whenever they want. I see it all the time."

Anonymous said...

Not sure how to set up a profile so I'm posting as anonymous. Bonnie, I check your blog several times a day-I love it. You are so generous with your time and patterns. Not to mention the kindle book updates, which I eagerly jump on. We share a love for the same type of books. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us, both ups and downs. And please, keep on doing what you are doing. You have such a positive influence. Don't let the whiners and complainers get to you. They need to get a life.
Norma in Baton Rouge, who loved taking your My Blue Heaven class.

Anonymous said...

It's your blog. You get to write what you want to. If someone doesn't like it, they should read elsewhere.

Mandy in TN said...

Who ARE these people? i can feel your pain. the bank where i work is going through a remodel. for some reason, people think they can walk in and tell us "that doesn't look good" or "you shouldn't put that there" or "this floor looks like a basketball court." and they love to comment that it's a tough economy or their CD rates are low and they think we shouldn't be spending our money on remodeling a bank, but doing with it what they think is best. WHO ASKED YOU? if my insurance premiums went up, and my local insurance company got remodeled, do you think i would walk in there and tell the employees "well it looks like i know what my premium hike went to!" NO! i don't walk in somebody's house and tell them their carpet doesn't match their couch or that it's too dark. who do people think they are?
let me give you my favorite quote, Bonnie. it's from the short story The Awakening by Kate Chopin:
"She would live for herself. there would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow creature."
i remember reading that in high school and it has stuck with me over the years. don't give anyone the power to bend your will with their blind persistence. we all have private wills. some people need to KEEP their's private!

Anonymous said...

Good for you Bonnie! Some people really do think that the rest of the world exsists soley to dance to their tune! If they want to control what is on a blog, let them start their own!

Doris R.

Sharon P said...

I love your blog just the way it is! Thank you for all your blog posts! :D

Anonymous said...

I love your blog just as it is. And I have gotten some really good FREE Kindle books that to you. My daddy used to say that some folks aren't going to be happy with thier front row seats in H---, so just remember that when you get a complaint and let it just roll off of you back!

Denny1600 said...


I LOVE your blog. Some people must have nothing better to do than post complaints in blog comments. I appreciate that you share so much with us for FREE. If there's something that doesn't interest me, i skip it. If there's something at Facebook, i usually miss it because i don't usually do FB. Thanks for all you do and you should do blog howver you want. Love it.

Anonymous said...

You wrote this letter to God, because you can't understand how people can be so ungrateful and just complain all the time ......

That makes me wonder ..... imagine how God feels about all the ingrates on HIS earth!?!?!?!?!

Mandy in TN said...

sorry. i didn't reply with my email address showing before. hopefully you can reply to me now. :-)

Anonymous said...

You wrote this letter to God, because you can't understand how people can be so ungrateful and just complain all the time ......

Imagine how God feels about all the ingrates on HIS earth!?!?!?!?!

Andee said...

Free pattern being released WHOOT WHOOT! I have come to the conclusion that some of your commenters did not have a mother like you and I must have...one that said "if you don't have anything nice to say....don't say anything at all!" Seriously I hear you, I teach and hear the same kinds of things from some of my students (what you can't re sign the entire test just for me cause I can't make it to class)...mostly I just grin and bear it, but screaming underwater works too..WICKED GRIN!

Anonymous said...

Well, gee, Bonnie! I love your patterns! And I didn't know about the free books for Kindle. I just got mine, and I have spent way too much money on new books. I'm reading more than I have in years, because it is so easy to read. I have aches and pains that make it difficult for me to sit in one place, or hold a regular book for very long. And I went to the public library so I could borrow books from the library. So, you are saving me money, and I really appreciate that. Someone will probably not like my post. hehe And lastly, you are an inspiration to me. Hugs, Dian

Karen said...

Geez Bonnie! Please, please keep your blog exactly how you want it. Its YOUR blog! I enjoy reading your entreies because its you. I especially like reading about your trips. What a great way to see the country.

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

Go Bonnie! I delete some, read some and LOVE you for sharing so much! You are an inspiration! Enjoy your kindle book:)

Eileen said...

Brava, Bonnie!! I love to read everything you post, even though I'm usually several days behind. I finally had a lightbulb moment and subscribed via email. Now I won't miss a thing! ;)

Carla said...

You share it Girl. It's your blog and you're sticking to it. LOL The people who complain about a free pattern will complain if their ice cream is cold. If I'm not interested in what the blogger is writing I just move on. That's all there is to it.
Stay true to yourself and blog.

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