
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Quiltmaker Blog Tour!

It's my turn to be on the Quiltmaker Magazine Blog Tour for 100 Blocks, Volume 2!

The 100 Blocks, Volume 2 Blog Tour is running Nov. 8-12, 2010. Get the inside scoop from over 60 designers with lots of exciting prizes all week long! You can check all the fun things going on now at Quiltmaker's Blog: Quilty Pleasures!

But don't click to go there YET! Finish THIS post first, THEN go surfing :cD

The issue should be available near you on or around November 16th...can you feel the excitement building??

My Block is called BIRTHDAY GIRL! Because...I designed it and sewed it up on my last Birthday, January 23rd. I think it was the BEST thing to do on my birthday, don't you? A commemorative block. Spending the day at my machine...perfect!

You will find my block, #174 on page 58 of the issue.

Those of you who know me, know I "LOVE" a challenge, and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE digging into my scraps to make things happen!

In my patchwork I am always looking for a design that will use up things that I have on hand, left over half square triangles from other projects, bricks, squares, strips of pre-cut this and that and everything to pull it off!

This block was no exception. The only HARD part for me was to design this in a 12" block, because....well.....you know....I like things SMALL! So the only way to combat the GINORMOUS size of the blocks was to fill it up with lots of little pieces so it didn't look clunky. LOL!

I dug into my bin of 2.5" X 4.5" bricks and pulled out the purples. I dug into my 2.5" Precut square box for some random neutrals, yellows and golds! And I dug for extra half square triangles from other projects and pulled some red/yellow-gold ones, and some red/neutral ones too! The fill-in neutral triangles also were cut from scrap strips..the only thing BIG I had to cut was the corner triangles.

Having scraps cut into usable sizes meant that I could assemble this block from a multitude of fabrics on the quick!

I've even played with a sample layout! If you set the quilt with scrappy neutral sashings (I cut these 2" wide so they finish at 1.5") you get an alternate look of shoo-flies that appear where the block corners come together with the red cornerstones. COOL! ((I love secondary designs!))

The Quilt as shown, with 30 blocks, an inner border cut 1.5" and an outer border cut 5" Will give you a quilt that finishes around 80.5" X 94", a good size!

So, now the fun part! Would you like to WIN a copy of 100 Blocks, Vol 2?! All you need to do is leave a blog comment here, and please say something about WHY you like to visit me here at Quiltville! I'll use a number generator to pull not one, but TWO winners! Someone will win a signed copy from me, and I will mail it to you personally! A second someone will win a copy directly from Quiltmaker magazine!

Ready? Set? Comment! ((And please be sure to include your email address if you don't have that visible in your settings so that I can contact you back about your win, and to get your snail-mail address!)) Scroll down to the bottom of the post, below my signature, look for the link that says "SNIPS BY OTHERS" That is where you click to comment if you haven't been here before!

And DON'T worry about how many comments there already are! Everyone gets an equal chance! I want to hear from you :c)

If you haven't clicked to "FOLLOW" ((In the sidebar, down the page)) Please do so, so you can keep up with the doings here...if you didn't know yet, The Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll Mystery is starting on the 19th! You won't want to miss that!

If you are a facebooker, please "LIKE" the Quiltville Friend Page! We are having a lot of fun you won't want to miss!

And if you are NEW here, welcome! Please be sure to check out Quiltville.com and browse through all the free patterns, tips, techniques and other quilty stuff.

I'm also honored and thrilled to have a regular running column in every issue of Quiltmaker Magazine called "Addicted To Scraps!" Each issue gives you a block design to help use those precious scraps in your collection. You won't want to miss a single issue! Keep On Scrapping On!

The Best Things in Life are Quilted!!


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hen house said...

I stop by often and never fail to be inspired by you Bonnie. Thanks for all the wonderful patterns on your website and the helpful tutorials! You are my quilting inspiration!

Chris B said...

I like your site because it has ideas on what I can do with all my zillions of scraps!
Whenever I have a brain block, I go to your site and work on opening the valve again!
Congrats on the block in the magazine. I know I am going to get it as soon as it's out!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I discovered your web site years ago and visited regularly. Once I found your blog it went on my reader list & I stop in just about every day. Love to read about all your quilting, traveling and family stories. Thanks so much for all the great patterns you've given us over the years. I have both your books and look forward to the next one. Congrats on being included in the 100 Blocks issue.

Kelly Grace said...

I love your block name, my birthday was Monday and today is my sister's birthday! I love reading about your adventures at home and when you are traveling. You certainly are making me use my stash more!

Carol said...

I am a Google Reader follower and like to see how you use scraps. I have lots of scraps and the more fabrics in a quilt, the better is what I go by. Would love to win a magazine. And I saw the Snapware container at Home Depot a couple of days go and one jumped into my cart. Will try it out on my next retreat.

Jill said...

Your block is great. I need to get braver and use up my scraps. Your block will be a great way for me to do just that.

WYO Di said...

I follow you here after meeting you in Casper WY. My love a fabric began as a young girl, who of course was given scraps to play with. I still love scraps and your methods to use them.


