
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

It’s a Quiltmaker Blog Tour! ((And a Give-Away!))

I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for my turn to post! IT’S TIME!

This is my second issue as a designer for Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks by 100 designers magazine. I missed the first one. I had too many irons in the fire, and who knew what a big thing it was going to turn out to be!

I loved the excitement that built last time, so there was no way I was going to miss this issue, or the next, or the next or the next!

My block in Vol 3 is #279. It’s found on page 65 and is called Winston Ways. ((I am a Winston Salem, NC girl, after all!))

I really love blocks that create secondary designs, and this one was made to be set block to block to block with no sashings in between as the opposing checkerboard corners will join together and fit light to dark! ((This is also something you have to pay attention to when you are sewing your blocks….the corners are opposite of each other!))

I dug into my bins of pre-cut strips for the checkerboards, pulling out red and neutrals --you know how I love my pre-cut scrap bins, all ready for me to sew in usable sizes!

I did use scrap strips and the easy angle ruler for the 1/2 square triangles, but you can use any method that gives you the size of triangles required.

The white cats on black background are my tribute to Oscar, who I lost last month. He is missed dearly, and I'm happy I used that special fabric there.

And see that stripe next to the star points? That was one of MY own shirts that was re-purposed into my scrap stash when I stopped wearing it. I love how the stripes add motion to the design by twisting and turning different ways.


Here I’ve done a simple straight set of blocks, set 6 X 7 and added two borders, one cut 1.5” to finish at 1”, and the second cut 4.5”

Look at this on point! It also makes an interesting design!


And let me just add, that if this is your first visit to my blog, I'm SO happy that you stopped by! I write a regular column for Quiltmaker called Addicted To Scraps~ Take some time to wander around the blog, there are free pattern links at the top, some recipes, and other goodies for you to discover.

Don't forget to wander over to my Website, Quiltville.com for more Scrappy Quilt Goodness!

I am also busy on facebook! I love being connected to quilters around the globe, and you can find the facebook widget in my right hand side bar ===> Simply click LIKE and you'll be kept up to date with all my doings!

You can also find the "Google Friend Connect" button as well, so you won't miss a post!

In conjunction with this blog tour, We are giving away 2 copies of “100 Blocks, Vol 3!”

One will be mailed directly from Quiltmaker, and one will be signed by yours truly and mailed to you from me!

Leave your comment at the bottom of this post and a winner will be drawn at the end of the blog tour, the morning of May 7th. Please be SURE to include your email address with your post. If you sign in as “anonymous” there will be no way to track you down unless you sign your post with your name and email address!

More news from Quiltmaker!

“We’ll showcase a new set of designers each day on our blog. We’ll have lots of giveaways.”

At last mention on Quiltmaker’s Blog, Quilty Pleasures, prizes were flooding in from all over, so you’ll want to follow along with the blog to see where else to visit during the next few days so you can enter to win there too!

Good Luck, everyone, and Keep It Scrappy!


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Anonymous said...

Great block. I love how you take us all "adventuring" around the country with your blog. It's fun to see what other guilds are doing with workshops. If I don;t win a book, I'll surely be buying one...so many great blocks.

Kitties and Quilts said...

As always, your new block is a winner! I would love to make that quilt and see my scrap bin empty down. I definitely see it in my future. Debbie in WV

Loretta said...

Love your block, and your blog! I follow you on Facebook, too! Have made a couple of your quilts so far! Scrappiness = happiness!!

Would love to win the book!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a great block - I love the different settings that you have shown.

Lee Ann L. said...

What a cool block! Thanks for a chance to win! :-)

bistry said...

Love the block and would really like to have the book.

Carole Diehl

sao said...

OH it is wonderful!!!!! I love that block. In fact you are such a great influence on me that now I don't enjoy a block unless it is COMPLEX and has lots of little scrappy pieces! I am calling it the Bonnie Block Syndrome! :)

sao in Midlothian, VA

Idaho Quilter said...

I would love to win the signed copy, I am addicted to scrap, scrap quilts bred more scraps, there is no end. jbrownspdx@comcast.net

sao said...

PS I can't wait to make this block....LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

sao in Midlothian, VA

Bjwalsh101 said...

