It's my turn to be on the Quiltmaker Magazine Blog Tour for 100 Blocks, Volume 2!
The 100 Blocks, Volume 2 Blog Tour is running Nov. 8-12, 2010. Get the inside scoop from over 60 designers with lots of exciting prizes all week long! You can check all the fun things going on now at Quiltmaker's Blog: Quilty Pleasures!
But don't click to go there YET! Finish THIS post first, THEN go surfing :cD
The issue should be available near you on or around November 16th...can you feel the excitement building??
My Block is called BIRTHDAY GIRL! Because...I designed it and sewed it up on my last Birthday, January 23rd. I think it was the BEST thing to do on my birthday, don't you? A commemorative block. Spending the day at my machine...perfect!

You will find my block, #174 on page 58 of the issue.
Those of you who know me, know I "LOVE" a challenge, and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE digging into my scraps to make things happen!
In my patchwork I am always looking for a design that will use up things that I have on hand, left over half square triangles from other projects, bricks, squares, strips of pre-cut this and that and everything to pull it off!
This block was no exception. The only HARD part for me was to design this in a 12" block, because....well.....you know....I like things SMALL! So the only way to combat the GINORMOUS size of the blocks was to fill it up with lots of little pieces so it didn't look clunky. LOL!
I dug into my bin of 2.5" X 4.5" bricks and pulled out the purples. I dug into my 2.5" Precut square box for some random neutrals, yellows and golds! And I dug for extra half square triangles from other projects and pulled some red/yellow-gold ones, and some red/neutral ones too! The fill-in neutral triangles also were cut from scrap strips..the only thing BIG I had to cut was the corner triangles.
Having scraps cut into usable sizes meant that I could assemble this block from a multitude of fabrics on the quick!

I've even played with a sample layout! If you set the quilt with scrappy neutral sashings (I cut these 2" wide so they finish at 1.5") you get an alternate look of shoo-flies that appear where the block corners come together with the red cornerstones. COOL! ((I love secondary designs!))
The Quilt as shown, with 30 blocks, an inner border cut 1.5" and an outer border cut 5" Will give you a quilt that finishes around 80.5" X 94", a good size!
So, now the fun part! Would you like to WIN a copy of 100 Blocks, Vol 2?! All you need to do is leave a blog comment here, and please say something about WHY you like to visit me here at Quiltville! I'll use a number generator to pull not one, but TWO winners! Someone will win a signed copy from me, and I will mail it to you personally! A second someone will win a copy directly from Quiltmaker magazine!
Ready? Set? Comment! ((And please be sure to include your email address if you don't have that visible in your settings so that I can contact you back about your win, and to get your snail-mail address!)) Scroll down to the bottom of the post, below my signature, look for the link that says "SNIPS BY OTHERS" That is where you click to comment if you haven't been here before!
And DON'T worry about how many comments there already are! Everyone gets an equal chance! I want to hear from you :c)
If you haven't clicked to "FOLLOW" ((In the sidebar, down the page)) Please do so, so you can keep up with the doings here...if you didn't know yet, The Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll Mystery is starting on the 19th! You won't want to miss that!
If you are a facebooker, please "LIKE" the Quiltville Friend Page! We are having a lot of fun you won't want to miss!
And if you are NEW here, welcome! Please be sure to check out Quiltville.com and browse through all the free patterns, tips, techniques and other quilty stuff.
I'm also honored and thrilled to have a regular running column in every issue of Quiltmaker Magazine called "Addicted To Scraps!" Each issue gives you a block design to help use those precious scraps in your collection. You won't want to miss a single issue! Keep On Scrapping On!
The Best Things in Life are Quilted!!
1 – 200 of 520 Newer› Newest»I really like dropping by Quiltville for the incredible inspiration that I get whenever I come here. For one, the sheer volume of quilts that you have made is unbelievable! Also, the variety of patterns, and the patterns you have utilized to creatively use up one's stash and scraps. And don't forget the creative methods themselves, i.e., leaders and enders. Love it all; thanks SO much for sharing!
Your block is beautiful. I love scrappy quilts. Would like to win a magazine, because we always need inspiration and this is a great magazine.
Why do I like to visit you here and your web page?Well how long can my post be!!:-)
Mainly I LOVE the scrappiness of your quilts....waste not want not!
I have one of your books and would love the other...so a chance to win this book would be great.
After my first visit to your blog I set to work on the scrap user system...now I'm running out of draws to hold all my neat piles of strips, squares and bricks.Thank you.
oh Bonnie
I would love to win
and I love your blog because well It is fantastic and I love all of your quilts
hugs Beth
Coming by on your blog always is fun. Your mystery quilts are very inspiring, but reading through every day life is good too. I love how your blog is a combination of all that and you really keep me going too! Love all the scrap work!
It's beautiful!
Congrats on being featured & Thanks for the chance!
