
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

It’s a Quiltmaker Blog Tour! ((And a Give-Away!))

I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for my turn to post! IT’S TIME!

This is my second issue as a designer for Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks by 100 designers magazine. I missed the first one. I had too many irons in the fire, and who knew what a big thing it was going to turn out to be!

I loved the excitement that built last time, so there was no way I was going to miss this issue, or the next, or the next or the next!

My block in Vol 3 is #279. It’s found on page 65 and is called Winston Ways. ((I am a Winston Salem, NC girl, after all!))

I really love blocks that create secondary designs, and this one was made to be set block to block to block with no sashings in between as the opposing checkerboard corners will join together and fit light to dark! ((This is also something you have to pay attention to when you are sewing your blocks….the corners are opposite of each other!))

I dug into my bins of pre-cut strips for the checkerboards, pulling out red and neutrals --you know how I love my pre-cut scrap bins, all ready for me to sew in usable sizes!

I did use scrap strips and the easy angle ruler for the 1/2 square triangles, but you can use any method that gives you the size of triangles required.

The white cats on black background are my tribute to Oscar, who I lost last month. He is missed dearly, and I'm happy I used that special fabric there.

And see that stripe next to the star points? That was one of MY own shirts that was re-purposed into my scrap stash when I stopped wearing it. I love how the stripes add motion to the design by twisting and turning different ways.


Here I’ve done a simple straight set of blocks, set 6 X 7 and added two borders, one cut 1.5” to finish at 1”, and the second cut 4.5”

Look at this on point! It also makes an interesting design!


And let me just add, that if this is your first visit to my blog, I'm SO happy that you stopped by! I write a regular column for Quiltmaker called Addicted To Scraps~ Take some time to wander around the blog, there are free pattern links at the top, some recipes, and other goodies for you to discover.

Don't forget to wander over to my Website, Quiltville.com for more Scrappy Quilt Goodness!

I am also busy on facebook! I love being connected to quilters around the globe, and you can find the facebook widget in my right hand side bar ===> Simply click LIKE and you'll be kept up to date with all my doings!

You can also find the "Google Friend Connect" button as well, so you won't miss a post!

In conjunction with this blog tour, We are giving away 2 copies of “100 Blocks, Vol 3!”

One will be mailed directly from Quiltmaker, and one will be signed by yours truly and mailed to you from me!

Leave your comment at the bottom of this post and a winner will be drawn at the end of the blog tour, the morning of May 7th. Please be SURE to include your email address with your post. If you sign in as “anonymous” there will be no way to track you down unless you sign your post with your name and email address!

More news from Quiltmaker!

“We’ll showcase a new set of designers each day on our blog. We’ll have lots of giveaways.”

At last mention on Quiltmaker’s Blog, Quilty Pleasures, prizes were flooding in from all over, so you’ll want to follow along with the blog to see where else to visit during the next few days so you can enter to win there too!

Good Luck, everyone, and Keep It Scrappy!


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Letty said...

Love it. Wonderful the way you used Oscar fabric. I miss seeing him

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

very cool block! thanks for a chance to win this magazine.

Anonymous said...

Love your books. Always grab a copy of Quilt Maker Magazine so I can have your block of the month.

Anonymous said...

Love your block. Always get the Quiltmaker Magazine so I can have your block of the month. Love your work.

Jeanne in Ohio said...

as always, your block is the best!

Jackie said...

I love the block - especially the fabrics you used that really mean something to you! Your blog is always the first one I read every day - keep up the good work! (And, yes, I'm still working on Roll, roll, cotton boll - stuck on those red half square triangles - will finish one day!)

Janet said...

Your block looks fabulous in the straight set quilt. I love the scrappy look.

Sheri said...

I love the block. Thanks from those of us who aren't good at designing just piecing.

Darla said...

Love a first sight! This block is so interesting and I can't wait to try it. The perfect combo of red and white - with cool colors to balance and accent. Lovely!

♥Duff said...

Great block! I too like blocks that create secondary designs and yours is a winner!

JoyceLM said...

Love your block. I'm a big fan of your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Great Block design. Thanks

Shelley said...

Love the block! I wonder if it would work with surgical green? LOL

Christine said...

Great Block and scappy is best.

Karen said...

Love your block and all your designs! You've inspired me to tackle my scraps.

Grandma said...

Great blog and scrappy too. Just love it.

Grandma said...

great desinger block. Scrappy is best!!

Grandma said...

love your blog...scrappy is the best.

Dorothy said...

I love your scrappy blocks. You have inspired me to start using all my scraps.

Louise said...

I love your block! Thank you for sharing it.

qltmom9 said...

That is very pretty. THANK YOU.~

Lucy (in IN)

mtnhomequilter said...

what a great block! Dana.
nelfamily at windjammercable dot net

quilt cookie said...

