
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Quiltmaker Blog Tour!

It's my turn to be on the Quiltmaker Magazine Blog Tour for 100 Blocks, Volume 2!

The 100 Blocks, Volume 2 Blog Tour is running Nov. 8-12, 2010. Get the inside scoop from over 60 designers with lots of exciting prizes all week long! You can check all the fun things going on now at Quiltmaker's Blog: Quilty Pleasures!

But don't click to go there YET! Finish THIS post first, THEN go surfing :cD

The issue should be available near you on or around November 16th...can you feel the excitement building??

My Block is called BIRTHDAY GIRL! Because...I designed it and sewed it up on my last Birthday, January 23rd. I think it was the BEST thing to do on my birthday, don't you? A commemorative block. Spending the day at my machine...perfect!

You will find my block, #174 on page 58 of the issue.

Those of you who know me, know I "LOVE" a challenge, and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE digging into my scraps to make things happen!

In my patchwork I am always looking for a design that will use up things that I have on hand, left over half square triangles from other projects, bricks, squares, strips of pre-cut this and that and everything to pull it off!

This block was no exception. The only HARD part for me was to design this in a 12" block, because....well.....you know....I like things SMALL! So the only way to combat the GINORMOUS size of the blocks was to fill it up with lots of little pieces so it didn't look clunky. LOL!

I dug into my bin of 2.5" X 4.5" bricks and pulled out the purples. I dug into my 2.5" Precut square box for some random neutrals, yellows and golds! And I dug for extra half square triangles from other projects and pulled some red/yellow-gold ones, and some red/neutral ones too! The fill-in neutral triangles also were cut from scrap strips..the only thing BIG I had to cut was the corner triangles.

Having scraps cut into usable sizes meant that I could assemble this block from a multitude of fabrics on the quick!

I've even played with a sample layout! If you set the quilt with scrappy neutral sashings (I cut these 2" wide so they finish at 1.5") you get an alternate look of shoo-flies that appear where the block corners come together with the red cornerstones. COOL! ((I love secondary designs!))

The Quilt as shown, with 30 blocks, an inner border cut 1.5" and an outer border cut 5" Will give you a quilt that finishes around 80.5" X 94", a good size!

So, now the fun part! Would you like to WIN a copy of 100 Blocks, Vol 2?! All you need to do is leave a blog comment here, and please say something about WHY you like to visit me here at Quiltville! I'll use a number generator to pull not one, but TWO winners! Someone will win a signed copy from me, and I will mail it to you personally! A second someone will win a copy directly from Quiltmaker magazine!

Ready? Set? Comment! ((And please be sure to include your email address if you don't have that visible in your settings so that I can contact you back about your win, and to get your snail-mail address!)) Scroll down to the bottom of the post, below my signature, look for the link that says "SNIPS BY OTHERS" That is where you click to comment if you haven't been here before!

And DON'T worry about how many comments there already are! Everyone gets an equal chance! I want to hear from you :c)

If you haven't clicked to "FOLLOW" ((In the sidebar, down the page)) Please do so, so you can keep up with the doings here...if you didn't know yet, The Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll Mystery is starting on the 19th! You won't want to miss that!

If you are a facebooker, please "LIKE" the Quiltville Friend Page! We are having a lot of fun you won't want to miss!

And if you are NEW here, welcome! Please be sure to check out Quiltville.com and browse through all the free patterns, tips, techniques and other quilty stuff.

I'm also honored and thrilled to have a regular running column in every issue of Quiltmaker Magazine called "Addicted To Scraps!" Each issue gives you a block design to help use those precious scraps in your collection. You won't want to miss a single issue! Keep On Scrapping On!

The Best Things in Life are Quilted!!


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Sharon~Two Bits Patches said...

I love scrappy quilts too. I own both of your books, and I've chosen my fabrics for Cotton Boll.
Roll on Nove 19!

Sharon from Victoria, Australia

Jane said...

I would love to win a copy! Thanks for your generosity.
j compeau at tblusa at org

hared said...

I enjoy your blog and check it nearly every day to see what you are doing/where you are/what you are working on. Love Quiltville.com and all the mysteries. Thanks for all you do--


Unknown said...