Because of you I will never run out of fabric, I now keep all my scraps. Now if I could just get my husband to stop wearing his cotton button down shirts...do you think he'll miss a sleeve or 2.

Barb H said...

Here I am, ready to win the book. I love your block and am already creating my new quilt--in my mind!

Shannon said...

I love it!! All those cute little squares. Thank you for the chance to win.

Barbara said...

I love the Oscar block - I have a grandson named Oscar!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
Great pics! Can't wait to see what we're doing on the cruise in November!


Linda said...

Super block. I'm slowly trying to empty my scrap boxes--not that it'll ever happen! Have a great day. Lurking Linda

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Congratulations! The block is awesome and I love the secondary design. Hope I win a copy!
marie@ chipmarie81@yahoo.com

Deb said...

Love, love, love the block - especially the alternate design when several blocks are put together.

Jeanne said...


As always beautiful. I love the red, white, gold and blue, so appropriate for this week.

rsb said...

Another great pattern Bonnie. And thanks to you I now have a some order to my scraps!

deborah said...

Love you, your blog, your quilts and your quilt block in the magazine:)

Cory said...

Bonnie, I would love to win this magazine. I have the other two and want to keept my set complete. At least until next year. :-) Take care and God bless, Cory

Linda E in NM said...

I like the on-point setting best!
thanks for the chance to win!

Saska said...

Love the block!...but is there anything of Bonnie's that I don't like?? haha

Claudia said...

Bonnie, I read your blog every day and am a FB follower. LOVE your patterns! I am making a Sister's Choice right now for a friend (of my daughter's) graduating from college whose mom was a quilter but sadly didn't live to see the day. Thanks for all your beautiful work and your generous heart.

robin said...

Great block! Love the checkerboard you've got going on there... :)

SherryB said...

Really nice block, Bonnie...I like how you think ahead when designing blocks how they will fit together. I can see lots of potential for this block...can't wait to see it in the magazine -- congratulations!

Patty Nordahl said...

Great block. Looking forward to trying it out.

kynomi said...

Love the block and the chance to win the magazine. Thanks for all you do for the scrap lovers out here.

Anonymous said...

I love this block and would love to win the giveaway. Thanks,

Kristen said...

I've been following you since buying your Leaders & Enders book and recognized your block right away when I saw it at Quiltmaker! Congratulations and thanks for the chance to win!

Karen said...

Love your block! Glad to see someone else is sentimental in their choices.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, I've been following your blog for a couple of months now and love love love it. Thank you for all the info, ideas and suggestions. Keep it all coming. brendaschulze@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

I also love secondary designs in quilts...I'm hopelessly addicted to scrap quilts. I love checking your blog every day and am so inspired by your quilts. I hope to meet you in person someday...thanks for all you do for the quilt world...
Terri in st. louis

LizA. said...

Another winner. I love the secondary block tha is created. Thanx for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Bonnie, congratulations on being in the book. love the block, can't wait to get a copy of the mag.

Anonymous said...

Awesome block, can't wait to make some. Love reading your blog.

Kd Brown said...

Lovely block, Bonnie! Congratulations on being a part of the 100 Blocks #3 excitement.

jonrock53@mtaonline.net said...

I love it. I would love a copy of the book, but the competition here looks stiff. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I would love this, Bonnie. It will make me feel better about missing you when you were in Jackson, TN.

Angee said...

Another beautiful quilt to make! Thank you Bonnie for all that you do! Love ya!

Gill said...

great block! especially when laid out without sashing!

Angee said...

Another beautiful quilt to make! Thank you Bonnie for all that you do! Love ya!

Gale Yawn said...

Bonnie, I love this block as I love all you do. I couldn't begin my morning without your blog! I'm thinking about red and neutral scraps right now for the checkerboard, but I need the pattern for the measurements. Must win the magazine!

Joan S said...

Congrats! Your productivity is amazing - and your continued originality is breathtaking! So glad you do a blog so I can keep up with you!


DianeY said...

This is so cool! I love the layout when you put them together

Sherri said...

Love, love , love it!!! But then I love all of your stuff!!! I really like that you paid tribute to Oscar in your block, what a great idea!!

