
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

100 Blocks, Vol 4 Blog Tour!

***NOTICE*** The drawing for this magazine is OVER!!

Have you been waiting for my turn to post? IT’S TIME! Here is your sneak peek at what you will find from me in 100 blocks by 100 designers, vol 4!
This is my third issue as a designer for Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks by 100 designers magazine. I just LOVE doing these! I’ve found it very freeing to just work on ONE BLOCK….and see what comes out of the process. It gives me the push to PLAY.
Did you guess which block was MINE on the cover?
Midnight Flight!
With all the traveling I’ve been doing, can you guess how this block got its name?
I really love blocks that create secondary designs, and this one was made to be set block to block to block with no sashings in between as the criss-crossing checkerboard corners will join together and chain through the quilt! ((This is also something you have to pay attention to when you are sewing your blocks….the colors go in specific directions!))
I dug into my bins of pre-cut strips for the checkerboards, pulling out red, cheddar and neutrals --you know how I love my pre-cut scrap bins, all ready for me to sew in usable sizes!
I also dug into my bricks bin, and neutral squares, putting that Scrap User’s System to work for me!
I did use scrap strips and the easy angle ruler for the 1/2 square triangles, but you can use any method that gives you the size of triangles required.
Playing with color, value and contrast gives me a way to include all kinds of fun fabrics together. I’ve got recycled fabrics, florals, novelties, old calicoes, and newer finds as well. I love playing with variety!
Here’s a sample lay out for you! Yep! Those block corners join to make MORE STARS!
This small version is set 3 blocks across by 3 blocks down for a quilt that measures 36” square before borders.

It’s a great baby quilt size! Of course, you can add sashing and/or more borders to make it bigger as desired! Or make less blocks to make it smaller…you choose!

Would you like to win a copy of 100 blocks, vol 4?! Simply leave me a comment below telling me something about YOU that most people wouldn’t guess about you. ((Like, I used to jump out of helicopters, or something!)) This will be fun!
Please leave your email address at the bottom of your comment if you don’t have email visible in your blogger or google settings. If you get stuck in the google sign in loop, leave the "KEEP ME SIGNED IN" box UNCHECKED. If you comment as anonymous ((Sometimes blogger is tricky and that’s all it will allow)) be sure to leave your NAME and EMAIL so we know who you are!
Because I’m at sea as this posts, I’ll be drawing for our winner upon my return on November 14th. Or November 15th if I’m still comatose after too much sun and sand! One lucky winner will get a signed copy from me, and the other lucky winner will have theirs sent directly from Quiltmaker Magazine!
And the fun doesn’t stop there! Be sure to check Quiltmaker’s Blog every day during the tour for your chance at sneak previews of other blocks in the issue, as well as your chance to enter free drawings on those other featured blogs as well!
If you are new here, welcome! Be sure to check out YESTERDAY’S POST for information on the FIRST EVER 100 blocks retreat scheduled for August 2012 in Williamsburg, VA! I’ll be there, and would love to meet you! Look for the special ad on page 13 of 100 blocks, Vol 4!
Watch for QM’s 100 Blocks Volume 4 at quilt shops and on newsstands Nov. 15. Previous issues of 100 Blocks are available at QuiltandSewShop.com.


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 492 of 492
Mara said...

Something a lot of people do not know about me is that I used to live in Kodiak, Alaska and that is where my youngest son David was born. It is probably the best place my family and I have ever lived. My husband is in the U. S. Coast Guard and we have traveled to many places.

Also, I just wanted to say that I am so glad you are coming back to Virginia. I met you in Smithfield when you came (think it was) last fall. You have inspired me so much. I look forward to speaking with you and this time I hope to take a class with you too!

Coloradolady said...

I used to be athletic, danced, and was in good shape. I can hardly remember a time I was not needing to lose weight these days. I used to be good at it too! Now...not so much

qltmom9 said...

Your block is THE BEST~


Anonymous said...

I love your blog, your quilts, and I also would love this magazine. I am all ready for your new mystery, can't wait.

Wilma Simons

Shirley said...

Love that block of yours, Bon!

Shirley said...

Love that block of yours, Bon!

Unknown said...

wow, I love your quilts, I have made a couple, and am trying to make more of them, but pesky life gets in the way. No idea where you find the time, but glad you do. Would love to win this magazine. What nobody knows about me is I am a Star Trek junkie. I love anything Star Trek, from the original with William Shatner to Voyager, and to Enterprise. I have no collectibles, but I could sit and watch any of 'em all day long. Thank goodness for DVD collections! Marianne

Trudi said...