I follow your blog everyday. All of my quilts are scrap quilts. Keep up the great work.

KatyTrailCreations said...

Crossing my fingers to win :) Like my grandma said, Ya just never know!

Anonymous said...

Your the only reason I renewed my subscription to Quiltmaker Magazine. I can't get enough of your creative mind. I enjoyed your class in Pigeon Forge (Hidden Spools). It's done and can't wait to show you when you come to Athens, AL in a couple of weeks.

KatieQ said...

Great block! I'm looking forward to picking up the magazine and trying many of the blocks.

Anonymous said...

Your the only reason I renewed my subscription to Quiltmaker Magazine. I can't get enough of you creative mind. I enjoyed your class in Pigeon Forge (Hidden Spools). It's done and can't wait to show you in a couple of weeks in Athens, AL.

Leah said...

Ooooh, love the new block! I like the all red/cream in the checkerboards, but I also want to play with it and see how it looks in random scraps, like your Crabapple quilt. Pretty!

Cindy said...

Always love your blocks as they are scrappy....just the way I like 'em!

Nancy said...

I LOVE your block! Thanks for the giveaway!

Phyllis said...

What a beautiful block, and even more lovely in the secondary design! Way to go!

Deb said...

This is my first time on your blog! I LOVE your block! I think this 100 Blocks book must be amazing, and I'd love to win a copy!

Anonymous said...

Love the way the block creates the checkerboards!

cheryl mitchell said...

I love your block and I love that you use so many scraps and make scrappy quilts !!!Some of my favorites!!!

Renee G said...

Would love to have a copy of this book.

kwiltnkats said...

I'm late in touring Bonnie, #435! Wow you've got a lot to look at. Does your Random Selector go that hight? Love that Oscar has a place in this Winston Ways block. Like the straight setting best! Sandi

Evelene S said...

I love your block design and thanks for a chance to win. bimbi9@verizon.net

patmmm said...

I like how you used the cat fabric in memory of your cat. It's a little something only you knew about (until you told us) and it was special. Love the controlled scrappies you design.

jrt14 said...

Another great block with a second pattern. I really like the scrappy look of your block and it looks like it would be fun to make

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I try to follow your blog all of the time. I love what you do with scraps, if I could just be as organized. LOL I read your article in Quiltmaker, and love your ideas. This block is super, can't wait to try it. Isn't Philly a great place? Did you get to see Betsy Ross's place while you were there? The Amish like to use "retired" trotters and pacers, they are Standardbred Horses. We raise pacers to race in harness races. I love my Standardbreds! Sara @ ohsirius7@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Great block, Bonnie. FYI - Just finished 448 4-patches for my Beautimus Blue Ridge Beauty!

QuiltSue said...

I love your block and would love to win the magazine.

Anonymous said...

I love all your scrappy quilts! Just wish my points were that exact!

SewWhatsNew said...

Nice block. Thanks

MMorton said...

Love your designs; read your blog daily and hope to get to one of your classes some day. How sweet that you've memorialized Oscar in this square. The opposing checkerboard corners are an interesting concept-will definitely take some concentration getting them set up and sewn on correctly :).

Caro said...

What an interesting block. Thanks for a chance to win. casands1@comcast.net

Claudia said...

Love the block. I follow your blog and on Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win.

QuiltingShaz in Sunny South Africa said...

I'm so glad that you've got a block in this volume too - your blocks and scrappy quilts are always inspiring to me. Great going.

Ruth said...

Your designs are always good! Love it! Please enter me in the drawing.

Shirlee said...

Great block. Love how it makes that secondary design. You're so smart Bonnie.

Mini MNM's said...

That is so cute! I love the design!

Lois Crotty said...

Love your method of webbing the top. Has saved me many unsewing steps. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and all the scrappy things you do! You have revolutionized the way I use my stash. Winston Ways is a great block and I look forward to seeing it in the 100 Blocks book. Love, Laurie

susanj said...

Love Quiltmaker.....and love scrappy

Butterfly George said...

I love the creativity of your mind.......I like coloring outside of the lines too lol. Thanks for a great pattern and a chance to win. Georgeann

Ruth said...

I love this block and anything scrappy. I'm a scrappy girl too. I've made LOTS of your patterns and mysteries. I would LOVE to win the magazine!!! rdpoff@gmail.com

Susan R. said...

I love the block set on point and the white cats on the black. Would not have noticed them unless you pointed them out.

Susan R.

Sarah said...

Hi Bonnie - another great block - this would also be a fun mystery block to launch at some friends! Thanks for all that you do!

Jo said...

Love all of your quilts. You are one great lady!

Tina said...

Love this block. It remninded me of your blue quilt made with leaders and enders. Thanks for all your inspirations and instructions. You inspire me every time I look at youe Blog.

Jana said...

Love Love Love that block!

Mary Burn said...