Unknown said...

I bought your Leaders and Enders book and I'm already working on two new quilts from scraps. I love scraps too and I'm so glad I found YOU!

Anonymous said...

I have become so addicted to your ways and love everything you stand for in the quilting world. Like the new block and wish I would be the lucky one to win. Thank you Bonnie for your sharing of your talents.

Brenda M

Sherri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stephanie said...

Love this block. . .and the additional patterns it makes. I'm a bit intimidated by it, but am looking forward to seeing it up close and personal in the new book. Congratulations.

Peggy said...

Another great block! I love the way the block makes the secondary pattern.
Your blog is always my first stop of the day.

Linda in PA said...

I really like your block. I am using your scrap saver system and am enjoying having useable strips and blocks ready to sew. I am also using your leaders and enders technique. My double delight quilt top is just waiting for me to decide if I want to add a plain or a pieced border. Thanks for all the great mysteries and quilt patterns that you give us. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this magazine.

Laura said...

Great block - thanks for the chance to win!

hared said...

Love the block, and I would super-LOVE to win the magazine! Thanks for all you do--

Gina in Missouri

Karyn said...

Was waiting for your block! I followed your last mystery...very fun to watch it unfold! Love that you used your own shirt and the print to honor your cat. Much more personal.

Linda said...

Another awesome scrappy gem!! Love it!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Love it...Another one to add to my "life list". I'd better live a long, healthy life just to get a good portion of that list accomplished. Thank you for your amazing generosity to the quilting world.

Kristy said...

Great Block Bonnie! I can't wait to get the magizine and try it out. As usual, you don't disappoint.

Fernanda said...

Congrats on having a block featured in the magazine!

mary said...

Love the block another one I have to try

paulette said...

I also love this block!! But then that's not surprising because I love all your blocks!! thanks for sharing!!

Bonnie said...

I really love your blog. I have enjoyed the other 100 blocks issues and would like to win this one. The first time I tried to leave this comment it wouldn't do it. Hope this time it works.

Linda said...

Another stunning design! I don't know how you keep coming up with such great designs - one after another, after another....
I really LOVE the straight set layout. I think this will have to be added to my "Wanna Make" list.
Linda in Southern Illinois

charity-crafter said...

I love your ideas. I've become addicted to crumb blocks and don't want to use my stash as much anymore.

Cindy Myers said...

Love it set on point!!

Charlene S said...

I really love that block! cwhippc(at)aol(dot)com

jrrescuepa said...

Love that new block- have loads of scraps that need used up!

KaHolly said...

I love it, Bonnie!!! Congrats. ~karen

Linda said...

Love your block. What vision you have! I like the small quilt layout.

Beth J said...

This is such a great block and I see so many possibilities with different colors!

Anonymous said...


I can't wait to try this block. It looks fabulous. I've been following your blog for awhile and have now made several quilts from my scraps. Thanks for getting me organized.

Karen Nicholson

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I love all your designs. I, too, am addicted to scraps. I just never thought I would be that kind of person...ha!!! You are an inspiration! I really want to make a quilt using Winston Ways. It's gorgeous!

Cindy cprose@mymts.net

Beverly said...

Nice block and I love the secondary design! Thanks for a chance to win the book!
bevwalks @ aol.com

Amy said...

I love this block, and I'd love a copy of the book. Pick me, pick me!

Deb said...

269! Wow, you don't have much of a following! Cant wait to get the magazine, and like I have said before, this block is SO you! Congrats.

Anne Simonot said...

This is an interesting block - I particularly like the on-point setting. I would love to win a copy of the magazine!

Catskill Quilter said...

I love the number of comments you already have -- must make you feel just like a rock star! Your block is fabulous; fun to see the 2 different layouts!

Anonymous said...

It's another great block. I love it. Thanks for being the constant source of quilting inspiration that you are!

Frances Robson


Karen said...

Love the block. I see this one in my future. I wonder how it would look in scrappy colors?

wendy said...

This is a great block! My RRCB is almost complete. Maybe this could be the next masterpiece! Love all your work.

Kristina @ withaKquilting said...

