((And No Free Books this time! LOL!))
First things first.
I’m not dying.
I only feel like it!
Thanks to several pushy people ((Thanks, dear friends!)) I listened to my body and called my doc and they got me in.
I sat there being examined by the nurse, she took my temp…pretty much normal. She took my blood pressure, it was good, she asked all kinds of questions and then she left, and before I could stitch a single hexagon ((Really, I tried!)) the doc came in.
The conversation went something like this:
Doc: “Hello, Bonnie, feeling pretty poorly, are ya?”
Me: “I was on a big ship in the ocean with 3600 passengers and 1300 crew”.
Doc: “That’s an epidemic waiting to happen!”
I asked if inhaling sea water through a snorkel could make me feel this way. Doc said “I’m not sure, but did you consider who the last person was who used that rented snorkel before you put it in your mouth?” >_<
And it might not have been the waterslide backwash up my nose that got me….but the 1000+ kids that touched those railings going up those stairs all week long to DO the water slide.
Does it really matter? I needed to start feeling better! I was told I have a respiratory infection, and off I went with my little blue prescription paper to the wilds of Sam’s Club to get something to set me on the mend.
20 minutes to wait until I can get the drugs and get them into my system! What to do, what to do? I wandered around and found where the free samples were being handed out!
Hey Lori, remember our text this am??
Well, guess what they were handing out at Sam’s Club? Sliced Watermelon! The seedless kind, and it was fresh and sweet and juicy and cold….okay, so I had to stand there and eat it next to a garbage can with a paper napkin, but it was the closest thing to cruise fruit I’ve had since Saturday! I was desperate! But dang, I miss that ocean view for breakfast!
Wander, Wander, Wander….think I might need some cough lozenges. Do you know you can only get them at Sam’s Club in a 200 pack?! That’s a lot of colds in one place. And cough lozenges don’t store well, they get sticky and gummy and not very suck-able, at least in this humid climate that I live in. Forget those. I’ll get the regular size at Target.
But this catches my eye..
Even though I’ve been out of the country, I was pretty sure I didn’t contract Monkey Butt while down in the Caribbean! Sheesh…the things you find at Sam’s Club. If YOU know someone who suffers from Monkey Butt, just pass the word on that you can buy this stuff by the case there.
Now THIS was more to my liking. My throat was on fire, and something cool and creamy just sounded good while I was waiting. In the back of my mind I heard my mother’s voice warning me that dairy products will make me more phlegmy.
That’s okay, Mom! I bought a double pack of industrial size Mucinex to take care of that! LOL!
I’m back home, laying low…and planning on staying that way.
There have been comments asking about the brand name of the bolt of “cheddar” fabric I bought at Mary Jos. Not to mention…what the HECK do I want a whole BOLT for? Well, why not?
Here is a pic of the end of the bolt. The brand name is Fabri-Quilt, Inc. And look…made in China. Why does that NOT surprise me?
I think you can see here that the color is called Tangerine Prairie Cloth and thank goodness that at least it is 100% cotton! It was $4.79 a yard, but I got it for $4.59 since I bought the whole bolt.
Here is a close up of one of the cones of thread. I’ll tell you right up front that I am NOT a thread purist. I’ve listened and listened to all kinds of rants and tirades from the Quilt Police over the past 30 years that I’ve been quilting. Where I stand right now is ANYTHING GOES. If it works in what I’m working on --fine. This thread is a cotton wrapped poly. It works great in my long-arm machine.
Used to be the argument was for cotton only….and then "bottom line" thread came along and everyone touted how WONDERFUL it was, after swearing that they would never use poly thread or serger thread on their quilts. Well….lo and behold…what IS bottom line? POLY!
I’ve quilted with cotton, with cotton/poly, with silk, with rayon, with serger thread, with jeans thread, with whatever it is that gets the job done.
That said..this cone has no label or color number on it. Long Creek Mills is a Mill End type store..what you see is what you get. I’m sure if you have a color chart you can find a similar color in the thread manufacturer of your choice’s line up.
It’s 6:47pm. If we were on our cruise, our main dish would just be arriving……our every needs being met by handsome crew in starched and pressed uniforms and wicked smiles :c) But this is reality. My dinner tonight? Likely to be a can of tomato soup and a grilly cheese if I can manage it. Man, life is rough!!
Bonnie, you crack me up. Loved this post, the post cruise post I guess....
HA HA Ha! I cant stopping laughing over the anti monkey butt cans LOL, LOL, LOL! BTW I think they sell that cotton fabric along with Henry Glass and others at the Fancy Gap Pottery and Fabric outlet at the Fancy Gap exit of I77. Their fabric was at least as cheap if not a little cheaper then you quoted. They also have a website.
I've been on several cruises, Bonnie, and know just how you feel. Maybe not the respiratory infection, but the rude awakening when you have to cook your own food, wash your own dishes and {{shudder}} make your own bed!!!! It's almost worth smuggling one of the crew members off the ship for your very own!
Feel better soon...
Hope you feel better soon!
