This afternoon, after Lisa dropped me back at my car—I ran errands like a crazy woman! But what’s a girl to do when she is parked in front of Sam’s club? And Lowes and Home Depot and Target and the bank and Walmart are in close proximity?
I don’t often go to that side of town – so it was like discovering a whole new place!
What was I searching for?
Plastic stackable drawers! It has been so long since I have bought any – who would think that just like everything else they would not only change style, but SIZE and stackability?! Why do they have to do that? I didn’t want them in colors? I didn’t want funky textures on the front of them…I didn’t want the plastic to have glitter sparkles in it..I just wanted STORAGE that matched my other storage. HA!
The two columns on the right are the drawers I already had for FQs. They have a deeper profile, but are the SAME SIZE as the two columns of drawers on the right, which are wider, but not as deep. AND…I couldn’t find them in individual stacking drawers so I could stack them as high as I want to match the others. I like the individual ones best because they support more weight than the frame for the 3 drawer cart will. I can’t stack the 3 drawer cart double tall, because the weight in full drawers is too much. I left the wheels off because I don’t plan on wheeling these anywhere.
I could return the farthest left cart – turns out I didn’t need it- YET! But I still have some rearranging to do and I might find it useful for something else. Maybe UFOs or something.
But I do know one thing for sure – I’m running out of wall space down here. I’ve moved book cases and treadle machines around, every wall is lined with SOMETHING quilty! And there is more furniture down here because of the re-roofing/re-sheetrocking of the sun room going on.
In my mind, I know that I should be getting LESS stuff, not MORE stuff – but my creativity revolves around having lots on hand to choose from, and I can’t work in a sterile minimal environment. I just can’t. So be it!
One of the things I unearthed was THIS:
This was tucked into a remnant bundle from a shop in Bay City Michigan….I never unpacked the bundle until yesterday! It’s actually a double panel, depicting Civil War Generals. There are TWO of these identical to each other. I know I will never do anything with this….so any takers?
I’ll cut the two panels apart and offer them to two people! Leave me a comment below telling me just what plans you have for it and why you want it! I’ll draw two winners Wednesday morning before leaving for Alabama –I’ll pack the envelopes in my stuff, and mail them from the road. Fun idea, huh?
Let’s see what else I can get rid of around here!
Ooo! Lucky you! I love the panel! I am working on my blocks for the Civil War Block a week and have also been collecting CW panels to use as a backing. This would be perfect! Thanks for the giveaway!
The panel would be perfect for the Civil War BOM wall hanging I'm doing through my guild! Since I live about 8 miles from Grant's Farm and the U.S. Grant historic site, it seems appropriate to have the ol' general on a quilt.
With this being an anniversary year for the Civil War, I could see this panel as the center medallion for a quilt, surrounded by blocks. I have been following your attempts to organize ---good luck with all of that! When I try, I seem to be easily distracted by "stuff" I find.
I too am working on the weekely Civil War blocks. This panel would be great to finish this quilt off with, either as a center medallian or as part of the backing.
Bonnie: I would love to pair one of those panels up with my Civil War repros, as a medallion quilt. They are very nice!
My son is very interested in the Civil War. I am making him a quilt for graduation that incorporates some of the battle of Gettysburg in it. This panel would be great for it. Chris would so appreciate having this panel as part of his quilt. I have a panel of the other generals for the quilt but not this one.
OMGosh!! I belong to a CW group at the local quilt shop that only sells CW fabric. It would be perfect. Thanks for the chance to win.
On my to-do list is a quilt to cover my son's sleeping bag he uses while he is a Civil War re-enactor. They want everything to look like it is from the "period" of the Civil War. I have a plan to do a quilt and that piece would be great as part of the backing (they didn't have that picture during the war). :) Thanks!
Becky Weimer
Punxsutawney, PA
I have a very large selection of civil war repros & love medallion quilts, so I had the same thought as Louise. As soon as I read this post the little lightbulb lit up over my brain. I am already designing borders in my mind. Thanks for the chance to win!
Ok, I will throw my hat in the ring too. I am making a QOV for a history buff friend who is overseas and this would go great on the back or as the center.
What a find. I would use the panel in a Americana quilt. My daughter loves Americana and it would make up nicely in a quilt.
My 'little' "adopted" brother just became the principal of a new tech high school. He is a history buff and this would make a wonderful center piece for a wall hanging or quilt for him.
Bonnie, I asked my son what he would want me to do with this panel, and he said he would want it in th middle of a quilt with blocks around it. He is 15 and very interested in the civil war, and loves his patriotic quilts. Pick me!
AWESOME...YES, I would L♥V to win one of these panels! I've got an idea already! If I don't win it, I'm SURE it will go to a GREAT home and be in a quilt in NO TIME! :D
I would love one of these. My dd and I are doing the Barbara Brackman Civil War block of the week. This would be an awesome addition to the quilt.
My DH and I just went to a traveling Civil War display that will eventually hit every county in PA this year. Fingers crossed...
