We haven’t done this in a while, and I think it’s time to do this again!
My inbox is a constant source of inspiration, talent and beauty! I love the stories that come with the quilts, and here are some I would love to share with you!
I hope you enjoy seeing these beautiful quilts as much as I do! If you have finished a quilt from one of my designs, feel free to send me a pic at quiltville@gmail.com and you just might find yourself featured on a future "Show & Tell Thursday" post!
This beautiful diamond strings variation is from Kelly P! She writes:
Bonnie, thank you so much for your website -- I've been bragging on your diamond strings technique to all my quilty friends lately, after using it for this quilt. . .I used ONLY stash scraps, cut them without a ruler, scrambled them in a basket and simply pulled them out and sewed strips together without a foundation. Too much fun! Thanks again -- kelly p.
I’ve never met a string quilt I didn’t like…and I just LOVE what she did with this layout and the borders…Rock on Kelly!
This is Betty B’s Blue & White Pineapple Blossom!! This gal can sew pedal to the metal and I sure had a great time with her in Baton Rouge! I just adore 2 color quilts, I keep reminding myself to do more of them, they sure are striking, aren’t they? She writes:
Bonnie, Here is a photo of my blue and white Pineapple Blossom top. I love it and hope to have it quilted before too long. The classes with you were great! Now on to finish the Cathedral Star project so it won't become a UFO!
Love the baby quilt you made and thanks for the directions.
Betty B
This is Belinda’s version of Carolina Christmas….look at those yummy batiks! This quilt just sings! She writes:
Thanks so much Bonnie for sharing your fun mysteries with us! I am a little behind but just finished your Thanksgiving 2009 mystery. That was a difficult year for us as my husband lost his job and we moved back across the country to live with family while we looked for work.
Most of my sewing was in storage since didn't know which coast we would live on. This quilt was made from the scraps I had on hand. I did have to buy a little more black though. So I am pleased to have made a fun quilt without a huge expense (and so was my husband!).
I am giving this quilt to my sister for her birthday tomorrow. It was her family that housed us that winter and she even helped iron some of my pieced units! Happy Birthday Patty! Now ready for RRCB.
Belinda on the beautiful Southern Oregon Coast
Belinda, I’m SURE that Patty was more than pleased and happy on her birthday, I would fall over if someone gave me such a beautiful quilt for my birthday! Thanks so much for taking the time to share the photos and the story with me!
Jackie has been busy too! This is her Strip Twist --- Don’t you just love all the colors?!? She writes:
Dear Bonnie,
Just thought I would send you pics of the strip twist quilt I did for my daughter who graduated from Dental Hygiene last May.This is my first quilt from your patterns but definitely will not be my last. I'm currently working on Pineapple Blossom for my son with mixed blues and a grey fingerpaint fabric for the squares.
I'm anxiously awaiting Shirts and Scraptails 2,this will be my third book from you. Thanks again for all the free and published patterns. Love your site and blog.
Take care,
Jackie H From Newfoundland, CanadaBring on MORE COLOR! Oh, I love color! I woke up to snow this morning…beautiful in itself, but I am so ready for spring! This mix just makes me feel like it HAS to be on its way, doesn’t it?
This is is a Scrappy Bargello made by Bonnie D in St Charles, IL! Beautiful job!
Pam has also been busy! She sent in pics of two completions on her UFO list! First is her Sister’s Choice Quilt! And don’t you love the ingenuity of Quilters? She is using trouser hangers, hung from the gutter of her house…GREAT idea if you need a way to hang a quilt for a photograph!
She writes:
This quilt started out as a charm pack challenge at my LQS in 2008. I purchased one charm pack and apparently 1 yard of the peach fabric with the intent of making positive/negative 9-patches – beyond that I had no idea where the quilt was going. I mis-cut a couple of charms, the deadline for entry passed and the quilt went into the UFO pile. This January I resurrected it as part of the UFO Challenge at Patchwork Times. I still had no idea where the quilt was going, so finished up the 9-patches, then saw your post of January 6th.
I now had a direction and I dug through my stash to find a length of green fabric for the star points and decided to go scrappy for the background. The only new piece I bought was the border fabric. I even found an orangey peach to use for the backing in my stash.