I've loved all the blocks you've done for them before, this one is beautiful. I'd love to win a copy, it's so hard to get it here in the UK.

Thank you :) tawood912@yahoo.co.uk

Anonymous said...

Something about me...I was 43 years old the first time I rode on the back of a motorcycle. I was riding my own motorcycle at the age of 45. And at 46, I became a motorcycle instuctor. I was one of three female motorcycle instructors in the State of Georgia.


Anonymous said...

Bonnie - what a great cruise

Cousin Jill said...

Bonnie...Love the block and am looking forward to the new mystery quilt! Most people don't know that I took dancing lessons when I was a child. This was great to read through all these!

sthamm said...

I would love to win this! Most people don't know that I used to love rollerblading...I actually competed in several races 20 years ago.


Anonymous said...

Most people don't know I'm a twin...even the kids we went to school with. I have a twin brother, he was always taller/bigger than me and blonde to my brunette hair color. They always assumed he'd lost a grade in school. Our birthday was early January, so no birthday parties in northern BC, Canada in those days!
Love your blog, and hope to try out one of your patterns or techniques soon.

Sarah said...

Why do you keep tempting me to make these quilts with millions of little pieces??

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Ptquilter said...

Looks like I'm number 414 on this post. Probably don't stand a chance of winning but decided to try anyway. I love your block and especially the secondary design it makes in the quilt top. I pulled fabric this afternoon getting ready for Friday. I'm sitting on ready!! Judy (stokesjudy@yahoo.com)

Ptquilter said...

P.S. I forgot I was supposed to mention something most people don't know about me. I was born in Indiana. You sure can't tell from my accent! Currently reside in Mississippi.

Mrs. Sew and Sew - Karen said...

I played the flute in my high school band. 1st flute, it was an accomplishment I was proud of soooooooooo many years ago. Still have it but never play it...lol.

Love your block!

lybmail said...

Thank you for the inspiration in making up quilts. I just love being able to use up my stash. Sincere thanks,
Lorraine B

Phyllis said...

No one that I know now knows that I used to play the piano.

Cathy44647 said...

Love this block - and sooooo BKH!!! - I'd love to have a copy of the new book - always looking for inspiration! thanks!

Teresa in Music City said...

Bonnie, as usual I LOVE your block!!! However, I was a very happy winner last year, so I'll just step aside for someone else to win this year. I hope they are as thrilled as I was to win from YOU!

PS - I just got my copy of the Australian Homespun magazine with Jamestown Landing in it (finally!) and I'm thinking I'm going to have to start it soon :^)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
Love your blocks and would love to own this book, HINT,HINT,HINT,HINT, pick me (lol) I hope you are able to keep many, many more coming. I have your books and I am looking forward to being able to pre-order this new one. I know it will rock just like the others. I really enjoyed meeting you last year in Seneca, SC, and I am looking forward to the release of clues on this new one (begging, pleading on almost bended knees) for an early release.

Becky Gilliam

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
I took a class from you almost two years ago, and hope to take another in April in VA. I follow your blog and facebook every day. I feel like I've been travelling along with you! I'd love to try some of those 100 blocks!
Alice (abonnell at ptd.net)

Gloria said...

love love this block and what a great quilt it will make.

DebrafromMD said...

I missed most of the blog hop because I was on the cruise with you. It's nice to have one chance to win a copy. Most people don't know that I once flew to Japan in a hurricane. Makes the rocking on the ship seem like a cake walk.

QuilterLaura said...

Hmmmm, this is a hard one. I worked at a factory on downtown Detroit when I was a teenager. Can't believe my parents let me do that!

Gwen said...

Hmmm... something about me that would be surprising... Well, how about this-- I played snare drum in my high school marching band! LOVED every moment of it! I remember when I was a little girl, how I used to love the way you could feel it in your chest when the drum corp marched by in the Christmas parade... never dreaming that one day, I would be one of those drummers! :-)

Thanks for sharing this giveaway with us! I hope I am the lucky winner that gets an autographed copy from you!! I LOVE all your quilts, and am gonna give the new Mystery a go! :-) Thanks, again!

Jan In FL said...

