
Friday, February 25, 2011

It’s a Quilt Fiesta Give-Away!

Have you ever walked into a restaurant or public building and thought to yourself that the tiles would sure make a gorgeous quilt pattern!?

You “KNOW” that I have…I’ve posted pics from my travels of tile floors, tile table tops, tile counters…even tiles found in a Taco Bell Bathroom that would make a great border design! I’ve taken pictures of tile designs all across The Netherlands, and Paris, The Carribean, Mexico – Anywhere I can find quilt-inspiration!

A few weeks ago Cheryl Lynch contacted me to participate in her blog tour for the release of her new book Quilt Fiesta! Just one look at the cover and I knew I wanted to spend some time with this book.

It is splashy and fun and fresh and makes me OH SO READY for spring and summer!

There is applique, piecing, wonderful color, cute projects large and small, and INSPIRATION!


It’s like a history lesson and a quilt lesson at the same time. There are images of actual tiles, the process of the painting and designing and from there how they end up in Cheryl’s delightful quilts!

quiltfiesta3 quiltfiesta4

I remember the first time I sat at a tiled table in a Chili’s restaurant…just captivated by the colors and designs in the tiles. I know you’ve thought it too! Now Cheryl will show you how to take those designs and turn them into your own tile-inspired quilts!

So here we are with another Give-Away! I’ve got a SIGNED COPY of Quilt Fiesta here for you! All I want you to do is leave me a comment on why you want to win this book! This post will be open for comments for 5 days ---We will draw for the winner on Thurs, March 3rd! ((I think I should be over my Germany Induced Jet Lag enough to draw the winner and mail it on by then!!))

Also, please feel free to visit these blogs who are next in the line up after me on their given dates, and you can sign up for a free copy there!

http://amyscreativeside.com/ 2/28/11
http://therootconnection.blogspot.com 3/1/11

http://quiltinggallery.com/blog-posts/ 3/2/11
http://CherylLynchQuilts.blogspot.com 3/3/11

And of course, please drop by Cheryl’s Blog, and leave her a comment saying Bonnie sent you!


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Karen said...

Hi, Bonnie: I love the sound of this book - fresh and different. Thanks!

Bea said...

When do you find time to sleep?
Thanks for the chance to win the book from Cheryl, sounds really interesting.
I love tile designs!
Happy quilting and a great day in Germany!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie like you I have often wonder how to put those gorgeous (be it tiles on floors, walls etc.) to fabric. but unlike you I cannot figure it out when I have tried it doesn't look the same. This book would be wonderful for me in that way. It would show me how to put some gorgeous pictures I have to fabric and I would appreciate that very much. Thanks for the opportunity.

Marijke said...

What a great idea for a book. I often see quilts in my surroundings. I'd love to get a copy of this book. Thanks for the opportunity.

Beth in TN said...

I would love to check out this book! I see patterns everywhere, and these look especially challenging to piece. I'm moving to "more challenging" quilts these days.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonny, this book is so me.I'm always looking at the tiles and different designs in many of the places I go.But I can't seem to scale it down into a quilt block or get the right angles to design on the fabric.I have tried but most of the time it doesn't turn out so good.I would love to win this book.

Jeanne said...

This book sounds fun and exciting. Would love to win it. Thanks for the chance.

Rosa said...

It sounds fun and the patterns are really beautiful.Thanks

Diana and LaDonna said...

I think most quilters do this! Hurray for her, taking it to the next level by writing a book!

The jet lag is a whole lot better coming back to the States than going over to Germany!


Marj said...

Looks like an interesting book. I would love to check into new ideas for quilts.

Gill said...

I would love to win a copy of Cheryl's Book!
Thanks for the chance!

Sandie said...

Bonnie, I hope you are enjoying your time in Germany, and am looking forward to Pigeon Forge next month! Unfortunately wasn't able to get in to the dinner lecture or classes you are teaching, but am bringing you a bit of "Stash Food" any way! Would love to add the Quilt Fiesta book to my Library! (I have been known to use the cell phone camera in the ladies room at the grocery store to record the pattern for Inspiration! {made sure i was alone first! didn't want to scare anyone! lol!}

Arlene said...

I also take pictures of tile floors, walls and sidewalks when I am traveling. I would love to add to my collection of patterns with this book.

Betty Bland said...

