Let it SNOW!! Let it SNOW!! Let it SNOW!!
It started coming down yesterday morning around 11am…..
We went to the movies to go see True Grit at 2:25pm – It’s a Christmas Matinee Tradition! ((This started somewhere around the release of the first Harry Potter, and the Lord of the Rings series and has continued on..))
When we arrived home after the movie…this was the view from the top of our driveway!
And it kept coming, and coming! And it is still snowing!
This morning I looked out the back door that leads to the back deck and was greeted with this sight:
Guess we won’t be “cooking out!” today! Sadie was having a ball running around and burying her nose in the snow..she loves it! The cats? Not so much!
I love it when the limbs are laden and frosted with snow! This is the view off the back deck by the grill! What a gorgeous sight for the morning after Christmas!
Here I was on the front porch….The whole world out there is a Winter Wonderland! At this point though, we are worried about Jason and Kim making it back to Columbia SC today. Kim has to work her shift at the hospital tomorrow, and the snow and Ice has also hit Columbia, so their going may be slow and nerve wracking. Kim tried to switch shifts, but so far no avail. We are telling them to wait for the warmest time of the day, when the interstate may be more clear due to home-bound traffic --- But still! Wish they could stay one more day!
This is the back of the house from down by the creek looking up…aren’t those branches just lovely!? Yes, I did put my boots on….I had to photoshop this next pic…can you see how deep the snow is? It’s a good 4” at least, and like I said, it is still coming down!
That’s my boot print!! I’m prepared to not go anywhere. Leftover ham is going to be the startings for a big pot of potato soup today. We’ve got plenty of fire wood, the power has stayed on ((Thank heavens for that, that’s always my worry.)) And I have family around me and lots of projects to work on. I do wish I could escape the video games playing at full blast on the 65” living room TV…that is a bit much for me to handle, but all in all..I’ve got it dang good!
And yes, I did get the binding on the pink/brown quilt yesterday! I’ve got about 1/3 of the last side left to bind, and stitch the hanging sleeve down. And then, since my under-finger has had a day of rest, I can get back to quilting the center!
Potato Soup? What recipe do you use? Still snowing in Columbia but, I understand that the interstates are clear--not dry, but clear.Stay safe.
How fun to have snow! It's gorgeous Bonnie!!
good luck for the drive back - your son & wife? best to go slow and allow plenty of time. I want to see True Grit - was it good - previews look good.
Beautiful pictures! I wish it would snow here, then maybe it would warm up. 9 degrees this morning! But, I would like the snow to wait until our daughter gets back to SLC. Picky me!
Thanks for the potatoe soup idea for supper! :) I'm also going to try the Spicy Black Bean and Ham soup under your recipes tab. Sounds yummy!
What a beautiful quilt... is that gonna be in one of your upcomin gbooks? love the pinwheels with the little pink 'points'. off to work on RRCB--- hubby in the garage - house all to myself.
I guess your snow will be working its way up the eastern seaboard to NH late this afternoon and tonight. I hope our power stays on too! That's my biggest fear after the ice storm of '08! It's a good day to stay cozy indoors.
Love the plaid backing on the DJ quilt. I made Shepherd's Pie for Xmas Eve so leftovers of that will be my supper tonight but soup sounds great too. Need to catch up on my RRCB hst's today!
Gail :)
The snow is beautiful but I do hope your kids get back to their homes safe and sound. I love the pink and brown quilt, the colors are beautiful and I love the pinwheels! Mmmmm, potato soup sounds good!
Great pictures. The snow does look beautiful and is if you don't have to travel.
Quilt is looking good! Love the colors.
Enjoy your day.
Your pictures are lovely.
It is just so fun to have a snow-in sewing day, isn't it? We have some forecasted here in NW Indiana. Looks like quilters in the New York area may be able to sew for days!
Love those brown DeGama fabrics!
Your snow is beautiful... almost as pretty as your quilt! I love the pink and brown together. Very nice!
Love your pics of your house and around the yard. Don't you just love the look of snow/ice on the trees? Looks like a Winter Wonderland. Great day to stay inside and sew a little. So glad you got to have your family around for the holiday. Enjoy.
I am so jealous... don't think we are going to get much out of this storm unless it suddenly hugs the coast a little more.
I love the pink and brown!! Did you just combine blocks for this one?? They all go so well together.
Wow that looks so pretty. I can't even imagine seeing anything like that in real life.
We're also loving our white Christmas! We have a Christmas Eve movie tradition that started when my daughter was 6 and we saw The Little Mermaid. This year for our 24th consecutive Christmas Eve movie we picked True Grit!
Will it make you jealous if I say was 32C (89.6 Fahrenheit) here the other day? I went to the beach yesterday and had my first swim of the summer. Had heaps of fun jumping over the waves. Merry Christmas from New Zealand where it's summer :-)
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