I just can say it in a few words. Your quilts are scrappy and made from leftovers. That's why I like them. I already wonder, what your next mystery is! Thank you, Bonnie!
LOVE the block...looking for an alternating block to go between 12" scrappy applique: this might work :)
Quiltville's Quips & Snips is THE place to be!! It's so much fun to travel with you as you criss-cross the country teaching. And there's never a lack of inspiration! Thanks, Bonnie.
Heather in Paducah
Well, I will probably not win as I am the first one to comment but I love your blog and you because you are very generous and always have so much energy to do so many things! You have a wonderful sense of color, your quilts are always very inspiring! And I also love secondary designs in quilts as much as you do! You are so creative! Thank you so much for all that, always!
I can't wait for the next mystery to start!
HUge hugs, Val
Visiting you on the blog is like having a lesson from a cool teacher. Your ideas and fabric choices are always interesting. That's why I keep coming back.
I follow your Blog because I like your scrappy quilts! Your patterns look complicated but you break it down so they are easier. Keep on Quiltin' Hope I'm lucky enough to win one of the Magazines. Autographed would be the cherry on top!
Siempre he guardado pedacitos y pedacitos de tela que me sobraban de quilts ( muy combinados) o de camisas que me gustaban , pensando que algún día haria algo con ellos. El día llegó cuando descubrí Quiltville, desde entonces soy una asidua visitante. Sí antes guardaba, ahora es casi "obsesivo", pero es tan divertido, y quedan tan bonitas !!! Gracias, en su página encontré la "horma de mi zapato"!!
Love your block.Fantastic for using my scraps.
Hi Bonnie
I'd love to visit you - in fact I'd love to visit America!! Especially as here in the UK today we have torrential rain and high winds - I'm off to pack now!
Hello from France ! I like to come and visit your blog because I like your enthousiasm . And of course I 'd like to win this book because it's very difficult to have it in France .
Have a happy quilting day
I have followed your blog for a very long time though I have only today clicked the "Follow-thing". Of cause I admire your quilts and profit from your tutorials, but I also like to read about your travels and family and everyday life. In many ways we are similar (love of quilts, sons, cats etc), so I enjoy visiting USA with you from my computer here in Denmark. AND I would like to win the magazine :-) Thank you for blogging!
It's a lovely block :)
Well done Bonnie, I visit just about every day. I don't have a very big stash but I do love your designs I have made 3 of your designs so far they are very forgiving to a new patchworker such as myself. Keep up the good work I love following your daily adventures. Jen
Bonnie, I like reading your blog because you are so normal and down-to earth and because the blog and site are so chock full of useful information, a wonderful resource. Thanks!
Here's hoping I will be the WINNER!!!!
XOXOo Subee
Greetings Bonnie from Albany, Western Australia. You are the first blog I ever read - someone gave me the link to the leaders and enders page - and several years later I am still reading. You inspire me to try new and different things. I'm a control freak - I freely admit it - but I can see from the things that you do I can 'let go' a bit and try new things. Thanks for sharing all your lovely insights, and your life and making this possible. Sam sdownes@oceanbroadband.net
I love your block design Bonnie and I love to visit your blog as a source of inspiration for my scrappy projects, particularly my recycled scrappy projects!
I love your block design Bonnie and I love to visit your site regularly (I get notifications) so I can get my fill of inspiring ideas for scrappy quilts, especially using recycled fabrics!
Congrats on your block! I love it! I absolutely love your website and your quilts! I love to make scrap quilts and spend lots of time drooling over yours. Can't wait for your mystery to start. I have all my fabric ready to go!
Bonnie, your birthday block does not disappoint! You rock. Really, really looking forward to the mystery to begin. The suspense is killing me!
i absolutely love your block!!! and your quilt layout is so stunning, i sure would love to win a copy of this magazine, thanks
Congratulations on your block.
I quite like your block for it's coloring and being able to use scraps.
I enjoy reading your blog and facebook pages for information,techniques and tips you freely give and I'm also looking forward to doing your next mystery just need to pull fabrics.
I love your blog and check it out every time you have a new post. I love scrappy quilts also and get lots of ideas from your blog and website. Enter me to win, please!
Why do I like to read you ? Because there is always something fun, colourful and inspirational. And you are not the quilt police, you make do with all the scraps and pieces you have... and everything always ends up looking really good !
Plus you are a real person living a real life with all the joys and worries that go with it, that you can share and I can identify, sympathise, or rejoice with.
Thank you for sharing everything on your site and this blog !
I like your block - even if it is 12"!! And I love reading your blog about your travels, teaching, antique quilt collecting, and your scrappy mystery quilts.
Your block looks beautiful and I too like 'secondary designs'! I already used some of your patterns from your website. Thanks to you I also cut my 'fabric left overs' in to squares and strips. May be I will be lucky to win a copy of the 100 blocks magazine...But I know you have a big audience so for now I wish you a lot of succes with all the quiltthings you do!