Thanks for a great website. I do enjoy your books and patterns – not to mention meeting you in Lawrence and Kansas City.
And one more from Pam! ((busy girl that she is!))
This is Pam’s Oklahoma Backroads! She writes:
I don’t remember sending you a picture of my finished Oklahoma Backroads. Totally scrappy on this – slightly frightening. But the cool part is there were scraps from all of my quilting buddies. When we got together to quilt in September, we kept pointing out scraps from each of our stashes. This quilt went to one of our friend’s who was having a tough time. I may have pieced and quilted it before we knew it was needed, but there was a little bit of each of us when the hug was needed.
Pam in Kansas City
Aren’t you just inspired to dig into your scraps and SEW!? I know I am! I really enjoy being able to share these beautiful quilts with you thanks to those who took the time to send me the pictures.
Lisa and Shelby and I had a great time in the basement yesterday! I am NEARLY done with a very special long term project, and hoping to finish the corner blocks today so I can lay it out and start sewing it together. Not ready to show it yet, but I’m really happy with how it is coming out.
I also played with some string piecing, for a quilt revolving around a nick-name given to me by a dear friend. It makes me smile every time I sew another block unit together.
I leave in the morning for Lexington Virginia, and as predicted, we had a dusting of snow last night. I just want this all off the roads so that I don’t have any wet/icy hazzards to navigate on my way up there! I love road trips! And driving up through Virginia is just wonderful. My route will take me up through Roanoke, and I am planning a lunch at my favorite Indian restaurant there. And perhaps stopping at the Old School House Quilt shop as I trundle up I-81! I’m meeting up with the guild ladies for a dinner before the lecture/trunkshow, and on Saturday we are doing a Scrappy Mountain Majesties workshop…..there will be LOTS of power sewing and tons of fun!
I’m off to do mundane things like get the oil changed and tires rotated on my car….oh the glamorous life of an itinerant Quilter!
Have a good Thursday, Everyone!
You are so so special and a kind person, I wish I could have met you when you were in snowy Lincoln. The quilts are wonderful.
Those quilts are all soooo gorgeous!!!
What beautiful quilts... I'm so glad you shared them with us today! Truly inspirational.... I love scrappy quilts!
Thanks for the show-n-tell and thanks for all you do.
Such beautiful quilts! please continue Show and Tell Thursday.
Thanks for showing us the beautiful quilts. See you really are an inspiration to lots of people and we are very grateful for your willingness to share your talent with us. Love the stories that came with the quilts, too. Each quilt should have a story, don't you think? Happy Quilting!!!
Bonnie, Safe Travels to Lexington - I love that part of VA. If you are meaning to stop at Old School House Fabrics in Floyd (3 Floors of Fabric!)-- I love that place and visit everytime we see our grandson in Hillsville (Say hi as you drive by!). But if you mean Old Trinity School House Quilt Shop in Fincastle (north of Roanoke on I81), you are out of luck. They were having a 'going out of business sale' last November, I think. The store is closed now, but they have an online store.
Thanks for sharing those nice quilts.
Great quilts! Love the hanger idea for photographing quilts.
Love the quilts. I have quilt tops done but they are not quilted. Will send pictures when done. Where can I get the pattern for Carolina Christmas? Hugs
Thanks so much for putting my Pineapple Blossom pic on your blog. It was great to use up so many of my blue scraps. Love the Show and Tell - the quilts are wonderful and such inspiration. Have a safe trip and enjoy your time in VA.
Betty B.
Loved the show and tell - I'm inspired!
I love the show and tell. So many beautiful things come from your inspiration.
I love show and tell! I have a scrappy bargello almost finished. I can't wait to share pictures of the finished quilt!
love the show and tell. seeing other people's quilts is always inspiring. Have a safe trip to VA, I hope it will be warm and sunny there.
Inspiring! I sure wish you could come to Washington state and do a class or 2 (or more!).....until then I will just have to buy your books and watch you vicariously through your blog, website and Facebook!
Maybe we should call it snow and tell for a while!
I just wanted to ask the best way to sent you pictures to share..........I have a bunch :0).
Safe travels,
Happy Sewing
Wow! what a nice show and tell. Thanks for showing all those beautiful quilts.
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