Love your blog. Read first everyday. Thanks for including me in this wonderful giveaway.

Barbara Black said...

I love this block!

Ebony said...

Great block! Thanks for the layout ideas and the chance to win the book. I've been a daily reader of your blog for many years now, and have been a fan since before you even had a blog.

Barbara Black said...

I love this block!

Barbara Black said...

I love this block!

Hen House Studio said...

Great color combination...love the block!

Deb A said...

Pretty block and I love how it creates a second design without having a sashing in there.

LisaT said...

Awesome! Pick me, pick me!

Nancy said...

I love this block straight set. I appreciate how you explain the details and I especially love how you "scrappy-ize" blocks. Thanks!

Jean said...

I figure that I had better get myself in gear and step up and be counted! Hope that your feeling better now... you know to get an elephant off your chest?..... Stop eating peanut butter and start hanging out with mice!
Sorry... I know cheesie!!!
Please add my name to the drawing. Thank you!

Man for all seasons said...

What an exciting offer - please put me in the draw too!

debby_knott said...

I love your block and scrappy quilts. please entry me to win 100 block book. thanks Debby

Man for all seasons said...

What an exciting offer - please put me in the draw too!

Mitts said...

Bonnie I love Winston Ways how very brilliant the block is - it's on my "got to do list". Sorry about that ephalant (grin) but you will manage it, and with all good things coming your way, your on a good roll. I really enjoy following along with you as you make it so interesting.

Quiet Quilter said...

I have #1, #2 and now I will get #3! If I am lucky...thanks!

Betty Bland said...

Love the new Winston Ways block, Bonnie! Can't wait to try it!

Lisa said...

The best thing about the Quiltmaker 100 blocks (besides your wonderful block) - all the great inspiration for new quilts. The worst? No additional time to make those quilts ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all that you do. You are a constant source of inspiration. I love this block and will have to give it a try. I have made 3 of your mystery quilts and hope to make more!

Frances Robson

Anonymous said...

What a inspiration you always are. Please don't give in to the elephant on your chest. Looking forward to making good use of your block with lots of scraps from my own stash. Marti Qwltr4evr@comcast.net

Laurel said...

Congratulations! Another great block to try. Thanks for sharing - would love to win Vol. 3

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Norway! Yes you have followers in the great north too! LOve the new block, always new challenges! Thanks Bonnie!

Cozyquilter.mom said...

I love the block as well. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks for inspiring me.


Nancy D. said...

This is a great block. I really like the color choices too.

Pat L said...

Love the block, your articles are reason I subscribe to Quiltmaker. Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I CANNOT wait to get my hands on this magazine! I also missed (buying) number 1, but I have 2 and am sure I will LOVE 3, especially if I get it for free!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and website. I've made several of your quilts from the website and a one from your first book. Keep up the great work. Thanks for sharing.
cindy cke49@yahoo.com

Liz said...

Bonnie, Thanks for another generous gift. Really enjoy reading your blog, to hang out with you, to learn from you and get inspirations. Liz

DonnaJ said...


Anonymous said...

Great block...and I am still working on "Virginia Bound" from the Piecemakers class in PA.
Love ya! Pauline

Leeann said...

Great block and I like the straight setting. Would look great in scraps, and would use up heaps!

Miki Willa said...

Fabulous block! I love the 100 block books.

Nancy said...

You have one of the most interesting blogs around gal! Love to read when I'm taking a stitching break.

Debbi said...

Love your block!!!

Linda V said...

Love the new block and settings! I am a follower, too! Thanks for the contest.

Anonymous said...

I love love love your block, esp. on point. What I do not like about this 100 block thing is that the marketing hype is this week and the mag is no where to be seen - same the prior times for 1 and 2 - I think three trips to a book store and the company is OUT.... wouldn't it be grand to win or for marketing to wait a week in the future until the mags are on the racks most places..... just sayin'

smidget said...

I went to some of the other blogs and looked at the photos that are in this book/magazine. Oh my, they are all really nice. I can't pick just one to be my favorite. I must have this!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Stars, 16 patches and secondary design patterns. Now, that's my kind of block. Very cool.

neecy in Saint Louis

Janet said...

Love your block!

Mary W Quilts said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I love the block, and I love your blog!,,, Mary

Becky said...

WOW! over 500 comments all ready! A lot of people really want a copy! ME INCLUDED!

Nancy said...

I love the block!!! thanks so much for sharing.

Gene Black said...

Great design, Bonnie, and parts of it could easily use leaders/enders - I love that. Thanks to your wonderful sharing, I now have lots of precut scraps by my machine for leaders and enders.

I am so sorry to hear that you lost Oscar.

Barbara said...

Love the block Bonnie. Since my daughter is getting married on the 7th, maybe it will be my lucky day to win! Barb

dot said...

