
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

100 Blocks, Vol 4 Blog Tour!

***NOTICE*** The drawing for this magazine is OVER!!

Have you been waiting for my turn to post? IT’S TIME! Here is your sneak peek at what you will find from me in 100 blocks by 100 designers, vol 4!
This is my third issue as a designer for Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks by 100 designers magazine. I just LOVE doing these! I’ve found it very freeing to just work on ONE BLOCK….and see what comes out of the process. It gives me the push to PLAY.
Did you guess which block was MINE on the cover?
Midnight Flight!
With all the traveling I’ve been doing, can you guess how this block got its name?
I really love blocks that create secondary designs, and this one was made to be set block to block to block with no sashings in between as the criss-crossing checkerboard corners will join together and chain through the quilt! ((This is also something you have to pay attention to when you are sewing your blocks….the colors go in specific directions!))
I dug into my bins of pre-cut strips for the checkerboards, pulling out red, cheddar and neutrals --you know how I love my pre-cut scrap bins, all ready for me to sew in usable sizes!
I also dug into my bricks bin, and neutral squares, putting that Scrap User’s System to work for me!
I did use scrap strips and the easy angle ruler for the 1/2 square triangles, but you can use any method that gives you the size of triangles required.
Playing with color, value and contrast gives me a way to include all kinds of fun fabrics together. I’ve got recycled fabrics, florals, novelties, old calicoes, and newer finds as well. I love playing with variety!
Here’s a sample lay out for you! Yep! Those block corners join to make MORE STARS!
This small version is set 3 blocks across by 3 blocks down for a quilt that measures 36” square before borders.

It’s a great baby quilt size! Of course, you can add sashing and/or more borders to make it bigger as desired! Or make less blocks to make it smaller…you choose!

Would you like to win a copy of 100 blocks, vol 4?! Simply leave me a comment below telling me something about YOU that most people wouldn’t guess about you. ((Like, I used to jump out of helicopters, or something!)) This will be fun!
Please leave your email address at the bottom of your comment if you don’t have email visible in your blogger or google settings. If you get stuck in the google sign in loop, leave the "KEEP ME SIGNED IN" box UNCHECKED. If you comment as anonymous ((Sometimes blogger is tricky and that’s all it will allow)) be sure to leave your NAME and EMAIL so we know who you are!
Because I’m at sea as this posts, I’ll be drawing for our winner upon my return on November 14th. Or November 15th if I’m still comatose after too much sun and sand! One lucky winner will get a signed copy from me, and the other lucky winner will have theirs sent directly from Quiltmaker Magazine!
And the fun doesn’t stop there! Be sure to check Quiltmaker’s Blog every day during the tour for your chance at sneak previews of other blocks in the issue, as well as your chance to enter free drawings on those other featured blogs as well!
If you are new here, welcome! Be sure to check out YESTERDAY’S POST for information on the FIRST EVER 100 blocks retreat scheduled for August 2012 in Williamsburg, VA! I’ll be there, and would love to meet you! Look for the special ad on page 13 of 100 blocks, Vol 4!
Watch for QM’s 100 Blocks Volume 4 at quilt shops and on newsstands Nov. 15. Previous issues of 100 Blocks are available at QuiltandSewShop.com.


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Karen said...

This Baptist girl was a nun in the Sound of Music. I love your wonderful use of scraps. I love scraps, too.

Karen said...

This Baptist girl was a nun in the Sound of Music in high school.

Sue K said...

ok, here's my tidbit...I put myself through school working nights as a security guard at Kennedy Airport in NY. All 5 feet and 95 pounds of me. Most luggage was bigger than I was, lol!

Anonymous said...

One thing people never know about me is that I was born clinically deaf and after having tubes in my ears 7 timesas a child I regained pretty normal hearing. thanks for the chance to win.

Martha said...

Love this block, it has so many designs that go together. Most don't know that I went to a country school, but it was not a one-room country school.

Cindy Myers said...

Love the block, I was a dog groomer in my other life and studied to be a Vet. Assistant.

Cindy Myers

Sandy said...

WOW...alot of people on this list...
Pick me...love the block, love the magazine (have all 3 volumes) and love your work Bonnie :)

AnnieO said...

I guessed the block made with strings so I was wrong, but I like this block even more!

Something not many people know about me is that I was on the game show Wheel of Fortune, and won, in 1987. I was "newly" pregnant with my daughter, who is now 24 and just got married October 30th.

Barb Johnson said...

Hmm, which of my secrets can I let out? Well, how about the fact that I spent the summer after I graduated college entertaining the tourists in Philadelphia as part of a college singing group?

Judy said...

I love your block and the way it goes together. Another quilt to add to the "Sew many quilts' so little time" list. Most people would not believe that basically I am very shy. I have to make myself get out and talk to people. Quilting makes a wonderful opening.

YankeeQuilter said...