Lee said...

Love the birthday block! Love the blog - thanks!

Bonnie said...

I love visiting your blog because of all of the ideas you give me. I always come away with something to add to the qult notebook that I keep for future quilts. If I need a pattern in a hurry, I come here because I know I will find just what I want. Thanks so much for all of you help. Bonnie in Iowa

debbie said...

I have been visiting your site since shortly after I started quilting. I stumbled across it and was overcome. I am becoming more and more drqwn to scrappy quilts, they have a beauty all their own. thank you

Lauren H said...

Love your block, and would love to win the 100 Blocks magazine! Thanks for the opportunity. ljhlaw{at}cableone{dot}net

Kerstin said...

love your blog and been a follower for some time now. Your Block is great and I would would be honored to win a signed copy of the 100 Blocks magazine.

happy quilting


Cory said...

Bonnie, I love reading your blog and getting ideas for using scraps. I can't bear to throw my little pieces out either. Thank you for all you do. Take care and God bless, Cory

Sheila said...

I love reading your blog - you so enjoy life and quilting. I had the pleasure of seeing you in Lawrence, KS.
Sheila sfernkopf@yahoo.com

Sharon said...

Great block, love your blog. So inspiring. Thank You

KES said...

Love your blog and website for inspiration. I visit often and I have made many of your patterns. Can't wait to try this new block!

Kathy Schwartz said...

I pop by your website whenever I feel overwhelmed by my scraps and need some inspiration for a scrappy quilt. Thanks for the chance to win the magazine! I really like the block you designed.

Andee said...

The block looks great! As you already know I am a crazy fan who loves the mysteries. It is on my bucket list to meet you, take a class and see a trunk show. It will happen...gives me something to look forward to!

Laura said...

I visit because I LOVE scrappy quilts! Thanks for sharing your talents!

bairdmtn said...

I don't know how you do it! Such a busy girl! Your projects inspire me to us my stash creatively! I can't tell you how much I enjoy your projects! Would love to win a copy of the 100 Quilt Blocks so I could find new uses for my stash!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

That's a WOW! Block. I've been following you for a longgggg time.

Thanks for the giveaway.


scraphappy said...

I am a huge fan of scrappy quilts and love the idea of having a usable system for making sure everything can get put together and sewed into a quilt at some point. You have always been so generous with your ideas and patterns. How can we be anything but appreciative of your efforts?

Marilyn Robertson said...

I love scrappy quilts, and little pieces too! We totally enjoyed your visit with our guild and your classes were so much fun! How could I not follow your blog and facebook posts!

Kim McCloskey said...

Your block is beautiful and I like seeing it as a quilt. It took a few minutes for me to figure out that I needed to leave a "snip"- cute!

Cindi said...

I have been a quiltville fan for a while now! Love the scrappiness. Great Block and congrats for being in the 100 Block issue!

Dianne said...

I visit Quiltville almost every day and really enjoy seeing what you are up to. Can't wait to see the new 100 blocks!

suz said...

Why do I like to visit here? Seriously? You have such a creative mind and I find myself giggling alot when I read entries. I love how beautiful your scrappy quilts are. Love this block.

Nane said...

I'm In!!

Dori said...

I usually check in on your blog most every day and have for several years. I made Tobacco Road along with you and getting ready for Roll Roll. Dori

Seams to Sew and Quilt said...

Love the scrappy block. I can't wait to see the mystery quilt.

SewLindaAnn said...

I just subscribed to your feed in Google Reader, and have not been to your blog before - but I love it! and so happy the 100 Blocks tour brought me here. I do read your column in their magazine, and I'm always working with leaders and enders now because of inspiration from you. thanks for that, I've got a lovely little pile growing tall.

Donna Joy said...

The yellow in your block sure sets it off, love how you use scraps. It's fun to see how sashing brings out the bonus of secondary designs. Your blog was so much fun, I'm coming back to visit often, and to try out the mysteries. Thanks for sharing how to use scraps, I'm looking to your ideas to help me.

Cindy said...

I love reading about all your travels, and your treasures that you find in the most wonderful places. Your blog makes me smile!

Valerie said...

Bonnie, I just LOVE to come to your website! I love the free patterns you have so generously provided, their styling is traditional with a twist, which is totally ME. :) I've made numerous gifts and charity quilts from your patterns. Random Ohio Stars is still one of my all-time favorite patterns.

I'm so thrilled that you got a block in Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Vol. 2. I've been loving your articles in Quiltmaker's magazine as well. Keep up the great work!

It would be awesome if I could win a copy of this book, but no matter what, know that I will always be a fan of your work. :)

Islandgirl said...

I am a Scrap Quilt Addict....The more fabrics, the better! With so many wonderful fabrics and colors to chose from, it is so limiting to only let yourself use 2 or 3! I love this new block!

Mary said...

Your blog gives me a lot of wonderful inspiration. I've made several of your quilts including most of the mysteries, and can hardly stand to make a quilt that isn't scrappy any more! I also love to see the great antique quilts you show.
Love the block you have featured in the magazine.