I am sort of new to quilting but I am hooked! Can't wait for the mystery quilt to start. I have a cousin who I met in the 5th grade when I moved to her town. We were in the same grade, same school, same classes. Our last name was the same. The strange part is so are our first names. We are maybe fourth cousins and our parents lost touch through the years and none of us knew about the "other Jan". So through high school, life was interesting for both of us....Jtdick111@gmail.com. Jan D.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie.
Your quilt block is dynamite, as are all of your creations. You are an inspiration...!!!
Something few know about me? I played the organ at Mass when I was still in grade school. And I was scared to death the whole time:)!!

Peggy said...

I'd love to win a copy because I haven't been able to track one down here (and it's not from lack of trying).

Frog Quilter said...

Count me in, love your style of quilting.

Jo said...

I used to do in home child care. Our house was so small that I couldn't have room to quilt and do childcare. I quit childcare and don't miss it a drop. I can keep my quilting out now...love that!!

Anonymous said...

Well, Bonnie, I used to be a foster mother for several years! It was very trying at times, rewarding most of the time & heart wrenching when they went back to their birth parents. Thanks so much for your blog & all your patterns & for coming to Birmingham, Al. to teach us!!! Sandra in Birmingham, Al.

Anonymous said...

Really love the new block. Would love to win the book, but if not I'll just have to buy it the next time I'm in the quilt shop :)

Anonymous said...

Cathy in Kansas
Oh I love your block, "Midnight Flight."
I could do the splits at the tender age of 5. Just don't ask me to do it now.

Ginny said...

Love your block!
One thing not many people know about me is that I jumped out of an airplane when I was in college in Virginia and broke my leg. But I'd do it again: it was absolutely wonderful!
Ginny (vdorris@aol.com)

Tracy said...

My little secret is that I don't shave my legs in the winter. It can be a bit shocking if you aren't used to seeing my "winter coat".

Stacey said...

I built a treehouse when I was a girl back in Los Angeles. It was in a fantastic HUGE silver maple. I would love to go up there and just hang out. Sometimes I'd try to paint, try to crochet or just get away from my brothers. I even lit a match to a pile of leaves. Whoa!! That was not good. Thanks for the opportunity to win your book.

I can't wait to start my Orca Bay Mystery. Looking forward to the first clue.

Sara said...

I check your blog frequently and have really enjoyed the mystery quilts and your classes, especially in that incredible snowstorm in NE last winter, thanks!

Shelia said...

I am new to your blog but am learning alot. I have decided to join in the mystery. I am a little intimidated by the pictures of your quilts I've seen on your blog, but I'm jumping in with both feet!
Shelia stitchedfromtheheart@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I started sewing when I was 6. My Mom was a 4-H leader so I made a skirt along with the other girls but was too young to enter it in Roundup for judging. I stopped making clothing after high school and started quilting and haven't looked back! Melody mcmelly89@hotmail.com

Doris Rice, The Quilting Queen said...

Love, love, love the block. Thanks for sharing! I was Bushwacker Princess Runner up in 1976 in my hometown of Nevada, Missouri. It's no wonder I evolved into the the Quilting Queen some 30+ years later; first a princess now a queen! lol... Doris, The Quilting Queen, dorisquiltingqueen@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win and I love your block. I'm going to check out the Williamsburg retreat too since I live about an hour from there. Something that most people don't know about me is that I can sit in a room full of people and hear every conversation going on at the same time, and repeat back to you what was said. Sometimes I can (and want to) tune it out, but other times it is overwhelming and I can't.

Anonymous said...

I am very new to quilting and would love to have this book to add to my bookshelf...working on becoming debt-free, so my tiny budget for fun stuff is rapidly depleted by fabric purchases! ;-) I will be participating in the Orca Bay Mystery (my first) with Christmas colors and I am so excited.

One thing people don't know about me: My nose was once certified to detect odors. Yes, there is a test, and yes, I passed - your nose can't be too sensitive and you can't be too *in*sensitive to odors. Some of the odors they use to test you are nasty (butyric acid is one - smells like dirty socks!). :-)


Anonymous said...

Just winding down from the cruise and getting ready to go back to work tomorrow :>(
A little known fact about me is that I once sang as part of a group on the Dove Awards from Nashville, TN in the 90s. Would love to win a copy of the blocks.

Carole D

Robert said...

Would like to take this off your hands. Thanks for the opportunity to enter - have the other 3 editions and will probably pick this one up if I don't win one. Thanks -

Anita said...

