
Friday, January 14, 2011

Blogging Addictions?

Is there such a thing?

I was following a link this morning and some how I ended up in a Blogging Addiction Quiz! Of course, I took the questions as a grain of salt, but it was humorous AND intriguing, and it has made me think!

Not very often have I posted to my blog more than once a day, and usually I have something I want to share. First and foremost I think of my blog as my own journal. Back in junior high and high school I think you could probably call me a journal addict too. I kept notebooks for thoughts, ideas, letters ---they are still in a box somewhere. I need to remember where so I can go burn them before my kids find them.. LOL!

So back to blogging….let’s see how I did shall we?

57%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

((Is 57% good or bad? I have no clue!?))

But this is something that I DO talk about a bit in my lecture. There is so much available to us as Quilters! Blogs, email lists, chat forums, facebook, yahoo chat, gmail chat, terrific websites with how-to-videos, subscription quilting channels…and give-aways! How we love to chase down the give-away blogs just in case we might win something! I’m guilty of it too! Both in the giving, and of the leaving of the comments! It’s All great! But when is too much too much? How do we find balance?

For me, if blogging severely cuts into my quilting time, it’s not a productive thing. I am really finding the need to spend what little time I have actually SEWING something, than reading about everything else that is out there. I know there are some great things I am missing! But it’s like reading a great cook book, but only reading it…and reading the next recipe and the next recipe, always afraid there might be a better one down the line --- and never actually getting off my keester to go COOK SOMETHING. What good does it do?

So! I’m offering up a challenge weekend! This weekend…let’s see what we can sew away from the computer. Let’s try to find a bit of balance. The computer will be here Monday --- are you up for it? Really! Any posts you missed will be here Monday too, you just have to scroll down the page to find them! Sun


onlymehere said...

I'm only 45% addicted so I guess I'm okay! I'm working overtime all weekend so there's no time to sew :(

Have a great sewing weekend yourself!

Anna said...

I got 65%. Nice to be in good company. :)

Judy D in WA said...

I'm afraid to take the test!! :) Now that I'm feeling a little guilty, I'm off to sew!

Jocelyn said...

I don't think that I am addicted, but I have spend way more time on the computer since I had a fall last summer. Not being able to sit and sew, there was not much else to do. I agree that the blogs will be there on Monday. So let's have fun and sew this weekend :-)

Shakerwood said...

Count me in......I'm in bloggyland more than the sewing room. This has gotta stop!

Karen Newman Fridy said...

Guilty! Glaringly apparent to me when I was completely offline and unplugged last weekend at the retreat...I got so much done!! Love my blogs and FB, but I like your idea of a(nother)weekend off. Maybe I can get the studio cleaned up again :)

Pat said...

Guilty, but I have to tell you that blogs such as yours have enriched/advanced my knowledge of quilting 'way beyond what it would be otherwise. The sharing of ideas, the generous exchange of knowledge, the instant availability of tutorials and project ideas? It's like having a whole neighborhood of friends right there whenever you need them.

Sarah said...

Interestingly, I am 42% addicted. I agree that blogs give us inspiration and (too) many new ideas but I have the perfect solution. With no decent connection at home, I generally only surf during lunch at work! Works great. Good luck on your internet-less weekends!

Linda said...

I think you just described me to a tee!! I rarely find time for quilting, with work & kids, but I always put aside 4/15 minute increments to catch up on blogland or facebook. Even if I don't post, I spend that time lurking & taking note of ideas, etc... I will accept the challenge and spend that time quilting!! :) Thank you for the post Bonnie! :)

Nana Time said...

I didn't take the test yet but I don't think I am addicted. I sew more than I read blogs.... but then maybe I am addicted to sewing :) Reading quilting blogs makes me want to sew even more.

Irene Onderweegs said...

50 % !
that's a big number, considering i have no blog of my own... and (pointing that nasty dirty finger at you!) you are guilty of it!
first thing in the morning is your blog, to start my day with a smile/grin/giggle. and then the ones on the side bar, and the feeds. and the mail with the quiltville group. sip the coffee, and take a shower. that order.
ok, it's my own fault, i admit, but really, it is a nice shortcoming imho.
from the rainy attic to the snowy mountains, irene from amsterdam

Anonymous said...

I haven't taken the test but I'll admit I have been doing more web-surfing/blogging than actual sewing in the last few weeks and I can get "transfixed" reading blogs and hopping from one to another.

I guess eventually, the novelty of reading all of these blogs written by people who share the same interests will wear off but for now I'm enjoying it.

Gail :)

Kim said...

UH OH busted!
Some days blog surfing is the only exercise I get :0)
I'll try this challenge......what if I set the timer and get off after 30 minutes?

Happy Sewing

Susan Torrens said...

I'm at 32% - pretty good. I use my blog to encourage myself to work harder - so I have something to blog about! I only spend about a half hour/day checking email/blogs etc. Then I use it to follow patterns that I have designed using EQ7 or ones that I have downloaded. My sewing room was getting buried in paper from printed notes, so now I read the pattern from the computer screen. I have been going through my files, and if the pattern is stored on my computer, I've been recycling the pattern - either to a friend or my recycling bin.

Tiffany said...