Amy said...

I enjoy reading your blog. You create the most beautiful quilts from scraps. So great that you travel to teach others your skills.

Christy said...

Bonnie: Always love to visit your page and see what you're working on. You keep me motivated when I get bogged down in the "too much to do blues"! Christy ksbirchtree@yahoo.com

Darling Jill Quilts said...

I love to see what you do with your scraps! And I enjoy the mystery quilts! :)

Alice said...

You have used my favorite--purple!!
I hate throwing out scraps, so I love reading all your ideas about what to do with them.
Thanks for the chance to win!
And congrats on being in the magazine.
I just got the new Quiltmaker and there you are as well.
I must sew faster!!!!

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

I always love visiting your blog. I love scrap quilts and you give us all a great deal of inspiration.

Marianne said...

Thanks for the block. I love the inspiration to see possiblities in our stash pile. lol

Patricia said...

I've been reading your blog for a few years on nearly a daily basis. i like keeping up with your exploits and have been inspired to make a few of your patterns. keep on stitching!

Heirlooms by Ashton House said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! Can't wait to make your block!

nancy verwest said...

I like to visit Quiltville because all the inspiration and encouragement you offer me. Your quilts are amazing and even I can follow your directions.

Valerie said...

I enjoy reading about all the quilty things going on in your life and enjoying your energy to get things done. Looking forward to the new mystery and keeping my fingers crossed that I WIN this book. Thanks for the chance!

berylthepearl said...

Bonnie you truly are an inspiration. I have used so many of your tips over the last 5 years and have progressed as a result. I have made several of your quilts, ALL of your mystery quilts and was delighted to take one of your classes this year in Texas. You are a gem! Beryl in Utah, bredf331@comcast.net

canuckquilter said...

Your block is wonderful. A quilt made up of this one was just added to my "someday list". So many ideas, so little time... I visit your blog because I enjoy looking at your work, appreciate your generous sharing of tips and tricks and love your upbeat perspective on life.

wildcatmom said...

I come to your site for inspiration, patterns, etc. because I believe recycling and using stash scraps is an "art form" and you, dear Bonnie are showing us the way.
My baby brother's birthday is also Jan 23....this may be the perfect pattern to use for his quilt.

Linda said...

Bonnie, your Quiltville blog, Quiltvillechat, and Quiltville.com are 3 Internet destinations that I visit almost every day. I especially love your blog! And, have to admit that I'm disappointed on days when you are unable to post. Your beautiful quilts and projects give me inspiration for using my own scraps. I've made many of your quilts and look forward to making many more.
Linda in Southern Illinois

Mary said...

I would love to win - Bonnie your block is awesome as usually. Love to stop in and read your blog, you are so creative and helped my reduce my stash.

Deb said...

Bonnie I visit regularly and you make me to want to use up those scraps Love the block

beachbarnes said...

Your block looks like a stained glass window. Love it!!!!!!!!

Debbie Barnes


Texana said...

Love your block! Love the way the colors just make your eye dance around. Thanks for the chance to win!

beachbarnes said...

Your block looks like a stained glass window. Love it!!!!!!!!
Debbie Barnes


kt said...

I'm so inspired seeing what you do. I am a beginner, so still collecting scraps so I can try to make a scrappy quilt. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I LOVE your blog. I check it every day. I also have made some quilts using your free patterns. You inspire me to use my scraps. Please enter my name in the drawing. Getting a magazine signed by you would be the BEST!!

Quilt Monkey said...

I love stopping by your blog every day mainly for inspiration. I have lots of stash and lots of scraps and I always am inspired to use pieces that I was struggling to use before. Thanks for a great blog (and a great block too)!

Jitka said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sharon said...

I go to your blog everyday and I have been following you for a long time. You have really changed the way I approach my quilting. I got to meet you in Jacksonville in September and that really meant a lot to me.

Jitka said...

Dear Bonie, I like you job and I trying do the same - using scrap- I ever start with some idea and at the end I have another quilt.

Anonymous said...

What a great block!! Makes me wonder if it'll be part of the Mystery?? I've never done a mystery before, and I'm not sure I have NEARLY enough of those color scraps. But since I've promised my hubby that I won't buy anything for a while, I guess I need to start "dumpster diving"!! I'm going to try! Even if I only get a few blocks done, it's better than nothing, right??!!

Saule said...

I love scrappy quilts and I visit Quiltville often. Thanks for everything you do for us!


Mego said...

OOOOOOOOOOO...I love the new block! Whenever I am stash diving I turn to your blog first to see how I can use it up! You are the BEST inspiration! Thanx for everything, always!

darlene said...

You did it again! Your block is great. Looking forward to the upcoming mystery.empec

Linda in PA said...

I love checking in on your blog. Your patterns and mystery quilts are wonderful. I enjoy hearing about all your travels. Thanks for sharing a portion of your life with us. Thanks also for the giveaway.

Pati said...