Okay, something people don't know is I used to be a tax preparer when I was 21, pretty young huh and I hate accounting! Thanks for the chance to win!

Just Sew Sue said...

Can't go wrong with a good star block.

I'm allergic to chocolate

Betty said...

Let's see Something people don't know about me ......there really isn't much that people don't know about me I know!! No one really knows how much i would love to win that book

Sally Langston Warren said...

I learned to speak French and English at the same time (we were living in France when I was 3 months until 3 yrs old) and didn't know the difference between the languages, so I would mix the two languages up in my sentences. I no longer do that.....Sally in SC

Sewcando said...

One thing people don't usually guess about me is that I grew up on an apple farm. Every one of the kids would have the standard picture with dad on the tractor and picture of us in the apple bin sitting on apples.

elizabeth said...

Love the block and love it even more when I see so many of them together and see all the secondary designs!

Most people don't know that I used to drag race back in the day. I drive like the grandma I am now!!

SandyPA said...

Please pick me! I have rediscovered quilting many years after spending weekend afternoons hand quilting as a child on my grandmother's everpresent frame in her living room. My quilting ability must be genetic! I come three at least three generations of pioneer quilters from Oklahoma. I really want to try my hand at a sampler quilt and this 100 Block edition would help me get started.

SandyPA said...

I have been following your blog for about six months and am ready to finally try one of your quilt designs. Actually, I already am collecting blocks from two of your designs. I would love to try a sampler quilt and this 100 Blocks edition would help me get started.


Barbara Black said...

Love it! And you! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. a little bit of sunshine every day!

Judy D in WA said...

Great block~

Something about me~~I'm still afraid of the dark. Must have a night light, I'm such a baby. :)

Anonymous said...

I used to teach line dance and have been on TV with my group doing a highlight dance on the old TV show, Club Dance! So I guess I'm a celebrity of sorts! Now I mostly do crafty things, which of course includes quilting. And I'm such a big Bonnie fan but I have yet to take a class or to meet her!

KSTaterbug said...

Oh my!!! Lots of comments! Ok...something about myself...In high school I played all kinds of sports, basketball, softball, volleyball, of course, now you'd never be able to tell that I get up out of a chair without some effort. I miss those days of physical activity. I wish now that I had the time and drive to get up and move around a bit more. Too tired to exercise and too chubby to not exercise. :)

Kathy T

Cyndy said...

Hmmm, I don't know if anyone who knows me now knows this. I was a majorette...in elementary school (5th and 6th grade). Bonnie, love the setting for this block, with the secondary stars. Thanks.

cityquilter grace said...

bonnie, glad you're home safe and sound! i prayed for you during your "trial" at sea...LOL; hope you got some R&R as well. i'm also about 7.5 hours' drive from baltimore...how funny is that? looking forward to the mystery!

Myra said...

Love your block Bonnie, as well as all your wonderful creations, and would love to win that magazine, and have it sit with my first 3 volumes!! 8-)

What no one would know about me... Hmmm?

I won a contest when I was 18 (many moons ago) to become "Miss Holland", to represent our Dutch Pavilion during a festival we have here in Winnipeg, call Folklorama. I also got a free trip to Holland with it! 8-)

Folklorama is a 2-week evert, where 40-45 countries/cultures are represented, in way of displays, history, costumes, music, singing, dance, food, beverages, etc. People come some great distances to attend this event held every year.

If anyone is interested, they can read about this event at... http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/folklorama

Good luck on Bonnie's giveaway everyone! ;)

Anonymous said...

Love Love Love your blog. It is fairly new to me and I find myself going back to the beginning and reading all of your old posts. Not an easy task.
Everybody knows everything about me. I am a preachers wife so I use all those obscure stories as illistrations in Womens Bible study.
Actuallly we are at a new church and some of these ladies don't know I am a quilter.

Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens! My life is an open book! I am completely transparent! Well, maybe not COMPLETELY, lol. When I was a teenager I would work as a spotter in a fire tower. If my Uncle Clifton had to be somewhere else on the job I would sit in the fire tower for him. Now you won't even catch me climbing a short step-ladder, lol.

Love the block! Was just thinking you could have come up with 100 blocks all by yourself. My hero!


Margaret said...

Noone would ever guess that I took Line Dancing Lessons for two years and still cannot do a Kick-Ball-Chain. Love your block

Not Lucy said...