It is so true that you get spoiled so fast on a cruise. The first one we went on the waiter loved my son and would bring him special dishes and cut his meat for him. The first night home my son looked down at his dinner plate, realized he'd have to cut his own meat and said "I miss George!"
Hope you feel better quick!
Hi Bonnie, hope you're feeling a lot better soon!
Glad you listened to your friends and got yourself to the doctor for some meds! Rest and swill liquids.... everything else can wait!
My Mom used to tell us we would catch "monkey butt" if we watched too much television...Sam's club should be selling mountains of this stuff!
Just work on feeling better.
you must stay away from the kid things in Nov. It's a WAY smaller ship... so no much trouble you can into ... maybe.. wink!
I hope you feel better! I think I feel the same way you do about the quilt police...after all if I didn't I'd have a ton of perfectly good things in my stash and supplies I would have to toss!
I hope you're feeling much better with the meds. Take care and drink plenty of fluids!
OMG Bonnie!!! I almost fell off my chair laughing at the Monkey Butt powder!!!! Had to share with others. I wonder if they have something to cure hysterical laughter on that shelf??? LOL Glad you got the meds you need and are on the mend - hugs & prayers coming your way!!!!
You are such a tattle tale!
I went to the store yesterday and picked up 2 cantelope.....I cut one up all by myself this morning! I'm so pathetic!
Get well soon girlfriend!!
First - Dairy won't make you more phlegmy. That's an old wives tale.
well, there isn't a second. I went on my one and only cruise with Pat Sloan..in 2005.. Oh, there were other teachers on there, but I went for PAT!! lol I miss being able to order as many entrees as I wanted and taking one bite of each. Trying new foods...having my room clean every time we returned...and the cute little animal towels..
Am glad you went to the dr and got meds. AND don't think that I didn't see how you 'forgot' to say why you needed a whole bolt of cheddar, and no offer to share it..LOL! Won't say what I think about the Monkey butt. Better fast! And if ya wanna share the cheddar, email me. Haha
Well, welcome back to real life! It would be so nice to have someone at home to wait on us hand and foot! We love Anti-Monkey Butt in our house. It is great for long motorcycle rides in the heat. Really helps the chafing! We have several cans on the shelf. It does come in a pink container for ladies, too! It has calamine in it and it works great! Hope you feel lots better soon, rest and lots of fluids will help, too. Oh, and chicken soup, lots of chicken soup!
I bought some as a joke for my husband a couple of years ago...he swears by it as do all of his motorcycle buddies;)!
Feel better, Bonnie! Make that chicken soup instead of tomato! I love your cheddar..I have a yard I have been hoarding, LOL!!
I like the monkey butt can... seems a lot nicer description than what all the redneck boys call it... "SWAMP A**" -- I'd happily cut my own fruit if I could find any good fruit here (no cruise yet to spoil me)
GET WELL! - have some BBQ for me next chance you get.
Amanda Hagee (TX girl stuck in MT)
hmulebarn - gmail.com
It's not good when your feeling rough. Hope your better soon. I to use whatever thread I have. I have loads of those big cones from the place I used to work at, when they closed down we were told to help ourselves, so I did.
I love how you 'shoot from the hip'!!! Tell it like it is, I have always thought that about thread too.
Oh, you make me laugh. Love your sense of humor in the midst of feeling yucky. Hope you are feeling better soon. Love how you brighten my day by just being you! Hugs to you (I'm holding my breath so I don't catch anything:.
Rest.... lots of rest..... LoL... good luck with that!
Hopefully the Monkey Butt stuff.... helps you to prevent getting the "Monkey Butt Look"... yikes!
Hey Bonnie. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. It was that darn cruise ship, I'm tellin' ya. Kathy and I are both sick. Also Lu mentioned she's sick too. I had a hoarse, squeeky voice the day I got home, but now it's progressed to a sore throat, runny, stuffy nose, and I'm feeling a bit achy. I took pro-biotics on the cruise, so maybe it just delayed the inevitable a few days. I'll be laying low for a bit, darn it. Get well soon!
Hope you will get well soon!
Fabri-Quilt, Inc is available at my own local fabric shop here in town. I need to check to see if she has the tangerine color for the bow-tie quilt.
Want me to send you some Homemade Chicken Noodle soup? My chickens have just started laying eggs and I couldn't resist homemade noodles!
Glad you listened and went to the doctor!
Hope the meds and rest put you back on your feet and running in no time.
That Monkey butt really cracked me up.
I'm glad you went to the doctor and got some meds. You should feel much better soon. I am now remembering how bereft I felt after our first and only cruise a few years ago. I was Queen of my world for a week and it was wonderful. It's not easy to get back to the real world, is it?
Geesh girl...no wonder I hadn't heard from you! How are you feeling today?!
OKay...so I have to comment on Monkey Butt...don't knock it until you try it!! Yepper...we are fans of the stuff. As Jeff calls it, "A little touch of heaven!" LOL
I ADORE you for your "realness" ;0)
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