I always get inspired to work with my scraps when I visit your blog. I've been trying to get out of the matchy-matchy, everything from the same collection that my A type personality seems to be stuck in! I love that you used purple in this block!

Beth said...

Bonnie,I love your blog andwebsite because youare so creative and energetic! You inspire me to do more and try more scrappy projects.

Anonymous said...

LOVE your block....I visit Quiltville for inspiration, for creative uses of scraps, AND especially your mysteries. Love the quilty banter/activity that goes along with your mysteries...

gail.designs said...

Wow, so many comments. I've followed Bonnie sinch I first started Longarm Quilting in 2000. Even though I've never met her, she feels like a true friend. She is so giving with her patterns, information and we share a real love of vintage quilts and scrap quilting.

Mary said...

Really nice block! Congratulations on being in the book.

Janet said...

Love your Birthday Girl block, and would LOVE to win a copy of the 100 Blocks 2. Your site's inspiring, and I've really enjoyed listening to you on Pat Sloane's podcast!

Thank you for the opportunity!


Angie said...

Coming to your website is like stopping in a chatting with a friend. Also finding out new ways to use up my scraps (and there are SO MANY of them) is wonderful. Thanks for sharing so much of your talent and life!

Linda said...

Love your block! Can't wait for the sew along! :)
Happy Veterans Day!
A huge thank you to all Veterans and their families - freedom isn't free!

FLO_rancher said...

I am inspired, I will finally do a scrappy to be proud of Thank you Bonnie for letting your creativity bloom.FLO

Barbara said...

I visit you on Quiltville because you are full of common sense and put things in perspective, are full of ideas and always have something interesting in the pipeline. I love that although you are full of common sense, you tell us too of your silly times and your weaknesses. Quiltville is information, entertainment and a generous heart.

G. said...

I have used your patterns before and really like your designs. I visit your site frequently as their is always something new to read about. Thanks for the chance to win! Gail

Mary said...

Love the block and the quilt design with sashing. Scrap crazy here, love it. Thanks for sharing it. mary6850 at gmail.com

Sherri said...

I love your block! I agree...if a block's going to be 12" it better have a lot of pieces! I've been reading your blog for a couple of years now because I heard about your great ideas for using scraps...and I've been following along ever since! Have a great day!

Kim West said...

Good thing everyone has an equal chance - there are already 277 commenters! :)

Love your block - it is so "you".

Kitties and Quilts said...

I come to quiltville for the inspiration. I am looking forward to Roll Roll Cotton Boll and will be making it along with everyone else. I love your block for the magazine. I got the first one and I will get this one too!

Debbie in WV

Wilma said...

I love quiltville, and all of your quilts. Yes, scrappy is the best, and so are small pieces. I can't wait for your up coming mystery, and I definitly love your birthday girl block.


amroth98 said...

Bonnie, I love visiting your site to see how you're using scraps. Color choice is hard for me, and I'm ready to do your Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll mystery in the hopes of doing a scrappy quilt (focusing on values rather than color) will help me "learn" colors. I enjoy seeing your column in QM -- it's my favorite magazine... no really, I'm not just saying that! Thanks for offering a copy of 100 Blocks and congrats to be featured in it!
Amy Roth (rothfamily98@yahoo.com)

neanie said...

I love your block - so colorful. I also have made about five or six quilts from the free patterns on your site. My favorite was Sister's Choice which I made for my sister, using her late husband's shirts for the fabric in the nine-patch center. I visit your site frequently. Thanks for your generosity.
Pat Garrity

Kay said...

I like to visit your site for all of the new ideas you have. You are always inspiring & fun to read. I really like your block because any block with pinwheels is a winner. Thanks for the chance to win.

KaHolly said...

Congratulations! How much fun for you! I enjoy your site because I like to work small and I am a scrap-a-holic! ~kaholly

Erika said...

What a great block,it's so YOU!! :-)
I visit your blog every day and love reading about your travels, your methods of organizing scraps.I love
scrap quilts and your patterns are the best!!
I'm so ready for the next mystery to start.

Shirley said...

Scrappy all the way. Good block.Shirley

ana s. said...

I love your attitude and how prolific your quilting is. I took one of your classes and LOVED it. I can use all the help I can get to do charity quilts and design some simple classes for the ladies of our group. sweetana3@yahoo.com

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

You just have the best ideas for scraps - and I LOVE when you show antique quilts!

Barb Johnson said...

I love to stop by Quiltville for inspirations! I am not a confident "color chooser" and I experience color-angst whenever I have to choose fabrics to make a quilt. So I feel that the scrappy quilts are my best option, because it doesn't matter if the reds exactly match or if the blues are a true blue or if they are more teal! And your instructions are so user-friendly, I feel like I have a quilt friend sitting next to me, walking me through the tough parts! Thank You!

LizA. said...

as always, I love everything you design. the pinwheel in the center of this block is just perfect. I think I've caught your bug, I don't seem to care for big blocks anymore either.

ForestJane said...

I've been following you for years - both in your blog on the maverick ring, then in your yahoo group. You're always an inspiration. And fame hasn't changed you a bit! :D

Esther said...

