I used the walking foot that came with the machine, and I was able to use the seam guide from my Bernina to screw right up against that walking foot....it gives SUCH a nice fence to run that binding and quilt edge along..gives me a nice straight binding seam which is sometimes hard to manage when fanagling a large quilt through a machine, hefting the weight to and fro. (And yes, I also set up an ironing board at right angle to my left to help support the weight,but you know...)
So putting the binding and sleeve on the strip twist was my first task, and the machine passed with flying colors! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the knee lift, but it is going to take a while to get in the habit of using it. Same thing with the tread cutter....I have to stop and think, because I automatically want to raise the presser foot by hand,and remove the work from the machine and up and over the SIDE thread cutter (which is not where it used to be on the other machine!) Old habits die hard, you know?
Lucy wanted me to make a little video of how the thread cutter and everything works while I was piecing on a little pineapple block. So...here's the video! Some how my videoagrapher DH was not as impressed with the thread cutter as I was! Men...they just don't GET it sometimes, do they?
I also was sent this little Smile Box from the Mt Vernon VA Quilters! It's pics they took of my last workshop and lecture up there with them. What a great time we had. The colors that some ladies chose for their quilts left me drooling.
I vividly remember the burnt oranges and seafoam greens of one concoction...oh YUMMY! So that is playing in the back of my head for a future stash reduction idea. I have a LOT of greens, and they only appear here and there in my quilts. Nothing makes a dent. Maybe for St Patricks Day? Anyone want to work on something green in March? :cD (And I'm not referring to the science project at the back of your refrigerator!)
It's almost time to hit the road again. On Tuesday I leave for Statesboro Georgia! This will be a fun trip with the Staying in Stitches Quilt Guild. It's a driving trip for me which is always a pleasure. I can listen to my books on MP3...Right now I'm listening to Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I have read them,but now it's fun to listen because the reader is SO good with the voices.
I'll be home on Thursday!
I'm drooling over your new machine! I thought my next one was going to be the Bernina 440QE, but you may cause me to reconsider. it will be a while for the new machine anyhow, still saving my pennies! ;) Love your blog, just haven't been able to let go of my inner control freak long enough to do "scrappy" yet! Someday....!
Have fun!
I'm glad you made the video, even if DH isn't impressed, we are. I can get the knee lift for mine but didn't see the need until now. My first machine had one,
I love those books by Diana Gabaldon! I think you are the only other person I know of that also likes them. Enjoy your drive and have a fun time!
Oh Bonnie, it was so fun to watch you sew and HEAR your voice!!!!!
Glad you are happy w/your new machine. Wave to my friends in Atlanta while in GA. You are going to a great part of these United States.
What a lucky girl! Altho ... I know you work hard with writing and quilting.
So, are we talking an Irish mystery or just a challenge to use the greens? I have a lot of greens, some Irish genes in our family and son says he is Irish (he is only 12%!).
Sheeez ... I have a lot of stash! I like the guided challenges. Or double dog dare ...
My Viking D1 has the thread cutter and when it was in for cleaning I used my old Viking and boy I missed that thread cutter. LOL... You will love it. Enjoy your new machine.
Enjoy! If this new machine boosts your productivity we'll all need to be content to simply wallow in your wake! ;)
Bonnie, congratulations on your new sewing partner and for sharing it in your video - the knee lift and thread cutter make me drool!
You've read the Outlander series? YOU ROCK!!! I love Jamie and Claire, they're my heroes!!! At the end of Snow & Ashes I was almost in tears when Bree opened the box from Claire ... I was all "Jamie and Claire are D-D-DEADDDDD boo hoo!" It blew my mind that the box was in the garage when they were cleaning it out, BEFORE THEY EVEN WENT THROUGH THE STONES!! Rock on!!
I've had my machine for three years and I LOVE IT!!! I'm so glad you got one. Have a great week!!!
Looks awesome Bonnie....imagine all the thread saved too! You'll really be a speed demon on those pineapple blocks now! What about top thread? Does it leave any tail when you start the stitching?
That machine is sooo cool! I've never seen an automatic thread cutter on a machine! I've heard of them but never seen it work - I"m so glad you did the video!
I have been reading the Outlander series for nearly 15 years now. Right now I am rereading the series in anticipation of the new release. It has been surprising to me how many more people are reading the series now than even just a few years ago.
I have been looking at purchasing this machine as well as a couple of others. Your demo video makes it look really easy and user friendly...I can't wait to try one out.
As for a green quilt...I've got lots of green, so bring it on! I look forward to your mysteries...one day I'll actually finish one, but I am creating sample blocks of many of them! That counts, right?
