I’m back in my hotel room in Oak Ridge TN --- I was describing to my friend on the phone about the weirdness going on in my hotel room when I was encouraged to see if I could record it to share…
Usually I get things like water dripping, the sound of the elevator or ice machine --- the coke machine, or sometimes the guest laundry if it is on the same floor as me.
Sometimes there is weird snoring through the wall, or worse…..the sounds of couples being amorous through the thin walls. Why did they ever think it was a good idea to put rooms headboard to headboard with just a WALL in between!?? O_o
But this time…I was laughing on the phone while describing the sounds of squirrel chirping in the fridge!
This lead to me making a little iphone video to catch the sounds……
Just watch this…tell me if YOU can hear it!!
At first I thought it was a cricket, or a frog. Out came the ear plugs….
But I found if I unplugged the fridge it stopped. Have you ever heard a fridge make these sounds? I mean, I’m used to water running, to window a/c units going on and off….but this one comes with it’s own Smoky Mountain soundtrack!
I’m still sewing away in the hotel room. MUCH accomplished!--- just about to treat myself to the Chinese Buffet across the street.
There will be pics to follow in the next post if I can tear myself away from the machine long enough to edit a bunch of pics down.
What are YOU working on this weekend?! Do tell!!
Have no idea what that sound could be! I'm working on bindings this weekend...miles and miles of binding....
That is weird!!Maybe it IS a frog, but it lives in the fridge!!!
That fridge is the weirdest one I've heard. I am with you it would drive me crazy enough to unplug it. We did a garage sale here this weekend. The weather was perfect sunny and cool with no rain. I need to make a couple of bags next on my to do list.
You are waaaay too funny! ! !
Hope you don't decide to take that special refrig home with you.
Oh, btw, I'm knitting on my shawl Stephen West's Boneyard Shawl this weekend..
I have to say I've never heard a frig chirp... but yours definitely is! I'm glad you figured out what it was so you can get some sleep!
I'm working on my Cowabunga Florabunda (king-size) quilt... sewing the assembled blocks together!
Yup. I hear it!
Bwahaha! My husband says this is the way all refrigerators sound in TN! We rented a cabin several years ago that had a very loud fridge. The funniest part was almost renting the same cabin again a few years later. Luckily, we recognized the layout of the kitchen and remembered the noise before we booked the cabin!
I couldn't sleep thru that. I just got off the phone with DirecTV and complaining about the amount of noise my new DVR makes. Luckily, they will send a new one. I say unplug the fridge and use the ice bucket!
I am working on my Crabapple with more 9-patch leaders/enders to do the border.
Hopefully you can get some rest with that noise in the background. I am so excited I am finishing up the hand quilting on a machine appliqued quilt that I started ten years ago. This is the quilt that was the greatest learning experience for me as a quilter. I will be so glad to have it under my belt. Hopefully I will start binding it Monday! Yipee for me!
Oh Bonnie too funny! I too have heard many sounds from hotel rooms but never that one! Working on this weekend has been a shop hop. Acquiring more stash! Love it Have a safe one!
It is 9 p.m. EDT; a half hour ago I finished an all day quilting marathon with two girls, age 10 and 11. They were real troopers. They made a 16 inch block with 4 friendship stars in it, a Thimbleberry pattern. They learned all you need to know about quilting basics. I did stitch the blocks to the backs and turn and top stitched them, it was getting late and they were tired. We also got to get in a small quilt show today as well. Good day all around.
Faye Bushey, Maine
Love, love, love the video. What will you come up with next! The chirp came through loud and clear, it sounded like a cross between a frog croak and a faucet drip to me!!!! Thanks for a laugh out loud moment on an otherwise mundane Saturday night!!
That fridge has a frog in its throat!
I am binding a king-size T-shirt quilt I made from my over-involved, college graduate son's plethora of club and activity t-shirts. It was part of his graduation present in the spring, but the machine quilter couldn't get to it until just recently
I just finished with a 30 block dresden plate scrappy quilt top for my bed. Just have to decide on the borders. There will be no batting in this, just a flannel backing. Want to be able to use it all year long, even when it is in the 90's. I just love how it all looks. Wish I was a computer pro and knew how to put on a photo of it.
Bonnie--that is so funny!! I loved the video...my only suggestion is earplugs...LOL!!
I finished a jelly roll quilt for my niece this weekend...it is made entirely out of batik strips and it is gorgeous. I hope she likes it...it was so much fun to make.
By the way...I love your blog...I read it virtually everyday!!
Keep up the good work.
I just think YOU are very cute!!
don't know the sound, but have you ever thought what someone thinks your sewing is? :)
LOL - sounds like a cat purring! Hope you managed to get to sleep despite it!
Occasionally I realise that there are advantages to being deaf on one side - you can always put your good ear into the pillow when you want to sleep! Your little video was fun - have you considered doing video tutorials or classes?
I'm working on a baby quilt for second grandbaby due in December and tacking binding on a large wedding gift quilt.
I showed my husband the video of you and the fridge sound last night, we got into bed and he says sssshhh what is that sound - seriously hearing a sound - and I said it's Bonnies Fridge. LOL - we had a laugh about it.
Never could have slept with that noise going on. Strange frig noise for sure.
We have a fridge like that tonight in Bennington, VT! It was really funny, considering we'd just listened to your video two nights ago!
You poor thing... my DH snores something fierce...
so I end up sleeping with the pillow or two covering my head!
Our fridge made this weird sound for a while... only at around 2 a.m. always loud and weird... it sounded like a bird had been trapped under the fridge! The cat was going nuts with it too! We found out it was a bad fan on the freezer side! Replaced it and no more birds in the middle of the night... I must say... we and the cat... were very happy! Guess you need some ear plugs!
Well now, I've heard different noises from different fridges, but this one, although not the loudest, is the oddest by far! Did you get any sleep in the end? eslquilter@gmail.com
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