I like Quiltville because of all the great ideas for confirmed fabriholics like me. I'm always looking for ways to use up the fabric that's filling more and more rooms. I guess I could stay out of the fabric store, but what fun would that be? Thanks for the chance to win.
Am I first? Maybe! Congratulations, Bonnie, for being included in this magazine...I would love to have this one!
Since I teach school full time but would love to be able to go to retreats and guilds, I guess I live my quilting life through blogs like you. Your "Orange Crush" mystery quilt was the first mystery quilt I ever participated in and I keep getting compliments on it. Thanks for all of the tips and free quilt designs. The Ohio stars and rails is another favorite I have made.
Hi Bonnie, I always like to visit your blog as you have endless engergy and a multitude of information that you share. You have influenced me and my quilting passion. Liz (SC)
Hi Bonnie, I always like to visit your blog as you have endless engergy and a multitude of information that you share. You have influenced me and my quilting passion. Liz (SC)
I visit your blog every day, Bonnie, and love hearing about your travels, your methods of organizing scraps and piecing, not to mention all your great free scrappy patterns! Can't wait for your next mystery quilt to begin! Needless to say, I'd love to win a copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks!
Judy in OKC
I love to visit your blog and website because I LOVE scrappy. Scrappy reminds me of grandma and her quilts made from old cotton dresses during the depression.
(BTW, just finished a "patches and pinwheels" quilt. Thanks for the pattern.)
Cathy L
I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your great scrap quilts. I started organizing and saving scraps after reading about your system. I always enjoy hearing about your travels and seeing your finished work.
Thanks for the chance to win the magazine. Love your blog ....
I took a class from you a few years ago and then was at a retreat with you. I love to follow your blog to see the new quilts and places you go, it's like taking another class from you!
I enjoy reading your blog because I, too, love scrappy quilts! Yours are creative, unique, and beautiful!
I love checking your blog, always trolling for ideas. You write in an easy personal style. Hope I win.
Hey Bonnie!
Your block is AWESOME! And the pictures of some of the others are very exciting.
I love to visit your blog to see all your beautiful quilt designs and how you use up all your scraps!
I love your block, Bonnie!
sao in Midlothian, VA
Great Block and Wonderful Setting! The book looks to be a Must Have for any quilter...
I visit your blog for ideas and inspiration. Can't wait to get started on the mystery quilt.
Nothing is more exciting than seeing what Bonnie is doing with my morning coffee. :) Like your block and I even have several hundred red/white half squares laying around waiting to be used.
I love Quiltville because of YOU! It got me into quilting and your free pattern are awesome. So much you can do with scraps if somebody opens your eyes! Thank you so much!
I love your block Bonnie! It looks so versatile. And I love to read your blog because you always offer inspiration, fun and scrappy love :-) Thanks for sharing 100 Blocks!
Love your block (what can I say? I'm a scrapper.)I love your blog and read it on Google reader so I don't miss any of the fun. I've used your patterns and they're the best. I have your first two books and I cannot wait for the third. I'd love to win your giveaway.
I love your birthday block! I am a huge fan of your blog. I absolutely love your work and admire your creativity in using up scraps! I also really enjoy seeing what is going on in quilt guilds around the country - thanks for allowing us to "travel" with you!
I enjoy reading your blog. I stumbled upon it several years ago. Time flys.... You are a very generous lady. I would love to meet you some day. On our first and only trip to Florida with my family as we drove through your state my first comment was to my husband. Bonnie Hunter lives here. You were having a book signing at the time. And no he would not stop or detour to take me there. lol Congradulations on your sucessess. You have worked very hard to get here.
I love the challenge to get out of my comfort zone and go scrappy that I get here at Quiltville!
Nanato4Ts at charter dot net
As a maker of quilts from recycled shirts, I am a great admirer of yours. Your book Scraps & Shirttails currently sits on my desk.
Congrats on being in the magazine! Cool. And a pretty nice block, too.
oh, Bonnie!!!!
Where can I get this 100 blocks thing??? 8^} I am so happy for you that your block is in it! - and for me of course, all scraps are waiting to be used!
Btw the mystery scraps are already wiggling their tails! Want To Come Out!
I check your blog daily even though I'm not a follower. Do I need to be one to be part of the giveaway? Sorry, my brain is fuzzy this morning. Anyway, I come here because you are a great inspiration to me as I'm trying to use up 30 years worth of stash! I'm in awe of how you can visualize how to use up your fabrics and I love hearing about how you use older fabrics and used clothing in your quilts. Your energy seems boundless!
I love your mystery quilts.
I like reading about all the different projects your are working on. It is motivation for me to get home after work and do something!
