Would you believe that I stayed in my jammies past 11am? And that I’d still be in them now if it weren’t for the fact that I do have to run some errands, and though I’m sure others have gone through the “drive through” with their PJ’s on..it ain’t happening here!
I drug myself to the mailbox after I got myself dressed and found that a long awaited package all the way from AUSTRALIA had shown up and was waiting for me!
We’ve had this project under wraps for a long time, and I’m tickled to announce that it is here, it is hitting the news stands ((Well, at least in Australia, I’m not sure how many US Quilters subscribe, but I’m sure I am about to find out)) and I’m SO TICKLED!
You see, I have an 8 page “spread” in this issue! It’s # 97, Vol 12-6 and it just was released on June 2nd. The whole issue focuses on the color BLUE, and I’ve got a quilt on the cover……and a nifty “Australian Exclusive” teaser:
And when you open up the inside…..WHOOOWHOOOO!
Now I’ve never been to Australia…it is on my list of “OH PLEASE LET ME GO THERE SOMEDAY!!” But I can say that my quilt has been hung over a fence in a pasture ((In Australia!!)) with a horse trailer in the background! :cD
Is this enough of a teaser for you? The quilt is named Jamestown Landing, and there is a bit of history included in the article as well. I love two color quilts, and blue and white are my favorite.
I’ll do my best to help you find out where you can order this issue ((I don’t know if it is available on Amazon, does anyone know??)) and ---- ***drum-roll*** ----In the box with the quilt, as it is being shipped back to me….are some EXTRA copies of this issue and I’m going to do a giveaway right here on the blog!
Click HERE for a view of the distribution flyer...you can find who might have it in your area!
I’m not sure yet when. I need to be here to do it, and the BOX hasn't arrived yet, and I’m headed to Florida on Thursday/Friday…..so we are winging it by ear. Just stay tuned and you’ll know when the give away starts.
See those sashing units? Uhhuh! Get your strings ready! You are going to need them!
And with that…I’m back to being lazy. I’ve done one load of laundry. I DID bleach-wash my dirty running shoes, and they are on the back deck drying in the sun. I may piece some. I may nap some more. I may putz around in my email. Or not. Today is just “optional”! And I’m liking it that way!
Bonnie, the magazine is available at www.ericas.com She is currently at issue 12-5. I have no affiliation but I have ordered Australian magazines there before.
Congrats on the article....
The cover of this magazine is beautiful! I love two color quilts so I would definitely buy this one! And your quilt is gorgeous! I like the way they displayed it over the fence. What an exciting day you're having! Enjoy it!
Very very exciting! That's a great Aussie mag, I bought one when I was Downunder (lucky me got to go a couple of years ago to Queensland, AU for a friend's wedding). I have two quilts that live in Australia :) Hope the mag sells gangbusters--that's a wonderful two color quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the mag.
How awesome that you are getting such good coverage out of the US. Maybe Australia will not be off your travel schedule for too long after all! BTW - have you ever seen some of the people shopping at a certain large box store? PJ's would be over dressed!
Congrats on the magazine cover!
Catherine S in SW IN
Oh I love it!!! Question on strings... how narrow/wide do you cut yours? I have 1.5 - 3.5 cut... I guess I need to start saving the random size strips.
It's a gorgeous quilt! I am just starting to make My Blue Heaven and I am still at the cutting stage - lots and lots of cutting.
How exciting! Love that quilt and will be putting it on my to do list. Looking forward to locating the pattern.
No WAY could you ever be considered lazy!
I want a magazine soooo bad!
Whatever it takes!
p.s. I have been a string block making machine. I have 12 offered on EBAY and they have a bid already!
Oooh, Jamestown Landing looks great! And it has traveled so far away - now how to get a mag in the US... Congrats to your cover girl!
Please, please make sure you let us know where we can find the magazine,or better yet just draw my name for the magazine when you have the giveaway. That works for me. I also love me a two color quilt. You know some days are just a waste of clean clothes and good makeup? I love jammie days. Judy C
Congratulations! Beautiful spread! Amazing quilt!
Congratulations - looks like a gorgeous blue scrappy quilt :-) I look forward to receiving my subscription copy here in New Zealand!
Oh Bonnie...Congrats. I love the quilt. LOTS. Now maybe all of those Australian girls will find out how wonderful you are and they invite you over...wouldn't that be so COOL.
