
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happiness Is.....

While cleaning up the studio this morning (after yesterday's frantic sewing of the Welcome Home top!) I came across a bookmark that had fallen out of a book, and turning it over, I came across this beautiful statement and wanted to share it with you today.

It reads:

Happiness is something created within--Not a treasure you search for again and again. It's an attitude gained from learning to know how to deal with the bad things and letting them go. It's smiling whenever life gives you a reason--And finding a reason through all of life's seasons.

I just love this. It is very appropriate for my life right now, and maybe it will touch some of you in the same way it has me.

Here is a picture of us taken at the retreat! I saved this pic that Joes posted, because I didn't have one of all of us on my camera :c) In this pic: Joes, Elizabeth, Lucy, Biz, Isabeau and me! :c)Good friends, good times, good memories.


Karen said...

Hi Bonnie ~ I love this verse and am saving it.

Thanks for sharing!



Quilts And Pieces said...

I"m still so jealous! Glad you had a good time.

antique quilter said...

great picture, you all look so happy
what wonderful memories of this retreat you must have

Tambo said...

I love the quote! Words to live by...

CarlaHR said...

You look like a lovely group of ladies, how I'd love to have been there with you.
Hope you are getting over whatever ailed you.

~Joan said...

Wow, Bonnie...you look positively anorexic!! How much weight have you lost??

Your friend forever,
Joan :)

PS: thought this might offset the "you sure look fat" comments you've gotten in the past

Pattie D said...

Thanks for sharing this with us today! I NEEDED it! I am loving your welcome home quilt...so fun. Your "oldie" is just turning out so great with the added berries and the pieced sashings...amazing what a some very little triangles can accomplish! Wow, I just think it all looks awesome! Have a great time on your trip...

The Cozy Quilter said...

Thanks for sharing this quote with us today. It touched me in a personal way.

Joyce said...

I loved your verse. I hope you won't mind if I send it along to my daughter. She is at Ohio State
University and has a pretty rough time with "roommates". I hope it will brighten her day.

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