I come to quiltville because I LOVE scrappy quilts. My grandmother quilted and she often used whatever was available (her old clothes, I gather) to make them. Making scrappy quilts keeps things exciting and makes me think of her!
It's always fun to do my daily stop on your blog to see what you've made from your scrap bag or to see what quilts of others you've photographed. Oh, and to read about your adventures, your travels and teaching! What a lucky girl are you!
I love to read your blog for info on the classes you conduct and to see what people are making there. Also, I love to see what you find at antique stores along the way. Kathie L in Allentown
I know I've gone surfin'...surfin' Quiltville U.S.A. I just became your newest follower. Yeah! And am looking forward to joining all the magic in the future. I also like to win, so sign me up Bonnie!
Well the reason I'm here today is that magazine. I loved last year's issue and am egger to get my own copy of this year's. So I'm blog hopping this morning. :)
love the mystery quilts and your way of quilting ;-)
Hi Bonnie.
I'm now an official follower, though I have your website bookmarked. I visit your site often for inspiration and ideas...cause, YOU ROCK!!!
I love your scrap organization (though I'm still working on mine)...would you like to come visit me?
Thanks for the great op to win this book...sure hope you pick me...
Nice block!
I like to visit your blog because you seem alot like me. Just one of the gals. Someone who likes to be thrifty. You like to use what you have although of course you aren't opposed to the beautiful fabric that is out there as it is very beautiful.
The "Birthday Girl" block is beautiful. Can't wait to see the magazine. Quiltville is one of my best sources for inspiration and love to read the blog. Congratulations, Bonnie on being part of the 100 best blocks!
I enjoy your blog greatly and am always encouraged to get up and get moving!!!!
Love your blog Bonnie! Before our move next year I'm determined to get your scrap users system set up so I can start USING all my fabric scraps.
Love your block! Just found your blog and Quilters Village and having fun. Thanks
I love your birthday block. I discovered Quiltville through a quilting friend and have since purchased your leaders and enders book. Made the I Spy a Four Patch quilt from leftovers while I was working on other quilt tops. It is like getting a quilt for free.
Now I always have a leader or ender under the needle getting ready for the next freebie.
Keep up the great work.
Beth Gereben bethsayssew@att.net
Wow - this is sooooooo great! I'm going to have to run an extra errand today now! Jeeze...this will be my 4th visit to JoAnn Fabrics THIS WEEK! Ack!!!
I love your patterns and how they have made me stretch into a scrappy quilter. I love your quilts --so inspirational. I have done a couple of your mysteries as well and look forward to the next one.
Your scrappy block is very fun. Great to hop around checking out theses talented gals!!
I love to read your blog. I enjoy scrappy quilts and always make your mystery quilts. Some day I hope to be able to take a class with you.
Hi, I love to read every post you make. Particularly those about your quilt patterns, especially the mystery ones. Looking forward to starting your next quilt in a few weeks. So far I've made all your mysteries- soooo much fun, and such wonderful designs.
I have followed your blog for a long time and was very happy to finally get to meet you at Shipshewana. I love your birthday block. Thanks for the opportunity to get my name into the drawing.
I have an obscene amount of fabric and its a MESS! I can't remember how I found you but I am so grateful. I have been a stalker ever since -- yahoo grps, FB and blog! Love your ideas, finished projects and energy. I want to be just like you when I grow up!
quiltville is probably my #1 favorite quilty blog because i am a scrappy quilter and bonnie's scrappy quilts simply can't be outdone! great ideas, great chat, great photos! what could be better?
I check in with Quiltville because I love your patterns and I appreciate you being so winning to share them with the rest of us! Thanks for the chance!
I love your website, I like all the large quilts you make, ones that you can actually use. I enjoy your sense of humor and live vicariously through your travels. I also can't wait for the next mystery to begin.
awesome blog and site, just re-visited it last night, I'm planning a scrappy quilt soon, AND I want to get MORE bins soon :-) to store all the scraps
I LOVE your quilts, and have both of your books and am anxiously awaiting the next!
I LOVE your block. I too like blocks with a lot of pieces. I would love to win the book. quiltingqueen57@hotmail.com
Loved hearing about how to "cope" with designing a large block. I start to tremble if over 6". Thank you for a great block as well as a layout design for inspiration. Congratulations on your block being in the new book.
What's not to love, Ms. Bonnie!?! Optimism, hope, joy, artistry -- all the things I love about quilting and quilters I can find here. You are a jewel!!
Mary Lou
I come to your blog several times a day because your heart shows. I met you in Indy, but knew you before that through your words here. I have made BUNCHES of your patterns, and love them, but your honesty and fun ways are why I hang out here. You make me feel like I am normal for being so like you...too short pants, young adults, fabric loving, and all. You are my friend and I love you like a sister.
You have been SUCH a blessing my life.
Lucy (in IN)
P.S. I come here ALL the time, but had never clicked "follow". LOL! I just started typing in "quips" and came through google!