You always have the most interesting things on your blog, Bonnie! I've left comments at the first stops and now here in hopes that I'll be the lucky person who gets the free book!

Carla said...

I wish I had been a quilter when we were first married. Lived in Spain for almost 3 years, oh the painted tiles and ceramics in some areas where fabulous, most hand done back then. To have this book, to use as memories of 35 yrs ago would be wonderful... I have fabrics in my stash that would be the ones to use too.

Janice said...

What a great book! Love your blog, Bonnie!

Yvonne said...

Would love to win this book as I need to get inspired again to make traditional quilts that are more than just the ordinary.

Robert said...

I can remember seeing tiles and floors wondering how to do that as a quilt or even incorporate it into my tatting. That certain curve or color choice is great. Life is interesting. Hope I get the opportunity to win. Thanks. Robert, in northern Iowa.

Ladybug said...

I knOw just what you mean about walking into buildings and seeing quilt patterns. I was lucky enough to visit Italy last spring and could not get over the wonderful tiles.

Alma said...

Yikes! I loved the cover of the book, too! It's very, very close to the colors in my kitchen--that quilt would look GREAT on my wall!

Paul said...

Me encantarĂ­a tener este libro porque me encanta la cultura latina. Tengo varios amigos de Venezuela y es casi seguro que elegir un modelo de este libro para un regalo de Navidad para una de ellas. (Thank You Google Translator...)

I would love to have this book because I love the latin culture. I have several friends from Venezuela and would almost certainly choose a pattern out of this book for a Christmas gift for one of them.

Me and My Stitches said...

I would love to have a closer look at this book. Thanks so much for sharing.

Tonya said...

What a neat idea! Some of the tile mosaics are absolutely breathtaking! I've always thought some stained glassed windows would make for some awesome quilt ideas as well!

Jay said...

We love Mexican and Spanish tiles! What a great opportunity to learn to tie them into our quilting. The book would go to a good home!

Hilda said...

I'd love to win this book. I liked the placemat closeup, and what a great idea for my Fiesta inspired kitchen!

Debbie Lou said...

I agree that quilt patterns and inspiration are everywhere. Looks like a lovely book. I would love to take a look. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like your trip to Germany is awesome. Enjoy!

Kathy said...

I'd love to win a quilt book about quilting and tiles. I've been to Mexico several times and really admire the artistic tiles and pottery produced by the artists.

Maggie Szafranski said...

I have been fascinated with mosaics since I was a little girl! I would love to win this book!

Mommarock said...

When my family moved here to Tx, we knew no one.. finally we met our neighbors who became great friends. They introduced us to their parents, who welcomed us as part of their family. They are from Mexico originally, now Americans. We do so much together, and being so far away from my family it is wonderful to have this family here. I would love to make a Mexican inspired quilt to thank them for their love and kindness that has made me feel so a part of their family, so loved!

Kasey said...

I would LOVE this book because of my long-enduring love of the tiles in restaurants! And, I've always wanted to be able to rearrange them into a more pleasing way. That would make it double fun to make a quilt from this book!! Or maybe some summer placemats, a tote bag, and some pillows when our couch comes...

KaHolly said...

I see the Mexican influence all around me and am always thinking, "quilts". I do the same wherever I go, esp. floor tiles. It must come with the territory!!

Bev said...

OOOOOH! The ideas that come to m ind with just the snippets shown on your blog. Would love to make gorgeous quilts from some of these tile designs.

Kathy Angel Lee said...

I, too, have been intrigued by tiles and patterns seen in buildings when I travel. Would love to receive a copy of the book.

Carol Sc said...

I've been known to embarrass my kids and husband, by pulling out paper and sketching a carpet pattern, a tile pattern, etc., etc. Now that I have a phone that is capable of taking a picture (I have to learn how!!), it may be a lot easier. How cool to "win" a book that reinforces the fact that others are as "crazy" about patterns as I am!

free indeed said...

I find it funny how quilters look for inspiration in everything. Lately, I'm drawn to color combos so my pastor's ties have been very distracting from his message!!!!! I'd like to see more inspiration in architecture so would love to read this book. Thanks!

valerie boudier said...

Looks like a great book with some fun Ideas

SewLindaAnn said...