I would love to win but I just can't think of anything that most people wouldn't guess about me other than that I was a bit wild in my young adult years - before kids. I guess I seem like a bit of a fuddy-duddy!

pottsfamily5 said...

Love the block! You have such wonderful ideas.

Maureen said...

Love your blog, your block and a chance to win the magazine.

Sydney said...

Most people don't know that I always wanted to be an opera singer! Good luck with that one!!
I love the block and the magazine!!

Sydney Holmwood


Karen said...

Love your new block. I've got to try this one as a whole quilt. As for me, I have my pilot's license. Although I haven't flown in 8 years.

Anonymous said...

Little known fact about me....played the violin in 4th grade and still fantasize myself playing "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", steam coming off my violin as I jam with Charlie Daniels. Now the steam comes off my longarm as I quilt, quilt, quilt. Would love to win this book...thank you for the opportunity.
CeCe Westerfield....rebelette16@sbcglobal.net

Charlene S said...

Perfect block for the controlling scrap quilter...it has just enough elements to let go with and the right elements to control. I love it!

Linda H said...

Would love to win this issue... Not many people know that I am married to my third cousin... We didn't even know we were related when we met.

ewecan said...

Love your block, would love to win.

Stephanie said...

I have been following your blog for a couple of years and am waiting for you to come to Montana. I have lived here only about 18mos coming from MN. I love reading about your adventures and your pics are great!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, Love your block and really like to win the book. As we cannot buy it here in the Netherlands.
Greetings, Dini

Anonymous said...

Something you wouldn't guess about me...hmmmm...I can usually say that I'm a quilter because nonquilters think that is SO weird, but don't think that will work here! Anyway, I recently found out I am VERY scared of certain things, and had a panic attack on a climbing wall, NOT EVEN 6 FEET IN THE AIR! After that, I decided not to try a zip line, and roller coasters are COMPLETELY out.

Anyway, Bonnie, you are so awesome, and I figured out which block was yours right away because you have such a unique style of block with so many pieces (and telltale cheddar). This would be a fabulous quilt to make.

Amy Lause

The Quilting Cat Lady. said...

Love that block, it's awesome and I need that magazine ;-)
Well not everybody knows I love to play video games. When I'm not sewing I try to find time to play on my computer or xbox. LOL
Alda, Fl

re'New said...

I know how to tell if a baby goose is a boy or a girl. It's messy. :)

Susan said...

I love what happens to your block when it's turned into a quilt! Most people don't know that I love cartoons :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
Just love your blog and would love to be a winner of the magazine. Sure enjoy your cruise pictures, wish I would have been there with you.
Betty Zacharias

Linda H said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I love your block and can't wait to try it.
Most people don't know that I took 2-1/2 years of Japanese in high school. Now all I can remember is how to ask if you want to play ping-pong. :)

Anonymous said...

Would love to run a quilting retreat like Elm Creek Manor. Sharon ladybug3157@gmail.com

Karen L. said...

How did I miss reading this post? Oh well. I used to own horses but got them later in life. Don't have them anymore though. Love reading your posts. And I am in awe of what you can do with scraps. Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

I used to be able to milk cows, both with a machine and by hand.
Kinda like quilting take your pick, those machines sure get the job done quicker!
I really love your blog, and all your amazing creations


Anonymous said...

I know my chances of winning a copy are nil, but just wanted to say I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. It is something I do everyday, no fail. I have both books and really enjoy all your travels and adventures. Keep up the great work!! bakerjn@hotmail.com

Valerie said...

I love the block! You always amaze me with your fantastic and beautiful designs. :) I'm a petite girl (5'2") and yet I played sousaphone in college marching band. I was the smallest person in the whole tuba section. I have a picture of me with "Big Bertha"... this horn was taller than I was!

Sue Faulkner said...

Love the block. One thing most people don't know about me is that I used to own a couple that processed expired drugs from drug stores, returning them to the drug manfacturers so the stores got $$ back.

Sue Faulkner said...

Love the block. Most people don't know that I used to own a company that dealt with expired drugs from drug stores---returning them to the manufacturers so the stores got some money back.

Mary said...

I took a class in taxidermy when I was in junior high, because I wanted to know how it was done. Didn't want to do it, only wanted to know how.

Mary said...

I took a class in taxidermy when I was in junior high, because I wanted to know how it was done. I didn't want to preserve, stuff and display small animals and birds :^) I only wanted to know how the taxidermists did it.

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