While in the army I jumped out of perfectly good airplanes...

All8 said...

Hm, I'm pretty open...I'm just shy of 5'6" but I tell every one that's how tall I am.

Becky said...

This is one FABULOUS block! Love it! Add another quilt to my to do list. Something about me.... Perhaps the most unbelievable thiing about me is that I ran into a brick bulding while parking on my way home from getting my very first driver's license:) I still prefer for others to drive:)

Quilt Monkey said...

I don't talk about it too much on my blog, so I'm guessing most people don't know that I'm quite the video gamer. I love first-person shooters like Halo and also RPG's. Of course that's when I'm not quilting!

Anonymous said...

Love the block and would love to win the book. Most don't know that I grew up in a small town in Northern Canada called FLIN FLON, named after a fictional character and used to be an avid curler.

Bjwalsh101 said...

something about me HMMM....my husband has no idea I made him an orange quilt for our 11th anniversary on 11-11-11. His favorite color is orange.

Anonymous said...

This block is a great way to use scraps. a lost of people don't know that I was a teacher in my younger years.


Kitties and Quilts said...

Most of my current friends have no idea I grew up at the dirt race tracks. My family was in to stock car racing big time. I am going to make a memory quilt of pictures from back then.

Tamie said...

Before we got married, my sister and I had the same initials- TLC.

Ebony said...

When I was twelve my BFF and I made life size dummies of our favourite DJs and marched them down to the radio station one night to show them off so we could get to meet the DJs. Of course anyone who knows me might not be too surprized at that.

I love, love, LOVE the new block! Thanks for a chance to win. Hmm, I wonder if I made a life sized Bonnie dummy, if I could get to meet you, LOL!

Raewyn said...

Love your block!! A lot of my friends don't realise that in an earlier life I was an early childhood teacher. I used to love messy play and sandpit play (with plenty of water).

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I DID guess which block was yours. Scrappy? Red? Cheddar? It had to be yours.

Someone who hasn't known me since childhood might not know that I was once quite shy and could easily be hermit-like...just me, my quilting stuff, my cats and my computer and my eReader.

I would love to win a copy of 100 Blocks, Vol. 4, but knowing how my luck runs I'll probably buy a copy.

Beth said...

Now that I'm a middle-aged woman living in the country, I suppose most people wouldn't guess that I spent my formative years hanging out at the pier, went barefoot almost constantly, and never thought I'd live more than 1 mile from the beach. Inside, I'm still a Californian beach kid, but right now I'm wearing long underwear and two sweaters and look like anything but a beach-goer.

Anonymous said...

Pick me! Things most people don't know about me: I have been married to the same man for 34 years and have 4 children all by different men.............................................................................................................and before you think naughty thoughts about me- all 4 children are adopted! They are 28, 23,23 and 16. The two 23 year olds were born 46 days apart. People thought they were twins- she's a flaming redhead and he is Korean. Go figure. Hope everyone is having fun on the cruise. Reading all the responses above was sure fun! Joy: alaskajoyrn@yahoo.com

Dirt Road Quilter said...

You pulled another great block out of your endless box of tricks! Love it! My mom was once approached by a sheik and asked if I could be a part of his harem when we were on a flight to Europe. I was 12. LOL.

Laurel said...

I have sung in an International Champion Chorus (Sweet Adelines) and have 4 gold medals! Can't wait to see (and receive) Volume 4.

Anonymous said...

Love the new block! Pick me! Pick me! Something most people don't know: I have a sister who was born on my 31st birthday. And I have been married to the same man for 34 years and have 4 children all with different fathers......now before you think naughty thoughts about me: the children are ages 28, 23,23 and 16 and are all adopted! The 23 year olds were born 46 days apart and people often asked if they were twins. She is a flaming red head with big green eyes and he is Korean. Go figure!

Unknown said...

Something that most people don't know about me is that I was a summer exchange student to southern France in high school, but don't ask me to say anything in French other than "merci beaucoup!" for all of your wonderful designs...and I'm already signed up for the hotel for August...can't wait to see you again!

alwayssewin said...

Love your block. LOTS of pieces.....Who would have thought. LOL !!!! Something about me???? I love to square dance. Tammy

Jill said...

Great Block.

Donna Joy said...

Yeah a block where you can get secondary designs. Would love to win your book. Thanks for sharing. Can't think of anything unusual about me, so I better start working on that.

Jodi - usairdoll said...

I love your block!! It looks so great in a quilt. I'm going to put this one on the to-do list for sure. One thing about me is I used to twill the baton when I was a kid. Belonged to a group and did shows and parades. Thanks for bringing back that memory. hehe.

Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win. Safe travels.


Stephanie said...


