I'm in the living room on the couch recliner....with my right leg on ice. :c( I was going down the stairs, stepped down, and something in my right calf went OWWWWWWWWW!!!!
I've been having trouble with it lately, lots of jog/walking...but I stretch. I told my massage therapist about it, and we did some deep tissue on it last week before going to Colorado. It felt fine.
Then this. Yesterday I felt tightness in my calf....but stretching helped.
So here I sit...leg on ice...unable to reach my other computer downstairs where the other colorado pics are, waiting to see if there is more that I need to do with this non-functional leg or just wait it out.
I am heading to Smithfield VA on Thurs for classes on Thurs & Fri at the Sewing/Quilting Expo! This is NOT going to keep me from going!
It might slow me down a bit...but...the show must go on!
Listen to your body, stay down and off it. Been there and it takes a while to heal. Ask for a stool to sit on if possible at the Expo, and then use it! We need you healthy.
I sure hope you get your leg feeling better real soon! Take it easy :)
So sorry to hear about your bum leg. Keep the ice on and plenty of ibuprofen. Get that handwork out and enjoy. Sandi
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate...sounds like massive muscle cramps. Get some new shoes maybe yours are straining your calf muscle.
Ha! the Rocky Mountain High got you! Poor Bonnie...rest your body.
I get those "charlie horses" in the night sometimes. That's what my father called them and he said to drink more milk. Darn "CHARLIE"
I also have tried stepping down on cold concrete or pointing my toe to stop them. I can relate! Hope the ice works and you are off and running again. Love the beautiful Colorado scenery.
Been there.... as they say! Hang in there.... guess your body told you!!! Hope you get to feeling better really quick!
The pic's of Colo. are great... looking forward to seeing more!
Hope that your leg feels better real soon! Wouldn't want you to miss out on any of the fun at the Expo.
i too am on the couch/recliner as my broken fibula heals. i'll send healing thoughts your way today.
Just so long as you haven't ruptured or torn your Achilles tendon, OR a DVT (blood clot)in your calf. from sitting on long flights etc.
Maybe a check out by physician if you don't improve soon.
Get it checked...you have good health insurance right? So use it when you need it. Hey, as my Dr. says
"you're not a kid anymore".
Good luck, I do hope it is nothing serious. Safe travels.
Happy Sewing
Hope it is nothing serious. Feel better soon.
Ouch! Sounds like it hurts. Hope you feel better soon.
OH, take care of yourself? Are you just too darn busy? Now that your business is booming maybe you need to let some stuff slide around the house! All your fans are thinking quilty warm thoughts for you! ( OK spell check doesn't recognize "quilty" as a word. What is WRONG with spell check?)
Hope it mends soon Bonnie. Take care of yourself.
((((Hugs))) I hope that your leg feels better quickly !
Take this time to heal and re-energize. Many prayers coming your way.
Take care of yourself and heal fast! We need you healthy because you inspire us so much. Rest it, and see your doctor if it's not better soon!
Sending good thoughts -- and I hope you get it checked out. Sometimes our body is telling us to go to the doctor.
Know how you feel - I missed a step on my deck in June and broke my right ankle. I ended up having surgery, splints, cast etc. and now physical therapy. The worst part was I couldn't drive for such a long time. Get well soon and keep the ice handy.
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