Bonnie, your blog and website are so inspirational. Love all the scrappy patterns. I can't throw a scrap away so my supply is endless. The Birthday Block is lovely.
I just like to see what you're up to and what fabulous thing you'll come up with next:) Thanks for the chance to win!
Because you are the Queen of Scraps! And I never get tired of seeing what unique creations can be made with a bunch of scraps!
I love scrappy quilts and your quilts are very inspiring! plus you always have tons of quilting eye candy :)
I like to visit Quiltville because I am inspired by your work. I often buy new fabric for every project I start, and have accumulated a bucket full of scraps (I have only been quilting for 1 year...)
Your site has inspired me to find ways to use those scraps, and I am now using them to create Quilts For Kids. My scrap "garbage" is being made into quilts that warm a child in need...
And while I can't use "used" fabric for QFK, I have started buying shirts from the local thrift stores for $1.00 and cutting them up for true "scrappy quilt projects". I like your style (most of the time), I like the way you think, and I like the way you write. I plan to order your shirt tails book soon...
Congrats on the honor!
Love all of your ideas and comments on facebook. I am going to do your mystery quilt. Started sorting my fabric scraps! Have lots of them!!! Thanks again for sharing all of your ideas!
Why? Because you make me laugh most days and because your blog is real. I am looking forward to your visit to Cajunland in January.
I love your blog because you have a great sense of humor and obviously love all you do. You are an inspiring quilter.
I have always loved a scrap quilt! And I love you showed a whole layout, tho there are lots of possiblities, and I too, really enjoy seeing the secondary patterns appear. Thank you, Bonnie!
Your easy-peasy approach inspired me to return to quilting, after a 2-1/2 year hiatus (life's obligations forced me to set my passion on the back-burner for awhile). The tutorials, the non-wastefulness, the sheer joy you find and Share in the creative process absolutely leave me believing I Can Do This. Following your lead, I am now organized And making string blocks! On facebook, you've written: Quilting is not a Hobby, it is a Lifestyle. That attitude left me thinking: What Am I Waiting For? lol... It will be Thrilling to win a 100 Blocks book from you - as winning is always fun; however, I feel that I should be giving something to You in return for the gifts I have already received. (Perhaps I should send you my Scraps! heh-heh...) Congratulations on making it into my Favorite magazine. :-) Sometimes, we cannot know the positive, beautiful impact we can have on a stranger's life.
regards, roberta
Love your block! I always like to come to quiltville to get inspired to organize and use my scraps! I think I prefer sewing with scraps more than fat quarters or yardage.
I like to visit because you are my friend!
And I'd love to enter the giveaway.
Your website has been my "go to" for a number of years! I love the picture tutorials, so much easier than actually READING all the directions! I think you are the epitome of "utilitarian" when it comes to quilting and the way you use ALL your scraps! what an inspiration, especially to a greenie like me! I've made several...scrappy trip (halloween & a lime green/black&white) boxy stars (UFO) and scrappy mountains (my menopause quilt out of thimbleberries scraps..waiting to be quilted!) Can't wait to see the book whether I win or not!
Love this quilt block. The quilt that is made from just this block is also very nice as well. Congratulations on being featured in the magazine.
Love, love, love this block - right up my alley! I'd love to win a copy of this magazine.
This block is a prime example of why I visit your blog...for the great ideas you come up with. And I also just enjoy hearing about your trips and people you meet along the way. You are an excellent writer and your blog is a joy to read.
Bonnie, you have inspired me! I have made several Quilts of Valor using your patterns and just on Tues I found myself at the thrift store buying some shirts. Scrap on!
Love your block and would be honored to win a signed copy of the 100 Blocks magazine.
Thank you for your blog. I enjoy your travels, your creations and your life. I'm fairly new to your blog and to blogging in general. Keep up the "blogging".
I would LOVE to win a copy!!!! I have both your books and am anxiously waiting for the 3rd. I follow your blog, but have never commented before. I have a best friend who would LOVE your block--she is a pinwheel lover. Thanks for all the information & enjoyment you share with everyone.bakerjn@hotmail.com
I visit your blog daily b/c you are such an inspiration. Your creativity and generosity never cease to amaze me. Thanks for all you share with us Bonnie!!!
I just want to thank you for the inspiring messages on facebook and all the work you have done on your site. I am glad I came accross your site and really enjoy it. I have started to organize my scraps your way and wow it is great. I was able to find your book leaders and enders and realized that those are the kind of quilts I really enjoy doing Thank you again. lise.dostie@sympatico.ca
Wow - love seeing you in the 100 quilt blocks book. I hope you pick me!! :)
I enjoy visiting your blog to see what new things you are making. I took one of your workshops & attended your program 2 yrs ago and I love hearing your voice in your writings here.
Keep up the good work!
Your block is so fun!! It makes me want to celebrate!