Why do I like to visit you here at Quiltville? Firstly because I admire your use of 'scrappy' color--something I've not been comfortable with. Well, to date that is. I'm going to make two Roll, Roll Cotton Boll mystery quilts to gift and have my many, many (many!) fabrics chosen and am eager to start! Secondly, I especially love 'smaller' piecing in blocks; for me they're much more interesting. And finally, I love your enthusiasm.

Gail said...

I hope I'm not the last one posting unless it's a winning number. I love your blog Bonnie. Before I found it, I found your website and was instantly hooked. I've enjoyed reading your posts and following your blog and FB and I just learned something NEW about you today--you have the same birthday as my daughter!

Congrats on your block, Bonnie and thanks for sharing your wonderful creative ideas with some of us who aren't so creative.


crickets said...

LOVE your block and love the scrappiness!You really know how to use every little bit!!!

Marcia W. said...

Thank you for this giveaway and congratulations on your block in QM 100 Blocks. I've visited Quiltville before - I was searching for string quilt directions. After I found your patterns, I regularly visited -- and love the idea of leaders and enders. Then, you have the column in QM. Would like to win an autographed edition!

Bunny said...

Quiltville was one of the first quilting sites I began following several year ago. I'm in awe of your amazing longarm quilting skills as well as the volume of quilts you've created. If I didn't spend so much time looking at your blog and website, I'd get a lot more quilting done!

arlette said...

wow, it's crowded already... well I have a funny thing to say, my mom's birthday's january 23rd, can you guess what am I going to make to her next year?, lol

QuilterMary said...

I've LOVED Quiltville for a long time ... I'm a scrappy quilter too. I love the fact that your quilts aren't designed by the fabric! YEAH FOR SCRAPPINESS!!

Nancy quiltin' momma said...

Bonnie, I love your site, your blog! I visit it daily to see what you are up to and gleen from your creativity! I saw your Birthday girl block and absolutely love it! Looking forward to the Mystery quilt next week! Woohoo!! Nancy in MI

Petit Design Co. said...

I love the pinwheel in the middle of the block. I'm new to your blog so I don't know what I like (..yet) Off to explore

Susan said...

I like stopping by your blog to get some inspiration for using up my scraps. I haven't actually completed any of those projects, but I am inspired!

Julie S said...

WHY? Because you are so inspiring, Bonnie! I'm loving your block because it can use up all kinds of leftover fabrics. That, to me, is the real spirit of quilt-making, to make do with what you have. Don't get me wrong, I have made quilts out of a single line of fabric, but it is the leftovers that are challenging and fun!

Cori said...

Beautiful Block. I love your site. I also am looking into your BOM

Terri in BC said...

Hi, Bonnie - I just discovered the wonderful world of quilting blogs and yours is #1 on my list - you are so inspiring and make me feel like I can get through my stash someday! And thank you for replying to some of your comments, it made my day to hear back from you when I had a question.


Raewyn said...

Hi Bonnie, I love to visit your blog as you are so inspirational!! Easy answer. I cant bear to throw anything away so love seeing what you do with scraps, how you combine colours and all the neat places you visit and things that you see.

Ingrid said...

I love all your patterns, and have made a few of your quilts!! You inspire me to "scrap quilt", which helps get my stash down to manageable levels, and makes my husband understand why I need MORE fabric!! Thanks Bonnie for your creativity!!

Pauline said...

You are an inspiration. I check your blog everyday, first! A nice start to the day! I'll have to make the Birthday Girl into a quilt.

Lynn said...

I've been a follower of yours for a while now. I enjoy your blog because you have an enjoyable writing style and you have great ideas for using up scraps.

Debbie Lou said...

Hi, Bonnie!! I love your blog and facebook page and visit often. I always learn something new and different. I love your quilts and appreciate how generous you are with your talents. Looking forward to the mystery. I would love a copy of the 100 Block magazine. Thanks.

janice said...

Bonnie - I would love to win that book! I have enjoyed your blog for years, and just recently enjoyed a class with you in Charleston. Your birthday block is so kewl! Janice in SC
My email addy is augigirl@knology.net

janice said...

Bonnie - I would love to win that book! I have enjoyed your blog for years, and just recently enjoyed a class with you in Charleston. Your birthday block is so kewl! Janice in SC
My email addy is augigirl@knology.net

paulette said...

Wow!! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!! Love your block!!
Take care! (and yes of course I am a follower!)

Pam said...

