
Monday, January 09, 2012

Cheddar Bow-Tie Link-Up! ((And Prize Give-Away!))

It’s time to share our posts of how we’ve come on our Leader/Ender Cheddar Bow-ties!

This Bow-Tie Bonanza went VIRAL amongst us after Lori, Randy & I spotted a terrific antique bow tie quilt while at the Sisters, Oregon quilt show last July!  I could hardly wait to get back to Randy’s house to start playing with the possibilities for this block, taking it even a step SMALLER than normal…how would these work with 2” leader/ender squares?

And can we do it as a challenge just to see how many we could amass throughout the year?

Remember how funny it was when I got a Letter from the folks at Mary Jo’s in Gastonia thanking me for their inability to keep the tangerine Prairie Cloth on their shelves?  You guys had it flying out of there!

I’ve watched over blogland since July----and some just couldn’t stand it – they had to make it a primary full time project right away, and soon full queen size ((And maybe bigger)) quilts were showing up, each as beautiful as the next --- and here I was feeling sorry for myself because I’ve been putzing along!

I HAVE been doing them, just as leaders & enders.  Just as I said I would.  The ones you see at the top of the blog are just the ones I was able to do during retreat.  You know, when you are chain piecing 500 gazillion trillion half square triangles, or little 4 patches….it doesn’t seem to do much to put one bow tie piece at the end of the chain before going to iron..but look..I now have TWELVE more than I did before I went to retreat!  They do add up!
campdogwood 045
This is Laura's little basket --- and we had fun trading tie parts to match with our own cheddars, hers a print, mine a solid so we have each other’s fabrics in our own quilts! FUN!

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Here are some of hers spread out on the table top….one tie at a time, we can tackle this quilt!
No, you don’t  even have to use cheddar as the background.  Your bowties can even be LARGER, some are doing 4” blocks using 2.5” squares instead of our 3” ones using the  2” squares.  The important thing is that you are building units for a sweet and fun quilt in between the lines of your chain piecing!

cheddarbowties 001

These are MY ties!  And I wasn’t sure how many were in here, so I took some time to count them, and pin them in groups of 10, making them easier to re-count again later. 

Just to make this fun….And shoot, if this turns out too easy, I’m going to be up a creek…but for the first person who can guess EXACTLY how many bow ties I have….I have THIS prize for you!

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Courtesy of the wonderful folks at Moda, a Summer Breeze charm pack in shades of blue, yellow and green --- let’s get our spring feeling on! 
This little picture gives you an idea of what other prints are in the pack…..so guess away!  Leave your comment in the comments section below telling me how many YOU think are in my basket!  You don’t have to have a blog to enter the drawing, but please leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you if you win.  If you guess as "anonymous", and there is no way to contact you, we'll have to choose some one else.

If you see that someone ELSE has guessed the number you were going to guess, choose something else -- there can only be one person per number!

Be patient with me – I’m traveling this week, and my access to email may come in spits and spurts.  The FIRST PERSON to guess the correct number gets the charm pack--

Those with blogs ---

Please link your Cheddar Bow Tie Link-Up Below!

Remember that we need the url of your specific POST, not just the address for your whole blog.

To get the correct address in the linky-–right click on the title/subject line of the post you wrote about your quilt progress. Chose “copy link address” and paste this url in the form when you link.

You can also CLICK the title line of the post you want to link...and copy the url from the address bar at the top of your browser that way.

For instance, my blog address is  quiltville.blogspot.com but that isn't enough. I can't link to the WHOLE blog, I need the address of the post.

**NOTE**  You do NOT need to include the http:// when you insert your address into the linky!

If you link to just your whole blog, I’ll have to remove your link and have you try again because I can’t fix it FOR you.

We'll leave this open until MIDNIGHT eastern time Friday night to give you time to write your posts!
If you link up, feel free to let your facebook/twitter  friends know so they can come look too!  I’d love to see this page flooded with bow-ties!

Happy Monday!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 219 of 219
Louise said...

How pretty...even if you never sewed them together they'd look so charming displayed in that basket. Hard to tell, but I'll guess 304.

Maureen in Portland said...

I used to be pretty good at guessing the jelly beans in the jar ... I'm guessing 242. Even though I tried to read through all those guesses (and had to change my guess at least 3 times) I'm not certain if that number was already given. My first bow ties are blue on cream, all scrappy, and they are already in a little boy's quilt top, not quilted yet. Many more are just scrappy-plus-creams, but I haven't any idea how many there are. Being so little they are cute! Thanks for the opportunity and the fun.

Cherry Tree Quilts said...

I'm sure *wink* there are 260 of the little buggers in the basket!

Cherry Tree Quilts said...

Make that 259. Someone already chose my first choice.

debbie said...

I will guess 322. Love your quilts. They are always fun to make and beautiful to look at.

Debbie Hall


Pauline said...

What a fun challenge! Thanks Bonnie. My guess is 620. I love the Moda colors, fact is, I love Moda!

Janet said...

My guess is 125. Love the bow ties and the charm pack.

Janet said...

My guess is 125. Love the bow ties and the charm pack.

Rhonda said...

I'm guessing 172.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilts from your retreat! I love the bow ties- all 224 of them!

All8 said...

I'm goin' big, 455. You are one busy bee.

Rilene said...

My guess is 227!

Kathy said...

My first 2 guestimates had already been offered, so my new number is: 317

Sharon said...

252. That sounds like a nice round number. I don't have that many done but I am on my way.

Unknown said...

I would have to say you have 170 cheddar blocks by looking at the pins. Thanks Bonnie!!

Anonymous said...

My guess is 180. Thanks for the fun, Bonnie! paulinefisher@verizon.net

David Wolfe said...

My guess is 250 bowtie squares...
David Wolfe

Carolyn said...

I'll guess 162....amazing how fast they add up! I'm working on some in between other projects and really liking how they're turning out.

Stephanie said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 219 of 219   Newer› Newest»

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