I love coming to your site because a couple of years ago your website inspired me to begin making quilts (and make them scrappy). Thanks for all your free patterns and the other information you provide.
I love your blog and website! You are so creative.
This book sounds totally awesome and I absolutely love your block, it must've felt strange or "off" to work with larger pieces.
I love this block, as usual since I love all of your others as well, and the quilts and hints and the ....well should I continue. I am going to put this on my to do list along with the billion other ones of yours I want to do. Congratulations and keep stitchin...
Michelle F
www.justforthepieceofit@gmail.com or tinkerchelle70@gmail.com
Bonnie, I love visiting your website to get inspired and because I miss seeing you in person at the Aiken quilt guild!!! How fun to see quilters get all excited about meeting you when I already know what a down to earth nice person you are! (What would they think about you sleeping in that big closet at Hilton Head?! lol)
SusanC swirlc@bellsouth.net
I've been enjoying your work for a long time. I don't seem to manage to complete very many quilts and only two of the ones I've started are actually scrappy ones. In the meanwhile I get to look at yours and watch how you inspire so many others as well!
ghislainedel @ gmail
I really like this block! I can't believe all the quilts you come up with, inspiring! I love to come here for lots of reasons...first I started coming when you were long arm quilting and you had stuff up about that, I loved to just browse the stitches...then I loved to look through the patterns of quilts and dream about all I could do with what I had "stashed" away. Then, I got motivated and got my stuff organized (THANK YOU BONNIE!). Well about that time I learned we had this great Idaho connection, that we were about the same age and you had actually had a piece of fabric you had purchased from a little shop/drug store in Meridian or maybe it was Kuna....and those connection just keep growing...but the most important reason is I love to see the creations, the accomplishments and the finished projects. Not to mention the incredible amount of time given to this great art. Way to go Bonnie! I hope you are able to keep spreading this warmth for lots of years.
PS and you like John Denver, heehee
I just wanted to thank you for all the great patterns and tips over the years. It took me 2 years to get a 15 year accumulation of scraps tamed, following your guidelines, but since then I have made dozens of scrap quilts. My friends wonder how I get so many finished, but I am always sewing leaders and enders together while stitching other projects, and then the scrap quilt takes just a short time to finish!
Thank you again.
I love your quilts and your blog ,I would love to win a magazone for my 82 yr old Mom she loves to make scrapy quilts while I make mostly art quilts, but I would use the book as well as her .
I love your block! And I love the quilt layout too! I enjy your blog because I always get inspired when I visit here! Thanks for the chance to win this new magazine! :0)
I have never done blocks like this so I would really like too have this book!
I love stopping by to see where you are speaking and what classes you are teaching. I love that you share photos of your classes and cities that you visit. If I can't get there, then at least I can see some great landmarks through your pictures. Always inspired, and love the mystery quilt-a-longs.
Oooh I love your block, this is going to be one super duper magazine! I love visiting your blog because I love big quilts with little pieces too :)
Hi Bonnie, I like to visit here because I am always amazed at your level of energy! how do you do it! I love to follow your travels and especially the mystery quilts!
Loved the first book. Would love to win. Thanks
Hi Bonnie,
Love Love your block, I may need to make this for my birthday. I have been saving some purple, tourquise and yellow for a special project and this is it.
Oh, this is so easy! I'm a twice a day checker -- because I'm all about scraps, pinching every inch of fabric I can, and learning new techniques at the same time. For the first time in my entire life, I have all my scraps cut and neatly arranged thanks to this wonderful system of yours!
Jan @ iquiltforfun@gmail.com
I love your scrappy block! You have inspired me to use what I have!
I love your quilt designs and you are my first "go to" pattern person. Thanks for sharing so generously. BTW...I have both of your books and love looking through them to get ideas.
I like visiting you here because I enjoy reading about someone who has been able to make quilting a career. It is nice to dream about.
I follow your blog because you are the best designer for scrappy quilts. You have helped me so much, from leaders and enders to helping me make a method for using my stash. Thanks so much
Pat L in NY
Hope you are sitting down Wild WoMaN!! I am actually making one of your leaders and enders quilt..the tree quilt...loved SIOS so much ...she let me quilt it...making mine out of my 5000 batiks that i have...a Christmas quilt..not made a Christmas quilt in years!! Maggie in sc:>
I forgot to leave my email address in my comment. Again...thanks for your generous sharing of patterns. Can't wait for your next book, and I LOVE the blog hop pattern.
bdalward@yahoo.com Brenda
Great block and I love the ideas too! thanks for the chance to win a copy.
I too love scrappy quilts. And I have lots of scraps. Thanks for all your sharing.
Great block and what a great quilt it will make.
thanks for a chance to win the magazine. I can't wait to get one.
