According to my mom's cute post on her face book. SNOW?! It's not even Halloween yet! But I remember from my many years of living in Idaho....and having to bundle up kids with costumes OVER their coats ((this was a challenge)) to go trick or treating.
And I remember times in MAY...around Mother's Day...when it would throw us a nasty spring snow storm that would rival anything that came during January and February!
And here in NC? we've had wind, rain, more rain, thunder and lightning, blowing LOOKS autumnal out there. It LOOKS like you should be able to grab a bulky sweat shirt and brave your way to the mail box, but once you go out? It's HOT! It's STICKY and HUMID...and it feels all kinds of weird! It was over 70 degrees at 7am this morning?
This pic was taken going UP my bare feet and short sleeves because it is so weirdly WARM!
How can I justify a snow day when it is 75 degrees outside? LOL! I want a snow day! I want a reason to not have to leave the house, to put yummies in the crock pot and let them simmer all day while I work on this mystery quilt and other projects, while I just.....PUTTER....
No, I'm not complaining. It's gorgeous here. That blue sky, the sunshine after the storm, the leaves in glorious colors, living surrounded by the beauty...and oh! The smell of's wonderful. It's just not cold enough to justify staying in!
Fall is just starting to happen here in So Maryland too. Sounds like a great day for a hike, or run...just watch out for those slick wet leaves ;~)
I love NC in the fall! The bursting forth of color is always so beautiful.
Oh ya I remember Halloween in New wear your costume under a coat - ring the doorbell, yell Trick-or-treat, and then open your coast and flash your costume!
Sticky hot here in Georgia today too...I do not want to turn on the AC again this year but....
Yep, I am on GA and am so ready for Fall. Maybe they missed the memo this year lol. The storms were bad the past couple of days too.
By the photos it looks like it would be a lot colder!!!
Come to Oregon, it's just what you're looking for. It's windy, fall-like and very cool. It has rained for the last three or four days, (but not today) and my pj's are VERY comfy!
That happens to me - the house cools down - it feels cold indoors but it is actually warm outside.
Put your quilting away and enjoy the weather!:)
It has been snowing is SE ID. Very cold, blustery last few days. Today the sun is shining, the barometer is high and rising..the promise of warmer weather for the trick or treaters.
Windy and rainy over in Washington State too. I expect it to be rainy on the "WET" west side, but we get our share here too. I do love the changing colors of the leaves, but Mr Weatherman can keep the wind and rain! I've got plenty to keep me busy inside this winter.
You feel as I do...simmering pot on the stove...quilting in a chair watching the weather outside and thanking my lucky stars that I am inside.
Come on snow!
It's warm and humid here in northern New England today too. Had to be at least 70 degrees out.
I've aleady put away all my warm weather clothes so even though it's great to be outside doing yardwork without a jacket, I'm ready for cooler days.
Try 85 and hi humity here in SC. It will make you stay in.
Can you call I high humidity day> (smile)
when I was growing up in MI, w frequently wore our coat under our costume- fine if you were a bear or a clown, unintentionally funny if you were a ballerina or fairy princess!
Wild and windy here in the Chicago burbs. Not sure what season gthis is supposed to be. I guess we make the best of it andf keep sewing.
But wait, temps are suppose to drop 20 to 25 degrees by Friday.... ah a bit of fall...
Here at the southeast coast of NC it was 88 today and so sticky humid! I really want to be on top of a mountain and enjoy some cooler temps. I'm getting less tolerant of the heat and humidity the older I get LOL
I "almost" might welcome some snow right about now!
i live just a few miles from the Idaho border in Washington state and the snow is creeping down the mountain toward us. 6" at the top right now.
I tell you what... we had snow on the benches yesterday a.m. and snow in Sandy, Utah on the ground! Enough where they had to shovel! I'm not quite ready for shoveling snow yet!
Enjoy the warm... although, I do like to have a change of the weather... Fall is really just getting started! The leaves have just barely started falling!
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