Love love love the block. your color choices are great too. the turquoise 'pop' is fabulous. Thanks for a chance to win.

mlcquilts said...

I really like the whole quilt. I wasn't able to tell from the block but when you put the whole quilt up, it is fantastic. I enjoy your blog and would love to be entered. Thanks

regan said...

Love this block....and on point is gorgeous! Adding it to my 'must make' list! Thanks!

Gidget said...

I want that magazine! So many cute blocks in there!

I really like your blog and visit it often.
Thank you Bonnie!


Laurel said...

Love the new block. Congrats on getting in the magazine!

Lindy said...

Wow! The turn out continues to grow! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

SusieG says:I love that there is a secondary design created with this block. Thanks Bonnie!

Pati said...

Love the block!!! I will be adding this block to my ever growing list of things to make!!! Thanks!

Browndirtcottage said...

WOOP...WOOP...WOO HOO for YOU!! Great block!! And I always appreciate it when you show various lay outs. Either one would be a great quilt!!
What else can you say..it's sooo SCRAPPY-LISIOUS!
Maybe a cart-wheel is in order??????

Brittany said...

Beautiful block, I love the checkerboard with the star. This screams 4th of July picknick to me. Hmmm ... maybe I better get crackin. :-)

Anonymous said...

Greetings all the way from Norway!
You really have a wonderful block here, I´d love to try and make it!

Julie S said...

You are a scrap quilters inspiration! Love your block set in a quilt. Such a neat pattern is created!

Sallie said...

Congratulations! Thanks for the chance!

Joanna said...

I like seeing your block in the whole quilt because the way the corner patches meet looks great. It's a neat design.

Sheila said...

Another great block Bonnie! I would love to win your signed copy.

Kathleen said...

What a fabulous Block. I have been working on a Fun with Bricks quilt this morning from your website. This book would be great to encourage me out of my comfort zone of quilting. Thanks for all your inspiration.

Unknown said...

What a fabulous Block. I have been working on a Fun with Bricks quilt this morning from your website. This book would be great to encourage me out of my comfort zone of quilting. Thanks for all your inspiration.

SharonF said...

I'm so fascinated at how you figure out those killer designs! I love being a scrappy girl (and would soooo love the book ... please please please, me. ;)

Seriously, just wonderful (as always).

SharonF. :)

Ivani said...

Another winner! This block makes awesome quilts.
Thanks for all you do and for the chance to win this fantastic magazine. Hugs

Me and My Stitches said...

I love your block - isn't it fun to play with them to see all of the different designs that are possible? Lots of fun!

saraann50 said...

Love the block!!!! makes me want to dig in my scraps!

Ann Davis said...

I love the new block!

DaDaHaZaReJe said...

I love your block! and it all goes together so nicely!

Cecilia said...

Thanks for another great block Bonnie! I love the secondary pattern it makes in a quilt.

Julie Kaye from KS said...

Your block is terrific. But it just adds to my dilemma of what quilt to start on next. lol Thank you for sharing all your great ideas.

Tamsyn said...

I just found you on facebook. I'm so glad I did. This block is amazing! Congratuations.

snowlady said...

Great block Bonnie. Keep on creating. I love your blog. Thanks for creating all those scrappy quilts/patterns for us.

Bj said...

Congratulations and What a Great, Creative Block Bonnie!!!! You are such a Wonderful Inspiration to me and so many others. From being one of your followers, I myself have created a block of my own, I've named it the "Kentucky Whirligig" because I'm from Kentucky, go figure huh ;) I don't think it belongs to anyone else but who knows, Take Care and Keep Up the Amazing Work! When are you going to be in Arizona again, we've got a little quilt group called "Huggy Bunch 2" that would love to have you come over and sew and lunch with us :), please let me know Take Care, Bj Bevins, bj_bevins@yahoo.com

Trish said...

I agree, Bonnie, I love blocks that make a secondary design, too!

SubeeSews said...

NO! I am your #1 FAN!
I cannot get through a day without checking out your blog and website. This blog tour is FANTASTIC such great blogs and so many talented people. You're the bestest!
Waving my hand here in Indiana.
Pick me!

Lee D said...

this is another fantastic block. You must not sleep much to think up all these fantastic quilts. hooray for us!

