
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Word Play Quilts Give-Away!

Let’s do this! Let’s give away a copy of Tonya’s book, Word Play Quilts!

I even have a sampling of photos to entice you!

It’s a wonderful book full of terrific techniques, gorgeous quilts made by many of Tonya’s students and followers as well as herself. Let your imagination run wild and piece some words into your quilts! You really DO need this book, yes you do!

What I want from you is a comment on this post telling me what you would like to piece into your next project….be it a word, a date, a phrase, anything. If you could make your next quilt speak, what would it say?

Since I am up to my eyeballs in filling all the book pre-orders for both Word Play Quilts and Scraps & Shirttails II, we’ll give this a couple days to simmer, and I’ll pick a winner on Saturday. How’s that sound?

If you find you can’t wait to win the book and just want to have it, you can order it HERE!

And really….I have had nothing else exciting to write about today and maybe that is a good thing. 4 trips to the post office, errands to get more bubble envelopes at Sam’s club while dropping off Jeff’s prescription at the pharmacy, a massage…bank…


And oh yeah…did I ever tell you that I have a lead foot? Yep. Speeding Ticket. I swear I couldn’t have been going THAT fast…I was just following the lead of the truck in front of me…but evidently I was. What can I say for myself? I hadn’t driven a car in over 17 days. Maybe I forgot how to read the speedometer? Sleepy smile

There was no talking myself out of this one, and what makes it worse is that I was on the phone with DH when the lights were flashing behind me…so I had to tell HIM right then too. $171.00. I am not a happy camper! ((PS...I have bluetooth in my car, believe me BOTH hands were on the wheel at the time!))

So maybe this give-away is just what I need to get this ticket off my mind!


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Dolly said...

I'd like to be able to piece the recipient's name into the border or backing of a quilt, very subtly colored, so as to almost blend in.

Please, please let me win this book......I already spent my quilting money on earrings for my own valentine's day gift !

Patty in NV said...

I love your blog, makes you sound just as 'normal' as the rest of us :) I would love to enter the drawing, I have two ideas for word quilts... I want to do a quilt representing the states I've visited with the names and I also want to do some memory block quilts for each ancestor with things I know about them, what they liked, fav color, occupation, etc and their names of course on each block. Then I'd connect the blocks into one big 'family tree' and add on as new members come and older ones get identified. Long term goal...one whole wall of family :) Thanks for all your awesome patterns and the skills they teach as you go. Patty in NV

Kitties and Quilts said...

I want to make a quilt to commemorate my mother, who's been gone nearly 16 years now. I still can't believe it.

Debbie in WV

Robert said...

Not fun getting a ticket - How much over the limit? Need to watch it in the future. Would love to take the book off your hands. Thanks in advance - Robert Kent, in northern IA (a retired DMV Examiner here),

Juanita said...

Sorry about your ticket, Bonnie. :(

I have on my mind for my next quilt to make a story quilt ala Mary Lou Weidman. It will be about my husband and it would say "Guardian Angel".

Joey said...

I think the word or words would be: "SCRAPPY", That is me in a nut shell, In life & in quilting! Oh Happy Daze

Jackie said...

I have not yet tried words on a quilt, but I would love to learn! Hope I get to win this beautiful book.
Sorry about that ticket, would of been so much nicer to add more fabric to the stash instead!!:)

Shelina said...

I love quotations, but since I have to piece it, and my letters so far have turned out pretty big, I would do something smaller - like my name or the family name. Or some kind of one word command - like peace, enjoy, relax, tolerance, etc.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

How I can empathize with your ticket story. I was on my way to volunteer as an usher at The Fox Theater here in Atlanta, and made a left-hand turn onto the road where The Fox is located. Next thing I knew a motorcycle policeman was pulling up behind me with his flashing lights. Illegal left-hand turn: $195.00. I keep saying I’m going to have to do a heck of a lot of volunteering to make up for the cost of that darn ticket.
I’d love to win this book. And I’d have “I miss you dear Germany” or something like that on the borders. I had lived in Augusta, Georgia my entire life (47 years) and had taken a job in Germany. I was secretly afraid I would miss “home” so much when I left, alone, on that airplane for the 3-year assignment. But I never suffered from culture shock, and I never looked back. That 3-year assignment ended up being a 7-year assignment. My father passed away, and my mother was in bad health, so I needed to return to the United States. If it hadn’t been for that, without a doubt, I would still be in Germany. How I miss Deutschland. There is seldom a day that goes by that I don’t talk about my time there, the culture, the weather, the food, blah, blah, blah. I think I would come up with a different saying for each border. Four different sayings. And I’d have my German friend (she and I still e-mail each other) translate my words from English into German. And I’d have both languages side-by-side. Oh how I miss you dear Germany. Oh, how I miss you dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Trudi said...

