I hate this "Basically there is nothing we can do but just watch" thing. He has been a member of our family for nearly 11 years. I have never had a dog as wonderful as Buddy, never a problem, always a joy...and this is just breaking my heart to watch him fail like this.
And then I am reminded of the fact that he "CAN" pull through, that he still has fight left in him...and I try to rally around that.
And I dreamed last night that Emmy the cat is also gone, maybe she got bit by a nasty snake too? This living in the country thing has gone down a few notches for me :c( I'm afraid to go walk my yard. I'm afraid to go down by the creek.
So...last night I finished kitting up what I needed to take today to my bee sew-a-thon at Leanns!
I dug through 1.5" strips, pressed them, cut them to size, they are stacked and ready. I did the same with 2.5" squares..and it STILL didn't make a big enough dent. Some of these strips are REALLY OLD! I'm having to eat my own words of "fabric has no expiration date" because some of this stuff really should be gone by now..lol!
I also have THIS baggie of UFO parts that should be turned into a quilt top in short order if I can just make myself work on it. It's been languishing since our Bee Retreat in January. I just find it very hard to work on red and green in MAY!
SO...which to work on first?
I'm getting personalized service this morning...Jeff is washing my car inside and out because I have a VERY FUN date planned with a VERY FAMOUS quilter on Thursday! Pat Sloan and I are both teaching at the NC Quilt Symposium, and I get to be the lucky girl to pick her up at the airport....take her to lunch AND...to the infamous Mary Jos! She has never been! Oh, this is going to be fun fun fun, and I can't wait.
So when Jeff asked "Mom, is there anything I can do for some cash?" (You know how it is with 20 yr old starving students)I handed him my car keys and told him "Inside and out...VIP style!" Of course, it will probably rain now that my car has been washed, but....the inside will be clean!
I absolutely love Mary Jo's! I was just there in April. Of course it helps that my in-laws live just outside Gastonia! I wish my 20 year old would wash and clean out my car. I can't even bribe him with money. My 16 year old would do it, but she doesn't like to sweat! Have an awesome time with Ms. Sloan!
Just give Buddy lots of love and they'll help pull him through...maybe a nap on the sofa will help him out? You and Pat behave...
God works in mysterious ways. You are very seldom home this long at a time. But here Buddy is sick and you have a long spell to be there with him...I think that is something special. Pets are such an important part of our families. Blessings to you and Buddy.
If he's still eating, drinking and wagging his tail, that's a very good sign he's still fighting. Bless his heart. Sorry about your kitty too. :( I don't like my cats going outside and when they do, I worry until I see them again.
Have a fun day sewing. I'm hand piecing a grandmother's flower garden. Ugh. Slow going. I'll finish it in 20 years, I'm sure.
Bonnie, we are in a similar position with our Parker...she is 14 and her hips are going out on her...she eats and is alert, etc...we got her a pet ramp to make it easier to get in and out of the house...it has helped, but we know we will have to make that final trip to the vet sooner than we would like.
Sorry to hear about Buddy. It is hard when our babies are not well!
As for the 20 year old washing the car - you are so lucky! Our 20 year old just wants the money with no work!
Awww...Your Jeff looks like a little boy in that pic!
Praying Buddy thrives.
OH, going to MaryJo's with you would be utter delight! Have fun.~
Lucy (in IN)
Give Buddy a hug for me. I hope he fights off the infection. Quickly!
Have fun sewing today.
Maggie Mae and I are praying for Buddy. There is no more helpless feeling than not being able to do anything but wait. Go to your local Catholic Shop & get a St. Frances medal to hang in them thar woods. If he could drive the snakes out of Ireland, he's got to have some influence in North Carolina.
Get well Buddy!!!
And get well Parker too!
Prayers for Buddy and Emmy. Life sure has some rough times mixed in. It is so hard for me to lose animals. You are in my prayers too.
Jeff is doing a nice job :-)
My cat was bit in the top of the head by a rattlesnake. When I got to her, the wound was beginning to ooze down her face. Sunday morning, rushed her to our vet's house, long story short, she ended up loosing an eye from the poison, long slow recovery but eventually fine, even with one eye. But I remember the vet saying, "There is nothing we can do now but wait, and show her that we love her, do not let her give up." That is your job, show Buddy he is loved.
I can so feel your pain about your dog. We have been trying to keep our 17 year old Yorkie going for about 3 weeks. We will think she is going, and the next morning she is up walking around eating. She has been the absolute sweetest dog we've ever had. It is so hard seeing her go downhill, but then, I can't put her down because she doesn't seem to be hurting.... It's been a rough time for our family.
Bonnie-It is so hard to watch a beloved pet struggle! We have gone through that too. I know you are giving Buddy all the care and love you can. God Bless
So sorry Buddy is in pain. I hope and pray for all your sakes that he makes a quick turnaround! Have fun with Pat S.
Hugs, Karen
All my best wishes to Buddy... it's so hard when the furry children are sick. I hope he gets better soon!
Hoping with you for a full recovery for Buddy. I lost my faithful friend, Spot, after 14 years and I still find myself looking around for him. The fact that he's still eating and tail thumping means there's fight in him yet. I'll be hoping for good news on him soon.
HUGE HUGS to Buddy. Hope he heals fast. As a fellow Golden owner I know how they tug on the heartstrings when they are not well :)
Thinking good thoughts for Buddy! We had a dog named buddy too and like yours he was very special.
I am going to NCQS too! Didn't sign up for your workshops only because I've already had the pleasure of attending one of yours! But hope to see you there and say Hi!
Have fun at MJ's! I love Pat Sloan's Ireland book!
Praying for Buddy to get well.
so nice to see a great smiling Jeff on your blog - seems like forever since you posted about him with a pic ;) lucky you to get to have a cleaned up VIP style car!
Today my 5 year old Nora asked for some computer time, only her "happy chart" we call it didn't show that she had any earned time, so I suggested she simply pick up all the toys on the floor of the den to earn some happy chart points which = computer time... only she wasn't too eager and instead choose to go lay on a bunch of quilts in behind the sofa and sulk. oh well.. guess she didn't want it bad enough...
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
I know how animals become such a part of your family. Maybe Buddy will pull through. Wow...Pat and Mary Jo's...can it get any better?
I do so hope your little dog gets well! Nasty, hateful old snake! I'm glad you are able to be with him...the dog, not the snake.
Looking forward to hearing about Mary Jo's. I'm within easy driving distance now but haven't been yet.
oohhhhhhhhh! My two favorite qulters! I know you two will have a ball!
So sorry to hear about your doggie. I know exactly how you feel. I hope he rallies and gets well soon.
Two of my favorite people in one place?! You and Pat teaching in the same spot...boy, how I'd love to be there! Have a great time!
Just keep loving on Buddy! That's all Golden's want! I have two goldens and two cats. They become our children and give us so much love! He can pull thru with all of us cheering him on. Tell him Quigley and Cricket want him to come and play ball in Ohio this summer. That should work!
Hang in there!
Sorry to hear about Buddy. Here's hoping that he fights back from this and gives you a couple more good years.
We plan to hit MJ's on our way to Symposium from Chapel Hill. We figure 2 hours ought to be enough - must save money for the Vendor Mall, you know!!! See you later this week.
Bev in NC
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