Phyllis said...

Love your blog and all your "scrappiness".

Anonymous said...

I found both quilt settings for you block exciting. It is a wonderful block! Yes, I a daily Bonnie addict too.
Lynne in Hawaii

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I love your scrappy blocks! And I want the book! With so many entries I probably don't have a snowball's chance - but I'm going to try to win this anyway. Thanks.

Diane said...

Wow! This block makes a stunning quilt - especially on-point. Love your color combination. I'm definitely going to add this block to my "must do" list.

Diane Durrant

Erin said...

Love the block! (And thanks for the instructions on showing my email address--I had the settings wrong.)

starquilter said...

Hi Bonnie,
It's been a long time since I have followed you n I picked a very good time. I am so thankful to see what you have been up to, you are my inspiration, and so generous. Thanks for all you do. I hope I win this, your block is beautiful.

Carrie P. said...

How exciting Bonnie, congrats.
It is a fascinating block and it looks so neat put together so we can see a quilt.

canuckquilter said...

Lovely block. I'm partial to stars, and I love the secondary pattern possibility!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Great block!

Madeline said...

I love the way you take a relatively simple block and transform it into a complicated looking quilt, and all with scraps!

sandiqltr said...

I absoutely love this block!!! Well, I have loved all your blocks ;-). I would love to win a copy of the magazine. Thanks for all you give us, Bonnie. --sandiqltr@comcast.net

Peggy said...

Nice how the settings change the look of the block

schmidt1016 said...

Wow, you really do have a talent for making fascinating blocks. I love the secondary designs that form. Everything gets even more interesting.

Leslie S. in MN
esclante at comcast dot net

DianneKing said...

What a wonderful block you've designed, Bonnie. This one definitely goes on my "To Quilt" list!

Kaye M said...

I love your block Bonnie and it definitely looks like something you'd make--lots of little pieces and very scrappy! Yeah! I like the layout when the blocks are set on point. The big outer triangles frame the blocks and give the eye of the viewer a place to rest.

Anonymous said...

Nice and fresh looking design...

MaryBeth said...

Before I even looked at the caption, I just knew this a "Bonnie block". Love your work, and my scrap bags are showing the fruits of my labor (getting organized!)

dwright33055 said...

Thanks for the wonderful blog and post on the quilt, I never win anything but I wanted to share that I am so proud that I finnally seen someone from North Carolina that can design and quilt like you, the design was wonderful. thanks again....

Michelle L. Momof11 said...

I love this block, and how different it looks doing it on point. Scrappy quilts are my favorite, so i love all your patterns. This would be a great book to add to my library!

Pieceful Jane said...

I love your block! You are such an inspiration, and I have made many of your designs from my scraps.

Robin said...

I love the block and the different settings. Definitely another quilt on my to do list.

Christie said...

Congrats on your Winston Ways block in Vol. 3! I love the block and the secondary design it creates when set block to block! You always have such great ideas! HUGS... and stitches

Annieofbluegables said...

I love Quiltmaker. I love addicted to scraps. What a fun block. Thanks for the giveaway

Marsha B said...

Bonnie, this is wonderful, LOVE IT!

Suzanne Neuhaus said...

I'm very new to scrap quilting, the most quilts I've made in the past is about 1 or 2 every few years. But, I'm feeling paralized by my fat quarters and other stash. Searching on the internet for all things related to scrap quilting. I've just order your Leaders and Enders book, should be a good place to start this new adventure. Thank you for your blog.
Suzanne Neuhaus sneuhaus@hot.rr.com

Jen said...

Scrapalicous! I could pick this one out as being designed by you! It's a great block, congrats!

Barbara said...

Great block...I am a devoted fan of your blog and love your websight...it has so inspired me as I am working diligently to cut my scraps collection down a tad.

Erika said...

Love the block and the secondary pattern it makes.
Thank you for chance to win!

Barbara said...

I love the pattern your block makes when made into a quilt!

VickiT said...

Congratulations on your 2nd issue of the 100 Blocks Bonnie! I love the way you can create a block and then have it create that secondary design. LOVE the on point version as well.

vburr at charter dot net

Kathryn said...

