It’s a travel day for me, so I’m setting this up to post while I’m in the air!
I’m FINALLY FINALLY headed off to Stuttgart to meet with the Black Forest Quilters, the Schoenaich Quilt Guild, and a workshop day at the Nadel & Faden Quilt shop!
I'll also be meeting with Birgit Kaller. She writes for a prominent quilting magazine in Germany, Patchwork Gilde Deutschland.
I was able to meet Lissa for a drive-by-quilt-drop-off curbside at DFW, packed that Virginia Bound quilt back in the quilt duffels, and off we went!
This is just a short short post, travel days don’t leave much to write about, but look at this, I thought this was funny!
Here I am standing in a LONG line waiting to go through security and there is this little kiosk where you can mail items home you forgot to put IN your checked luggage!
On the little chart, it tells you how much it is to ship each item home….in most cases the price of shipping your item is MORE than the item would cost….
With all the things they ban these days, I thought it hilarious that they would single out SNOWGLOBES. ((!!!)) But look….you can ship a snowglobe home for only 5 bucks more from over seas, than you can domestically….so if I really wanted to get my money’s worth, I’d let it fly all the way home from Europe
Look at what I saw at MODA!! Ooooohhh…look at these beauties! Lissa let me pet them and unfold them and take pictures!!
Wouldn’t you love to just paw around in here? Each fabric was so wonderful!
And what really blew me away were the catalogues:
See that date on the spine? These are fabrics from 1891!
Lissa also held the quilts for me while I took pics…I was so excited I had a hard time holding the camera still, so pardon the blurry ones…
There were more, many more, but we were short on time!
I had a great time…..and what is so funny is that I think Lissa and I could honestly pass for twins. Seriously Same height, same coloring, same everything..we even graduated highschool the same year! In fact, someone asked her at the lecture if she was me. Isn’t that fun! Have you ever been face to face with someone where it was so much like looking into a mirror? What a cool experience!
So….the next time you hear from me, I’ll be in Germany! What adventures we will have to share!
I just recently read an article on flying with snowglobes. The reason they are singled out is because nobody thinks about the liquid in the snowglobes when they purchase them as souvenirs and then pack them in their carry-on. Since security can't verfy 3oz or less, or what the liquid actually is, so they have to refuse them. I think it's so sad...
Thanks for sharing the Moda quilts what great inspiration.
Best wishes for safe travels.
Love Love the Moda quilts. Enjoy Germany, I was born in Germany and love the culture. Take a bicycle ride if you can.
Thanks for sharing all those lovely quilts, Bonnie! I bet you were drooling! Enjoy yourself and safe travels.
That trip to Moda must have been exciting! Enjoy Germany (and have a potato pancake and an apple strudel...two of my favorite things!)
Liebe Bonnie,
willkomen in Deutschland und ich wünsche Dir eine tolle Zeit.
Liebe Grüße,
Such beautiful antique fabrics! What a treasure. Safe trip and happy sewing.
Bonnie.....have a wonderful trip in Germany. Jeff was there in 1976!! Wow! Where did time go? It is on our 'bucket list' to return. Be safe :)
We've been hearing about Lissa all week with
the Moda Pillow talk with all the designers.....one designer likes her more than the next and now you do too! Oh wow I bet you could have spent all day looking at those quilts.........
Safe travels....have fun in Europe and I hope you got to keep all your sewing gear for your flight.
We look forward to pictures!
Happy Sewing
be still my heart!.....another VIcarious trip fro me to Germany! I love your travel posts! (I love your quilty/fabric posts too, of course)
thanks for taking the time from your BZ schedule to post all the fun stuff!
How fun for you at Moda. I notice you found time to photo the "hex quilts" :)! Any new ideas floating around in your Scrappy Mind? Sounds like you have a fun filled trip planned. No SNOWGLOBES purchases Bonnie! Sandi
Wow! those are really some beautiful quilt. Stay safe and enjoy..
Have a nice and safe trip ! I'll be coming to one of your trunk shows, have to get this organised at the last minute !
Und dein Deutsch ist sehr gut !
See you soon !
May you enjoy your trip to Germany. We had the opportunity to live there for 3 years. Some of the best years of my life, wish I had been a quilting mama then. Don't worry about the language, if you make an honest attempt to speak german, they will often speak English. They just prefer you try thier language.
Enjoy your trip, I wish I could fit in your luggage. Envy,Envy!
hello Bonnie,
too bad, I can not come to Stuttgart to see you :o( But I want to tell you a warm "Welcome to Germany". Have fun, not too much Jetlag and a very good time!
xx Doris from (too far away and working) Germany
Dear Bonnie,
I hope you had a got fly to Germany. Welcome Bonnie!!!!!! (Herzlich willkommen) Have a great time to your visit and workshops in Germany. We see us in Stuttgart on Sunday by Nadel und Faden. A dream is going on. I will go to bed now and dream from quilts and patchwork.
Elke from Germany
Sorry, I mean a good fly to Germay. It is late, I must go to bed.
I was in Germany Jan 77 through Dec 79; stationed in Nuremberg. I LOVED every minute I was there. I even got brave and bought a violin from a small local shop in downtown Altstadt. It was fun. My German almost non existent and their English about the same. Lots of sign language and grabbing of calenders (they didn't stock stringed instruments in the store, a "traveling salesman" would bring a few for sampling.) Have lots of fun.
When my son was four he had a snowglobe that was his comfort item- it had a music box he would wind before sleep. There was no where to mail it, we were going to miss our flight, and we had to get home. The guard took it and threw it in the trash right in front of him. His crying and my husband's shouting attracted the attention of the supervisor, who reached into the trash handed it back to my son and ushered us through. I was never so happy in my life. I thought my kid was going to throw up and my husband get arrested! Thank goodness the supervisor was a MOM (she told me) and recognized that this little kid's snow globe was not going to be a security issue!
I think it's great that the airport had a mailing kiosk- I hope they all get them!
What a wonderful time you must have had at Moda. Those catalogues would be a joy to see.
I'm looking forward to your stories and photos from your trip to Germany. We'll be heading to Heidelberg in a couple months, and my DIL said we'll go to Stuttgart one day to visit some shops. I'm looking forward to following in your footsteps, Bonnie. Enjoy your trip!
Dear Bonnie,
welcome to Germany, heard already you have arrived safely, looking forward to the next days with you here in the Stuttgart area !
all my stripes cut already :-)
best regards
The Moda fabric and quilts are wonderful and inspiring!
I guess they need to invent a snow globe that the buyer can add the water to and seal up later.
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