Drum Roll Please!!
We have a Winner!
It was an exciting moment – we had over 300 comments from people who wanted this book!
And the winner is:
She didn’t leave her last name, but her comment was:
Your blog is the only one I return to regularly, and I think that you have kept me going when I have been discouraged in quilting. I'm not a great sew-er, and I have limited time, so I love to just browse through and see your ideas for things that I can do in bits and pieces (I love the Happy Scrappy Houses!!), and dream about things that seem a bit beyond my reach.
Thanks for keeping it up, and for "being there" when I need help on how to do something like make half square triangles or a square within a square. –Melinda
She did leave her email address in her anonymous comment, so Melinda, be watching your inbox for a mail from me! I just need you to send me your snail mail address, and I’ll pass it on to the publisher so they can send you the book direct from them!
Thanks everyone for participating. I had a great time being part of this blog tour…I’m still so pumped that “THE” Nancy Zieman even commented in the post comments! I admit it, she has ME star struck!
And with that, I’m OFF! The bags are packed. Got my passport, got my sunscreen, got probably way too much stuff….I keep telling myself to keep it light, and I KNOW I broke my own rule and packed too many pairs of shoes!
But what’s a girl to do?
I have NO idea if I will have wifi or not on the ship. I’m not willing to pay $20 a day for it, that’s for sure ---and even if I DID have wifi, I’m thinking this is going to be a week for me to be UNPLUGGED. Completely.
I kept in touch as much as I could from Alaska. Writing takes a lot of thought and a lot of time in editing photos, etc. Do I want to be stuck writing blog posts, or do I want to LIVE this cruise?
I’m choosing to LIVE! I am!
And just so you aren’t too disappointed in me, don’t worry, I’ve stacked the blog with posts that will release every morning while I’m gone. Be looking for those posts, and I’ll be looking for your comments when I’m back online!
Happy Sails!
Everyone needs some time OFF! Have FUN!!!!
I can't believe you took the time to write posts that will be released while you are cruising! What a woman! Enjoy!!
Enjoy your almost down time! Have fun in your new teaching venue. Take lots of pictures! Happy quilting and sailing!
You are so sweet and thoughtful to stack posts for us while you're away, but I feel guilty that you feel you have to do that with so much to tend to before your trip! You are SO good to us. You know that we need our Bonnie 'fix'. LOL!Honestly though, I would understand. Hope your trip is off the charts wonderful!
I agree with Karin..you are good to us, but you made us addicted to you in the first place! haha. Have fun and stay away from Irene!
Have fun and keep the sunscreen on.
From another Melinda
Forget about blogging for a week Bonnie. Have a fantastic time and just enjoy yourself !!! :)
I agree, forget about the blog, unplug and enjoy every moment of your cruise.
I don't blame you. Blogging does take a lot of time. I hope you enjoy your trip. We can't wait to see you in Kansas so be sure to come back safely.
Enjoy your trip! And I agree with Melinda about you being there for so many of us quilters. I may not be able to find calculations or information I need a a book but I can usually locate it quickly in your writings. When I need an afternoon break at work (I'm self-employed) I peruse your blog(s) for relaxation and inspiration. Thanks for all your time and effort on your blog! And again, enjoy the cruise!
Big boat, sleeping on waves, girlfriends to quilt with...I'd worry bout you if you chose anything but LIVE your cruise! Have TOO much fun!
Thank you so much! I was so thrilled to receive the email from you, Bonnie, this morning telling me that I had won the book! I hope you have a great -- and safe! -- cruise, and look forward to your postings about it when you return.
*waves to the other Melinda*
-Melinda in La Canada, California
May your days be filled with sunshine, love, and loads of fun. Enjoy your trip, you deserve it!!!!!!
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