I just checked into my hotel in Casper..I should be napping, but you know how it goes??
I had to check email!
Look what I found!!
CONGRATULATIONS! MQX is pleased to inform you that you have been nominated for the 2009 Machine Quilting Teacher of the Year Award. Attached you will find a “Nominee Logo” for your use. Please feel free to add this logo to your website to let everyone know you are in the running! When this nominee logo was created, only the MQX logo was used, no other reference to MQX is made since this is about you, the teacher and recognition for your work. However, when you put this up on your website, please link it to the Nomination Form (see below). As people visit your site may well add more nominations for you.
Now before you go any farther and get all excited..I did some thinking on this. It's a MACHINE QUILTING award...not a piecing award? I teach piecing classes. I've been in contact with Janet-Lee and we think that whoever (or the more than one whoever) did the nominating didn't understand what MQX is all about...
SO, I'm declining. I'm tickled to death to be nominated, but I really have to take myself out of the running because what I do is not the kind of teaching that MQX is about.
But thank you ANYWAY!!! I love you guys!
Oh!! And I got an email from my editor...THE BOOKS ARE IN!!! I should have them in my hands soon, so if you haven't placed your order for Adventures With Leaders & Enders yet....now's the time! They will be sent first come first serve....
(Okay, I'm going for a nap now...book signing tonight.....)
I'm on my way now to nominate you, and I'm letting all my quilting friends know about the wonderful nomination that has been bestowed upon you.
How very special this is but then, it's for a very special Lady!
Paula Z in AZ
Congratulations on the nomination and the book! It couldn't happen to a nicer gal. Having attended your workshop in Indianapolis, I agree that you are a wonderful teacher and inspiration.
You go, girl! You have my nomination!
How exciting. Congratulations Bonnie!
Felicitaciones, se lo merece
saludos desde Lima PerĂº
I was hoping the nomination would mean a trip to Rhode Island for you! We're so excited the show is moving to Providence this year. Can't wait!
Can't wait to get the book. You have my vote on any quilting award you are nominated for, just so you know. LOL.
Well, as "they" say..... "It was an honor just to be nominated!"
Congrats anyway!
What an honor! Congrats. You are indeed an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work. I always look forward to seeing what you have going.
Renea in Chattanooga
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