Beautiful block. What most people are surprised to learn about me is that I am a quilter! Having spent my life in the corporate world, they have a hard time reconciling the businesswoman with the creative crafter. But I don't!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win, so sure hoping I am picked. Something not many people know about me is that I love to go hunting. One of my most favorite hunts was hog hunting. I was the only woman in camp and only one to fill both of my tags in our group. Thanks for the opportunity!! weimhunter24@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Am just strting to work with your blocks as I am an avid scrap collecter! What most people don't know about me is I have ADD-hard to concentrate on one project at a time. And, always wanted to teach quilting classes.

Bev (kwiltpharm@aol.com)

Char said...

Love the midnight flight block Bonnie! Would love to make that one up :) One thing that most people that I know now don't know about me is that I've been riding motorcycles since I was 5, and at one time considered doing professional motorcross. Most people figure that I played tennis ... lol, nope, not me ... give me the dirt! Thanks for the giveaway Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

As of now there are about 235 responses ---hhmmm what are my chances? I collect dead people. Well you know I don't really mean "dead" people, but I go to antique shops and buy old pictures from the 1800's and early 1900's. They have to speak to me and then they come home. Ok, I know I am really weird.
Do I win now? lol

scarlette hobbs said...

I used to drive a demolition derby stockcar. bet you would not guess that about me. now i quilt and love it. shobbs@vcu.edu scarlette

Anonymous said...

I threatented to call the police on my Dad because he was breaking into his own car because the keys were locked inside. I was under the age of 6 at the time and HE WAS A COP!
Love the block!
Lynne in Hawaii

Marcia W. said...

mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com alternate email addy
Most people do not guess that as a youth I had show steers and competed in land and cattle judging events. Your block is fantastic - looks complicated too. Thanks for the giveaway.

Linda at LRDesignsQuilting said...

Love the block and the "quilt" it makes! Most people wouldn't know is that I "bought" my husband at a bachelor auction!

Hannele said...

Your block is phantastibulous!

SandyPA said...

I am a pilot and am always on the lookout for quilt designs that include my love for flying - airplane fabric, airplane blocks, sky blue, clouds, etc.

Hannele said...

Your blog is phantastibulous! My e-mail is hard.ware at netti.fi

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I can't really think of anything that no one would believe about me-but congratulations on being in the magazine! I can so believe the name of this block. Hope you are having a blast at sea and I so hope I win a copy!

Jeanne said...

Love your block. Something people don't know about me is I like watching car racing and would like to own a vintage Corvette.

Sandy Beach Sewing said...

I know that you said to just say one thing about us that people wouldn't guess. One thing is that people who know me now would be suprised at is I used to be very, very shy. Not anymore. Put me in front of a group and I will talk their ears off. I also used to teach sewing classes a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

OOooh, this is tricky.. I have a red ukelele with pineapple decals that I am meaning to learn..but haven't..yet!

Patti said...

Wow, I do love those magazines, have them all so far. Love your block too. I hoping I get to play along with your mystery. Just remodeled house and I haven't gotten my sewing room back together and probably won't for a couple of weeks yet. What no one knows. I'm pretty much an open book. Everyone knows that I'm a farmer, I guess what they don't know is how easily I go from driving truck/tractor and working with cattle to sitting behind my sewing machine. It's so in my blood. michfarmgal@yahoo.com

Sharon said...

I graduated 12th in my class from Robinson High School in Tampa, Florida in 1978! 12th out of 521. I'm still impressed that I did that!!!

Julie said...

Even tho I have traveled a lot, most people don't know that I have never been to a national park (such as Yellowstone, etc.). Such a trip is definitely on my bucket list. Meanwhile, I love quilting, love your site and blog, and love this newest addition to your blocks! I can only hope I might win this Volume 4!

Tracy said...

I have two tattoos!

Yorkshire Quilter said...

I can't believe that there are yet another 100 different blocks - but your contribution amazing - I love secondary patterns!
My little known fact - I can tap dance!!!

~Kris~ said...

I love pro bull riding. Your block is great.

Purl Buttons said...

From sewbeads@yahoo.com:

No one knows that I would like to have a cat as a pet. We come from a "dog" family but I have always wanted a cat like Puff from the Dick and Jane readers I remember from school.

dwright33055 said...

Hi Bonnie, I used to be a Police Officer, fighting crime, now I'm just a quilter, grandmother, and North Carolinan. thanks for a chance to win.
Donna Russ

roseann said...

I played 4 musical instruments.

Terri in BC said...

I love this block! I can't wait to get my copy of the magazine. One thing most people don't know about me is that although I'm a klutz, I've never broken a bone and didn't get my first stitches until I was 46 years old.

Michelle MMMM4 said...

I use to eat mustard on my toast when I was a kid!

Narelle said...

It's amazing how one block repeated can make lovely secondary patterns.
I don't think my friends now would know that I used to play the saxaphone in a band.

Linda (Petey) said...