"HOME" to celebrate the fact that we have finally bought our own home!

Karen K said...

Oops ... thought I'd posted but not sure it went through. Ugh. I'll try again. THanks for the giveaway. I'd love to win ... of course. So sorry about the ticket ... your week WILL get better!

Joyful Quilter said...

Oh I hate getting a ticket, seems like I get one like clockwork - every three years. Thanks for the giveaway, I've enjoyed reading Tonya's blog and seeing all of her wordplay quilts.

Wendy said...

Hmmm .. next project up is keepsake quilts for my son's classroom and two others, featuring the kids artwork. There's a phrase which I think captures the real specialness of children with autism: Always Unique, Totally Interesting, Sometimes Mysterious. I think that book would help me come up with some great ideas to work that into the quilts.
Travel safe, can't wait to meet you at workshop & guild in Fort Worth!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Looks like a great giveaway! Now you will have to be extra diligant for three years with this on your record. So you're gonna tell us, your neighbors where this speed trap is, right?

Marcia W. said...

God, Family, Hearth and Home
or my name on back as don't do labels
or words along sashing instead of embroidery
Thanks for the book giveaway. Please enter me into the draw for Word Play Quilts.

Annmarie said...

I would like to write PEACE PLEASE in very large letters on a quilt & send it on a trip around the world!

Louise said...

Getting a traffic ticket is a humbling experience! I love scrap quilts and I'm compelled to try to use up tiny pieces of fabric, so maybe I'd piece "waste not, want not" on a quilt.

Anonymous said...

The words I would put in a quilt would be NEVER GIVE UP! After beating breast cancer and now looking forward to doing a nursing degree if I can get a place in University, it would be motivating and encouraging.

Pat said...

I really love to get this book. I have never had a speeding ticket, but I think it is just luck. i now use cruise control most of the time because if your are on super highway the tickets are over $400.00. can't afford that. LOL

Dreamquilter Elke said...

Dear Bonnie,
thank you for your new post on your blog. I feel with you. Yesterday I would like to buy my batting for my RRCB and after I come to my parking car I had a ticket on my window. O.K. it was only a little amount (only 5 €), but it must not be. Have a nice day at home and thanks for the book, when I will become it. I would like to make a quilt with all the names of my family. Thanks for your time and the big giveaway.

Dreamquilter Elke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diana said...

My quilt would say: Be Happy!
That is what i wish to everyone.

Eat Sleep Quilt said...

Ahhh Bonnie I'm sorry you got a ticket! A friend of my sister got stopped on the New Jersey turnpike a few years ago and she was so mad! She said to the cop "I was the only one you could CATCH!!"

I'd love to win Tonya's book, been eyeing it a long time now! I'd create a quilt for my sewing room with some kind of hurry-up phrase on it.


Linda said...

I'm planning to make a "Home Sweet Home" quilt with wonky houses and wonky lettering.
Linda in Southern Illinois

Kate said...

I talked my way out of my last two speeding tickets - one because I had a military base sticker on the car, and the second because I was honestly shocked that I got pulled over! They changed the speed limit on my back road and never told anyone. What, am I supposed to READ the speed limit sign?? The cop figured I was just a dumb blonde when I told him the speed limit didn't drop to 45 until the top of the hill, and let me off with a warning.

Oh, and um, my quilt. I'd like it to say "sail" (it's a sailboat thing.)

JoyceT said...

I need to make a sign to pick up someone at the airport. I think I'll whip up a quilt with the lettering from this book........if I win it!

Sonia F said...

What a welcome back to your home town-- a ticket.How do you achieve all you do with just 24 hours a day? Speedy gonzalez!! My word is RENEW- faith, friends and me. Love Tonya's work. Thank you for all your freebies and blogs.

debbie m said...

My only child is getting married in October. I would like to make a quilt including word bocks that encourage a successful mariage, besides the typical love...cooperation, give and take, etc. It would make a nice first aniversary present, sure it won't get finished before October.
Sorry bout that ticket. I've had one, and was happy to pay it. The State trooper wrote it for 12 miles over the speed limit, not the 25 I was doing. 80 in a 55, yep, lead foot! He could have taken my license right on the spot and left me stranded along a WV country road. You'd suspect I was driving a sports car or V-8? Nope, a 8 year old Subaru GL 4 cylinder(84 model year, long ago).
In Florida the DJ on the morning show use to say "Come on people, be the sacrificial lamb, take one for the team, speed up and take your turn at getting a ticket". He had just gotten a ticket, not going any faster than the car in front of him. I guess they have to pick someone and the random number generator won't work in that situation.

kynomi said...