Enthusiasm, creativity, abundance of talent, brilliant designs and a captivating personality, that sums you up Bonnie and why I love to read your blog
Pam, Australia

Kathy C said...

Again, you have created a fabulous square/quilt. I check your blog daily for great stories and inspiration.

Jeanne said...

I have been a follower for 3 years and read your blog daily. I have done your mystery quilts also. The way you take scrap fabrics and clothing making beautiful quilts is intriguing. I have your two books also. Thank you for all you do for the quilting world and for the chance to win a magazine.


Jeanne said...

I have been a follower for 3 years and read your blog daily. I have done your mystery quilts also. The way you take scrap fabrics and clothing making beautiful quilts is intriguing. I have your two books also. Thank you for all you do for the quilting world and for the chance to win a magazine.


Doris R. said...

I love coming to your blog because you have such a positive outlook on life! Even when you are going through issues, you seem to be able to keep a positive balance in your life. Oh, did I mention the fun that you have, and the BEAUTIFUL quilts that you make? Yes, those great reasons also bring me here daily! Keep being true to yourself, and keep the wonderful postings and quilts coming!

Doris R.
North Carolina

Beth S said...

I love your website and blog. I check it almost everyday. I took a class with you in Michigan in Sept and it was a blast. Your block design is beautiful and I can't wait to purchase the book (if I don't win :))
Beth in Michigan

vicki said...

Love your pieced block! Looking forward to the magazine!! Thanks for the giveawy

Nann said...

Quiltville rocks! I love the scrappy traditional-with-a-twist block designs. Your block for this book is another winner!

Renegade Quilter said...

Wow!!! I love your block especially in the layout.

The blog tour lead me to your blog but I am adding it to my favorites now.

Thanks for the giveaway!!!

LesQuilts said...

Hi bonnie!
I'd love to see your creative space! How you come up with your designs, much less how you organize your stash would teach me alot!
thanks for the giveaway!
Take care, Leslie

Susan said...

check your blog everyday...full of ideas, but more important....inspiration.....keep it up.

Lisa said...

Hi Bonnie, I love the birthday block and I can't wait for Roll Roll Cotton Boll. I'll be back here soon! ~~Lisa

Shirley in Canada said...

What a great block, Bonnie! Can hardly wait to get a copy of this set of 100! Anxiously awaiting the first part of the mystery on the 19th!! Or sooner??? ;-)

Jen said...

I really like your scrappy block.

Kathy said...

I am amazed by the people who can create new quilt designs. I am so grateful for them. Thank you for your inspiration (and your wonderful mystery quilts, too).

VickiT said...

I found your blog recently when searching for tutorials and information about hexagons. I am interested in trying those myself and just ordered my first package of hexie templates last week. I'm new to quilting as well and love the visual appeal
of scrappy quilts and your block for the magazine is awesome even if you had to supersize it. lol

I also love all the interesting stories here as well.

cannewa said...

As always Bonnie, you have outdid yourself! Love your Birthday block - what a fun use of our scrappy stash. Would love to win a copy of the magazine with the pattern!

Char S.

oconnorts said...

Love it Bonnie, Hope you get back to Colorado soon, missed seeing you last year.

Judy said...

I just love to look at all quilting ideas looking forward to the magazine.

Helen said...

I have been following you on that scrappy road! Thanks for you do!

Janice said...

I really like your birthday block! I think I'm going to make that quilt. Thanks for sharing it and all the others. I've made three of your quilts so far, and one of them twice! They make such nice gifts. -Janice

Rachel said...

Beautiful Block! My birthday is January 23rd also!!! So, I will celebrate with you. I've been meaning to write you and tell you how much I love your Scraps and Shirttails book. I've made a denim quilt and I used your techniques to cut up a bunch of my son's shirts for a quilt. Thanks for sharing your talent!

Ann said...

First I found you on Facebook and "liked" you. Then I found your chat group and learn sooo much from that. In fact I like everything I have found about you Bonnie! I even like that you live near me. (Hoping for a class that is local) Thanks for sharing your information with us.

Patricia said...

You're the best, Bonnie! Always fun to see what you are up to.

Mariel said...

I love your block for the magazine! I read your blog everyday. I love hearing about your classes and looking at all the quilts you do. As a matter of fact, I took your Cathedral Stars class in MI in Sept. of this year.