I would like to win the book because I enjoy reading about the "process" and the inspiration besides seeing a good pattern. It goes along with the whole part of making quilts as a part of history. Hokey I know, but true. Quilts are not only useful, warm and cuddly they reflect the person, the giving and their creative spirit. I like being part of that. Happy Traveling!

JudyCinNC said...

It is so amazing how much beautiful inspiration there is in the world we live in. I have always thought people that design tile have such a unique and special talent. To be able to see that now interpreted in a quilt is beyond expectation. Wonderful book and I surely would love to have it on my shelves. Wonderful giveaway. JudyCnNC

Katie said...

This book sounds like something you could have written, or at least co-written. LOL. Thanks for the giveaway the book sounds awesome!

Linda said...

Always looks for fresh ideas! Would love to have a copy this book!

Sherri said...

Living in the Southwest, I am surrounded by the Mexican art influence everyday. I even live in a Sante Fe styled house where this influence is incorporated into the architecture and decor. What better way to decorate my home than with a Mexican tile influenced quilt. Pick me...Pick Me...PICK ME... :o)

Elisa (AKA scrapcat) said...

This post cracked me up! My family has finally come to terms with me stopping in my tracks and taking random pics of random items for inspiration! I want this book!

Susanne said...

I love books! They give new inspiration! :)
Best wishes from Germany

Lynn said...

It's so nice to know I'm not the only one who loves looking at tiles. How neat that she was able to write a book!

Nancy said...

Sounds like a great book. I would love to win a copy.

MJinMichigan said...

I would love to win a copy of the book. I too have taken pictures of tile floors in many places, the latest being Venice last summer. Someday I hope to make a tile design inspired quilt.

Anonymous said...

I never thought of looking at the floor for ideas. Now I will be looking down when I go out.
I love books. Read myself to sleep every night.
Mary Ann at mavs@netnitco.net

Teresa in Music City said...

YUM!!!! What a wonderfully great idea for fresh new quilts! I actually have a file of photos on my computer, each taken while out and about and spying carpeting or flooring or even wall art that inspired my design fever. I'd love to have a copy of this book and actually learn how to do that! Thanks Bonnie - for everything!!!!

Anonymous said...

You did a great job reviewing Cheryl's book. I have a copy but would love to win one to share with another friend.

I love your logo for your website...I'm passionage about red!

Pat S. said...

Your previews of this book are so tempting.....I have to get this book!!!

Cathy said...

Love the book. I'm working on a quilt now that the border and sashing is based on a tiled wall. Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy of the book. Love everthing you do. Hugs.

Barb H said...

This book sounds--and looks-terrific! I'd love to have a copy. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome book to have the opportunity to win! I love things that make my mind go crazy with shapes, colors and challenges. Thank you!

Cindi said...

This book just says "HAPPY" to me! Just look at the cover, can the inside be any less inspiring? Would love to win it!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a cool book. And every since your tile post I have looked at all floors ( inlcuding bathroom ones) differently!

Terry said...

I would love a copy of this book. I too noticed the tiles in Chili's and thought how lovely they would be in a quilt. This book would inspire me to start one! Thanks, Terry

farmhousequilter8 said...

Maybe you can come up with a Mystery from this book!
Paula in KY

Oh My, Jan! said...

Wow! This new book looks and sounds great! I think I'll be bringing my camera into the bathrooms more often! Hope you draw my name! Thanks for giving us a chance to win!

bingo~bonnie said...

What a brilliant idea for a quilt book!!! Love the title and cover - lucky you to be included in the blog hop Bonnie. Hope you're having a great time over seas. I thought of you yesterday as I added a few more things to the "Bonnie Box" in my sewing room....... *giggle*giggle*

Happy Weekend & Love from Texas! ~bonnie

Cheryl Willis said...

Hope you are enjoying your trip, this book would make fun reading on the flight, did you get a copy before you left?

Debbie said...

Oh my goodness! This book looks like a wonderful source of knowledge and inspiration. I would love a chance to add it to my library!


Heather said...

I lvoe the idea of using a single block as the central portion of a placemat. That's the first thing I would do if I won this book.
heatherdpear at hotmail dot com

Cathi said...

What a fun book to have! Would love to win it.

J R Broussard said...

My hubby is thinking of locking up his shirts since I have begun your scrap program. He is afraid I will retire some of his shirts too early if I like them alot!