I don't know what word I would do but I would like to try quilting one. Some I have seen look really great. Sorry about your ticket. The last one I got was while learning a new song in the car. The title was "Well Done, My Child, Your Race is Over." The irony got me, and I was laughing, but the officer didn't see the humor when I told him about it.

Jane said...

Sorry about yor ticket...be careful! I got my first ticket when I was 35, my second ONE WEEK later. :(
Love the book, my quilt word will be Sisters, for the back of the lap quilt I'm making for her. Her husband has cancer & she is having a tough time.Lots of great ideas in the other posts!

Mary said...

I've been looking forward to this book coming out. I want to make a quilt that says, Alway Take the Scenic Route, and add some pieced mountains, rivers, ocean, etc. along with the letters. That has been an inside joke between my husband and I from our honeymoon when I took charge of the map and took us through the middle of nowhere out in Colorado with very little gas in the tank. We wound up spending the night in the car in front of a gas station. We woke up to a double rainbow the next morning. All's well that ends well!

Lee D said...

would love this book too! words in a quilt umm that is hard one, depends what I am making, maybe child's name. Might do a quilt for my Dad's 75 so maybe all the names of his boats through the years...yikes that might be a lot.

Ruth said...

I'm making 2 Lindy Quilts (with alternating blocks of airplanes and eagles) for 2 of my sons who are pilots and I want to put the words pilots use in their radio transmissions around the edge: alpha, bravo, charlie, etc. I saw a quilt like that on a blog a couple years ago, but don't remember which blog.

Peggy said...

"LIVE LOVE LAUGH" pretty much sums up my life mantra! Wouldn't that make a great quilt - lots of bright fabrics of course! pbenzin@gmail.com

Nan said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

After all this ***SNOW*** I'd piece some "Sunshine" into a quilt!

Nan in KS

Sharon said...

I'd like to add 'Words fail me' to my next quilt!
Sorry to hear about your speeding ticket. You've done so much flying recently you must have forgotten you were back on terra firma.

Leah D said...

I frequently put words in quilts - names, sentiments etc. I made a quilt for a friend whose father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I put in the words - love, give, hope, pray.

I would love new and innovative ways of adding words to quilts.

Joyce said...

'I cannot count my day complete Til needle, thread and fabric meet'. I would like this to be in my next quilt since this is something that really applies to me.

Bonnie said...

The book looks very interesting. I would use "Believe" on my Xmas quilt, my granddaughter's name and date on her graduation quilt and "Baldwin Fire Department" on a raffle quilt to raise money for a new fire house. Thanks for all of your patterns. Bonnie in Iowa

McIrish Annie said...

Love reading about your adventures! Don't know how you manage to do any quiliting! would love to win Tonya's book.

Laura said...

When my mother was a little girl, she couldn't say "purple" - instead she apparently said "pear-a-pul." Purple was always her favorite color. When she was ill and in a nursing home before her death, I found the most beautiful purple fabric. Years later, it still has not made its way into a quilt. I would like to use this fabric and the word's "Mom's pear-a-pul quilt" in a quilt for my sister. :-) Laura

Unknown said...

Hello Bonnie - what a flurry of responses! I also sympathize with the speeding ticket, but it probably means that you sew faster, too - that lead foot can come in handy when zipping up those chain pieces.

As for my submission regarding the "word play", I had such fun putting the "to all a good night" on my mom's Carolina Christmas quilt that I have started making a table topper for my quilting neighbour/realtor friend, Jill and I'm partway through fusing a quote on the outermost border: The road to a friend's house is never long. Of course there are some small house blocks that form the inner border. I am winging the technique, so the book prize would be a great help!

It's a real treat to be connected through your space to this great quilting community; when you say you want to visit Canada, I hope you come to Alberta. We'd love to show you some warm western hospitality!

Shelia said...

Ouch!! Sorry for the ticket.
My quilt would say: "Hand over the chocolate and no one gets hurt" hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

I hope I'm not late for this giveaway! Oh Bonnie girlfriend...don't pay that ticket or your rates will go up! Get the lawyer thing....we never knew to do that...now we do! Hmmm...wonder how we know that? It wasn't me! LOL

Lisa said...