Love your block. The colors and scrappiness gave you away, Bonnie :D!
Might be a surprise that I was the ping-pong champ in Junior High. Played every noon hour with my then cute boyfriend...fun practice.
Thinking of you on a balmy cruise from cold, rainy Iowa!

Leslie said...

Okay. I'll play. I once upon a time took flying lessons. I was okay (not terribly excited) until we got to "stalls". Let's just say, I neglected to schedule my next lesson(s).

Sallie said...

Most people don't know that I don't like pickles. I love patterns that make a secondary pattern! Thanks for the giveaway!.

Laura said...

I used to play bassoon.

ritainalaska said...

i've been older, nudging elderly for sometime now, widowed to boot, and have been parasailing, scuba diving, deepsea fishing, volcano hiking, trail riding, river rafting, and a few other things i disremember now. raised a few eyebrows doing things like this.

BeachQuilter said...

I once had lunch with Paul Newman when he had a private practice day at the auto raceway my husband managed in California!

Vicki ♥ said...

Your block is lovely and I would love to win the book....thanks for the chance :) One thing most people get surprized about me is my height. 1/4 inch off 6 foot. :) Hugs Vicki x

Gretchen said...

I just love your block, Bonnie! I have so many "Bonnie" projects in the works but may have to add this one too. Something that people wouldn't guess about me is I used to skateboard!

Anonymous said...

something about me people wouldn't guess? hmm.. I recently went zip lining! :) love your quilts!
tamkrumwiede at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My first quiltexperience was moving the threadle machine at my aunts when I was five.
Greetings from the Netherlands,
Dini Kuijer

Anonymous said...

Love your block!

Hmmm most people have no clue that I am very geeky, repair my own computers and would love to take all the computer schooling available even though I'm a gramma! lol..

Anonymous said...

That is a really a cool block...

nhsarab at yahoo dot com

Gill said...

I used to make lace about 30 years ago - not sure my eyesight is up to it now but I still have my pillows and bobbins!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I used to work in a feedlot, and drive big trucks... I like Quilting better LOL

Stephanie said...

I love your blocks, Bonnie! I really enjoy your creativity! When I was little, I wanted to be a shoe salesman-- I grew up to have really big feet, so now I can't enjoy all of the pretty shoes that used to fascinate me as a child :-)

Lisa said...

Mmmm...something people don't know about me would be that for my junior and senior years I played tennis doubles on my HS team. I love your block and how it looks when combined with another one! Lisa B. at golddust@kpunet.net if google account doesn't work.

Annmarie said...

I learned to downhill ski when I was 40 so my son could be on the high school ski team - they needed an assistant coach so that was part of the deal! I coached for 8 years until my son finished college then he took over & I sold all my equipment for cross country skis. Enuf was enuf!

Jan said...

Wow, what a fun block to look at and count all the design possibilities. I used to contest horses "back in the day".

Jan said...

Wow, great block, love checking out all the designs it makes. I used to contest horses "back in the day".

Anonymous said...


most people don't know that I grew up in the Spiritualist Church....

the new block has lots of different pattern opportunities!!

Sherri G said...

Great looking block Bonnie! The thing most people wouldn't believe about me is that I really DO have a husband! He won't go anywhere with me!!! LOL

AmandaA said...

My close friends from college know this but no one else. When I was at college , I was a member of a five-girl singing group - and the reason my friends know is that they were the other members of the group!

regan said...

This was fun to read through....thanks Bonnie! Most people know I'm deathly afraid of heights, but they don't know I have skydived 5 times in my life, and used to work at a dropzone! You won't catch me doing that now, though! lol

Cathy said...

Ohh, something most people don't know.

There was a rampant fire in a neighborhood by me, and I helped the policemen let all of the animals out of yards and garages and houses. Pretty exciting for someone who didn't even have a pet at the time!

Cathy B

Sherri G said...

The block looks terrific and fun to make! The thing most people wouldn't believe about me is that I really DO have a husband!!! He won't go anywhere with me!!! LOL

Robyn said...

That is a truly awesome and versatile block. Of course we can tell yours. You have a very distinctive style. And it's a style I love. :)

Robin said...

I love the your new block. My girlfriends got trousseau oriented things or college tuition for graduation. One of them got a trip to Europe. Not me, I got what I asked for, a motorcycle.

Blue Bird said...

These days I surf the web, but in my younger years I surfed the So Calif beaches on my log (long board).
Another thing - I love my UFOs - and even though I have some guilt about them (mostly the quantity), they make me happy!
Sherry D

Anonymous said...

Most people don't know that I played basketball in high school and once tried out for the cheerleading squad. Pretty amazing stuff for a polio survivor who walks with a limp! I am Candy Soehren in Michigan - cls47@prodigy.net

Candace said...

Bonnie, Love your block! Something about me that nobody else knows? hmmm....I would love to go up in a hot air balloon :o) !!

Daisy C. said...