I have sooooo many scraps and your 'scrap user system' has helped me get a better handle on them. All the quilts on quiltville.com help me to make good use of them.

Debbie said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful patterns.
You have a great Quiltville site ~ love all the quilts, especially this new block!

Elaina said...

I love the birthday block idea and this one is especially appealing!

QltnRobin said...

Hey Bonnie! You used to live in Idaho, and I was JUST learning to quilt when you moved away I think...Wish I had gotten a chance to meet you, you are an inspiration to me! When I first learned quilting, I had 2 babies, one income and no fabric so I did alot of thrift store shopping and cut my fabrics into strips then into squares etc and had baggies filled and labled with sizes! baggie for 2 1/2 squares, baggie for 3 1/2, baggie for 4 1/2, baggie for 6 1/2, and then baggies for strips following the same concept!
I would LOVE to have this magazine! I dont subscribe to any at all, and Im lucky if i can buy one in the store a couple times a year!
Thank you so much!
Robin in Idaho

Nancy said...

Your block is great; and I am not surprised that you worked so many pieces into it. After all, you are the scrap queen lol.
I would love to win a free copy of 100 blocks to go with my copy from last year.

Hey ... I'm Lindsay ! said...

Bonnie ... I LOVE your site, because you help me DO SOMETHING with my scraps! I've started using leaders and enders thanks to you, and I'm really building up quite a little stash of 2 piece blocks that will one day turn into 4 piece blocks ... and then will be SEW BEAUTIFUL in my scrappy quilt that plays in my mind! Thanks for your constant creativity and encouragement to use it all ! :)

Lina said...

Inspiration! Your quilt patterns & mysteries, the helpful lessons you pass on, and your prolific output are all sources of inspiration. I also have both of your books, and they are wonderful. Thank you for the giveaway.

Rose Anne said...

I always love to see when you update your blog. There are so many wonderful ideas here. You are so creative. Thanks for sharing.

Cecilia said...

I always enjoy reading your posts and I also am a fan on facebook. Thanks for the giveaway. I love your block and I am working on getting my scraps organized as well as your.

KarenJ said...

I am amazed by your talent and your prolificacy. I also love your utilitarian approach and the desire to make something lovely and cuddly and useful.....not an unusable art piece to hang on a wall. I hope to someday approach your achievements.


Marie said...

Love it!! Great block and can't wait for the mystery!

Judy said...

Congratulations Bonnie. Both my late MIL and her daughter, my SIL, were born on Jan. 23rd too! Love your block! Hope I win!

Judy in New Brunswick, Canada

michele said...

Love it!

Michele Hester

Barbara Ann Beamer Jones said...

Thank you, Bonnie, for your excitement and generosity in sharing your talent with us! I love scraps and scrappy quilts and have learned so much from you and your website. And you're even better in person!

Please enter me in your drawing!

babsnwv at gmail dot com

BeachQuilter said...

I love visiting Quiltville especially when those little scraps threaten to take over! Great Birthday block!

maeve said...

Bonnie, I love your blog, your books (I own two of them), your ideas and inspiration, your energy and humor, your zillions of uses for scraps, etc. You spoke at my local quilt guild (Lake & Mountain Quilt Guild in SC)not so long ago, and I recall your "trunk show" as it was so fabulous! Anyway, you are a favorite of mine and I enjoy following your adventures. BTW, I got stuck at GSP on 11/3/10 while awaiting a flight to Dulles. Were you traveling the same day? I love your new block design, really gorgeous!

Mudpotter said...

You are such an inspiration to others and I definitely include myself in that group. Love what you do, your attitude towards what you do and you zest for all things possible. Congrats on the new publish. You are a force to be reckoned with for sure!!!

Unknown said...

I am loving, loving the Birthday Girl block. Not surprising since it is a "Bonnie Block".

Lyn said...

Really enjoyed reading about your block!

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I love your designs and your sense of color, but mostly I love your voice as an author! And I think you've got a gift for combining words and photos into clear how-to instructions. That's why I love to visit your website and your blog.

dot said...

467-- my chances are probably nil but I will comment anyway. I like reading your blog because you are very resourceful, as I am also. I like finding new ideas on your blog and I like doing your mysteries.

brenda said...

Love your block the scrappier the better.

Deb said...