Okay, I'm in. I wasn't going to but I guess have just as much luck as anyone else. I think I will try this block and see what happens. jndclark@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Another great block! Very special name for the block, too, doing Oscar proud. Will have to have this magazine...win it or buy it. Thanks

Gwynette in NW Arkansas said...

So sorry you don't feel well. An elephant anytime of the year is NOT pleasant.

Two or three friends and I are driving from NW Arkansas to 'see' you in Winfield KS in Sept. It's a birthday present for two of us!!!

Amy said...

Another winning block! I love the secondary designs when you put them together.

StitchinSue said...

Great block! Congrats!

quiltma said...

I love your block..... I have made several of your quilts... I love them.... I call them my FREE QUILTS....Thanks so much.

Julie said...

Love, love, love your block!

Unknown said...

Would love to win this book. I love the way your block looks when set together...fun secondary design. Also love the way you encourage us to dig into our scrap stash. I've been organizing my scraps since I came across your system a couple of years ago.

Kerry said...

Love all your quilts, love the block and would sooo love a copy of the book. Thanks for the chance.

Marlene @ KISSed Quilts . com said...

Wouldn't it be great if there was a 'make it scrappy' button in EQ !! oh well. we can hope!

DutchQuilter said...

Congrats on being in the 100 blocks magazine issue. This is a great block, especially in the straight set quilt layout. I hope you get over the cold quickly and enjoy next week.

Love Of Quilts said...

What a good win that would be. Trish

arlette said...

Oh myyyyyy, do I have the chance to win one of the prizes :I?, lol

amy dame said...

what a great block! thanks so much for the opportunity to win!!

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

Love your block and all your quilts. I would love to receive a copy of the block book.

Kathleen said...

Well....winning a copy of this book would just be the ICING on my cake!

susanj said...

Congratulations on a great block.....you've converted me......scrappy is best

Anonymous said...

Wow - 521 comments! It's great that you have such a wonderful following. This block is a beautiful addition to the book; I think I like it most on point. Congrats on your inclusion!


Sonia F said...

What a treat your block is! Everytime you post something new I want to do it. If only I had one fourth the energy you have. Thanks a million for your genesority.

Vicki said...

Love your block, and love your blog! I start my day with your blog as well. Great scrappy news!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie! LOVE the Winston quilt! Hope to one day be able to take the cruise with you!
Kathy in GA

mtquilter said...

Great block Bonnie! Love the look of the secondary pattern too. Thanks for all the great posts. I look forward to reading them every day.

Catherine Etter, The Mindful Spirit said...

WOW, and dearheart Bonnie just keeps rollin' along, whata' wondrous ride for ALL of us!!!!!!!!!!!

Bonnie said...

Another winner! Thanks

Marla said...

I really love the secondary pattern this block creates!

sao said...

I am so excited about this block - I think it is my favorite of the entire Quilt Tour!

Yeah Bonnie.

sao in Midlothian, VA

Brenda said...

Bonnie, I love that blk and the large quilt it makes!! And I think your choice of the black cat fabric, works very well!! I really like that idea, to use that fabric as a memory maker.
Well, have a great weekend and I hope you find some time to get out and enjoy the sun!!

Annmarie said...

Great block, Bonnie - love the on point setting & design it produces. Thanks for the chance to win the mag!

carolann said...

Awesome block!!

Anonymous said...

Love the block and as usual a great way to use your scraps.


Cat said...

It took a couple of days, (computer problems), but I finally get to tell you that I really loved this block. The problem is that I love so many of your designs, that it is sometimes hard to decide which one I am going to work on next. Thanks so much for sharing your designs.

Cathy said...

Lovin' your stuff, Bonnie. You give us so much to do that I am pretty much giving away most of my quilting books!


Cathy B

darlynn said...

LOOK at all the comments!!!! You out did, done, do yourself again! Thinkin' about ya....

Kathy's A Quilter said...

I love this block, and especially how clever you have made it work into the secondary design. Well done. Scrap On!

Anonymous said...

The scrap system is naughty because I keep finding more scraps to use, and my supply is NOT decreasing, althouth I'm getting some beautiful projects finished! Thank you Bonnie.

Wilma said...

What a way to begin the day! I love reading your blog. Hope I win this great book.

Donna Kirkland said...

OK lady Bonnie - I am confused. How do we get this pattern above? I love checker-board and this looks like a fund quilt to make. Now...send this dumb soul the instructions on how to get this pattern....

Thank you Bonnie-girl!

Anonymous said...

Love Talkin' Turkey! Love "Addicted to Scraps" in the Quiltmaker magazine. Can't wait to get your new book.

Anonymous said...

I love your way of thinking; using up all those strings in a larger block. What sweet memories these string quilts bring!

Thanks for the inspiration!

Ginny said...

This is a wonderful block, but I wouldn't expect anything less from you! Love Scrappy!

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