Love the block. I used to go pheasant hunting with my Dad and his friends in SD when I was younger. Daisy

Lori said...

I got my motorcycle license this week!!
LOVE your newest quilt!


Celine said...

I love your block and the setting you have come up with. It is very effective. Something people wouldn't know about me could be that I love Agatha Christie novels.

JeanieG said...

Hi Bonnie,

I had great aspirations of being a PE Teacher when I was in high school. Didn't work out though because my family did not have the money to send me to college. I did complete 2 years though, with a Secretarial Major.


Joanna said...

I don't think most of my friends know that I was in several parades when I was a kid. Our school got us involved in them. I also love your block, and the 100 Block issue.

Anonymous said...

I was Editor of my Junior High Yearbook when I was in the ninth grade!!


Phyllis said...

In the 60's as a teenager, I was a singer in a trio. We went to various youth rallies with our church and sang. We had matching red skirts and white blazers.

Rachel Bates said...

Lost at sea. How wonderful. Love all you do.

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Love your block! I have scoliosis and when I was a freshman in high school, I had to wear a Boston Back Brace. Not everyone knew about it or what was going on, but there was a guy on the school bus who knew. Every morning, he would punch me as hard as he could in the gut and it wouldn't phase me at all. All the other kids thought I was tough sh*t! lol

Tamsyn said...

Very few people know my secret desire is to be a back up singer in a Rock and Roll band. Tamsyn

Anonymous said...

I was Miss Congeniality in a Pageant. I only tell this because I REALLY want to win a copy!

Anonymous said...

I help teach a computer class at a local Senior Center. I think there are some people who might laugh that I have anything to do with a computer. I've learned so much by helping my friend with her class. I'd love to win the book, or any book from you.

Anonymous said...

Love your block! Most people wouldn't know that I went to Modeling classes when I was a kid. Don't know why my mom sent me cause I was a chubby kid way back when thin was in. sewgood414@hotmail,com

Judy W said...

This little fact will betray my age, but when I was young I saw both the Beatles concerts at Shea Stadium in New York! I love to quilt and really enjoy your creative use of scraps. Judy W

Anonymous said...

Virgina@VirginiaTuttle.com I used to play volleyball on a team that played adult rules at age 9. When I was in grade school I almost got kicked off the team for I knew too many rules.

Shelley said...

I'm terrified of the dentist

Shelley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cecilia said...

I love your block. I hope you are enjoying your cruise. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Unknown said...

Most people do not know that I went to school with and was friends with Michelle Kwan in high school those many years ago. She is a wonderful person and even back then was a very nice person.

Donna Keating said...

I used to be a bass fisher - woman on our cool bass boat until hubby got tired of messing with the boat. That cut down my opportunities to fish to zero!

Jeanne Gwin said...

JeanneG from Missouri Something that you or anyone else would ever guess about me is that I used to break horses. It was fun and painful at the same time.

Regina said...

I was on the debate team in college!

Marj said...

Love your new block, lots of possibilities. One thing most people would NEVER know about me is that I was the first girl in my Ohio high school to take the mechanical drawing class. It was fun being the only girl.

Jennifer said...

Great block and I'd love a copy of the book....I taught canoeing in college...how's that?

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie! I really love this block & can't wait to make it into a quilt. What most people don't know about me is that I love to ride my Harley-Davidson Sportster as much as I love to quilt. There are more motorcyle riding quilters out there than you would think! Hope I win the new Volume 4!

Catherine S in Southwestern Indiana

Anonymous said...

lol - My family didn't have electricity from my age of 16-21, and I figured out how to hook my zig-zag sewing machine and serger (!) to treadle bases so I could use them.
I would love a copy of the magazine!
elley (at) zakula (dot) com

Rabid Quilter from California said...

Few people I know today would guess I was in a rock band in the '70s! Most don't know I even sing! Nowadays, I quilt--LOL--and just about nothing else. Hope your cruise was a blast!

Janet said...

I'm very excited about the possibilities of this block. Love the hidden stars. Most people don't realize that I am a very shy person and would rather stay home than go to a large gathering, where I don't know very many people.

Patty said...

Love your block! My parents named me after a dog my mother found tangled up in bob wire. I guess they really loved that dog!

VickiT said...

One thing no one would ever guess about me is that I was once in a "political" type tv commercial. My father was an attorney for years and then was promoted to an Associate Circuit Court Judge position. (Associate Circuit Court Judges are an appointed position) At one point he ran to become a Circuit Court Judge which is one that the public votes on so he did a commercial on tv and had our entire family AND his faithful Black Lab dog in it as well.

I LOVE your block Bonnie. It's awesome. The colors you've used are beautiful.

Debbie said...

Thanks for sharing all your great ideas quilty.
Didn't jump out of helicopters but did ground crew and flew observer with Civil Air Patrol; AA in Aeronautics. (ancient history)

Debbie in WA

The Quilting Elf said...