Hi! Wow! You must be famous with this many comments! This is my first visit to your blog. I just subscribed to Quiltmaker magazine so maybe I'll get to read some of your articles and get to know you! i'd love to be entered to win.

Sarah said...

I love visiting Quiltville because you always inspire me to be more productive!

Jen said...

I like your blog because I love your creativness with scraps. I've made 4 or more of your patterns and had a blast doing them. My load of scraps are now organized thanks to you. Congrats on your Birthday Girl block. It's been fun watching you blossom into a star over the last few years.

Melanie in MI said...

What a great block! I LOVE your blog and website. I am so looking forward to doing my first ever mystery quilt. I have been watching them go by for all too long. This year is my turn to participate! Thank you so much for your great patterns.

Bonnie said...

Can't wait to get my hands on one of these magazines. Your block will be fun to make.

Wayne said...

Bonnie, love your blog and all your niffy ideas, not only in quilting, but, in life. I know you lived in Idaho at one time. I made the Double Delight mystery with everyone and had a great time. Helen

Laura said...

Perfect block. Love your blog. Thank you for the opportunity.

robin said...

Wowsers - so many comments! I'd love to win a copy of 100 Blocks. I like your block - and great that you have included a sketch of what it looks like in quilt form... I'm not good at visualizing things, so that really helps!

Robin said...

I originally came to your site for the free patterns but I continue to come to see what fun new things you are up too. Your enthusiasm is contagious. I just finished piecing Old Tobacco Road so it would be done before your new mystery begins..............

Jane Monk said...

Beautiful - what more can i say!

Louise said...

wow...looks like I'm #481 commenter! I love your blog...you are always up to something interesting. I also love your quilt patterns. I'll be looking for the quilt block magazine (unless, of course, I win it!)

Nancy Sue said...

I have just recently found your blog. I love your philosophy of use what you have.....great thinking especially in our economy. Your blog is very approachable even to newbie quilters like myself. That's why I visit :) Thank you for participating in the blog tour and congrats on the block!
nsue21702 at gmail dot com

Jim Robson said...

i am writing this several hrs after arm surgery so ignore the lack of caps. i love going to your website for many reasons. you inspire me by all your energy! i suspect that i am not the only one living vicariously thru you! i love scrappiness and you have great patterns!

frances robson


AnnieO said...

Love the block, Bonnie! I discovered your website and blog about two years ago and have visited many, many times (first visit I was here 2-3 hours!). You have the kind of brain I admire, that can take leftovers and turn them into a full meal! I'm grateful you share all your wonderful ideas so generously. I'd love to win a copy of the Quiltmaker! Thanks for all you do for quilters everywhere.

katie said...

I have been a member of quiltville and love all the patterns. lots of info and wonderful ideas.. would love to win..

Gale Yawn said...

Hey Bonnie! Love your block and the quilt made with it. Can't wait to meet you for real at Road to California where I'll be taking a class with you.

Teresa in Music City said...

Bonnie I really enjoy your blog because you encourage me to dig into my scraps and make something beautiful out of them! I'm excited about the upcoming mystery quilt - my first with Quiltville! Here's hoping I win! Teresa in Music City

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE your birthday block and am going to get the magazine tomorrow so I can make it! It looks like fun! Thanks for being such a wonderful teacher!
BJ Malecha

Material Girl said...

Wow Bonnie, you are such an amazing person, you are always coming up with new ideas for us on how to use up our scraps, I'm still working with bigger pieces of fabric yet, but I know one day I will have lots of scraps to use, and all your information and your books will be very helpful I know.
Good luck to everyone, this looks like an another awesome magazine to have, and Bonnie thank-you for the opportunity you've given us to win the new magazine.

Unknown said...

Hey Bonnie - waving to you and the random picker from Atlanta...pick me, pick me, lol. Can't wait for the mystery and you're trying to divert me with your block???
Kathy O

Jz said...

Such a beautiful birthday block. Congrats on the addition to the 100blocks book. Your blog is an inspiration. A lot of eye candy. Love reading about your adventures in quiltland.

Nancy said...

I love Quiltville because of the SCRAPS! Wonderful way to use up the little pieces and the Leaders and Enders technique is brilliant. Thank you!

Sally Langston Warren said...

Love the Birthday block! That was a great way to spend your bday! Now everyone can celebrate it....I would love to be picked as one of your winners! Please...let me know at jspwarren at aol dot com. Sally

Nancy L said...

