I had a lovely little visit from the postman this morning.
A BOX! For ME! And it was from my mom who lives in Idaho...which I was not expecting! I mean, I should be sending HER things for Mother's Day, not the other way around, right?
I think I've mentioned before that my mom is a new quilter. I've been so excited that she has finally succumbed to the bug and thrown herself right in! I mean, I've been addicted to this for nearly 30 years, and I finally wore her down? :cD
She lives in a VERY RURAL community, and there happens to be a darling quilt shop there. I've met the ladies, they are wonderful, and they love my mom, so that just makes me feel SO GREAT. I know when I can't be there, they are watching out for her and showing her all the ropes of this quilting thing.
She has joined a GUILD! She has even gone so far as been on an "away" retreat complete with overnight lodgings!!
Yep, I think she is well on the way to becoming fully one of us....A QUILTER. I couldn't be more proud!
So..you can imagine my tears this morning when I opened this box and found this wonderful wall hanging....made for me...by my mom.
Just look at this! This is a foldy log cabin, with such texture and intricacy...layers and layers and tiny (YES!) strips...and buttons and recycled fabrics and....I just bawled!
In fact, the full picture is probably blurry because I was still teary eyed as I hung this and took pics of it out on my front porch. Don't worry, it's not staying there...the light was better out there. I'll find a place to hang it inside.
I absolutely love how she adorned it with buttons. Some really fun ones!
The funny thing is...she said she has already given one to each of my sisters, and others have been made, but she saved MINE for last because she wanted it to be perfect. I mean, honestly? She should know me better than that! Now I feel like she has been holding out on me all along. I love things better if they are NOT perfect. It's perfect in its imperfection, as are we all.
Thanks Mom!! I love it! (And you..immensely!)
What an AwEsOmE gift from your mother!!!
I love everything about it and I'm sure that there will be more days ahead that you see it and tear up again just thinking about it's specialness ;)
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
A gift of love, from her heart straight to yours! It's glorious!!
That is very impressive for a NEW quilter! My mom is also a new quilter and it is very exciting to see the beginner's luck!
Bonnie, I got tear just reading your post! What a wonderful gift from your Mom. You must be very proud of her! Great quilt.
Does your Mom have a blog?
Karen from MI
what a treasure! sounds like she has caught the quilters bug too, and is loving sharing it with others.
Bonnie, that is so cool! What a wonderful thing. My mom has given me a couple of quilts, and I cried my eyes out both times. Hang it in a spot where you'll see it every day!
That is the sweetest gift! I'd tear up too. I'm sure you'll find a very special place to hang this one!
Awww...that made ME cry.~
I try to put more perfection into a quilt, or blocks I do when I know they are for a quilter also...you know they'll notice more.
I don't know HOW to make that...do you?
your other Lucy (in IN)
How sweet! Aren't mothers wonderful. Your post makes me miss mine. Think I'll call her now.
That is absolutely fantastic. A real piece of art and made especially for you by your Mom. I just love it!
Your mom's quilt is stunning! A real pro as a newcomer to this. Your talents must have not fallen far from the tree!
Oh my heck, oh my heck, oh my heck! Let me say that again....Oh my heck...
That shop is my Sister in laws and I have seen that sample in person...I am sure you cried! I cried when I saw it...
See I love it up there and I live in hot ol' Arizona right now (well it isn't so hot...haha) but I miss it up there...Snow and all! I am so glad your mom found her shop, I love to go too! Maybe someday you will have to go visit teach a class at a retreat and I'll fly in to join. That quite possibly is the only way I will ever get a Bonnie class!
What a precious story and a precious gift. There is something about a log cabin quilt that just grabs you. It' wonderful! Great job to Mom!
I love, love, love it also. I especially love the way the centers are different sizes and make each block look so unique. The buttons are a great touch also.
Wow! It's amazing!
What a beautiful wall hanging. Something you will treasure always. Love the button centers.
You must be getting so use to parcels that there are no surprises left...but no this present from your mum is a winner!
How very nice is that! Way to go Mom!
Just adorable Bonnie, what a wonderful treasure you have from your Mother.
It's just lovely Bonnie, and I am so glad that your mum has finally come over to the dark side! :-)))
Love it Bonnie! How neat for you to inspire your mom to make this wallhanging! must have been a wonderful squishey for you. I was surprised to read that she is a new quilter... she does beautiful work! I'm sure you will treasure this.
How neat is that Bonnie!!
I love the folded log cabin blocks!!
She may be traveling with you soon. Congrats to you and to MOM.
What a lovely special gift - it will be something you will treasure always! How nice for you to have someone who loves you love to do one of the things you are passionate about...
I am sure you will find the perfect place for it.
fabulous!! It's lovely! I've got my mother RE-biten.. She hasn't sewn in years, but I have her helping with the BASICS quilts, and she even is taking an applique class... Enjoy your lovely quilt!!!
Lucky you, your Mom can now start on your patterns too! I love the hanger for the quilt too, suits it perfectly.
Wow! What a gift. Those are amazingly tiny logs......wow!
Oh this is just beautiful!
Yep - she's caught the bug and caught it bad! Yoda - ya done good! :-)
Bonnie, what a lovely gift from your Mom! It brought tears to my eyes! My Mom has been sick for many years and now lives in a care-facility, but I have wonderful memories of the sweaters she made for me and my children a long time aqo.
This is so beautiful, and such a loving gift from your mother! I miss my own mother very much and it has been 11 yrs since she left us. I'm glad you have such close feelings with your own Mom!
Oh how sweet.....you should print this entry from your blog out and tuck in a tiny fabric envelope on the back........
You'll treasure it always and maybe be able to pass it along to a grandchild someday.
thanks for sharing and
Happy Sewing
What a great gift your mum made for you!
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