I was on Porky Pig's Playhouse on TV in Savannah, GA when I was three!

WoolenSails said...

Love the block and the possibilities.
I once had a job to pick grubs out of the ground, so they could make a powder to kill the grubs at golf courses, was nice working outside though, lol.


Ruth Ann said...

I recently one a blue ribbon at our small county fair for my adaptation of your Carolina Christmas quilt.

Kay Ahr said...

I had my own Harley-Davidson motorcycle, a 1997 Sportster. I was 50 years old when I bought it.

Kay Ahr in Indianapolis, Indiana USA

Anonymous said...

Most people would not know I was offered a grad. assistant position in the Industrial Ed. department after my senior year of college, but I accepted a teaching job on the other side of the state.
I think your block is great. To win the Quiltmaker's 100 Block publication would be very nice.
Nancy (retiredandquilting@gmail.com)

Anonymous said...

Something no one knows about me is I collect old Cookbooks. It's strange because I don't really like to cook, but there is something about reading the old cookbooks that I find comforting.


Kelly said...

I almost jumped out of an airplane once...got as far as the parking lot at the airfield for the class before I came to my senses and decided there was really no reason to jump out of a perfectly good airplane!

I love this block. One more to add to the "must do" list, which is getting quite long!!!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, you make this so much fun! I love secondary patterns in quilts. Thanks for the chance to win!
Here's something about me...When I was a girl I absolutely refused to let my mom teach me to sew...I wanted nothing to do with it. I was into horses and band...Can you believe how dumb I was to turn down the chance to learn something so rewarding and fun? I'm glad I came to my senses! Quilting is my passion...


BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm an open book....sorry....what you see is what you get.

Karen said...

Love how this block forms new designs when it is put together. Most people who know me don't know I like to dance.

Marianne said...

Thanks for the chance to win:)..... something few know about me? ..... I love to linedance.

Betty said...

I like the quilt layout, it's nice when blocks make a secondary pattern. Most people who know me now wouldn't know that a friend nicknamed me "Granny" in high school because of a costume I wore in a musical program.

Nancy said...

Love your block!!
Most people don't know that I enjoy simple relaxing music and listening to gospel.
I am known for being a lover of old rock n roll from the 50's.

sherryberrybim said...

Hi Bonnie, love your block! People probably don't know that I have been on mission trips to Nicaragua 5 times.

Shawna said...

What a super block. Makes an awesome quilt. I'm a new quilter and can't wait till I design something. Still getting my feet wet. Thanks for the giveaway.


LizzieHelen said...

At one time we had seven cats living with us.

Pam in KC said...

Love the block! Now for something most people don't know about me -- as a kid I wanted to be the first woman astronaut in space -- then I discovered Valentina Tereshkova beat me to that when I was just 3 weeks old. So, I was going to be the first woman on the Moon. We stopped going to the moon. New goal -- first American woman in space.. well we all know Sally Ride was that woman. Years later I conned my niece into going to a science workshop for middle school girls just so I could meet Sally Ride -- and then got so choked up when I met her I could hardly speak.

Shannon said...

I love your block. The colors sing to me. I love the secondary pattern. I want to study forensic sciences.

Kim said...

I love the block and quilt pattern. Thank you for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

My real name is Eugenia. When I was in kindergarten the teacher called me that at first until they realized that Gina is what I go by. The kids in my class couldn't say Eugenia, so they called me "Moogenia". In response, my dad has always called me "Moo". Strange, but true!

Gina in Missouri

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie! I posted earlier but I think it got lost somehow. Here I go again....I love your blog!
When I was young I wanted nothing to do with learning how to use a sewing machine. I was into horses and high school band. I can't believe I turned down the chance to learn something so fun and satisfying!(sorry mom) Today, at age 50, quilting is my passion!( I'm glad I finally came to my senses...)

berylthepearl said...

I love your block! Something no one knows is that I was the secretary of the Latin Club in high school. Thanks for the giveaway.

Quilter In Paradise said...

love your block - but then I love all your stuff!

Cindi said...

Great block! So many pieces! How much fun do you have with all that fabric! The thing that most people won't guess about me, I come from a small town... and I mean small, downtown as 4 blocks. My whole high school was smaller than most closes. But growing up there was great!

Nancy Sue said...

I can whistle and hum at the same time. I only do it for my hubby and 4 yr old as the Spaceship sound effects for storytime :)

blacklabcrafts said...

I got my job by telling the person doing it that it looked easy and he didn't have to be so rude. He challenged me to apply and I did. I got the job, but have never been rude. There was still no excuse for that.
Before I got past the block, I envisioned a whole quilt made of this block - then you showed it exactly as I saw it! Perfect!

Angie said...

Love this new block and the hidden stars! One thing about me that most don't know - I received $100 for not kissing a guy before I was 16 (actually made it to 17 1/2 yrs.)

qltmom9 said...

