I got there early...wasn't sure how long it would take me to get to Camp Dogwood, which is just north of Charlotte on Lake Norman. Beautiful! The facilities were perfect.
I was the first one there, so I set about moving tables around so we had access to plugs, etc. And then I set up my stuff to start sewing. I tell ya....I was sewing for a good two hours before others strolled in with only slightly guilty faces after confessing to have quilt shop hopped on their way to retreat :c)

This top was my MAIN project for retreat. And I am happy to say because my strips were already cut and waiting, that it was finished in a bit over a day. The rest of the time I finished hand quilting a project, and worked on binding another, and made a complete mess with my 5" pineapple blocks, but I was in heaven!

There were 8 of us total, and the laughter and chatter was so infectious. I don't think I need to tell you how hard it is to hear sometimes between two halves of a room---machines whirring and music blasting---but we had some hoots and hollers over mistaken interpretations,thinking someone said one thing, when they really said another, and that sent us off in peals of laughter all over again. Very much good for the soul!

It was just the best time, I can't describe it. It was fun to see what everyone else was working on too. Some beautiful applique (how it could be so perfect between all the laughing and carrying on, beats me!) And lots of UFOs in progress..

The first night we went out to Big Daddy's for sea food. YUMMY. I tell you, there was so much food that I went for a SENIOR MEAL plus salad bar, and it was still more than I could eat.
Back to retreat, change into jammies, more sewing!
After that no one left for anything. There were plenty of leftovers and food to make up all our meals without a need to go anywhere, which meant MORE SEWING TIME! I loved this...microwave and fridge to our disposal and we were happy campers.

And look! our Mascot! This is Woody. He just wandered in and made himself at home. We found out he loves crackers, but hates pretzel sticks..*LOL* Definitely a friendly old guy, he soaked up the tummy rubs and ear scratches. We asked the gal who works at the facility who he belongs to. She has no clue, so he just must visit the camp as a renegade :cD (Walkabout, you know?) Such a sweetie.

I got home last evening, unloaded the car, and during Superbowl, I managed to get the borders on the Strip Twist after having a hard time deciding what looked best with it! I went from red to blue to green to black and back....and finally decided on gold and purple. Those were two colors from the center that just really popped at me and I wanted to play them up.

So now that is together....I have this pile of purples I'd like to clear out. I'm considering sewing them together in some form for some kind of backing. That, and putting the binding on the hand quilted one I just finished, I've got plenty to keep me busy!
Looks like a terrific weekend! Thanks so much for posting the twist quilt idea. The purple/gold border looks great. I had a one-day mini-retreat myself and a beautiful jelly roll staring me in the face, so guess what I made????
love the quilt.have a great week
Looks like your setup sewing area was perfect for getting lots done. Do you like your SewEZ table?
I have a Janome6600P and bought the extra table that came with it for carrying to classes. I have yet to open the box and it is heavy. I have a feeling it will be hard to move. Oh well.
I hope you managed to get some of my gift strips into your quilt.
oh BTW I have my Double Delight finished. I love love that pattern!
You certainly got alot done and your quilt looks amazing. Sounds like a fun time was had by all...I almost felt like I was there.
I think I'm going to make the most of being sick and spend the day cutting scraps for a strip twist. That is the NEATEST pattern!
Is the Strip twist the same pattern as the Tropical twist in the Quiltmaker magazine? It looks the same to my eye, but I could be mistaken. I like the Purple and gold border as well. It was my childrens school colors when they were young. Thanks for the border tips. I have had wavy borders too many times. Happy stitching to you
WOW! Bonnie you're superwoman! I really wanted to do the twist but I didn't even get around to getting out my 2 1/2" strips! Awesome Quilt!
Forgot to mention...check our Jane Weston's blog at Sew Create It...good surprise!
Sure does sound like heaven to me!
I really enjoyed reading your description of the quilt retreat and I am so excited about mine coming up at the end of the month!
The twist quilt is indeed very happy looking!
Awesome!! Mine is still cut and waiting for some extra time. I've been busy quilting customers quilts.
Love your twist and the borders are perfect. I spent the whole day piecing my strip twist top. I used all novelty prints, so it's really busy. Fun, but muddy. Not enough contrast for me, so it will probably become a couch quilt. I'll post it to my blog as soon as I can.
You did so well getting so much completed. Glad you had fun. Come to think of it I have never heard about a retreat that wasn't fun - that says a lot for the great people quilters are.
Just love the purple and mauve fabrics!
Gosh Bonnie, but you are FAST! It sounds like you had the very best time, and will all the fun, you still get so much done. I would love to have been there.
I keep telling myself - only 14 months till USA time, we'll catch up for sure!
I love the quilt. I've done the same block but in a different setting. It was fun to do so I can't wait to try your version. I spent the weekend cutting for a spools quilt and started your version of saving scraps. I filled six of those plastic drawer things already and I haven't even started on my scrap baskets yet. Thank you for sharing all your tips.
you sure got a lot done! I love the scrap quilt that you did. I too have a sew ezi table. I have not brought it any place with me but it does pack up well doesn't it. I find mine just a little low for my long torso and my dh fashioned some little leg extensions to raise the table up an inch or two and that tends to work better. I do not like my chair too low or else my knees are up to my chin! this way I can have my chair high when sitting and with the table raised I am pretty much at the right height.
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