Hy Bonnie! Love your block! Thanks for the instructions and the chance to be a winner!

Nancie R said...

I've been a Quiltville fan for some time now and subscribe to the Yahoo chat group. I love making scrap quilts and never (almost) purchase yardage lengths any more. Mixing up the patterns and colors is so much more interesting.

Not sure how to do the dashboard page edit thing so -- my email is nancieroach@earthlink.net


J Barham said...

Just love, love, love your birthday block! So many possibilities of color. Also, love the layout of the quilt that you showed. I love your quilty blog and visit everyday. I love that you are down-to-earth, productive quilt designer and quilter. It's always possible to find a pattern on your website that will fit with all the scraps I have. Thanks, Bonnie. Joyce Barham

Linda said...

OOps... so sorry, forgot to add why I stalk your blog/facebook/website LOL
You inspire great things in my wanna be quilters brain! You use scraps which is affordable on my budget! You have great energy and spirit in telling your stories, talking about quilting things! You are down to earth and put things in ways that I can understand & I know that someday when life stops getting in the way... even I... can someday accomplish a Bonnie quilt :)

Lynn Zander said...

Bonnie, I just love lookin at all your beautiful scrappy quilts, because I have such a problem using fabrics that don't "match" exactly! Your quilts inspire to get out of my comfort zone.

Cathy B. said...

I love visiting your blog and seeing what you are up to. There are always great ideas and plenty of inspiration that is just a click or comment away. Thanks for all you do.

Gidget said...

I love your blog, I have it bookmarked and visit often. Really just like getting new ideas and checking out the mystery quilts.

Congratulations on being in the book, very fun.

Michelle MMMM4 said...

Well, I'm not sure I have been to your blog before. But I noticed you have a lot of links for quilt history. I have bookmarked your blog so I can come back for a better 'looksy'. I adore the photo of the boys stab stitching.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie! I love to visit your blog because it's like checking in with a quilting friend. Your sense of humor and upbeat attitude make my day and inspire me to get more quilting done. Thanks for everything you do!

Chris said...

I don't know where to start about why I like/LOVE to stop by Quiltville. I discovered you through Stashbusters a LONG time ago. You website has taught me more about quilting than I've learned through classes, seminars, books, etc. I preach "Bonnie methods" everywhere and I am quite certain you have gotten several new followers through my proselytizing!!
Thanks, Bonnie for your generosity and spirit.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Bonnie my friends all think I'm crazy but you corrupted/converted me some time ago to your method of scrap saving. :) I cut blocks and bricks and strips like a madwoman and have all my bins labeled and I love it! blessings, marlene

Sarah Martin said...

Oooo! Hope I win! : )
Bonnie blocks are super fun!!

Lee said...

I love using up scraps too but I also love bouncing along with your chickens and your life. Fun.

Brenda said...

Wow what great giveaway...I have been a member on yahoo for quite sometime now and have learnt sooooo much how not to waste...thanks a billion Bonnie for all that you offer...you are truely the queen of scraps...very user friendly indeed....mommamea43@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

A big thank you, Bonnie for everything you've done for us! I love your site and your blog! You truly are a blessing!

Lee said...

I'll try again and get it right this time. I enjoy scraps too and am amazed how you manage to quilt in so many places and on the go. Fun!

lnalean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lnalean said...

Hi Bonnie and all, I love all the photos and the mystery quilts at quiltville! I would like to win a copy of the magazine too!
Lisa N

Helen said...

Congratulations on your block being included in this great book. I have learned so much about organizing my scraps and making beautiful scrap quilts from you. Thank you for all the free patterns that you so generously share. I am one of your loyal followers.

Bjwalsh101 said...

i enjoy your blog because you make such beautiful quilts out of pieces an scraps that most would throw away. Because of you I have started to saev almost everythinga nd have cut down on my fabric spending. Both very good things.
thanks for the chance to win more inspiration.

Loris said...

Love the new block!
I love reading Quiltville as I love hearing about all your journeys and to be inspired with all your scrap craftiness :-) Yours was the first and only blog I read till last year when I started one myself. Thank you for all the time and love you putting into sharing your passion.

Jacqui said...

I love quilts that have such rich colours. I only joined a couple of weeks ago and am lookeing forward to doing the mystery. Oh I probably won't actually do it till after Christmas...but I will enjoy watching everyone else.
PS...my birthday is the 24th of January..born in 19#$ hee hee...

Jacqui said...

I love quilts that have such rich colours. I only joined a couple of weeks ago and am lookeing forward to doing the mystery. Oh I probably won't actually do it till after Christmas...but I will enjoy watching everyone else.
PS...my birthday is the 24th of January..born in 19#$ hee hee...

Jacqui said...

I love quilts that have such rich colours. I only joined a couple of weeks ago and am lookeing forward to doing the mystery. Oh I probably won't actually do it till after Christmas...but I will enjoy watching everyone else.
PS...my birthday is the 24th of January..born in 19#$ hee hee...

Jacqui said...