Congrats Bonnie. How wonderful for you. I'm hoping to find the magazine soon. Hugs
This place also says it sells individual issues (in addition to Erica's) but it's not showing the new one yet:
good thing I'm going to NY and Florida next week, so I will have a look for the magazine, blue is just my color at the moment !!! Quilt looks beautiful !!!
Congrats Bonnie! How exciting! I'm so glad I ordered a six months membership a little while ago, so I don't need to look for this issue anywhere, but my mailbox :o) The quilt looks sooo good!
Wow Bonnie!!! That quilt is BEAUTIFUL!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE blue & white! It will go to the top of my "have to do" list as soon as I can get my hands on a copy of the magazine. And not every quilt has the distinction of being famous for hanging "over a fence in a pasture ((In Australia!!)) with a horse trailer in the background!" Congratulations to you AND the quilt! :-)
Oh, Bonnie! I LOVE the design of that quilt!
Awesome! My quilt club gave me a whole large gift bag of fat quarters in memory of my son Sam who passed away a couple of weeks ago...all in his favorite color: BLUE!! (to match his eyes! :-D) I was thinking My Blue Heaven or Blue Ridge Beauty, but now... Jamestown Landing is the best of the blues so far! You just keep getting better and better!! I'm thinking that trip to Australia won't be too far off in your future!! :-D
Mary Lou
I love these quilt...and your another quilts too. Congratulations.
I just checked amazon.com.....a one year (12 issue ) subscription to Australian homespun would cost $270.24 ($22.52/issue), so I sure hope I can win a copy when you do the giveaway. Great quilt...as usual!
There is something calming about that quilt. I look forward to seeing when it hits our stands here in New Zealand, we are about 1 month behind Australia.I meet the editor/boss man of the Homespun magazine a couple of years ago, a really nice man, cheery and lively.
I am plugging away at "strippy Classic', I am making mine 100" long, so LOTS of 2" squares!
Have a fabulous day PJ's or not!
I love the quilt, Bonnie!!
The quilt looks fantastic Bonnie. No surprise about that. Pretty soon you will be a celebrity everywhere! Congrats.
OMG I would be SO excited if you came to Australia Bonnie...Your quilt is beautiful....Oh and (tongue in cheek) language!...paddock not pasture, horse float not horse trailer...just saying *LOL*...Right, time to get to the newsagents and get my copy...
Oh and I forgot to say, quiltbooksusa.com sell Australian magazines and yes, Homespun is on their list. I have no affiliations with this company I've just purchased books from them in the past.
Beautiful Quilt Bonnie but aren't they always, |congratulations very very beautiful, I hope I can find the magazine.
Congrats on the magazine and love that quilt! I will be watching for the giveaway and will keep my eyes peeled for the magazine, as a few of our local shops carry the OUS magazines.
I will have to head down to the newsagents and get my copy. I WANT you to come down under sooooo much, wish we could work out a way of you coming to the Sydney Quilt and Craft Show held every June. They say it is the largest quilt show in the southern hemisphere, this year it is 22-26th June and I am saving my money to go and spend up big.
This year we are lucky to have the girls from France who print Quilt Mania so maybe we need to talk to the organising committee and get you down here.
Love the quilt it is already on my to make list.
come on down Bonnie...you would be loved and run off your feet here...everyone would love you to come..
Congrats on the spread. I'd love to see the magazine. The quilt is lovely. I've only made one of your quilts so far.
I love this magazine!! I can't wait to locate a copy for myself. Congratulatuons!!
Bonnie, your quilts are wonderful! I also Love blue and white quilts. There's something so inviting about them. I wish I could make all of your quilts...now if I can come up with a plan to give me some more quilting time!:)
Terri in St. Louis
Wow! This is exciting, Bonnie.
Eight pages is an awful lot of ink.
Isn't life Grand !.
After reading the past several weeks about your travel hither and yon this is a much deserved rest.
Bye-the-bye, hadn't noticed the shoes 'til you mentioned them. Probably a good thing you gave them a wash job.
Congrats on your wonderful magazine exposure.
That is so cool! Now you'll get those Aussie loving you and they demand you come over and do a workshop for them! Congratulations Bonnie...8 pages is pretty amazing.....I'll be looking for the mag.
Happy Sewing, so glad you are enjoying your down time :0)
On another note - if those shoes aren't drying too well, crumple up some newsprint and stuff it into the the shoes. It soaks up water quickly. Maybe the telephone pages would be a good substitute.