Thanks for posting the video of your new machine. I have the knee lift on my Berninas, but no thread cutter. Now that I'm making string pieced stars, I can see how that would be a great feature to have.
Not a fan of paper piecing because I don't like tearing off the paper. (Though I am using paper as my foundation for the diamonds in my stars.) Have you ever used that dissolving foundation paper? I'm wondering if it could be left in the quilt and would it dissolve from the inside during the first washing.
The thread cutter sounds wonderful. Have always loved machines with a knee control. Know you will enjoy for many years!
Fun video - really enjoyed that. Dave is a good sport for helping. I AM impressed by that thread cutter - wheeeee.
I sure hope this goes thru I have spent 30 minutes trying to get this done (I am obviously technologically impaired...but determined to tell you how much I love your blog; thank you for the sewing machine pineapple demo and all your help. I've been emailing you off the blog because I couldn't figure out how to get on (even though I have my own blog.
I so want your new machine; now that I know there is such a thing as a thread cutter!
Perfect "Valentine-ish" post. The two of you look like you were made for each other! Love it! I hope you have many many happy years together...giggle!
I'm so glad you shared your video for Lucy with all of us to see too - fun! :)
and that WOW that Dave let out didn't sound sarcastic to me ;) I think deep down he's just jealous that his hobby stuff doesn't have some super cool machine or feature. LOL
that thread cutter is a BIG deal! I'd love it if my Bernina did that!
Love from Texas! ~Bonnie
*PS - stop by my blog to see the new me! ;)
Great video, Bonnie! Your DH is a 'peach' too.
I'm curious though, doesn't your Bernina have a knee lift for the pressor foot? My 1090 does and I love it. Although the Singer I learned to sew on has the knee attachment that makes the machine sew! I hadn't even used it for decades and when I first used my Bernina had to stop using my knee to try to start sewing. Some muscle memory!
This machine really does look perfect for paper piecing!
Dave's "WOW" scared the wits out of my dog who immediately started barking at the STRANGER in the house. VBG. The machine looks really nice...congrats!
I too love my 6600P and my 6500P. They are monsters in such a good way. And I love that no having to hold the thread after the cutter. And it handles the BIG cones of thread with ease. It spoils you for other machines. The machine fits in a Hemline Trolley Bag for traveling. It has a handle that extends and nice wheels!
I love green. I have lots. Lets do green it goes with everything (pink, purple,beige,blue/orange/coral).
And I have been saving my triangles. Now I have a working title for that plastic bin. "Future Pineapples"
I still have another bin with the waste half square triangles. Future Ocean Waves.
I am so glad you like your machine.
Don't you think you should send this demo to the dude who DIDN'T made the sale? Look at all of the free advertising he missed! Word of mouth is the best! (And negative word of mouth can really hurt. OUCH!)
"Anyone want to work on something green in March?"
Yes, please!! I've got lots of green that needs a purpose.
Looks great, Bonnie!
Would love to work on a green quilt in March. Although it's one of my favorites, I don't have much of that color in my stash. Good excuse to shop!
What a great idea to put up that video !! Now it makes me want to change machines... I'm going to have to start saving !
I would love to work on something green in March. I have a ton of green that needs a use.
Love my Janome 6600. Love Diana Gabaldon.
I started reading when the first book came out and want to scream "Write Faster!" (and often do).
I am recovering from a jaw injury and had to start the series over again. Nothing distracts from jaw pain like Jamie and Claire.
Happy travels.
Congrats Bonnie on the new machine, I've had my 6500 for two years and love everything about it. Happy Sewing!
Hiya Bonnie. I got a double wedding ring quilt top from my mother-in-law who passed away in December. Im thinking about hand quilting it. I know how to hand quilt, but not something this size. I think its a double or a queen. When you have some free time (ROFL!!!) could you teach us how you hand quilt a large quilt. I cant do it in a large frame. I have to hold it in my hands or use a smaller frame.
Do I just baste and start in the middle and work my way out? How do you draw your Baptist fans? Do you have a pattern or a template?
If you dont have time to answer this, thats fine. I know youre a busy woman.
My apostrophe key is not working. Im not typing bad grammar on purpose. LOL
Take care.
Bonnie, I think my mail isn't coming through...
Love that reader too
she is Davina Porter.
My friend Debby turned me onto
Diana Gabaldon.
You sure can get a lot of sewing done with her stories!
Happy Sewing!
several week later....and I am still enjoying yoru video of you shoing off your new machine and how excited you were about the cutter.. :)
also I LOVE and laugh out loud every time at Dave's big "WOW" and how he just couldnt' refrain LOL :P haha
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
I love my Janome to its a 6600, the thread cutting and that knee lift was what sold me on one. But I still love my vintage machines. Thank you Bonnie.
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