Very exciting...congrats on having your birthday block n the magazine! I had such a great time with last year's issue! You know I love visiting Quiltville and seeing your projects. I enjoy your sense of humour and appreciate all I have learned about how to use up stash and make scrap quilts.
I love the purple you used in your block. And coming to visit you everyday is like visiting with an old friend!
Congrats on having your block in Quiltmakers 100 Blocks. Your block is beautiful. You deserve it. Hope you come back to South Louisiana in the near future. Really enjoyed your class.
I follow your blog in my Google Reader for about a year already and I love the way you perform magic with scraps. I am not a machine piecer/quilter but am seriously considering it, if only to make some of the "leader/ender" quilts from old men's shirts that I've been hoarding for a while.
Oh, by the way I love the fuschia vintage Singer that you recently showed. I have one that also dates back to the sixties but nothing as spectacular as your eye candy. Thanks for providing the address of the guy you bought it from - I contacted him for some spareparts and it seems he might be able to help me.
Love this block. I have used your scrappy blocks before, and they are great.
Bonnie I really enjoy your blog. I marvel at all you accomplish in any given day. May you continue to have the good health and energy to be able to continue inspiring others :)
Congratulations you are in the magazine, your block is fantastic! I love all of your scrappy quilts and I'm amazed at how much you get done! Your blog is always fun to read. Thank you for the chance to win.
I love to pop in and visit and see what you've been doing, where you've been going and then hope some of your activities will spark a little more creativity in me. When I imagine living on the east coast or all of your travels, it kick starts that "imagination" center. It makes it easier to imagine how to make my next quilt.
I would love to win a copy of the book. I already have your site bookmarked and peruse your blogs almost every day, Looking forward to seeing your new Mystery.
Hi Bonnie!
I love stopping by to ingest your great sense of humor - it always puts a smile on my face! I love your Birthday Girl block and can't wait to get my hot little hands on an issue of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks to begin one myself! Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy!!
I would like to visit because I enjoy your books, blog, and website but I absolutely envy your productivity!
I love everything about Quiltville. My family refers to me as your "friendly little stalker." I promise I am harmless :) this block is gorgeous just like a stained glass window! And do you know how big of a day Nov. 19th is??? The mystery starts, I have a much needed hair appt, my husband has a fellowship interview, and Harry Potter comes out.I might be in system overload from all this glee. Thanks for everything!
I'm number 146 - I think. Hope it's the lucky one. Love your blog - thanks Bonnie.
I started with your quilt site and it's phenomenal free patterns and instructions. (and make sure all my quilty friends, especially beginners, bookmark it!) Then I got to meet you in person and have all sorts of quilty fun when you came to teach at our quilt guild in Falls Church awhile back. ;o) After going through Bonnie withdrawal, I found that by visiting your blog, I can still enjoy quilty adventure with you!
This is gorgeous! Looks like a stained glass window!
I love your block design and I love to visit your site regularly so I can get my fill of inspiring ideas for scrappy quilts! As a beginner quilter had no idea those little scraps could be of use and now I keep everything. Thank you for your inspiring ideas. Gail E.
WHY do I follow your blog?
Because I love getting ideas to use up all of the possible inches of my 'scraps'. :D
Congratulations on being included in the 2nd Issue of 100 Quilt Blocks.
I love how you use all those bits and scraps of fabric. I'm always telling people about this woman on the net who even buys shirts from the Goodwill to make quilts. And they look at me and I just shake my head. Every time I decide to look from some treasures at the Goodwill, I can never find anything. But once I found a burlap dress complete with a lining and an invisible zipper.
I love your block Bonnie.
Bonnie, I knew your block would be special and I am not disappointed! It was wonderful to be in your workshop this summer...hope all your followers have a chance to meet you personally. You are my kind of 'star'.
First time here, and really love all the patterns and tutorials! I can hardly wait to get my copy of 100 block 2nd magazine!
I enjoy scrappy quilts. . .that is why I stop by your blog.
Email is crazyquiltpatcher@yahoo.com
Thank you.
Sherry V.
Bonnie, You inspire me. I have always loved scrap quilting most. Reading your blog is the best part of the day. Keep those great ideas coming.
Shelly in MI
Bonnie, I love your site. I send new(er) quilters to you all the time, your tips and projects are great for any skill level.
I *will* own all your books someday! :)
I kniew you'd have a great block for scraps. Sign me up for the giveaway so I can get the pattern! Love your great ideas for scraps.
You are truly my inspiration for getting so much packed into a day (quiltwise and other) and for your upbeat cheerful attitude. It is fun to read your blog/Facebook each day and it inspires me to get out walking/quilting or just making the most of my life.
Congratulations on being in another publication! Years ago when I first started visiting your blog I thought to myself that you should be published and I am so happy that you now have been. I love all the patterns that you offer and all the pictures of the quilts that you show.
This is my favorite quilt site. I have made many of your quilts and love your scrappy style.
I have always loved scrappy quilts, and yours are the best!