WOW, I had to laugh out loud when I saw your post on this awesome book! My husband gets a chuckle out of me everytime we go to Chili's because I tell him I am going to make a quilt like that tile design one day.... too funny. He gets tired of hearing it. I would love to add this book to my library.

Wendy said...

Oohhh those tiles! Bonnie, if your travels ever take you to Italy, don't miss Sicily. The gorgeous town of Caltigirone (sp?) is most famous for it's beautiful pottery. Sure wish I quilted when stationed there... inspired by landscape beauty & art all around. Sorry, I digress. Caltigirone has a fabulous set of stairs & the risers of each step are set with fabulous tiles created by local artisans. Other little towns along the northern coast have pottery to their own local style. I'd love to win the book! If I don't, maybe I need to visit my cupboard and take a look at some of my dishware and borrow ideas from the artists who painted them. Ideas all around us in the most unlikely of places :-)

Kathleen said...

WOW! I would absolutely adore getting this book - so much fun to make something from another medium...like tiles!

Lee D said...

oh that looks like a breath of fresh air. great! Gute fahrt (good trip)

Brenda said...

I love the sound of this book. Looks very unique and cool. A different splash on quilting.

mtrquilts said...

Oh, Bonnie, This looks like a really great book. I have "quilt idea" notes on napkins and multitudes of sundry pieces of paper and envelopes! I even sketched a tile while eating at a Mexican restaurant. Lots of kindred spirits in the quilt world.

Nanbon44 said...

I have always love mexican tiles and I would love to win a copy of this book.

scout said...

This would definitely get me thinking out of the box! Maybe even find an inspiration for the picture of the tile floor from Ruby Tuesday's taken in Paducah several years ago.(I think the restaurant has since closed!! :>))

Shirlee said...

Cool book. It's calling my name!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have that book. What a fun idea. I never would have thought to get ideas from floors and tiles. tvbart@kdsi.net

Margie said...

I saw this book on Amazon a few days ago, and it's already on my wish list! I love that Cheryl Lynch was inspired to create beautiful quilts by authentic Mexican tiles. I already know that I want to make the placemats pictured above for my sister!

Joanna said...

I'd love to have the pattern for the placemat and a few of the other designs I've seen on the tour. It seems like a good book to have.

Cathy B. said...

What a cool book this would be to have. Definitely something different.

Thanks for the chance to win one.

Linda E in NM said...

Those tiles are inspirational, so I'd like to win this book to see what I could do with them.

SubeeSews said...

I am crossing my fingers here in snowy Indiana.
I find that I look at all buildings and floors , even telephone wires as quilting patterns. My visual world is so much richer since I started quilting.
safe traveling prayers headed your way

Gale Yawn said...

This book is already speaking to me. I am also one of those with hundreds of pictures of tile floors, borders, sidewalks, etc. I love the beauty of them and try to make them into quilts.

regan said...

Oh, this book looks fantastic! I've always loved Mexican tile design; we lived in San Diego for 17 years.

There are also great mosaic tile designs in several of the Wash. DC museums....I took pics many years ago.....hope I can still find them!

marilyn said...

Thanks for a chance to win another great book.

jean said...

I love tile designs. I am one that takes pictures in bathrooms or wherever I see beautiful tile designs. I would love to have a book that actually translates those designs to quilting.

Dreamquilter Elke said...

Dear Bonnie,
I make photos from graphics on houses of Germany and France.
It will be fun, to make quilts from this pictures.
I hope I win this book, to learn to make pattern from these.
Thank you for this giveway and have fun in Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elke L.

Susan said...

Bonnie......just returned from Mexico and the color you see everywhere is inspiring....thanks for this chance to win

Katie Z. said...

This looks like so much fun!

vickie in nh said...

I would love to win this book as I know that I will probably never take the time to convert all the photos that I've taken of tiles & floors over the years into quilts. And have you been to the Library of Congress - OMG!!! they have gorgeous floor tile arrangments!

Leslie said...

That book looks wonderful! I love spanish tiles.

Dianemrose@comcast.net said...

This book sounds great! I have dozens of pictures of the floor in the Basilica in Washington that would make an awesome quilt someday!

swooze said...

Would love to win the book!

Butterfly George said...

This book will absoultely be a success. I love the colorful tiles in Mexico and the southwest. I have not been to Europe but my children have and have brougt back pictures and gifts that are so Happy with color. Good luck to the author and thanks for the give away.