These are awesome! I am such a civil war buff and have recently purchased some reproduction fabric. I would LOVE to make an amazing wall hanging with this...pick me!! :) Thanks for the drawing, it's fun!!
I would love to win one of these panels! I participated in a reproduction 9 patch exchange last year and am making a civil war quilt for my Dad to commemorate his visit to Gettysburg with my DH and son...this would be a great addition to the quilt!
Hi! I love Civil War fabrics and am now working on the Marcus Brothers Civil War Tribute Quilt. Additionally, my husband and I are from Charleston, SC and he's a relic hunter and Civil War expert so it seems like our lives revolve around the Civil War. I've actually looked at this panel on ebay but just can't make myself buy it. . . .but I would LOVE to win it!!!
When our daughter moved back from Florida almost 3 years ago she brought her boyfriend with her. He's from SC and is a Civil War buff. They were married the following year and our grandson will be 9 months old on Wednesday. I've been working on blocks for a lap quilt for him in Civil War prints and this would be a perfect addition to it.
I am making a quilt for my brother who is a Civil War buff this year and would love to have one of these to work into the quilt. Put me in your drawing if you would please!
Now that's an interesting panel. I have oodles of panels because my mother used to buy every panel that ever came out but she must have missed this one. LOL! She gave me almost all her fabric a couple years ago. I suppose it's possible I could find this one rolled up in her stash, but not likely. I would love to win!
Blogger is being a bit difficult so just in case..here's my e-mail... stitchinglegacy (at)gmail (dot) com ;-)
I would dearly love to add some of this to my Civil War BOW, i have run out of generals. thank for the opportunity to "relieve" you of it.
I have just gotten into the civil war madness. I think the panel would make a great "Road Trip" tote bag....... or I would love to make a wall hanging with this as the center.
I would love to win this and use it to make a patriotic quilt with it!
I'm usually not a Civil War reproduction girl but my two oldest girls (ages 10 and 8) have fallen in love with a Union spy named Elizabeth Van Lew who lived in Richmond, Virginia during the Civil War. As we've read about her life and contributions I have learned to admire her selfless acts of service and I love what her headstone reads, "She risked everything that was dear to her - friends, fortune, comfort, health, even life itself - all for one absorbing desire of her heart - that slavery might be abolished and the Union preserved." She made her own cypher and General Grant was ever appreciative of the information she smuggled to him. To remember Miss Van Lew I'm making my girls a Civil War quilt and calling it, "Elizabeth". I would love a panel of the Generals that Miss Van Lew hoped would win the cause she gave everything for. Thanks for chance to win.
My son-in-law is really in to Civil War history, so I want to make him a quilt for the 150th anniversary this year. This panel would be super for a center medallion in it!
Wow Bonnie....looks like there are a lot of us doing the Civil War BOW! Me too! I'm trying to collect more 1800's repro fabrics for my stash, as my house was built in 1864, and now I'm really trying to restore most rooms to period look. Of course, the TV room will just have to stay modern....no way around that!
Would love to work up a panel like that into one of the quilts that are planned for the bedrooms. If I don't win it, do you have info on it, or the shop you got it from, that I might order one. I've never come across anything like that in my area. It has a very period look.....love it!
My children are direct decendants (on Father's side) of Robert E. Lee and (on my side) of Gen. US Grant. I've been making the blocks from the Civil War Diary Quilt (both books) on a weekly basis for a long time now. I made a Dear Jane in 2001 and one daughter has claimed that for herself. The other daughter asked for a Grant/Lee quilt so that's why I've been doing the CWDQ blocks. I'd so love the panels to complete this quilt!!!!
Well it is a fabulous panel. I would probably add it to my stash and eventually do something totally fabulous with it. I'm with the one who said if I don't win it I am sure the right person will. Is this by merit? or luck?
My brother just died Easter and he was named after our ancestor Peter Patrick Kennedy who came over from Ireland when he was 16 years old and fought in the Civil War.
Good luck to all and thanks Bonnie for all the quilty fun...
Ditto on the Civil War Weekly Blocks we are doing with Barbara. I think that panel would be a great medallion for the center of my CW quilt. Thanks for the chance to get it off your hands.
I didn't see a comment from Siobahn for this, I would have thought this would be right up her street... So I would like to please put a comment in for her ;-)
And this post is just salt in the wounds!!! I SO need to de-clutter, I can hardly move in my sewing laundry room - it stifles my currently limited creativity :-(
Am doing the BB CW blocks and I could work this in; I always meant to buy those panels and didn't.
Bonnie, thanks for offering these panels. I have a huge selection of Civil War reproduction fabrics and have been meaning to pick up one of these panels for a special quilt, since this year is the 150th anniversary of the war. I feel your organization pain. Yikes. bdalward@yahoo.com
Count me in!! gougeonathome@charter.net (Allison)
Wouldn't that be a wonderful center for the block of the week that Barbara B has been doing since the beginning of the year. Big CW memory year this year.
That would be fun to put with the scrappy 3" ninepatches from CW prints I've been making. I have 260 made! These are addictive.
DH is a big civil war buff...so I would make a pillow for him out of this!