I would love to win. I make a lot of scrap quilts including some from your site. Love the Birthday block. I have lots of baggies and boxes of precut squares and strips.
Nancy L

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

What a great birthday block and congrats for the attention you so richly deserve for the wonderful scrappy work you do! Way to go Bonnie! Hugs, Deb (Quiltbeeme)

Susan T said...

Please pick me! Pick me! I love your website because you do such wonderful things with scrap quilts. I took you class on Crumbs when you were in Austin back in May and I am still making those little blocks!! I love your patterns.


Unknown said...

I love your blog because I love to make scrap quilts and I like reading about your adventures.

Nancy said...

497 comments already... I know you said not to worry about how many comments there already are. But, gosh, you have a lot of followers. And, I'm another one of them. I love your blog simply because you inspire me to create quilts. Bonnie, you are my idol.

Anita said...

I like following you and have been doing so since you lived in Burley, ID. You have me collecting shirts from the thrift shop and making scrap quilts that always look great. I now live in Rupert, ID and have met Carol June and Gail Anderson who tell me they used to be in the same sewing circle with you.

Dreamquilter Elke said...

Dear Bonnie,
your are always a great patchworker and I am a fan of you. The scrappy look where you take is very nice, I like it!!!! You are a power girl. Patternmaker, teacher, patchwork article maker, great person and so on....
Thank you for your good heart.
Elke from Germany

Anonymous said...

great block and quilt

this is the reason I LOVE Quiltville (the site and the blog)

Bonnie Hunter is a very sharing and inspirational person

....and I tell everyone about these sites a lot!!

Candace said...

I like keeping up with the adventures you are having and like all the tips and information that you share.

Marika said...

I say thank you for the opportunity very much a joy would be big to win :
Marika Hungary

Unknown said...

I love your scrappy quilts and how freely you share your designs. I have your books, and keep your magazine articles. You are truly an inspiration. Your birthday block is beautiful.

Ullis said...

Your block is beautiful! I think I have to find a way to get a copy of the magazine. Hugs Ullis in Sweden

Juels said...

I think designing and sewing on your birthday is a great way to celebrate! Its a terrific block. I haven't been to your blog before. So I am really glad Quiltmaker introduced us to you. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I've been visiting your site for several years and I really enjoy all of your information on scrap quilting which is my favorite type of quilting. Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge with us!!!!

scraphappydenise said...

thank you for sharing .... I love to visit your site, because my favorite quilts are scrappy quilts. Your block is wonderful.

denise gies Damascus OR

amy said...

I've been reading your blog for a couple years now, I stop by because in my head you have a great Southern accent and it's a little glimpse of home. I've made a couple of your quilts (though you DO use a lot of teeny pieces which is so not my thing, lol). Love your work, thanks for all you do!

Jittina said...

I visit your blog because you are a great inspiration to me and I love your quilt(pattern)s.
I'm still new to quilting, I only did a sampler quilt (by hand) when I took a class almost 2 years ago, but I really love to look at all your beautyfull (sp?) work on your blog and website.

Jittina, the Netherlands

jatajomi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jatajomi said...

Hey Bonnie,
your new block is so wonderful,
and I like your books so much !

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, I truly love your site, blog and quiltville chat. You are very inspireing. I have a lot of scraps and I'm slowly getting them organized and ready for use. I look forward to doing more of your wonderful quilts. Thanks so much for being the generous and creative person you are.
Betty in Idaho

Kay said...

Bonnie, I just love your blog and all your quilts! I can't wait for the mystery to start.

Lynn Dykstra said...

It is always fun to drop by and see what you can do with these great fabrics.

Carolyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carolyn said...

What a great block! I can't wait to try it--maybe after the mystery. I have been a follower of your blog for a few years now, and my absolute favorite thing about it is the pictures of vintage quilts you share from your travels.

Crystal said...

Love to win a copy of the magazine. Just found your blog. Need more time to go thru it. Love it!

Kathy said...

I love that you aren't afraid to use lots of color Thanks for all the lovely scrap patterns and hosting this giveaway.

KeyQuilter said...

Love the block and your method of having pieces ready. Always good ideas here on your blog.

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Thank you for understanding the many hours that go into this blog 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year. :)