Quilt Monkey said...

What an interesting idea for a book. I'd love to win it! The projects look to be so different from what I normally make, I'd love to give it a whirl!

Unknown said...

Clever book. I love that the history is in there as well.

LizA. said...

This book looks very interesting. I look at tile floors too....recently had to take a picture of the bathroom floor in a campground on the Oregon Coast!

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

This looks to be a wonderful book. Thanks for the chance!

Peggie said...

Wonderful book and I enjoyed reading your blog too.

Dori said...

This book looks really fun, I see pattern all around me too. Thanks for the drawing! Dori

Linda in PA said...

I've had a fascination with tile work since I began to quilt. It would be great to own a book that broke this down and helped me to make a quilt using some of these designs. Thanks for a chance to win.

Barbara said...

I was in a Chuy's Mexican restaurant in Austin not too long ago and the tiles on the floor looked like they were patterned after quilt blocks, not the other way around! The book looks really interesting, I would love to win it.

robin said...

I'd love to win this book - looks interesting! I need all the inspiration I can get! :)

YankeeQuilter said...

I have a large box of tiles (my movers hated me!) that I bought in my travels through Mexico and the southwest. Love seeing someone use them for quilting inspiration!

Katherine Nicholson said...

Would love to own this book of gorgeous inspirations! Mexican tile patterns are fascinating. jnicholson@stny.rr.com

Carla G said...

I would love to get a copy of this book! Beautiful patterns. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Barbara said...

I would really love to own this book! I need to expand my quilting horizons and I think this would be a great way to do that! Thanks for offering a chance to win it!

Anonymous said...

looks like a great book ..I see "quilts" every where!

Michelle L. Momof11 said...

I would love to have this book. I like books that are a bit more than just patterns. Sounds like this one fits the bill for interesting reading! And since I still need to buy your latest book and Tonya's letters book, I could use a freebie!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

LOL - I too look at the tile flooring and the tables at Chili's and think how great they would look in a quilt - count me in for the book!

Limbania said...

Being Mexican myself (I know, my name is not Mexican but, I promise I was born and raised in Mexico), what can I tell you... Grew up surrounded by the beauty and color of Mexican tiles. Wish I would've known quilting back then but, is never late to learn something new. Would love to give home to such great book that would bring sweet memories along with inspiration. Thanks for the giveaway and have a safe trip back home Bonnie!

ytsmom said...

i think this is something every quilter has thought about. We see quilts in all kinds of things everyday!

Carole said...

What a beautiful book. I would love to win it so that I could give it to a wonderfully talented quilter friend. She goes camping in Mexico every winter (takes hand work as she has no power). I would love to see what she could create from this book.

Leah D said...

I have even seen quilt ideas in the shape of buildings. Had to go home and get my camera to take pictures of a church exterior which had an interesting combination of curved and straight angled lines.

Katie said...

I love quilt book eye candy! And there is something to inspire and to learn in every book.

crzyknit said...

Love Mexican tiles, and the book is cool! phyllis

Judith said...

This is a terrific way to find all of these new websites...what great ideas to be found! Looks like a great book!

Lisa said...

In 2007 my daughter and I spent 3 weeks traveling in Italy and Austria and I took a lot of photos of the floors in cathedrals and other places. So beautiful! I've always wanted to copy some of the beautiful designs and this book sounds like it would be a great starting point.

krisgray said...

Loved the bright tile on Mexico and Puerto Rico. Very interested in the appliqué projectss in this - what fun use of color.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Who wouldn't want to win this book. It feels like a new adventure. Loveee that place mat.

Billie in TX

Constance said...

I have, on occasion, pulled out paper and copied a tile design I have seen, and now I use my cell phone to take pics. Then I would get home and pull out graph paper to try and get the design down before my mind *lost* the image. Or kids distracted me.
It would be so much fun to win a book that had it set out for me, my poor brain gets on overload and having all the details worked out would be a nice change!

JoAnne said...

I would love to win this book! Thanks for the chance, Bonnie.

JustPam said...

The book looks beautiful. I would love to win it for more inspiration. I am so bad with color and maybe would be able to learn something.

Marcia W. said...