I love quilts that have such rich colours. I only joined a couple of weeks ago and am lookeing forward to doing the mystery. Oh I probably won't actually do it till after Christmas...but I will enjoy watching everyone else.
PS...my birthday is the 24th of January..born in 19#$ hee hee...

Jacqui said...

I love quilts that have such rich colours. I only joined a couple of weeks ago and am lookeing forward to doing the mystery. Oh I probably won't actually do it till after Christmas...but I will enjoy watching everyone else.
PS...my birthday is the 24th of January..born in 19#$ hee hee...

regan said...

Well, besides the inspiration of all your patterns and quilts you've made, and the clarity you have given me in dealing with such a monster stash, the plain simple fact is that I follow your site and blog because you brought fun fun fun back to my quilting! Thank you so much!

I love everything you do!

regan :o)

sewpax said...

I really like your info. Soon I want to buy the leaders/enders book. Your tips about organizing strips and cutting various sizes of fabric really made a difference in my thinking and I am starting to do what you said. I also like the idea of using different size squares for backing quilts. Great idea. I have some ugly fabric that will look great on the back of something.
BTW-Thank you for the chance at winning vol.2. I hope I am one of the two.

DianeY said...

I like to visit because you have so many neat blocks & quilts available that for me are actually doable! Love your utilization of scraps!

DutchQuilter said...

Hi Bonnie! I love your scrappy block patterns and enjoy visiting your web site. Thank you so much for the giveaway...I hope I win the autographed one. LOL

CindyB said...

Bonnie your blog is the best quilting blog and my favorite. I get inspired and motivated with every new blog post. Thank you for all you contribute to my little quilting world.

MoeWest said...

I like visiting because there is always something fun, interesting and inspiring going on in Quiltville!

Anonymous said...

I totally love scrappy quilts! Actually I like all quilts but scrappies are my favorite so I check Quiltville daily to see what might be new and draw inspiration. Keep on quilting, Bonnie!

Sewbig said...

Love the block. May have to make in batiks.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to try out this block. I love each and everything that I have done using your patterns and/or challenges.

Keep up the great job that you do for all of us gals that love scrap quilts.

Phyllis said...

Beautiful block. Would love the book. Would love to subscribe to your blog via email, but do not see a way to do that. Am so glad that I have found your blog.

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE your Birthday Girl block! Congrats on being chosen for the #2 "100 Blocks" issue, too!

I just LOVE your site for so many reasons. I appreciate that you've taken the time to not only give us FREE patterns, but you also give us instructions and PICS that make all your patterns seem so doable! You are such a generous person/quilter!! Thanks a million!


Unknown said...


I just want to say thank you for all the great help and inspiration you have given me through your blog, patterns and mystery quilts. I was so excited to get to meet you in person when you visited St. Petersburg. What a fun day that was.

Keep up the good work.


SheilaC said...

Love your block!!

Thank you for the give away!


mary said...

Came to quiltville for the freebees stay for the inspiration and mysteries Love your work mary

Katie said...

Exciting Stuff!! Can't wait for the book - and beautiful block Bonnie.. a little aliteration for ya. lol

Reena said...

Congrats, Bonnie on your well earned and deserved success!
Send me my winning mag!
But I'm really in San Diego- not China! Looking forward to meeting you in January at Road to CA and Canyon Quilters the week before...

Susie said...

You are a true inspiration! Love your block in the 100 Block Book II. IO check your site regularly from Facebook.

Debra said...

Hi Bonnie, Love your Blog! I learn alot & am inspired. LOVE your 2 books, anxious for the 3rd to come out. Thank you for all of your Lovely patterns on Quiltville.com...very generous of you! Your quilting friend, Debra

Leeann said...

I love visiting your blog as it's like having a chat with a friend. I'm looking forward to Roll Roll Cotton Boll as I have never done a mystery of any type before! I'd love to win a copy of 100 Blocks, I'm crossing my fingers!

Rachel Bates said...

i moderate my comments too. congrats on being in the 100 blocks.

Becky said...

Love your block, but love the quilt design even more. Is it possible for you to provide us with the yardage requirements to make a BIG quilt. January 23rd is a special day in my family. It was my grandmother's birthday, her son's birthday (my uncle) and my brother's birthday. Our son was due in Feb. We were hoping he was born on Jan. 23rd so he would have been the fourth generation with a birthday on that date. He decided he wanted his own day and was born on Jan 21st. Thanks for your wonderful patterns! Looking forward to the new mystery!

Melissa ;-) said...

MY birthday is Sunday so I think "Birthday Girl" is the block for me!

Rita said...

Great block...congratulations on being featured.

Blue Bird said...

I can't wait to see this magazine. I've been searching for it at book stores; I guess I need to get it online.

kwiltnkats said...

I was so excited to hear that you'll be doing your blocks in Quiltmaker 2011 publications. Will there be a sampler layout in the future? If I'm counting correctly you'll have enough to work with at the end of 2011. I'll bet I know where you got the red&yellow half square triangle blocks from...using up scraps from one of the designs in one of your books. Can't wait for your new book that comes out in Spring 2011 and of course Nov 19th!

