Or Fed Ex Ground as the case may be!
Today is a busy errand running day ---and one of those errands is packing up all the quilts for the next book to send them off for photography!
I wish wish wish I could be there for the photo shoot this time. I was there with the last book, even had some input on how to display things, what might look good where, and when the photo proofs came back, I saw my own suggestions in print….and I was thrilled to be a part of the process.
This year, my schedule has me other places, so I’m putting all my faith in the crew and waiting like a little girl at Christmas time to see what they do for the shoot.
Doesn’t look like much does it? You might even see some you recognize from glimpses over the past year or so. Roll Roll Cotton Boll and Orca Bay are at the top. The others, we’ll leave that to be a guess and a mystery to you!
Best shipping cartons EVER! I get these at Lowes or Home Depot….there are holes in the top for securing with zip-ties. I just put extra zip-ties in the cartons and they can use the same ones to mail back to me. They are waterproof and very tough! Later this afternoon Shamu and I will take a drive to the Fed Ex drop off in Winston.
And then maybe, just maybe I’ll get to finish kitting stuff up to take to Pennsylvania!
Or….shoot. I need to write my post for Yard Sale Saturday coming up on Feb 4th --- This NEXT Saturday! Have you thought about what you want to clear out? Quilt books you don’t want any more, old block sets you are never going to turn into a quilt, bundles of FQs you’ve thrown together and want to sell?
I’d love a heads-up of who wants to participate so I know what to plan on. I have a couple vintage things that need to find new homes, so if you love antique textiles and quilts, don’t forget to come back Saturday.
This is how it works…..I write my post, you write yours –how you collect the funds on what you are selling is up to you. I’m going to go easy and use paypal. Shipping will be determined before I send the final bill, the item does NOT include shipping. When the paypal invoice has been paid, the item ships and we are all happy!
My post will go live at 7am Eastern Time on Saturday morning. You come to my post, add your link to the post you wrote on your blog about what you are selling ((The specific post, NOT just your whole blog address….that isn’t enough)) And we are good to go! If this is something that works for people, we might try it every couple of months or something. I know I have more stuff than I need and I’d love to pass it on for someone else to love :c)
Remember, these are YARD SALE type Quilt-Related items. This is not for new crafts you have made to sell, it is not to sell your favorite pair of jeans that are now too tight, or the food processor you don’t want anymore. QUILT RELATED ((Vintage, UFO, Fabric, Notions, Books, etc)) items is what we are looking for? Got it?
Drop me a comment below to let me know if you are planning on joining in!
Oh my! look at that stack of yumminess!
Oh wait is that your pineapple blocks in there...did you finish your blocks into a quilt???
I really must get mine out again.......now where are they? How long do we have to wait for this book....I'll be counting the days!
Happy sewing :0)
It's out in July! And yes, every book deserves at least ONE extreme quilt -- and that was it for this book! Love that quilt, seriously, can't wait to have it out in the open....
Can't wait for the book!
Oh my look at all that scrappy goodness!!!
I will be participating, as long as I can get photos taken. I have selvedges and quilt magazines.
That is a great teaser photo!!! Belinda
I have some duplicate books, but I guess I'd better go see what the situation is with Paypal. So far I've only used it to pay for things. I'm afraid that if I use it to get paid, they'll start charging for all my transactions.
I really am amazed that you can make that many new quilts in a year, given all the traveling you do... congratulations on sending them... boy it must be scary to mail them all off at one time like that...
Bonnie, can I offer a piece of furniture? Sewing Cabinet and Sewing Storage Cabinet. It would be "contact me for pick up". It wouldn't be something I'd ship. This is an item I'd put in a yard sale. Sandi
Oh! Oh! Oh!
I can't wait for that new book! I'm just staring at that pile, I see brown strings, pineapples, that blue and yellow is delish as is the red/cream quilt!
Oh, I can't wait!!
I will be joining the Saturday yard sale event. Now to write my blog....
Gail in VA
I like to join in too!
Have some really nice books and magazines (quilting of course)
I'll be participating, Bonnie. Are gently used finished quilts that we no long we want OK items?
Looking forward to the new book. The quilts look luscious.
May add a few books to the yard sale mix. I have duplicates of some, must mean I really like them. Others I am just done with. I took some and let people in my quilt group just take as I want them gone, but still have more. I think they need to go to someone who will love them.
I would like to participate in the yard sale. However, I do not have a blog as I am a "new" quilting (still working on Orca Bay). I do have a Paypal account. Would I be eligible to 'shop' the yard sales? Thank you (and I'm enjoying sewing the Orca Bay quilt).
I wish I lived close!
I will be participating too! I have quilt magazines and fabric...fat quarters....and vintage sheet fat quarters....I have selvedges too but don't know if I can get my tightly wrapped fingers off the box!!! I'll be ready to post Sat. This is going to be fun!
OOOH! I can hardly wait for the book!
I hope you can bring some to williamsburg and I can buy one from you then!
I can't wait until your new book comes out! I see a pineapple in that pile!!! I also would like to participate in the yard sale, but am Blogless Becky, remember? Haha
I have a sewing cabinet also that I would like to sell.
Oh you are a tease with that photo of all the quilts!! Looking forward to the book when it comes out :)
I want to participate in the yard sale...I'm sure I have plenty that I could clean out!
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