Bonnie, I enjoy looking at everyday architecture and decor, and figuring out the geometry and curves and repeats, especially tile floors. It would be great to win Cheryl's book to actually have the anchor of directions so can make my first "tile" quilt. Thanks for the opportunity.

http://thankfullga447 said...

Tiles are a great inspiration, would love this book.

Gail said...

I'd love to win a copy of this book and make the quilt on the cover and I have the perfect fabrics to use. The first time I went to Venice and saw the tiles in St. Mark's Cathedral I was inspired by how contemporary and modern they looked even though they were from hundreds of years ago.

Thanks for an opportunity to win a great prize.

Bente-I like to QuiltBlog said...

Dear Bonnie.
I like your Quilts very much! I would love to win this book, because I think it can inspire me to see quiltpatterns elsewhere as you do *smile*
It´s a great giveaway, I have one for my followers in my Blog too .

Jocelyn said...

I would really love to be entered in this giveaway. These patterns are so different then anything I have ever done. And I would love to make something like this and learn something new :-)

Barbara C said...

Sounds like you're having a great time in Germany. Interesting book, I'd love to win it.

Ria said...

Hallo Bonnie,
dieses Buch erinnert mich an das Bodenmosaik im "Kölner Dom" in meiner Heimatstadt.Es ist fantastisch und lässt einen sofort an einen neuen Quilt denken!

LG Ria

mamarazza said...

I visited a gazillion Italian and Spanish and Greek churches with my eyes on the floor... taking pictures of the wonderful "quilt patterns" they were. This book would give me lots of inspiration!!!
Thanks for your wonderful lecture and trunk show tonight at the Black Forest guild meeting-it was so much fun and you really are not only a talented quilter, but also a fascinating speaker.
Looking forward to tomorrows class!

Tressa said...

I like to throw my name into the pool for the chance at winning the book. Thanks for the chance and hope you are having fun on your trip.

Deirdre said...

Wow - this is getting really popular! Great that everyone is sharing parts of the book.
:-D eirdre

Carol said...

I think I need this book for inspiration. That is sadly lacking during this long long month of February.

Annie said...

I would love a copy of this book. It looks so neat - I love tiles and take pictures too!!

Fran said...

I would love to be able to put these together and this book is just the inspiration I need to do it. Fran

Jennifer Gleich said...

Cheryl's new book looks wonderful! I have recently decided to stop "buying" fabric and start using the yards and yards of stash I have. This book looks like it would help. My email address is candlelady127@gmail.com

Thanks! Jennifer

Pauline said...

OOOh count me in on this one! Not only am I addicted to fabric, quilts, Bonnie's blog and web site, but to colors, glorious colors! If the rest of the book is as great as the front, I'll be busy forever!
Thanks for your post and sharing your talents.

Connie said...

I love the Mexican culture and would LOVE to have this book to use for projects! Thanks so much for the offer!

AnnieO said...

I'd love to have a copy of this book! Mexican tile of course is everywhere here in SoCalif but I never get tired of it, there are so many fantastic colors and designs. Hope you get over your jet lag quickly! Going and coming back from Australia in 2009, I never slept the whole way, so my body had no idea what day or time it was and I didn't get any jet lag either way. I wouldn't recommend it, but it happened.

Linda (Petey) said...

Very inspiring and interesting looking book. Better to look at than our fresh snow outside. Maybe the book would arrive in time for a spring lift! Thanks.

Jody said...

They say you can't judge a book by it's cover, but I think this book will be the exception! I would love to learn how to piece quilts that look like what's in my mind!

Comins Quilter said...

I would *LOVE* to win this book! I have a hand made table with tiles from Mexico in the center. One of the designs on the front of the cover reminds me of my table; yellow, blue, and white floral motif. The cool thing is that when four tiles come together they make a secondary design - very mush like quilt blocks can.

Jennifer said...

What a neat idea - I'd like to win the book for some inspiration about how to tile my kitchen ;) and then I'd have a pattern to make a quilt to match!

Kerry said...

Love the idea of this book, so many great patterns to be found in tiles.

dot said...

Well, who wouldn't want to make such a festive quilt. I love quilting with bright bold colors and combinations and this book would certainly be an inspiration.

Julie said...

This book looks gorgeous! I can't wait to see some of the quilts inside - any of them scrappy? Oh, the possibilities!

Rachel Bates said...

I would like some non-traditional inspiration for from this book.