I work full time and spend my lunch hour checking out blogs for tips/inspiration/projects so that I can save my free time for crafting.

I still have to cook and clean and do errands after being gone until 6 pm so my actual free-time is VERY limited and I like to use it for fun things - not just plotting.

Sadie said...

Oh no, please don't all go away. My sewing machine is in the shop for an overhaul so it will pur like a kitten for Bonnie's class In Feb. All i can do is wash and cut my material for the cathedral stars quilt. I am so looking forward to the workshop.

Mama Pea said...

I do all my sewing on the weekends, because I work full-time. I also do all my blog reading during the week, when I'm too tired and busy to sew. That's how I stay engaged in my craft during the week. It works for me. But, I will say, I'm pretty addicted during the week and have to self-manage by saying, "Do X amount of work and then you can have 5 min of blog checking." haha

Mama Pea said...

P.S. I'm sitting here eating lunch and reading blogs, now. :-)

Meredith said...

I am not addicted, you can tell that from my blog. I do not care about followers and I am not trying to make money blogging. I just use it as a way to record my quilts. Recently I am tired of the blog world and have been at a place where I do not even want to share what I am reading or working on that is quilt related. There are some nice people I have met and I do enjoy seeing what they are working on. I liked blogging back in 2007 when it was different than what it is now. My blog got full so I deleted a lot of the older years.

The Nifty Stitcher said...

I am definately guilty of sitting at the computer for too long. Today I went 6 hours without it and spent the time finishing RRCB. I try to limit myself to an hour only on the computer. I'd rather be sewing - but it IS nice to be in touch with other quilters.

Teresa Rawson said...

Hmmmm...50% addicted to quilt blogging. Not bad considering I am 150% addicted to quilting!! I have a life and do get quilting done, but I have so enjoyed the exchange of ideas and support that blogging has brought to my life. I have a group of quilters locally that I identify with and two rather close quilting best buds, but sometimes they are too busy to really bounce things off of or share what they are doing. I find I really love that and need it. My blog, Fabric Therapy, is pretty bare bones...I'm often embarrassed of how quilting 'meat and potatoes' is really is...I don't know very many of the formatting slick tricks to make it very polished. I just try to share quilting, so I think I'm still more obsessed with quilting than with quilt blogging. I'd like to try publishing some of my original ideas, and I see my blog as a way to share some things and test the waters at some point to that end. I'd love to share some of my wacky applique ideas like you've shared so generously with us. That seems like a good thing.

But look at this huge comment on the subject, trying to justify my blogging...hmmmm...pretty telling! I'm probably more addicted than I think I am! LOL

In stitches,
Teresa :o)

Lee Ann L. said...

Interesting. I figured my score would be higher; but, I received 54%. So, I say I'm not badly addicted. :-) I plan on cutting fabric this weekend -- tons and tons of 2.5" squares. :-D

John'aLee said...

Love your post too. My last post was addressing this same issue. I really enjoyed the comments people posted in response to what I was trying to say. It is enlightening. The majority of us do feel the same way! Too much blogging...not enough creative time.
Thanks for posting.

Leeanne said...

I'm 44%....not bad or is it?
Lets get SEWING!!!!

Miss Hillbilly said...

HA...I'm 74% addicted. Time to post it now. LOL

Grammasheri said...

I have been thinking along the same lines. I LOVE to read blogs and learn new things...but it does cut into my quilting/beading time sometimes. I'm up for this weekend challenge.

Kim said...

48% addicted........
I surf more than I write :0)
But I did get some sewing done today too :0)

I'm gonna do better and get off the computer........
Happy Sewing

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking I need a break from reading...I don't get much done some days. =) I'm 60% addicted to blogging. =)

Comfort Cove Designs said...

I kept a written journal since I was 10 years old. Its only been in the last three years I have wrote more to my blog than my journals. I too have kept all my journals and one of these weekends when its just me in the house. I will take them out, crack open a bottle of wine and read down through them. Should be interesting!

Quiltingly Yours

Unknown said...

what a hoot - you challenge everyone to get off the computer and sew and everyone has to comment - we are so addicted!!! I aqm up for the challennge thiough I ahve three quilt to put together and quilt and biond this weekend.......see you Tuesday

Rita P said...

I, too, am afraid to take the test....that's denial, right!

drquilter said...

I didn't even know about quilt blogging until a couple of months ago when I friend told me about one blog from there I hopped over to another, then another - the next thing I know I'm following several blogs a day and finally started one of my own! I've followed your site for several years and now your blog - love it!!!

TheaMinPA said...

ummm, do I really want to know? still thinking about the test thing....

but I know I'm addicted to YOUR blog, Bonnie!!!

I'll be teaching and sewing all weekend, so I'll see you back here on Monday!

Barb Johnson said...

I didn't take the quiz, so I have no idea. But I DO know that I spend waaaaaayyyyy too much time in front of the screen. It is Saturday morning, and I had to get up to do my Facebook tour post for the Quilt Pattern Magazine. But now, I am going shut the computer off and go do some SEWING!!!

Jean said...

Well, I didn't read your blog soon enough... but I'm basically just waiting for the dog to be ready to be let back inside. So I took the test and came up with only 41%... which isn't too bad.
Guess I will survive!
Enjoy your weekend!

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