This was such a fun filled and photo filled day that I am overwhelmed after looking through the pictures and editing things down! I think I can post plenty over the next few days without overloading everyone, and having all of our eyes glaze over from too much quilt goodness! I’m going to post pictures over the next week in stages….and there may be SOME slide show action, but there are a lot of photos that I want to insert commentary on, so we are going to take it slow and easy, okay?
I’ve also posted on the Quiltville facebook page ((See that widget in the right hand side bar, part way down the page? Click like if you are on facebook to join us!)) for any of over 6,000 friends who might have also attended the show to post their photos to the page, so hopefully, when everyone wakes up there will be a virtual quilt show going on over there too!
I’m not your average quilt show photographer. My favorite place of the whole show is the booth with the antique quilts, and I could spend ALL DAY in there…..and I love walking the streets for the whole ambiance of the show and things hanging everywhere ---- but I didn’t take pictures of each and every quilt. I want the view of the WHOLE FOREST --- not just each individual tree, you know? So here are some scenes from yesterday!
This building is the most “eye catching” of all --- and this is where the “theme” of the year quilts are hung. Each one of them spectactular! And see that blue blue sky? Yes --- This is central Oregon in July! It only got to about 81 degrees yesterday, it was perfect…and NO HUMIDITY!
Some closer-ups. The color of the quilts is just breath taking! And so much variety!
Throngs of people start to arrive quite early……traffic is slowed to a stand still for miles and miles in and out of Sisters. I feel sorry for those who inadvertently thought they could get from here to there, and didn’t know there was this much of an event going on that would stop traffic to a bare crawl!
The past couple of years, the ladies from Gees Bend have been at the show, and I always love coming to see their wonky quilts. What really struck me as FUNNY ((not haha funny, but peculiar funny I guess)) Is how MODERN these look, but they are not, right? These are bare bones UTILITY quilts. Well, there was also an exhibit by the Portland Modern Quilt Guild. And I could swear…what they thought was modern, was just a re-do of the good old Gees Bend style utility quilt! But what I love about the utility quilts is the use of recycled fabric, anything, everything from corduroy to denim to poly to sheets to whatever.
Here are the lovely ladies signing their books out in front of the Stitchin’ Post :c)
Loved this one with it’s use of denim and RED!! whoo whoooo!
Close up of the pocket stitching.
And of course I love the orange in this one. It’s a utility quilt folks, not meant to look modern! It’s got wools and cottons and all kinds of fun stuff in there. What IS modern anyway??
Denim Rails. Who doesn’t have a box full of old denim in their sewing closet? I’ve loved the denim quilts I’ve made for my boys and their friends, and they love them too….Sturdy? Oh yes! Utilitarian? Definitely!
Gorgeous quilts were to be seen everywhere --- Here is the lovely Lori inspecting a close up of a feathered star quilt….these stars were all grouped together and made a great display!
Oops! I caught her by surprise!! Come on Lori, make a pose for a nice picture, won’t ya? :cD
And that is just a sneak preview for today, believe me there is more to come….but I hear Lori and Randy up and about already! SOMEONE is already at the machine sewing…I can hear the hum! I can’t let them get too far ahead of me, so this post will continue…..
Next time!
PS...click over to Lori's blog, Humble Quilts to follow along with her take on our time together! It's fun to see the things we took the SAME pics of ((I stole the pic of the 3 of us together at the top of this post from her this morning....okay, I asked her if I could first!!)) and the things we saw differently!
PPS....We've got Randy up and running on a BLOG OF HER OWN! She is no longer blogless! So head on over to Barrister's Block and give her a big hello!
Oh how I wish I could have been there! This quilt show (and sky!) looks beyond beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your pics and view of it. I am going to enjoy every moment of it!
Thanks for the pictures, it looks fantastic! We drove through Sisters last week on our trip home from Oregon. The traffic through there was slow and congested then, I can't imagine how bad it was with the quilt show going on! Sounds like you had so much fun!
I had a great time in Sisters, wasn't the weather wonderful? I took a picture of the quilt at the top you are standing in front of, I liked it also. I loved the antique quilts, did you see the star one done with tiny strips, just loved that one! Glad you made it safely!
I really, really LOVE the forest shots. Seeing all the quilts together shows what a unique event it is. Thank you for showing me!
Wow what great pictures! Thanks for sharing them.
How lucky to be there and see those Gee's Bend quilts. I used to make quilts from denim and old wool coats for my dog, they always had red in them too.
It wasn't hot!?!? You're going to make me wish I hadn't stayed home this year.
Can't wait to see your pictures!
Thanks for thinking of us who live too far away to see these in person. Maybe one day......
Thank you so much Bonnie for sharing your photo's. I sure miss going to the Sisters Show. Maybe next year I can make it. Thanks again. : )
Imagine my surprise after reading Lori's blog earlier, seeing the same photo of the sisters on your blog. So glad you had such a fun time together.
Donna K. from N. TX @ http://www.quiltingbeargal.blogspot.com
There are some really gorgeous quilts and wonderful designs, now I want to go sew;)
I really must plan a trip to Sisters one day. It looks like you had a great time and the guilts are gorgeous. Such an inspiration.
those Gee's Bend quilts really were fabulous. Went to a couple of thrift shops yesterday and now have a great collection of corduroy to use.
I live in Louisiana so thus know about hot weather and humidity that seems to go on forever. I am a widow and thus live alone with my 2 dogs and 2 cats. At the moment I have a problem with my back that requires surgery. I do not like it because I have no relatives here and thus have no one to check on me on a daily basis particularly at this time. In Salem, OR I have a niece. Salem sounds like a wonderful place and guess what I can go to Sisters without much problem. After surgery, I am selling my house and I am moving to Salem, OR.
I am so enjoying the show through your pictures..I'm glad they kept the trees short at The Stitchin' Post too! It's always a treat to see what they have cooked up for a challenge each year!
Thanks for th ewalk down memory lane... Sisters Show, nothing like it!
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