That would be YOU!!
I’m not going to Quilt Market in Salt Lake City this year….I’ve got to be in Tyler Texas! I fly tomorrow, Have two lectures on Thursday, and a workshop on Friday, and I’m home again Saturday. How is that for a quick whirlwind trip?
I’m repacking the trunk show today….because, on my jaunt home from Pennsylvania last week, I got an email from Kansas City Star reminding me that quilts were needed for the booth at Market!
And since it was easier….and more of a direct route, and would get them on the road a day sooner rather than a day later, I stopped in Richmond, Virginia on my way home from Philadelphia and went to Home Depot. I bought a shipping carton….and I unpacked and repacked in the parking lot, choosing 4 quilts that I thought would best display what my new book is about into the carton, sealing it with zip-ties.
Up the road I went 1/2 a mile to Fedex!
I guess there is one thing to be said for “strip mall” America --- You can always find what you need in any city, be it 3 states away or in your own town. Target, Walmart, Home Depot, Fedex, Sam’s Club – I’m a happy girl when I can get the job done! And it goes without saying how much I love my GPS ((most of the time)) for getting me where I need to go!
This is the shipping tub on the scale –off to Kansas City, to be packed with all the other Quilt Market Stuff and driven to Salt Lake City! These quilts have a long way to go, and many hands to handle them!
Where YOU come in is this ---
Are you going to SLC for Market? Would you like to be my eyes? I really REALLY need pics of my quilts hanging in the Kansas City Star booth. Will you take pics for me? Don’t worry if other people say they will take pics too, In this case, too many is better than not enough!
You can email them to me when you get back from Market, and I would be ever-so-grateful!!
I’m happy to report that I slept the whole night through last night! Oh Happy Morning!
Today there are other mundane things on the list like getting the car inspected, and going back to get the new tires re-balanced because the car shimmies over 50mph. ((AUUGHH!!) But I think I feel a mani-pedi coming on to make up for that otherwise boring trip, and I’ll be packing for tomorrow….
And hopefully finding time this evening to work some more on some bindings!
And THIS was the movie I watched when I couldn’t sleep yesterday morning…..And it had me bawling by the end, and that probably made me more unsleepy --- but it’s a good one! I really enjoyed it.
I’m sorry to report that I haven’t come across ANY good free kindle books lately. It seems all there is are “how to invest in the market” kind of books, or ones that seem overly pushy-religious to me, and I prefer a good story without it being laced with a whole bunch of fictional dogma, if you know what I mean. And then there are those who are so far the OTHER direction, and I’m really not into reading steamy trio scenes either so ----That’s why I haven’t posted any suggested readings lately. There haven’t been any that I am interested in. I am keeping my eye open and will let you know when something comes along that interests me that I think might interest you!
I am truly sad that you are not coming to Market! I was hoping to finally, getting to meet you. I am hoping to be the crazy camera toting, picture taking fool. Can't wait to at least see your quilts up close and personal. (I guess it will have to do.) :( However, I just don't think that it will be quite the same, if you know what I mean. Have a safe whirlwind of a trip and know that you will be missed here in SUNNY Salt Lake!
i think that movie is a remake from the 1970s or so, starring tony newley and sandy dennis...was a great movie for sure...
I won't be there to take photos *weeping*.
However, I recently read an oldie but goodie, "A Happy Boy" by Norwegian Bjørnson. Read it on my iPad. Short read. Happy read. Probably find it in free books as it is pretty vintage.
Free books! Amazon has the Edgar Rice Burroughs series about John Carter on Mars. He wrote these over a century ago before writing his better known Tarzan series. The story lines are great and you will see where some of our cultural things came from, such as little green men from Mars. They are very entertaining!
The E R Burroughs series is a free download.
I'll be at Market and would be happy to take some photos for you.
Hi Bonnie, This is off the subject, but do you know the name of the pattern that is the logo for the Salt Lake City Market? I had a couple of ideas, but it doesn't appear to be either of those. Thanks for any info you or your readers can give me.
That's an orange peel block - actually a whole bunch of orange peel blocks put together. :D
I had to google it to find out about the Market (since I live in SLC and hadn't heard about it), and found this:
*Trade show only. Not open to the general public.
I'd love to go to the Market and see your quilts, but since it isn't open to the general public, I guess I won't be there. :(
While you are in Tyler, if you get a chance drive to Quitman TX to Stitchin Heaven, one of my favorites.
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