Bonnie, My word play quilt would have "Quilt sister," "Sister's by choice," "Friends," "Warmth," and other similar terms on it. I went to a quilt gathering this morning and there is such friendship, warmth, and caring there that I would like to make a quilt to commemorate the love and friendship we all have for each other.

Leeann said...

I was thinking of making a quilt with all the funny family things we say. The family nick names, and sayings. It would be special to my kids as only they would 'Get' it like how the tv news was always called 'fish finger news'...long story or the local chain store was 'Barkins' as one of them miss pronounced bargins when they were young and the name stuck. Thanks for the chance to win!

Carole said...

My guild is doing a challenge "our life journey" so I would say "I became a Canadian" on my border.

Henny said...

Hi Bonnie,
I think I would make 4 quilts, for all my grandchildren one with their own name on it.
groetjes, Henny

Marge said...

I would love to put names on the borders of my quilts that I give to my children and grandchildren. Thanks for the opportunity. Marge

Kim said...

I have a quilt started with a little house in the middle and I want to write "Home sweet home"
in it somehow. Thanks for the chance to win :0).
Yeah I get a ticket every 10 years or so and it keeps me humble :0).......what can you do?

Happy Sewing

Annie said...

I have never thought of putting words into my quilts, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. My grandaughter would love to see her name in a quilt, all kids do. And I think it would make a great remembrance piece. Let me thing .... I'm sure I can come up with a ton of other things.

Linda said...

Whoa, that's a big ticket! Maybe you need to piece something about that into a quilt...it would be fun for you and whoever knows about it!
Great giveaway...I think I'd probably do my only grandson's name along with Nana and Papa (DH and I of course)...or....

Ila K. said...

Leadfoot only works on the sewing machine pedal!

I have been loving the winter quilts with words in them on the blogs... I don't have a winter quilt yet, but I think it would make me crazy to work on a winter quilt in winter. Might have to wait until it's 90 degrees outside instead!

KQ Sue said...

I would love to win the book! That would make a bad week better.

Mary W Quilts said...

Hi Bonnie, I got a speeding ticket on the way to quilt camp in Maine last year:(( I was in a hurry to get sewing:)) I want to write words of peace, calm, and relaxation. We are always going too fast in life.

Nancy Anne said...

My next big quilt is for my granddaughter. She picked out a very, very colorful repeat peace sign fabric. I'd like to add "hippie chic" to one of the borders :o)

Mary said...

My quilt would say He has a plan, because he does.

Debbie said...

Love your give-aways! So many ways to use 'word play' on quilts. I can see lots of words on the backs of most quilts ~ excellent place for scraps.
Bummer about your ticket
Stay safe and thanks for all your sharing and caring :-)

Chris said...

I'm planning a Barcelona Subway Map quilt for my son and I would LOVE to free-piece "Barcelona" on it.

Your little lead-foot scare should keep you honest for a few years then Look Out, you'll be Speedy Gonzalez again!!

MMorton said...

I'm making a dinosaur quilt for grandson, so I'm thinking some dino-appropriate words (roar, stomp, etc) + cat quilt for granddaughter with her name on it.

Wendy said...

Sorry to hear about your ticket. I'd love a copy of Tonya's book so I could add running words to a wall hanging I'm making to celebrate my husband's running career - "fast" "dash" and "race" - it will include his high school medals as well!

Quilting Memories said...

Please add my name to the pot ....I would put "Love Bug" on my quilt...That is what I call my Granddaughter.

Bev said...

I have been coveting that book every since I heard about it!! Plus, sorry about the ticket. I hate when that happens to me.

Lynnette said...

I think I would include Grace into a quilt as a reminder I am covered by God's grace!! How awesome would that be?!?!
nettecan at hotmail dot com

Teresa H in Indiana said...

I have the start of a quilt floating around in my head as a tribute to my dad, who was a musician. I want it to reflect that, but I don't know about words yet. If it could speak, I would want it to be the quote I used at the end of a DVD I made for his memorial, "May music charm me last on earth, and greet me first in heaven."

Chris said...

Bonnie, sorry to hear about the speeding fine, what a waste of good fabric money. I would love to put the Latin saying "Carpe Diem" on my quilt. I often need to "Seize the Day" as I tend to daydream instead of getting into a task. Hugs Chris

lovetostitch said...

I just finished 2 applique' quilts and got them back from the quilter, I need to work on a baby quilt. I am working on piecing RRCB, and going to do sew along with your buddy, Pat Sloan. But, if I were to win that book, I would sneak in a quilt on family relations......... all the ins, outs, out of touch, love - got some ideas floating around.
Hate the ticket for you, been there!!

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