I had my mammogram....and it was fairly uneventful other than wishing I had NOT worked out with a trainer on Monday, and that we had NOT worked so hard on upper arms/chest in that workout! My pecs were already sore before they did the smash and mash on me! *LOL* Note to self.....do not schedule a mammo after an upper body workout!
The other doc appt....was a follow up to last week. UGH. Without going into too much detail, I ended up with an ultrasound to check some things out that were discovered to be a bit out of whack at my yearly last week.
Results of that ultrasound have me scheduled for outpatient surgery next tuesday to remove a growth on the wall of my uterus. BLECH. The doc told me it is basically laproscopic, easy...go through the cervix with a tube that has a camera...and a little claw thing that can go in there and do its thing and I should be out of surgery in 30 minutes.

There shouldn't be much discomfort after....just crampy like with a bad period, not even a whole lot of bleeding is expected. Good thing...cuz I drive to Georgia 2 days later! And after the exams last week and yesterday....I'm glad they are going to put me to sleep for this one. I don't care what they do as long as I don't have to be awake for it.
I may sound brave, but really.....I'm a bit freaked and ask for good thoughts and prayers please!
I have here a sneak preview for you! I can't show the whole quilt, but I want to show you the ohio stars...and where they ended up...in the border! You can see the quilting detail here. The rest of the quilt will have to wait until I finish the next book, but I just KNOW you are going to like it!
The binding is on this one....a brown and black check that just finishes it off so nice! I was thinking solid black, but that ended up being too stark....so the brown/black combo is a good choice.
DH and son are going on a ski weekend starting this afternoon...so guess what I'll be doing?!? YEAH!!!
I've made some progress on my checkerboard border too....here you can see that I've sewn the sections into "twosies" and am now sewing the "twosies" together into "foursies" That muslin doesn't look too shabby! I really love antique vintage quilts that used muslin as a utility fabric....this just gives that same feel to me when used with the recycled fabrics. In my opinion, I'd choose muslin ANY DAY over any white on white/cream on cream out there. Let's face it...they didn't HAVE white on white prints galore in the era of quilts that I love. Less is best for a vintage look. Muslin fits the bill just fine!
I'm teaching 9-patch Split from my website when I head down to Baton Rouge next month....I've updated the design and changed the layout! It's the same block...just set barn raising instead of diamonds. I really really love asymetrical blocks because there is so much you can do to change the look of the quilt.
I had a lot of fun with this one...it's all recycled fabrics other than that solid red that is in there...
And here is a close up detail shot of that braided border....Yep! It's the same braid that is in "Adventures With Leaders & Enders" only here it's used as a border, instead of the body of the quilt. And no..you don't have to worry about chopping it off where the border ends, leaving you with a partial square at the end. Just let it fall where it may. Life is more fun when you "live random" ;cD
Thoughts and prayers flying your way from Michigan. Thinking of you and yes, you will be FINE!
I enjoy your blog today, And I also like muslin fabric, but I do use the others too. Hope every thing goes good for you, will remember you in my prayer. HAPPY SEWING!
Your surgery is the least invasive; relatively easy.
Love your new quilts.
Liz SC
Definitly good thoughts and prayers for you - to have a very easy procedure and fast recovery, and a very safe and fun journey as you drive to Georgia!!
Another book!!!!!! Fantastic!!!!
I will be getting that one too!! Even though I told myself not to keep buying books, sometimes I just have to!! yes, I am a book addict, and I sometimes just need my fix........
Have a very fun day - I like the new setting for the 9-Patch Split. You are just so busy and full of such great ideas!!! Love coming here and seeing such fantastic things!!!
You'll be in my prayers for an
uneventful surgery and ready to be on
the road again.
Praying all gos well for you Bonnie!!
Crossing my fingers, sending you lots of warm thoughts! Hugs!
Prayers and best wishes for you!
My thoughts are with you for your surgery! I had to do the ultra sound thing a couple of years ago although nothing unusual was found. Did the mamogram last month and have a colonoscopy scheduled. Tests are no fun but it is always good to know things are OK for another year! ! ! You will be fine and feel confident knowing everything checks out OK for you, too.
I love your quilts!