I love the red/blaok/yellow combination. Great block. Kathie L in Allentown

Ptquilter said...

I can't believe how many folks have posted comments!! WOW. I really like this block, and the layouts you have provided too. Think I like the "on point" version the best. You are very generous in sharing all you do. I'm finishing up on the Cathedral Stars started in Pigeon Forge. Looking good. I'll post a picture when I'm finished. Judy

Quilt Monkey said...

Great block, Bonnie! I really like how it looks so different when it is set on point. Now I have to add this one to the (long) list of blocks/quilts I want to make...

Dana Gaffney said...

Love your repurposed shirt, the stripes really add to the block.

Sue Sullivan said...

Thanks for another nifty block!

Carol said...

have not seen one of these books yet. would love to get a copy.

Eileen said...

I have loved your blog and quilts for so long!! I keep wanting to start the Scrap Users system but I chicken out. this is the year I have to do it; I'm running out of room!!!

Robert said...

Would love to win the magazine/book, I have each of the others, but an autographed copy of your pattern would be great. Thanks for the opportunity. Robert, in northern Iowa.

Rita said...

Bonnie, Your block is fantastic!

Ray said...

Holy Moly, what a lot of comments. I'm here everyday and love your blog and your books and your website. I love Winston Way on point!! I wonder what would happen if the checkerboards were scrappy colors. Hummm . . .

HelenMarie said...

Bonnie, I LOVE your block! and the finished quilt too! Once I finish RRCB my biggest decision will be which one of your patterns to start on next!

Cherie in St Louis said...

Bonnie, I love, love, love your block. I didn't buy the last magazine and, like you, who knew it would be such a big deal! I'll be sure to snag one this time :)

teachpany said...

The On Point version is really cool. Love the secondary designs when joining blocks. Thanks!

susiequilter@hotmail.com said...

Love this block. Hope to win so I can gift my friend who's just been told she has brain cancer. She's trying to use up some of her stash while having treatments. thanks so much for all you do for us.

sue said...

Great block! Thank you for also showing it finished in two different settings.

Marge said...

WOW, so many comments but I guess someone has to win. Just might be a big number. Love your blog and web sight, your block is super and I do love that secondary design. Thanks Bonny,'

Professor McGonnigal said...

Hi Bonnie,
Love the block, as I love all of your work. Currently working on emptying my crumb and string bin using your crumb tutorial. Also have "Nine in the Middle" in the works--all blocks completed, sashings cut, ready to be laid out. Would love to win a copy of the magazine!

Sherri said...

Bonnie, your brain works in ways that I can't even imagine. How do you continue to come up with all these new blocks? Would love to get inside your head and understand how you do it. I am not creative in this way. Thanks for all you do in making the quilting world such a wonderful place for those of us who did not get that 'creative' gene.

Sherri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JustPam said...

What a great block. How do you come up with your wonderful designs!

Donna Keating said...

Wonderful block makes a wonderful quilt.

Sally Langston Warren said...

You've done it again, Bonnie! Love the new block. I look forward to making a few. Thanks for all your encouragement and help! Would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker. Sally in SC jspwarren at aol dot com.

Patti said...

I love that magazine, I have the first two. So if I win this, then I don't have to buy it. yeah.

Tamie said...

I have yet to get my hands on one of these books- Volumes 1, 2 or 3! Maybe I'll be lucky.

Anonymous said...

Love the block. Quiltville is a daily stop for me. I really like how you re-purpose old clothes. I had to do that to get good fabrics when I lived overseas! Keep those new ideas coming!

Melissa G

Vicki said...

Nice block. I have made many of your quilts. Scrappy makes me happy!

Barb in Mi said...

Winston Ways - perfect! I have come to appreciate secondary designs - and now I can't live without them! Thanks so much!

Tennye said...

Well, Bonnie I always love your blog posts, and I see that there are some 368 people ahead of me so maybe I won't get the book, but I sure would love to. I like your block very much. Thanks

Carol said...

Love this block! You're a quilting inspiration to us all!

lleblanc_nd said...

Love your block, Bonnie, and it has so much extra meaning with the fabric commemorating Oscar. Enjoyed your tour of Philadelphia the other day; I've always wanted to go there and tour the sites.


