Are you ready??? 458 of us agreed that it is NOT the outside that counts, but what is in the INSIDE! ((Yes, more life lessons in here I’m sure….but I still draw the line at wearing Snuggies to Costco!! ))
And the Winner of the first “Scratch & Dent Give-Away” for a copy of Scraps & Shirttails II is:
She writes:
I wouldn't mind a book with a little damage to it's back; it's what's inside that counts. Learned that lesson well when I was 13 and diagnosed with scoliosis (my own "damaged back"); it didn't change what was inside me. Maybe it did: I'm stronger because of it, inside and out!
Neverbored, please email me at Quiltville@gmail.com with your name and snail mail address and this copy will be off on its way in the mail to you tomorrow! Congrats!
Wow, has this been fun! I’ve been thinking about what to do for the next Give-Away and I think we should save it for Valentine’s Day, don’t you? Wouldn’t that be the perfect gifty excuse? ((Especially for those of us who have had to live down such things as a gas dryer for Christmas, and an “as seen on TV” pasta-pot birthday present, still wrapped in it’s CVS bag---therefore giving us NO HOPE ever for such romantic holidays as Valentine’s Day! Don’t ask --- You don’t want to know!)) SO be watching….We’ll do this again as Valentine’s Day gets closer!
Wanna know what I’ve been up to today?
Quilt Top Assembly! I like to chain sew my tops together by row, so each row is complete, and they are hooked between the units by the chaining threads. This keeps EVERYTHING secure and then it is really impossible for me to get a block rotated or in the wrong place.
The rows are assembled ACROSS the quilt, then I simply just have to join the rows! Once the rows are assembled and webbed this way, you can cut them apart to press and attach if you want. I don’t. I just finger press and go.
Here is the whole top with the rows webbed together ----just ready for the rows to be joined to each other.
And the TOP finished!! Whoooo!! I tell you, I really had to hone some fudging skills with this thing thanks to that crazy bad seam allowance!
Again I tried and tried and tried different fabrics for borders, and this is the one I liked the best! Isn’t it wild?! Just wait til you see it quilted!
And my project for tomorrow? I get to put away all the stash that is covering every flat surface in here from auditioning everything in sight!
I think this is the part I hate the worst—Putting yardage away! I hate having to refold and sort by color or whatever and put it AWAY. But it’s on the list for tomorrow.
I’ve got a binding to finish, and more game is on, so I’m going to hit SEND and see ya’ll later!
I love how you work, Bonnie!! Wishing I could train myself to be so good :)
Bonnie, you misspelled my name!! Just kidding. Congrats to the winner.
The top looks great. Love that border fabric!
Congrats to the winner! I love the border! I have a couple baby quilts I need to make...you have given me some ideas! Thanks!
I love the boarder fabric. Now that it is together I like the individual color blocks instead of the 4 piece blocks that you had earlier.
I *love* how the quilt top turned out--probably because I can remember being a little kid and spending hours looking at the fabric in the patches. This is that kind of quilt--it's going to be such a fun quilt to look at!
Perfect border fabric!
I do not like the mess that needs put away when auditioning fabric. We have way too much fabric!
XOXO Subee
Oh wow the top looks GREAT!
I definitely think the border fabric makes the quilt. Love it.
The quilt looks great! The border fabric is wonderful.
wow - you worked hard today - finished the whole top - I know it is a baby quilt but that is still a bit of work.
The second I saw the border fabric, I thought that's the most PERFECT border ever for that quilt... it's beautiful! You must be so pleased with the results...
That border is PERFECT! I"ve tried to chain sew the rows like that but I just can't get used to it!
That border fabric is wild, but it's great!
That is STINKIN' CUTE! Love the border!
Congrats to Neverbored! I love the baby quilt. That border really sets it off.
I wish that I had half of your talent in picking colors. I love what you did!
groeten, Henny
Congratulations to the winner - Neverbored! YIPPEE! Condolences to the rest of us. boohoo ;o)
I *love* your Super Bowl Weekend quilt, Bonnie! Can't wait to see it quilted!