Great block for the book.
I come to the quiltville sight, as you never fail to disappoint and are so generous with your time and talents, you are definitely an inspiration to me to use up the never ending piles of scraps. Keep up the good work, and happy
belated birthday, the block is great.
I check your blog everyday. I love coming here to get inspired and hear about your adventures. Your blog allows us to see that you are a very genuine person.
This is my first time to visit -- came here vial Quiltmaker's blog tour. :-)
I'm loving that block. I'll be subscribing to RSS feed to keep on reading.. :-)
Sorry I forgot the email: ge.labeau@gmail.com, I sure hope that I win.
Thanks Bonnie for the wonderful giveaway! I am a big fan and follow your blog to see where you are (you sure travel A LOT!) and what new quilty business you are up to. I have made/started all your mystery quilts and my friends and I have fun swapping fabrics for your patterns. Thanks for all you do for the quilting world :)
PS: LOVE LOVE LOVE your block & the quilt pattern from it. Another for the TO DO list lol!
Pick me, pick me! :) Bonnie I love your quilts, have done all your mysteries and Carolina Crossroads was my first official quilt I made! My mom and I are coming to your Sister's Choice class in January, yippee, you are finally coming to Ca! I love this birthday block, will have to make a birthday quilt for my best friend using that, Thanks for all you do, you are truly an amazing women!
Arlene in Ca.
I have made a couple of your patterns and just love your easy instructions...esp. how you write them to accommodate scraps!
I love scrappy quilts and read your blog for all the inspiration. I check it daily (and am disappointed, when you don't have an entry. You are forgiven, cause I know how busy you are.) Am gathering fabric for the next mystery.
I love your use of color. Nothing seems to be off limits for you...and I like that.
Thanks for the chance to win!
*crossing fingers*
I just found your site about 2 weeks ago. I spent way too many hours reading thru it all. You are a fantastic quilter and writer. I just cut fabric the other night and immediately started to sort the scraps by size. I never did this before and I can blame you for it;) Congrats on the honor of your block.
I like your block, and like big blocks too, so I can see myself making this one! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the block. Looking forward to the mystery quilt. Love your style
I enjoy reading your blog, but most of all, you have replied to my questions on the rare occasions that I ask them. So it is like visiting a friend and keeping in touch....all on top of wonderful quilty ideas and aides. Thanks. Liz
I like your block. It really changes the look to put it in a quilt. Read you everyday.
I like visiting Quiltville because...I think you're a genius! So pick me, pick me!! haha.
Love the look of the block! And with all the stuff you do, I'm amazed you found the time to do it!
I love scraps and ideas about using them, so I visit Quiltville often.
Inspiration! I started visiting your site when a friend told me you had great patterns. I keep coming back because of your good energy and passion for our craft!
I love love love quiltville!! I have only made one of your quilts so far (smokey mountain stars) but there will be MANY more to come! You are a true inspiration to me, as someone who can never figure out what to do with all those fabulous scraps! Thank you for all you do for all of us!!
I am completely additcted to your blog and love the Quiltville.com website. I just finished piecing my first scrap quilt from the site and am ready to quilt it. I am so excited for the mystery quilt. All of my fabric is ready and waiting. I feel like a kid at Christmas. Thank you for all of the patterns and the inspiration.
I love the block - it looks like the block assembly would be a good leaders/enders project in itself.
I love your block and I visit because I am always inspired by your energy and spirit. Looking forward to the quilt along. It will be my first.
Love your block. Would love to be doing the Cotton Boll quilt, but I haven't finished (read: haven't started) my mystery quilt from last year this time. Egad! BUT, I haven't looked at any pictures of the finished product, and I made my husband print the pattern instructions and put them in a folder last year, so it will still be a surprise to me. Thanks for everything you do for us!
Dropping by Quiltville is most definitely because of the wonderful coffee I share with Bonnie every morning while strolling through all the patterns. My coffee mug says "I would rather be quilting with Bonnie" and I do that right after I check in on her goings and comings. She gives so much to us and all from the heart.
Beautiful block and wonderful for working with scraps and fabric colors to make different versions.
Your cheery, breezy blog is fun to read and there are always so many great pictures posted. I love the creative quilting you do, scraps, recycling and your tutorials!
Guess I was also suppose to leave my email address -
Bonnie, I love visiting your blog. You've given me the push I need to explore with scraps and colors. It was great to meet you in Shipshewana this year.
I've "followed" you for years, but just finally became a follower on Google. I really like your blocks with lots of pieces. They are fun.
Hi Bonnie love your block. I don't have my own blog but I have you bookmarked and visit most every day. You inspire me to get busy and use my stash to make a scrape quilt
Pat in NY
I'd love to win! I took a class from you a while back and when I read your blogs, it's like you're standing right in front of me again. Mary_t_rapp@hotmail.com
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