My son is a History Teacher and I would make it as a wall hanging for his classroom. He is moving to American History this next year, so it would be absolutely perfect!! Love your blog, read it daily! bakerjn@hotmail.com
I also use those 3 drawer units for my fabric storage and some of the wider ones I keep my current projects in. My husband made wood counters 's to go on top and this is my sewing area. one side is the cutting table and the other has a space for my machine. If you put board top on the stack you could the put another set on top.
I love them ... like so many others, I am also working on a Civil War BOM quilt and would love to incorporate one into it. I live in the south now, in a part of Virginia which holds dear its role and relationships from the Civil War, and I'm a Northerner by birth and at heart. Having this panel with the Union generals in my quilt would leave no doubts about my sympathies!
I love reading that SO many people are this into the Civil War! James L. Swanson's books about Lincoln's assassination and Davis' retreat are wonderful reads if you haven't picked them up yet!
Would like to be considered for the give-away. Got a BOM Civil War quilt that needs to completed. Also have been down loading the weekly blocks to work on. Wish there were more hours in a day. Thanks - Robert, from northern Iowa.
like others, this panel would be perfect for my CW diary quilt! i need it, i need it, i need it...not just want! so, if you draw my name, i'll gladly take it off your hands
Just like a lot of the other commentors - I am doing the Civil War block of the week at http://www.civilwarquilts.blogspot.com/ and this would add some much needed variety to the repro fabrics I have on hand.
I'd make a little quilty something for my older brother (who hung the moon, btw) who is a total Civil War fanatic. I'm sure his wife would really love it as their great room walls are already covered in all things Civil War and their bookshelves bulge with the same! He knows so much. I've walked battlefields with him and felt like I really understood how it all happened because he knows it all so well and can explain it to a dummy like me. He is wonderful! Guess this turned into a big brother tribute post!
Me, me, me! Pick me! My husband is a Civil War buff and he would love to have this in the center of a quilt. Besides, it might just give me an incentive to make one for him, instead of making quilts for everyone else.
My husband is such a history buff. He has a wonderful collection of Civil War artifacts. He even bought me a quilt made during the Civil War.. I would make him a quilt with the panel and reproduction fabrics. He would love it. Hugs.
I would put it in the middle of a Civil War quilt for my hubby, he loves the Civil War and we are from Virginia
I have a Civil War WIP and I would like to incorporate this panel in the backing. Pick me, pick me...!
Love your website, blogs & inspiration.
Lisa B
I have some other fabrics that would go with this panel soooooo well. Pick me!
That is so awesome! Why is there never anything that neat in *my* clutter??
I can see the makings of a civil war quilt that uses this panel as the center. Thanks for the declutter giveaway.
Of course this would be a great panel to add to a civil war quilt.
I'm almost finished with a quilt for my mil using the fabrics that match the panel you have. I want to make me a quilt, similar to hers. I bought enough of the other fabric, but, I need a panel for my quilt. Her panel is different than yours. This would be great. Have fun traveling!
Ooh, oooh, ooh!!! (Who am I? Arnold Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter??! LOL!)
I've just recently started a swap with civil war fabrics -- a first (both the swap and the civil war fabrics), and I'd love this panel! And, you'll save postage if I get picked, because I'm going to be at that guild meeting Thursday night, with bells on! Of course, because of that, I'm a winner whether I get picked or not! Safe travels -- can't wait to see you on Thursday! :)
thank you for hosting a give-away
dear husband is red-working the Presidents of the United States of America
this panel would add a LOT of interest to the back of his quilt
I have 2 friends that are doing Civil War quilts & would love these. Keep saying I'm gonna do one, but there's just not enough lifetimes.
Hope your discovery makes it to my "Resource Center" aka stash.
My two friends and I are all working on Civil War era quilts. I'm making blocks from Rosemary Youngs "Civil War Diary Quilts" Bev and Barb make miniature quilts with repro fabrics. This would be a wonderful addition to any or all of our projects.
I also would love to have a panel for my Civil War BOW.
oh bonnie you are always so very generous with your time, knowledge and giveaways. thank you. i have a small amount of what i call guy fabric. i'm wanting to make my grandson another quilt, this would be a wonderful starting point. take care. :>)
What a nice panel! Like almost everyone else, I'd use that panel with the weekly civil war blocks.
As for the storage, I can sympathize. A lot of my stash is in stacking basket bins. But now that I have more room (and more stash) I discover that they don't make those baskets any more. (I even wrote to the manufacturer.) No other similar item is compatible. Grumble!
my husband loves the civil war (we have lots of battlefields around us!) I'd probably visit my favorit LQS and get some great fabrics to make a few colorful borders for a wallhanging for his office :) thanks for a chance to win - Laurie
llsbaskets at comcast dot net
I would use it on the back of my Underground Railroad Quilt that was made with swap blocks from a group of friends. We meet up every year at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival. You joined us for lunch and took pictures of our Underground Railroad quilts.
Anita In Harvest, AL
Love to add this to my CW Courthouse Steps quilt. Thank you for the giveaway!
What? No Sawthern Genruls?
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