My first job was as an Easter Bunny helper at the mall. LOL, I wore a pink tuxedo!


Brenda Bower said...

Another great block Bonnie. People don't know I played saxaphone in high school

Nancy said...

I have a twin sister, and we get together (about once a year) we dress alike! We love to embarrass our kids (and yes, they are grown!)

Louise said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Most people don't know that I played the trombone in high school band...and I don't think most of them even care...lol...!

Janet said...

No one would know that I ran a marathon once - I really need to get back into shape! Hope your holiday is wonderful.

Jane said...

Since I have little talent in music, most would not believe I played precussion instruments in high school band. Absolutely love your block!

Andee said...

Wow you have a lot of comments! I am a sign language interpreter and my dream assignment would be interpreting one of your quilt classes! Not sure what else to tell you unexpected about me!

Anonymous said...

Wow you have a lot of comments! I am a sign language interpreter and my dream assignment would be interpreting one of your quilt classes! Not sure what else to tell you unexpected about me! Andee in AZ

Anonymous said...

356 comments!??!? Good grief!!!


Please enter my name in the contest...

Rosa Robichaud

What people don't know about me? I don't know - I thought I was an open book! *grin*

Okay.. I think pigs are adorable! And I wished I owned one! *s*


Annie said...

One thing people don't know about me ... I love rollercoasters!!

Kim W said...

Love your block! ...I had 12 years of perfect attendance in school.


Patty said...

Love the block and would love the magazine. First female supervisor in NE for a govt agency back in 80s - women of the world unite!!

Anonymous said...

The majority of my friends are VERY surprised when the learn that I was married to someone BEFORE my DH and that he was a Navy SEAL during the Vietnam War ... they tell me they just can't picture me with anyone other than DH.

Flatlander (Linda)

Carol Sc said...

Something secret about me? hmmm --- I think my life is an open book --- maybe that I have a nasty temper that I usually keep under control? --- every once in a while, it rears its ugly head. quiltschon@att.net

Kristina @ withaKquilting said...

Great block. I have a BSE in Materials Engineering. Not fabric...but metal, polymers, concrete. But...I love to say it is for my quilting!

Carol said...

I used to wish I could be an astronaut. Reality was I was never good at math and that would not be a good thing......

aslottke@sbcglobal(dot)net said...

I would love to get a copy of that block pattern. Most people are surprised when I tell them I have only been quilting a short time because I've been a garment sewist all my life. I am no good at sports but once I shot a whole in one at a golf tournament.

Browndirtcottage said...

Great block Mzzzzz Bonnie!!!!

I can cross one eye at a time..har har har!!!

I LOVED reading everyone's comments...what a hoot!

Potpourri said...

I bet that you don't know I live in Nova Scotia, some of my friends do though!

Linda in Arkansas said...

When I first saw your block I wasn't that crazy about it, seemed to busy - until I thought how it would look in a quilt. I figured it would look really good. I came to you blog and you have it pictured in a quilt and WOW!! It's even better than I thought it would be. I would love to make it.

What people don't know about me is that I can install a chain link fence and gate. It's very hard work - and I hope never to do it again!

Anonymous said...

I really like your block! It caught my eye right off. Must have been the cheddar.
I played the accordion for 3 years in grade school.

Leslie Prall

Rachell said...

I love blocks with secondary patterns! And I love stars and more stars! This is great.
Something people don't know about me: I was taking a college class to learn how to quilt, and the same semester, quilting inspired my English term paper. I submitted the paper to my honor society, and it won! Then I was able to get it published in the Utah Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences! (reillyr2@hotmail.com)

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'm a Venture Crew leader with my son's crew (BSA). I'd love a copy of this book. Love your block and quilt.

Sandi1100 said...

Love your block Bonnie!!! When my son got married in 1992, at the wedding reception I got trapped in a stall in the ladies room. I climbed over the top as I didn't want to get my dress dirty trying to slide under the door. I had a terrible bruise from that. I still haven't told anyone except my husband.

Kelly Grace said...

I lettered on the Boys Track team in high school...I was the team statistician! Oh and this was posted on my birthday!

Anonymous said...

When I was in high school I used to belong to a ballroom dancing club. It was fun.

I think I may have enough blue fabrics to try this block. Liz

Deb said...

I love your block.
I once to belly dance lessons.

Jo said...

I got married in a gas station, by a minister and had over 10,000 people at my wedding,and one sheep, the isle I walked down was 2 rows of motorcycles.

bairdmtn said...

Congratulations on your block being chosen for the 100 Blocks vol 4!! I cannot wait to get a copy in my hands!! Most people don't know that I am a 911 Dispatcher or that I live on a farm with lots of critters!!

Carla G said...

Love your block & thanks for showing it in a quilt! Most people don't know that I have 4 birthmarks...as you can only see 1. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Anonymous said...

