I come stumbling in after being picked up at the airport around 11pm and manage to dump my luggage on the floor of the master bedroom, if it makes it beyond the front hall at all. I peel off clothes, crawl into bed and sleep until after 9am the next morning!
It never fails, I feel like I've wasted half the day, if not the morning...until I realize that my body is still on California time and in California it is only 8am so it really isn't all that bad, is it? :cD
I wander into the kitchen, make a cup of tea...and start looking around for changes that might have occurred while I've been gone. Hey! Someone cleaned the kitchen! So far so good!
And then I see it....the PILE....over there on the desk. Yep. That's the mail that has stacked up over the past 12 days, and now it is my turn to go through it! Sort, sort, sort, shuffle....throw away the obvious ads and miscellaneous junk mail spam, sort into piles again (Usually by size of item..can't help it!)and START, putting bills in one stack, book orders in another, and other wise over sized WHAT IS THIS packages in a third pile.

I saw this one big envelope and had to rip into it right away! I wasn't sure when this was coming out, but I am so happy it is here!
Months back, Christine Cohrs had contacted me about submitting her quilt "Majestic Mountains" made from my tutorial "Scrappy Mountain Majesties" to the magazine. I was thrilled! Her quilt turned out beautifully and looks just great in the magazine photos.
I turned the page and found that they had also given me a huge shout out on Adventures With Leaders & Enders! I don't know if you can read the picture here, so this is what it says:
Bonnie Hunter has established a reputation for making wonderful scrap quilts that allow you to use up all the bits and pieces in your stash.
She writes in her latest book: "My favorite scrap recipe is of the 'kitchen sink' variety, which means anything and everything is thrown in!" What is fascinating is that her quilts are gorgeous, making their construction seem quite magical. Bonnie also prefers to make big quilts.
In this book you won't find any wall hangings, table runners, or baby quilts: the smallest project is 70 inches square. Bonnie shares her tips for getting your scrap stash under control and her "leaders and enders" method, which sees you making these quilts while working on other projects. A book that is bound to become a much-used favourite of all those who love scrap quilts.
Thank you AUSTRALIAN HOMESPUN! And thanks Christine, for submitting your gorgeous quilt for publication!
Well earned recognition. How nice of the mag to give your book a great review, and the quilt looks beautiful in the pictures! congrats to you,
what a great surprise to see your pattern featured! and great PR for your latest book too :) I'm sure you will see a boost in sales from Australia soon!
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Wow, they did a nice layout on that page. The quilt is gorgeous and so neat that they added a pic of the book...exciting! I just got my book Wed. at my favourite local quilt shop...I see that you will be coming to my guild in the future sometime...Sept. 2011 or 2012? can't remember. Hope to take one of the workshops offered then...will you autograph my book then? :-)
I also love Australian Homespun magazine and have made a couple things from their mag.
ooh... Congrats! Bonnie! I love your blog and enjoy seeing what you are up to! Welcome home!
If I seen the words Bonnie Hunter in any magazine, I buy it.
That is an awesome write up Bonnie! And all so true! I love the phrase they used "making their construction seem quite magical' . Your quilts are magical!!
Wow! What a great surprise to come home to!
Congratulations world famous Bonnie!
Congratulations on the well-deserved recognition!
Congrats to you both! I must admit, when I saw that photo I thought, "Hey! Who took a photo of my quilt?" That was my first (and only completed) Bonnie Hunter quilt, and I visit with it every time I visit my mother (it was a gift, and it graces her bed). It is definitely still a favorite of mine.
Hey Bonnie...Kuddos to you! One of my absolute favorite things about you is that you are willing to share. So many people are SO protective of their designs and work. I think good things, like this, always come when we share and allow others to share the credit with us...THANKS!!
Now, go back to bed... I see a long trip to Australia in your future! :)
I am sending this link to all of my Australian friends... XO
Thanks for my book~lovin it!
Can I do a post on it? w/a link to this? (after my blogging break.. had to try to get something done, so having a giveaway right now). Take care honey.
Hi Bonnie,
l just read that mag yesterday and saw the article. Looks like l will have to order your books now. Hey, yes, come on down to Australia, there is a spare bed at my house!!! And kangaroo's in the back yard.
Linda C.
WOOHOO!!! Congrats to both you and Christine! Homespun is such a wonderful magazine, too!!
This just confirms for me I must get this book!
Bonnie - I'd like to echo the sentiments that Jo expressed and thank you for being so willing to share your skills and talents with others. I wrote the book review for Homespun, and I felt that I had to tone down my language because the book has gone straight to the top of my all "all time favourites" list. I think I'm going to make a quilt of every single project in the book. But I thought if I gushed too much, people might not think the review was credible!
Megan Fisher
Technical Editor
Australian Homespun
Hi Bonnie
Thank you for all you do and how willing you are to share your skills.
The magazine did a great job with the project and I am so please they ask to have it published.
They are great to work with.
Happy quilting to you..in friendship
ps. I would love to be able to work out how to get yu to come down under....
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