Chris said...

What a great book idea!

amester said...

I sure hope I win this book.

Jeane said...

I am definitely ready for something fresh with a hint of spring. I even think I could applique those larger petals. Very nice book.

Marilyn said...

How cool would that be to win this great looking book? I too have often wondered about tile patterns but couldn't figure out just how to do that. I have been having trouble deciding on a pattern for my second granddaughters grad quilt. I can now see me using one of these patterns to make one in her school colors. OK! Now I just have to win this book!!! Thanks so much for the opportunity.

Cathie in UT said...

This would be a perfect book for me to make a quilt to remind my DD and family of their time in San Antonio, TX as they prepare to move on with the Army. I might just have to buy it if I don't win!
Thanks for the chance to win a copy

Jolee said...

Love quilting, love Latin flair....and this looks lovely! Thanks so much. joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net

Jo said...

You really shouldn't pick my name because I have MORE than enough to sew right now...and have more than enough patterns, quilt books and the like. I just went to the winter end sale at our local thrift store...$4 a bag! 78 shirts and $16 later I am bogged down, but happy as a lark. All shirts to cut into quilts :) So no...you probably shouldn't pick my name but of course if you did...I'd tear myself away from my current list and check out even more goodies.

Anonymous said...

I really have something with tiled floors, I even collected old tiles books for a while. I always find myself "seeing" quilt patterns, but I have never actually sewn anything from a tile pattern. Thanks for sharing this!
Marta in Spain
marta.santiago (at) yahoo.es

Sharon said...

I have one girlfriend left on my list who has not recieved something quilty from me and when I asked her what colors she would like, she said
"something Mexican" Looks like this book is full of great ideas! Thanks for the chance.

Jittina said...

What a great book! Just looking at the cover makes me happy. I would love to win a copy.

Jittina, the Netherlands

Borderline Quilter said...

Wow...I would love to win this book....we have tile floors here in the UK too that would make great quilts, I have plans on a quilt or two of my own from tiles in my Mothers hall and tiles in the entryway to my property....but even if I don't win I want to send you this link so that you can see Victorian tiles here in the UK...

http://borderlinequilter.blogspot.com/2010/11/who-needs-venice.html ....

I am also enjoying my trip to Germany along with you...happy travels!
Best Wishes
Kay in Scotland

Humbolt, the troll said...

Looks lovely I'd love to have a copy.

Teri said...

I would love to have a copy of the book. How fun to see the different possibilities.

Blogless me said...

I've got a very nice tiled floor in the entrance hall and it might be helpful to see other tile designs translated into quilts. Who knows one day maybe I'll make a quilt to match my floor!

Hannele said...

I'd love to win a copy of the book simply because even the cover looks so inviting :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book. I have a special picture I took in China I want to turn into a quilt and am having trouble getting started. This might push me to do it. Thanks for a great blog.

Janet said...

That book looks amazing - thanks for the opportunity!

Pieceful Jane said...

This is such a cool idea for a book! I would love to own it. :)

Lois said...

We were in Germany last summer and I loved to look at the tile patterns. They give me inspiration for quilts. The book would be great.

di said...

I also have pictures of tiles and floors - even some from ancient ruins in Israel and Jordan! Looking forward to this new book! Thanks Bonnie for the opportunity to win one!

Jeanne said...

Hi Bonnie,
I would love a copy of Cheryl's book. I absolutely am inspired by the talent in the quilting world.

canada girl said...

I have certainly walked into buildings and thought that the pattern they have on the floor or wall would be nice in a quilt. Thanks for the chance to win the book. :')

Suze said...

Thanks for helping Cheryl with this wonderful giveaway. Her quilts are eye candy deluxe! I love the look of the quilts so, so much! Thanks for including me for a chance to win a book!

Lady of the Cloth said...

Who wouldn't want this book? The cover photo alone would sell me! I'd love to be in the drawing. I hope you are making wonderful memories in Germany.

LintLady said...

Hi Bonny,
I am happy to read, how much you enjoy your trip here in Germany!
I would like to win the book, because it lookes like fun to make this and I love all kind of tile patterns.
Hugs Doris

mary ellen peterson said...

i hoard quilting books too!!!!

Kim Reid said...

I'd love a chance to enter :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Nancy said...