YankeeQuilter said...

Well following your blog is the only way to keep up with you (certainly couldn't do it on foot!) Can't wait to start the new mystery quilt (no rule says we have to have finished the last one before we start this one is there?!)

Diane said...

I LOVE this block! I really, really want to make it now.

I'm fairly new to quilting (not counting the time I tried it 15 or so years ago and failed miserably). But my interest piqued again when my cousin shared a photo of a quilt she made earlier this year and the label referenced "Quiltville.com." I just had to find out what that was, so I went to your website and was immediately hooked.

I thought your instructions were easy to follow, so I tried a string quilt (baby size) to see if I would like quilting this time around. And I did! So then I looked at more of your patterns and have been in a quilting frenzy ever since.

I'm very anxiously awaiting instructions for Roll Roll Cotton Boll - my first time doing a mystery quilt.

Your blogs have been wonderful to read. Keep posting! Your sense of humor is great, and I truly enjoy all the insights and photos you post.

Thank you for sharing your talents with the world! I really do love your designs.

Diane Durrant

Kim said...

Thanks for a chance to win Bonnie!

As always your designs inspire me, I
have all my fabrics gathered for the next mystery too.

Happy sewing

Vicki said...

Love following your blog. I get to keep up with you, where you are and where you are going. Love the pictures when you teach. All about you new books. Love the block you designed. And esp.the mystery quilts.

Vicki said...

Love following your blog. I get to keep up with you, where you are and where you are going. Love the pictures when you teach. All about you new books. Love the block you designed. And esp.the mystery quilts.

Loralyn Dyson, Owner Country Embroidery said...

Very nice. Thanks for the chance to possibly win.

Janet said...

I'd love to win 100 blocks. I loved last years issue. So many possibilities! I never miss a blog post. You are one of my favorite people to check on.

trudys_person said...

Love your block and the purples and golds! Thank you for the giveaway!

Erzebat said...

I owuld love to have this magazine! any magazine that has you as a feature artist! I enjoy your blog cause I can live the life of a guest lecturer and design thru you and your travels you post about. I have also befriended ya on facebook too.
(mauh) Liz

Missy V said...

Thanks, Bonnie for all your hard work and dedication to all of us quilt nuts. You inspire me to do better. Thanks again.

Keep on Quilting

Ray said...

Oh Bonnie, I just love to follow your well deserved success. I've been a fan since "way-back."

Carol said...

I visit your site regularly because I like your quilt designs ( I have your books, too). My quilts are all scrappy and I have enough fabric for several lifetimes.

FlourishingPalms said...

Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway.

Julie said...

Hi Bonnie,
I love coming to your site because, I too, am addicted to scraps. I have a nice pile of nine patches with 1 1/2" squares thanks to your leader and ender idea. I love the inspiration you give with your travels and quilts. I find that some of my quilter friends have moved on to other things and don't have a quilting buddy, especially around my age (44), so you make me feel like I'm still somehow connected. Thank you for sharing that gift with me.

Julie in NH

Marg said...

Wow, oh wow, I see another winner from Bonnie. Purple is my favorite color, and I am going to love doing this for a fantastic quilt. Thank you for being such a giving person, making us want to bust more stash and come up with a quilt that we hope we can keep for ourself, but I am sure one of the grandkids is going to try and steal it from me.

Marg from Canada


Sharon said...

I have to admit I follow along to see your professional progress. You have worked your butt off and I enjoy seeing how busy you are and how you have reaped the benefits of your hard work. As much as quilting is a hobby for many, for you it's a lifestyle and a business, yet you're still so generous with your time and your free patterns. Thanks for all the inspiration!

Chris said...

Hi Bonnie,
Love popping in to see what's new at your site cause there's always something fun.

CarlaHR said...

Hi Bonnie, I bought last year's issue of 100 Blocks and actually made something from it which turned out wonderfully. Another wonderful thing is being able to visityour blog and seeing what you manage to accomplish with so little time. So in the hopes that I'll be the lucky winner I'll put off purchasing the magazine if, as and when we are ale to get it here in Québec - it takes a little longer and not all magazine stores stock it.
Looking forward to your next mystery. Happy quilting.

MaryLu said...

What a wonderful birthday gift!! Your blocks are always amazing, yet, amazingly easy when used with your scrap user system. I'm a real Bonnie fan!

Tamie said...

I love Quiltville. It was my first introduction to a blog. There is so much inspiration and information here. You can spend hours just clicking around on this one blog but I know you would rather be sewing!! I love your block too. Thanks for the chance to win.

Carol said...

I love Quiltville, it's my happy place! I love the patterns, the tips, the 'welcome' feeling I get every time I stop by. I just KNOW that you are the type of gal who we'd all want for our best quilting buddy!

Carol said...

I love Quiltville, it's my happy place! I love the patterns, the tips, the 'welcome' feeling I get every time I stop by. I just KNOW that you are the type of gal who we'd all want for our best quilting buddy!