That border if perfect. It ties the whole quilt together.
Wow that really pops ... I love it.
Congrats to neverbored. Love the border. The quilt will be awesome.
Wow! I can't believe I won! this is a first! I never win...guess I can't say that anymore. And to top it off, my Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl tonight also! I am the happiest girl on the planet! Thank you, Bonnie!
The baby quilt is just perfect! So cheerful and so you! Love the border. It's just so playful and right for a child's quilt that will outlast 'babyhood'.
Congrats to NEVERBORED - Enjoy the book! Bonnie, the sashing looks great and the Border is marvelous - it really brings it all together and makes it pop! I know your niece will enjoy it!!
I LOVE the border fabric - it's just perfect to blend with all the colors in the quilt blocks. Good choice ... and choice is good (yay for the stash!).
Love your quilt, I have heard chain quilting is a quick way to piece, but I am too dense to figure it out, lol. I do everything the hard way.
This is so cute! Congrats to the book winner...even though I didn't get to sew on Superbowl I was quilting in spirit! Can't wait to get back into my sewing room tomorrow night.
Congratulations to the winner! I love the baby quilt. It is colorful and fun! Perfect for a baby to grow with.
Oh Bonnie your niece's quilt turned out perfect with that butter color :) I just love the circles in the borders.... and I am so glad you shared that photo of the whole quilt held together by chain stitches!!!!!!!!!!!11 that is BRILLIANT! Why have I never heard of this or thought of this before! You must suggest to Quiltmaker letting you do an article on this!
and I agree about the register with Blogger in order to be able to make a comment - that is the WHOLE reason I signed up so that I could start leaving you, JudyL, and Mary Johnson comments! :) SEW glad I did! :)
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
congrats to the winner!! love the borders on the baby quilt!
You made the right choice for the border, it really picks up the block colors and sets off the sashing. It's going to be really pretty. I know your SIL is going to love it.
Gail :)
It seems that that borderfabric is specially made for the blocks, I love it very much,
Love how the blocks all look so different and the sashing is perfect - must remember to look at the scale when my quilts don't look quite right! What a lucky girl your niece is - could I adopt you as an auntie???
love that border on this quilt....congrats on another finish!
I think a little niece is going to be very happy with or underneath this quilt. You know what? I love that it is not only nice when she is one year old but still when she is 11... or 21!
OH, I would have LOVED wrapping one of my babies up in that beautiful quilt. VERY fun.~
Lucy (in IN)
Perfect border fabric! Love this quilt as I am particularly fond of churn dashes. Thanks for showing us your method of sewing the rows together and keeping them together. That would really speed things up!! Congrats on a great Super Bowl Sew in:)
What a fantastic border - it just makes the quilt.
Anne in snowy Unionville, Ontario Canada
Bonnie that turned out great! If I lived close by I would come over and help you fold and put it all away.
Your boarder is perfect! Isn't it really amazing how the whole thing seems perfectly planned from the beginning? It's great that you shared your struggle with us so we don't feel bad to go through what you did when auditioning, rejecting, auditioning, rejecting, auditioning, applauding! Great quilt lucky baby.
What a great quilt top is that. I love the bright colours.
I love the borders you chose! They so perfectly compliment the quilt center. Only wish I could work so fast. It takes me all day to put borders on, let alone put a top together.
I learned many years ago to "string a quilt" --- I love it, cause I can lay out a quilt, pick it up and, YEARS later, know exactly how I meant to sew it together. ...or (and this might be a miracle!), sew it right now. It is, however, more difficult to do with a quilt that has blocks on point. Have you ever noticed, Bonnie, how many of your quilts are diagonally set? --- "just sayin".
I really like the quilt, just love all the colors, so bright and cheery. Great job.....
That's what I love about giveaways -- when just the right person gets the book!
That has got to be a record for putting together a baby quilt with that many pieces. Doing sashing always drives me bonkers so I'll have to try the chaining method one day. It really looks good Bonnie!
What a neat idea! I'm going to try that!
Love love love that border! There can't be a better border for that quilt. BTW.....Love love love the quilt too!
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