Shirley said...

Here's my email address ShirleyChalkerWells@gmail.com. Hope I win!!!

tncottagequilter said...

Your block is fantastic... as usual... they all are!! I would so love to win this magazine. I read your blog each day... you keep me inspired. Cathy in TN maggiemae@tds.net

tncottagequilter said...

I love this block!!!! But then I love all your blocks!! And I would love to win this magazine... Your blog/website keeps me inspired. Cathy in TN maggiemae@tds.net

Lisa said...

I love this block and how it looks set in a quilt! You amaze me with all you are able to do! You seem to have endless energy and I envy that! golddust@kpunet.net

Sherry said...

I love scrappy quilts, but I also like color schemes. I can never make up my mind!

Cousin Jill said...

I am so glad you are in Quiltmaker! Your block is awesome

Julie Fukuda said...

That magazine has already come through my Tokyo mail box. I have been a subscriber for many years but this issue was fun seeing your contribution. Since I work only by hand, I wish for instructions that are handwork friendly. You know, the ones that have thr sewing size pieces so I can cut templated for marking my scraps rather than cutting strips and sewing them and re-cutting.(that needs a machine to do)

Patty said...

Thank you for so generously sharing your scrap-saver system and your scrappy patterns. You have inspired me to organize and USE my scraps instead of just saving them!

Carol said...

Another great block and setting options. I'll definitely add this to my to do list. I've finished step 4 of the roll, roll, cotton boll which I started before finishing the cathedral stars from last October's retreat. once those are done, there'll be time for a new project.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Great block. I was cutting up shirts while watching TV last night and thought of you, since that is where I got the idea. Thanks.

Kathy said...

Love how your own shirt was repurposed into your scrap stash!

Carolyn in Kentucky said...

I love your blocks and your site and your blog. I would love to win a copy of the magazine. Your wonderful techniques of working with scraps and precuts make me so happy.

sandra said...

Hi Bonnie, love your block and your blog, I bought the last magazine and loved all the blocks in it.

Deb said...

Awesome...running to the sewing room to start now! Thanks!
Gotta tell you, I am a long-term lurker and only comment once in a while but follow faithfully.
The thing I appreciate most about your blog and your quilting is that you are so wonderful about sharing your talent but don't hold it over anyone's head. You use materials where you can get them, you appeal to all level of quilters and connect with quilters. Thanks!
Deb - dlmc55@hotmail.com

Sherrill said...

Bonnie, you've REALLY got to QUIT!! I've got SO MANY of your patterns on my to do list I'll NEVER get them all done. LOVE your block!! WOOHOO!

Anita said...

Love your block! I also love secondary patterns, can't wait to get the magazine :)

Beth said...


Great block. I did not "see" the secondary pattern at first and really like the effect. You have me looking at my scraps in a whole new way.

Lyn said...

Love your block and your story about the fabrics in your quilt!

Dinah said...

Wow! Another great block and quilt pattern! I really like the larger version. Thank you for the chance to win.

Kathy said...

Thankful for your creativity. It's inspiring!
Grateful for another chance to win a copy this time around. I just had to have the last one, so I went ahead and bought it.

Mama Said Sew said...

I'm loving Quiltmaker's bloggy book tour! I've found some lovely inspriation and new blogs to read.

Marcia W. said...

This is a wonderful block as are the quilt settings. Thanks for a new look at scraps - I do like your articles in QM too.

Barbara C said...

Great block! I love it.

Beth T said...

Great Block, I would love to win a copy of the book. I was just telling my sister this past week end about your blog. I think you have a new follower. When are you coming up to Ontario Canada?

Kelly said...

Love the block. If I can't win the magazine, how about the mug with all the blocks? : )

Kate said...

Add one more project to my TODO list! Thanks for all you do to make quilting so much fun, Bonnie!

Kate said...

Add one more project to my TO DO list! Thanks for all you do to make quilting fun, Bonnie!

debbie said...

love this block. I read your blog just about every day. scrap quilts have become my favorites. I would love to win

Vanya said...

Love your block and your blog! You are one of the highlights of my day!

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