Janet said...

I love your block and what you made with it! Thanks for a chance to win the magazine.

quiltmom anna said...

Your blog is one of the first blogs I ever heard about and read. I have loved your website for a long time and have made your trip around the world pattern.
THanks for the opportunity to win a lovely magazine- it looks like lots of fun to explore.
Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

momk said...

your block is beautiful. I am a follower on facebook and will be trying the mystery. can't wait for the first clue.

Michele said...

Love your block, and your blog

Barb H said...

Bonnie, I would love to receive a copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks for my birthday which is in January, same as yours. I like the idea of designing a block on my birthday--I'm sure to be inspired by the 100 blocks mag.

Claudia Kehoe said...

Your blog is a daily stop for me, reminding me to at least THINK about quilting even if the day is too busy to DO any. Your block is great, and I think a yellow and blue block would be so pretty. thanks for this chance at the magazine,and to share my appreciation!
Claudia--- kehoebarr@aol.com

Annie said...

I love your block - looks great in a layout. Can't wait for the new mystery!!

Sonya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bridgette Rose said...

Another great block, the pinwheel really pops out at you. Can't wait to see the book. Thanks.

Lane said...

Hey, Bonnie. You know why I keep coming back. We both love scrap quilts. I also love your patterns...practical and beautiful and challenging. And, I love, love, love your sense of humor and your appreciation of "life" and all its wonders! Keep up the good. Lane

Joan S said...

Why do I keep up with your blog daily? 'Cause your ability and talent in quilting are such a pleasure to watch and read - your very upbeat attitude -- and your quilats are all beautiful!

Anne Simonot said...

For inspiration, ideas, and great pictures! Love the Quiltville site as well! I would like to the new mystery - but not sure I have time - but maybe I'll do it anyway, after all I don't have to follow the same timeline as your clues, right?

The Village Queen said...

Darling block and I like the many pieces to make it more interesting. NC seems to be a hotbed of quilting, many famous quilters from that state. Maybe someday Ill head that way!

Joan S said...

Well, shoot! I don't know what a quilat is - but your QUILTS are beautiful!! The older I get, the worse I type!

Potpourri said...

Bonnie that is an incredible block and I love the story. Of course I love your blog and site. You Rock!

Amy said...

I love your blog because you get the most out of scraps! And I treasure my scraps since I paid just as much for them as for the big pieces of fabric...

Sonya said...

I start my day reading your blog:) Thank you for the inspiration. I will be starting your mystery next week also. So excited since its my first Bonnie mystery:) Piece~Sonya
sonyawood@tds.net (forgot the addy)

Bev said...

Love your blog. I follow it faithfully. Love all your scrap patterns on your website also. Currently making your sister's choice quilt with my old, old scraps. Would love to win the book!!

spinquilt said...

I love to see what you create out of scraps as I am a scrap saver. The Gals in my guild all save their scraps for me. At our last retreat I finished a baby quilt made from every ones scraps. Thank you for your inspirations.

mover1018 said...

I really love to read you're daily blog. Have been to two of you're lectures and have both books. Looking forward to you're next book. Have several of you're quilts started and hope to finish one or two by the year end. People now give me their scraps and I have been known to raid the waste baskets at quilt classes.

Teresa H in Indiana said...

Bonnie, I love your blog because you have such excellent instructions that even I can follow them. I have made one of your designs, and hope to make many more. Thanks for your generosity in freely sharing your ideas.

Teresa in Indiana
My email is tahat10@aol.com

Catherine said...

Hi Bonnie: Love to read your blog and web site. Would love to win the signed magazine! Catherine S in SW IN. csimmons2100@yahoo.com

Lisa said...

Awesome block!

Sandra said...

I love reading yoour blog you so inspire me with all your ideas. I wish I had enough life times to do them all.


Sandra said...

I love reading yoour blog you so inspire me with all your ideas. I wish I had enough life times to do them all.


Pam said...

Cool block.

aztel2000 said...

I'm looking forward to finding the magazine-your setting for the block is very cool--thanks!
Karen in Breezy Point

Jan said...

Great birthday block. All my favorite colors. Visit your blog daily for inspiration and learning. You are a wonderful teacher and cheerleader. sjcopas@yahoo.com

Karen Newman Fridy said...

That's a cool block! I like coming here because you're fun to hang with and I'm lucky enough to count you among my bestest quilting (and lunching) buddies. :)

JustPam said...

I come to your blog for inspiration and camaraderie. I love your quilts and your style.

deserae said...

I just love reading anything about quilts! :)

Bev said...

Quiltville has been one of my favorite sites for a long time because you share your wonderful ideas, tips and humor with all of us. Thank you too for showing us how to use up all those scraps that seem to multiply when we're not looking! Love your block.

Julie w said...

i like to visit to see the patterns. I love carolina christmas. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

Lovie said...

I love Quiltville. I have 30+ years of scraps to use up. Your quilts are wonderful and the directions or clear and easy to understand. And the quilters Eye-candy is great also. Really looking forward to the mystery starting next week.

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