I love looking at iles! Our local university added mosiac floors in a remodel of the original buildings and, amazingly, MARINER'S COMPASS showed up! It's my favorite hall to walk down. I'd love to win this book!

mary e said...

okay, i've edited my profile(thanks for the tute). now when i win this wonderful book you will be able to notify me!!! :>) CUTE DOG ALERT!!!!

Terri in BC said...

Thanks, Bonnie! You've reminded me to pull out some old photos of mine of things that looked "quilty" and put them in my inspiration book. This book looks like a lot of fun!

Joyce said...

Me, me,me,me!!!!!!!!

Kim said...

How fun is this?
I have tons of pictures of tile floors from many countries.....they do inspire me and one day I'll make a quilt from my pictures but wouldn't it be nice to have this book to show me how.......so I don't have to reinvent the wheel!

thanks for the chance to win

Happy Sewing and safe travels Bonnie

Quiltgirlie said...

The patterns looks for much fun sewing them.

Sarah Martin said...

I've been studying tiles for ages, thinking to make quilts from the designs. The colors and patterns are endless, just like quilts! I'd love to have a look at this book and see how she goes about it!

lindaroo said...

I've loved Talavera tiles for the longest time, and I have no idea how to translate them into quilts. Cheryl's book would be a delight to own! Thank you for the chance to win!

Deborah Harmon said...

Looks like a great book!

Debbie in WV

Dolores said...

Applique and piecing - my kind of book. Not to mention that I just happen to love tiles. Thanks for the chance to win.

Mary said...

Sounds like a fun book!

kmgeartheart at juno.com

Anonymous said...

I am always searching for inspirations in tile floors, wood mosaic floors etc. When I was showing my sister our pictures from the Louvre in Paris she said "wait a minute...you are at the Louvre and you are taking pictures of the floors!?!!" Infact I have one of a mosaic wood floor at the Louvre that has a mistake in the pattern...even floor installers get their pieces turned around too! SHIRL~PA

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

What an awesome book. I love this kind of inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I love to look at tile designs. This also works well with kitchen and bath vinyls, There are some really beautiful vinyl designs now, too! Brenda=KY

Loris said...

thanks for asking, Bonnie :-) this is a great looking book and I haven't seen it before. I live on the central coast of California and enjoy seeing lots of Mexican heart and heritage. would love to put that into quilts!

Kathy H said...

This book looks like it has some really great projects. Thanks for the chance to win one.

Judy D in AZ said...

I am lucky enough to live in AZ, only a few hours from Mexico. I know we have our problems but I personally love to visit Puerto Penasco. We have made many fine friends there. I especially love their art-especially the bold colors. I would love to have a signed copy of this book.

Mrs. Sew and Sew - Karen said...

This book looks like so much fun! I always notice tiles and they remind me of quilt blocks. I am from Texas originally. I have always loved the colors in Mexico and their art. I would love to have a signed copy of this book.

Ginny Axtell said...

I, too, have photographed tiles all over the world and would love to win this book for inspiration. Thanks for the chance!

Mama Pea said...

Looks like a great book! Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

Nell said...

I need a kick in the pants! That's why I need this book. I seem drawn to the same old, same old. I could use a little bit of pizazz in my quilting. :)

VickiT said...

That looks like an amazing book. I've started seeing things more and more like that now myself since I've gotten into quilting.

vburr at charter dot net

Lydia said...

Would love a copy of Cheryl's book. From your description it sounds wonderful.

qltmom9 said...

Oooo...I have a bunch of solids that delight and remind of the bright oranges, full blues, springy greens, and terra cottas I saw so plentifully in Mexico. This would be PERFECT to use my little treasures on.

Lucy (in IN)

Cecilia said...

I would love to win the book so that I can learn how to mimic some of the patterns. Thanks for the chance to win. I love the tiled tables at Chili's too! :)

Nan Baker said...

I would love a chance to win this book.

KatyTrailCreations said...

Fresh ideas for quilting are always welcome! Love the vivid colors in Mexican tiles too.

Robyn said...

I've grown up surrounded by beautiful Mexican tiles and I would absolutely love to see Cheryl's designs for quilts inspired by them. Thanks for the chance to win her book! :)

Grammasheri said...

What a perfect book for someone who lives in the southwest! (me :D )
I'm enjoying your posts about your Germany trip...be safe and come home to us!

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