Love your block.Math was my favorite subject in school.Jo Anne (jbquilt43 at yahoo dot com)

Chris said...

I'm a little late to this giveaway show! Something not everyone knows about me is that I've been on four TV game shows: What's My Line (remember that?); Family Feud; and High Roller.
I sure hope I win.

Deb said...

Hmm, something about me...
I love cars, and wish I would have been a mechanic, or at least went to school for one. But now, alas, they are out of our basic "control". But I still love learning about them. I probably irritate my mechanics, asking too many questions...
I love your block, of course, and look forward to getting my copy, one way or another!

Deb A said...

I'd love to win this! Hmmm. I can write with both hands. Found that out when I broke my right arm in 7th grade and figured out I can write with my left!

Kathy M Boice said...

I guess alot of people do not know I am a quilter. Love your patterns.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Long, long ago, I was a successful black bear hunter.

Anonymous said...

This block looks complicated but I love the way it appears put together with others. If I win I will try it! I am so NOT a person into dangerous or extreme activities (bungee jumping, parachuting, roller coasters - they all terrify me) but I love motorcycles - including my husband's Hayabusa (200 mph sport bike). Although I am only the passenger, not the driver.
Anne Simonot

OneLittleThread said...

Love this block and when I was 11 I was the spelling champion of my entire school

Peach Rainbow said...

Stunning block!
Most people wouldn't know that I still love cartoons ;D

Anonymous said...

No one would guess I have climbed mountains in 7 states and 2 countries! Love your block!

Sarah said...

I'd love a copy of 100 Blocks! Most people don't know that I started quilting when I was recalled onto active duty after 9/11. We were across Puget Sound and couldn't get home except for about once a week, so one trip home I brought out my sewing machine, some fabric, and a quilting book I picked up at half price books and taught myself how to quilt. First I made a baby quilt for a friend, then I made a lap size quilt that we raffled off to raise money for our unit morale fund. my division officer won it and still has that quilt too.

Cathy Tomm said...

I love the block Magazines. It would be a real treat to win a copy. Love the quilt in the German Magazine. I will have to get the book it is in.

Erika said...

What a fun block!
Something about me: I have two tattoos and no one knows.
Now you all know, but .... you don't know me :-)

Barbara Chronister said...

I would love to win this!
I do not know a secret to tell about myself but do hope I qualify for the drawing anyway! My email is barbnlarry@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Love the Block!! Most people don't know I married my childhood sweetheart that I met in 9th grade English class that he was repeating.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Bonnie! Love the whole "use those scraps" concept! Thanks for the whole thing--books, columns, etc.
What my current friends don't know about me is that I have a Master's Degree and taught Nursing in a Community College. Now retired, I am "just" an avid quilter!

Anonymous said...

Growing up we had several horses. I belonged to the local 4-h club and competed in 4-h horse shows almost every weekend. Right before one of the shows my horse lost a shoe. Well, I learned how to shoe a horse with my Dad guiding me. My Dad's second job was as a farrier (equine horse care), but he had a broken hand and could not put the shoe on the horse, so I had to learn on the spot! I was only 13 or 14 years old, but I remember it like it happened yesterday. Cheri Cuff, cuffmail@aol.com

Kelly said...

Most people don't know...I'm a quilter! I'm a CPA, director of the Internal Audit Department of a school district, all business and numbers and regulations during the day. Co-workers are always surprised to hear I make quilts! In contrast, my quilting friends are always surprised that I'm an accountant - I don't seem to fit their idea of a "numbers cruncher." Such a contradiction between two things I enjoy....

Anonymous said...

I love your blocks and your quilts fit my stash perfectly. Waiting impatiently for the new mystery. -- Diane N

Patricia said...

I NEVER win anything, not even my Guild drawing, but I keep entering thinking "maybe this time". Well, "maybe this time".

onlymehere said...

I'm probably too late but wanted to give myself a chance to win! I'm a very shy and cautious person so something people don't know about me and wouldn't expect was I packed up my four kids and drove 13 hours straight to Disneyland when my youngest was 3! My husband didn't want to go, we had a car that wasn't the most reliable and this was all before I ever owned a cell phone! The drive through the desert was the trickiest with no air conditioning and the temperature was well above 100 degrees. I think not having air conditioning saved us though as we watched quite a few cars pulled over and spewing steam out of their opened hoods! It was well worth it all bz we never made it back to Disneyland and it's the fondest memory my kids have of their youth!

Becky W. said...

I love the cheerfulness of your new block and can't wait to try it out. One thing people would not know about me is that the Rangemaster at the Immigration Training School I attended in Texas (last class before they moved it to Georgia) called me Annie Oakley as I shot the .22 and .38 better than three-fourths of the guys in the school (oh, and I'm a redhead, too, like Annie Oakley). :)

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