Congratulations big time! This is so exciting and what an honor for you to be in an international magazine.
L-O-V-E I-T !!!!!!!
Love that quilt....and congrats on being so internationally published! Yay!
Congratulations, Bonnie!! Another beauty!! You are keeping us busy, that's for sure, & I, for one, am loving it!!
Glad you got a little rest. The quilt is pretty.~
That worked out all really well, wonderful geeezzzz it does take a long time to finally be released.
They do a great job at Homespun, don't they.
Australia already LOVES Bonnie and her Quilts!
We would LOVE to have her visit, I know I would do whatever it tooik to see her and so would many of my quilting friends, even if I had to hitch hike from one side of this great country to the other!
Seems like everyone who follows Bonnie is already one step ahead of me because I have just tried to buy this magazine and it is no where to be found.
Congratulations Bonnie, fantastic to see you published in an Aussie Magazine.
G'day and Cheerio from Marie in Rockingham in Western Australia.
Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!!! WOOHHOO!!!!! :)
Hi fellow bloggers
If you are on the lookout for this issue of Homespun in Australia, it will be arriving in newsagencies, craft shops and Coles supermarkets this Wednesday 8 June. Bonnie received an advance copy of the magazine but it still a few days away from being on sale here. Internationally, please check out the distributor details that Bonnie has kindly posted above for information as to where you can purchase this issue of Homespun (Vol 12 No 6). So glad that Bonnie's quilt is so popular - it was an absolute delight to work with such a talented designer.
Catherine Sanchez
Beautiful quilt! I remember seeing a "hint" of it in an earlier blog and I've been awaiting it's debut ever since. It looks so rich and creamy! I would love a copy of the magazine. I am currently working on Smith Mountain Morning trying to get it ready to give to a family who "adopted" my son while he went to University in another province. Thanks Bonnie for all the great patterns.
Two words......OH WOW!
Three words.....I CAN'T WAIT!!
No need to say this, but......you continue to AMAZE me! That quilt is down-right GORGEOUS!!!!!!! How on EARTH did you keep it a secret ths long??
LOVE LOVE LOVE this quilt and want to make it .
Congrats. XO from France.
What an honor!!! I just ordered your book with the other blue quilt in it...now I have to get this magazine.....then I can compare the 2 and see which one I want to make for my sister.
I just love your quilts and your blog..look forward to reading it everyday....
Winning the magazine would be excellent too.
I'm recovering from bunion surgery, and sorting and cutting my remnants into the scrap users system...this would give me encouragement while when I get tired of having my foot in the air..
Congratulations Bonnie. What a beautiful setting for your quilt. Glad the roof is nearly done. I hope you got all your money back from Contractor #1.... Will your quilt be in a future book of yours? I'd like to get there someday too. Sandi
Congrats Bonnie - what a great looking quilt! And their staging makes it look wonderful :).
An awesome article by the looks of things - well done Bonnie! And you do know we also have a fence here for you to hang your quilts on (but only very small portions of onion rings LOL)
What a beautiful quilt! I made your "Christmas Lights" for my grandson - and loved every minute of it. I love your patterns and am hoping to make more of your quilts. Please enter me for your magazine giveaway - 'cuz this quilt is definitely on my "to do list"! Thanks! ^..^
Oh Bonnie! How exciting! I"m off to Borders to see if they have that issue in yet! I pick mine up at Borders often.
congratulations on the article in the australian magazine!
I'm excited! I love it! I really am enjoying doing RRCB... almost done! Piecing borders as we "speak" And look forward to doing this one too! No I gotta go find a copy!
I'm so excited for you Bonnie! And of course all the rest of us...is this the quilt that I almost got to hand carry to AU last September??? It is gorgeous! Guess I'm not going to be over my blue period for a while yet...
Congratulations, Bonnie. What a fantastic quilt! And thank you, Cathy, for mentioning Erica's. We have increased our standing order for this issue by bunches, as so many have already pre-ordered. It's bound to be our absolute best selling edition!
I'm a bit behind on blogs, but still wanted to say how much I like your JamesTown Landing quilt. Congrats on being published in Oz ... now to see if I can track down a copy here in the UK :)
WOW! Yet another beautiful quilt Bonnie. I will have to do that one as well. I have my RRCB on my new longarm now and am just loving it. I finished my DD last week and it turned out beautiful as well. YOU keep designing girl and I will just keep following in your footsteps. Congrats to you again.
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