Bonnie, I just got quit a shock this morning. I guess my daugher got your book from the mail and I didn't know till this moring - after I had already been on the computer and saw a bag of mail on the table... well, your book is in there!!! I have been patiently waiting for it, sometimes it takes awhile for the mail to bring me what I want and I was very happy to see that your book was here!!! Well, I sat down to read it, from the begining like I always do, who did you thank and anything else you have to say - and I got to page 15 where it's what quilter have to say about your leader/ender method. I saw MY NAME!!!! I was and am still shocked that you would think my words were worth publishing!!!! Thank-You Bonnie!!!! What an honour!!! Thank-you!!!! Oh, I have to get back to reading this fantasic book!! I have not got to the pattens yet - and I want to see some more of the magic you do so well with fabric and thread!!! Thank-You Bonnie!!
I'll be thinking of you since I am having a few health issues also. My procedure is in a few weeks. You're getting a lot accomplished during your time at home (I'm a bit envious).
Hi Bonnie I went through the same kind of gynae "things" last year and it isn't an uncomfortable thing. Just some little polyps.
I also worked post anaesthesia for many years and the worst discomfort you might have should be no worse than menstrual pain. Usually well relieved with Tylenol or Aleeve.
I would expect that the trip to Georgia will not be any problem. Usually a scant flow after a couple of days.
You don't need to post this on your blog if you don't want to. Confidentiality and all that.
Jane in NS
Ofcourse you'll be in my thoughts and prayers!!
Hope you go threw this well and everything turns out allright.
Greetz from Holland.
Love your ohio-stars!
God speed - the way they can do these "procedures" today is amazing, quick and relatively painless but effective. Sending loving prayers your way. Just keep thinking about what you will be doing next Friday when everything is a memory.
Love the new project. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Will be praying for you!
I had that done twice and an ovary removed that way. I was up and well within hours each time.
Those foursies look more like 9-patches to me than checkerboards. Maybe it is the camera angle.
Fingers crossed for you here in Indiana.
I love the braided border. May have to try that when I get your book. I'm not allowing myself to get it till I get at least 3 other projects completed (or I meet you in Grand Rapids).
Will be praying for you - health and peace of mind.
everything is so pretty here today! lovelty quilts!
Bonnie, I like your scrappy Ohio Stars, your quilts are amazing. I am about to order one of your books (my first of yours) off Amazon. All the very best with the procedure, get plenty of rest afterwards and take it easy on your drive! Best wishes from Ann in Australia. annhilary@bigpond.com
I will be thinking of you and am sure all will be well and you be back to what you love to do.
Got my book in the mail last week and love it.
Take care
quilting hugs
You lucky, lucky girl! Have fun sewing! And you are such a smart little cookie for taking such good care of yourself! It's kind of a pain, but it is important. Reward yourself with more sewing!
Hugs from Mary!!
I hope all goes well with your little procedure. I love being put under because it's like being in a nice warm cozy cacoon. I know I'm crazy but I thought it might make you fell a little better about the whole thing. And your quilts are lovely as always.
Your quilts on this blog are wonderful, but I especially love the braided border. I am such a wimp when it comes to any health thing, don't know why, but I am, so I understand that part of it. Hope all goes well, and am sure it will.
There will be freaking, there will be sewing. The sewing will help you with the freaking. Sharing your worrie/concerns is good too. Talk and say, sew some more. It Will be okay. There is a lot of good, good, energy that you have fostered. It is working for you ;-)
What you're going through is exactly what happened to me a few months ago. You can do this hands down... I was back at work the next day, everything was fine. -- In fact, I was so hungry we stopped at IHop on the way home! I had no crampng at all-- just some spotting. It was a great nap though!
Barbara Powers/VA
Bonnie, love the quilts. The braid border is great.
Will send good thoughts your way. I'm with you, do what you want as long as I can be asleep.
Many thoughts and prayers for you. I had a similar surgery in May, and was amazed at how well I felt afterwards. I was fine the next day. You'll be great!
Sending a prayer for your procedure! I'm totally with you on being "out" for such things.
The braided border is wonderful!
Oh no...I'm hanging the rosary beads out the window for ya...it will all go fine....
holy cow, I somehow managed to miss this post. gack, sorry about the surgery. I sure wish I could have had it done the easy way. I know I was knocked way back the anesthesia as much as anything. Hope it doesn't hit you that way!
Gosh Bonnie, you're in my thoughts, so I hope everything has gone well. I didn't see your post until it was all over for you.
Be sure to take it easy and don't push yourself too hard. Give yourself time to heal.
Much love and big hugs
Thanks for the split 9-patch inspiration - I was surprised at the varieties that exist and I'm working on one that looks a LOT like one of your earlier projects. They are fun, aren't they? Great scrap user, but slow-going!
Elaine Adair, in western Nebraska
Love your site...really enjoy webcam:) Big ((hug))) and wishing you well with your surgery.
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