Look at ME, Mommy!

Pay Attention to ME, Mommy!! Aren't I cute, Aren't I adorable??

You really would rather be petting me, and brushing me and playing with ME...instead of sitting at that boring old sewing machine, wouldn't you??
And Yes, Part 6 is up!
I love your kitty!!!!
Too sweet!!
I really love this pattern, and is definately on my "to make" list. thanks much. Kathyinozarks
Love the cat. what a ham. I have step one finished. My OTR is quilted and ready for binding. Thanks so much for the Double Delight. You worked hard for this.
Look at that little (?) pink belly! Cute! What pretty eyes.
Thank You for giving us the mysteries. I am working slowly at it. Yesterday my son had to do 5 hours community service for class project,, so guess where he worked? Thrift store, they had all clothes 50 cents.. so today I am cutting strips for boxy stars and another pineapple blossom. thanks again have a great day!!
Awesome mystery quilt! You are a generous woman to share your creativity and time with us all like this. It is good to see your furry feline helping you with block placement. I can see why the quilts come out so inviting!
Thank you!
Such a pretty and helpful kitty!! All I have to do is put some quilt blocks on the floor and instantly the cat who was sound asleep is on them, testing for quality.........
Part six already....Bonnie, when do you sleep?
Precious kitty. Your quilt pattern is so, so pretty.
Beautiful cat. Look at those eyes! And the quilt, it's awsome. I'm trudging away making mine from Christmas fabric. Once again thank you for doing this.
What a wonderful furball! She has the same markings as my Shelby...just in feline form. Don't you just love that white belly!?
oh my gosh. that is some cat! Please tell me he/she is named Fluffy!! like the peek underneath!
Oh Bonnie, both the cat and the quilt and gorgeous. Thank you so much for this mystery - perfect timing, I needed a summer holiday project!
Cats are such gooder people....... I love her blue eyes.
Love little kitty and love your DD, too - shame time it too short for me to make this one - it is a beauty!
Hugs -Lurline♥
I would love to scoop her up for a cuddle. Adorable.
Well...Chloe certainly has come out of her shell nicely since coming to your place!!! lol She was meant to be your cat, Bonnie!!
absolutely adorable!
DD - WOW a lot of cutting and triming..getting there, however.
oh I so can see her rolling around on the blocks, doing the rub my belly wiggle. what a sweetie pie. Pokies long lost twin sister - who obviously came into a lot of money and could afford a fur coat. the blocks look beautiful - love the double pink.
Oh, I love the mystery. I've been good, working at finishing a couple others, including Old Tobacco Road. When you announced Double Delight, and indicated it would be posted sporadically, I was thinking in terms of a clue every couple weeks, like with Orange Crush! Gee Whiz, Girl . . . you've got to pace yourself . . . I can't keep up!
We have books, classes, TV programs about Horse Whisperers, Dog Whisperers -- we could use one on Cat Brains!
Aren't they the greatest subjects of conversation? 8-)
You' ve outdone yourself on DD! Mine is going to be gorgeous!!!
No quilt is complete until it is tested by the cat. She is adorable. Your quilt is so beautiful and I don't even care for pink. This might make me re-think using some pink now and then.
...and look at it this way, Mommy, a fur covered top will make a quilt that's twice as warm...
It looks like Chloe is checking her browns against your yummy brown fabric. They are both beautiful. I just want to kiss her tubby belly.
Awwwww. She's so cute. :D
At least your little kitty isn't a block thief...when we moved I found Brownies stash of quilt pieces and a few of my long lost blocks from Carolina Crossroads under the couch! She had me believing I couldn't count anymore - I was always short a few pieces...
Love how this mystery is coming along...
I just showed my daughter your blog entry and she laughed out loud. "They have a fat cat who loves to quilt too!!!". LOL Not that your cat is fat or anything...he's probably just extra furry.
I've been out of town for 3 weeks due to the death of my mother-in-law, my best quilting buddy and the sweetest lady who ever lived. I need a new elderly, quilting BFF to fill her shoes. Any takers out there? I bought my fabrics for this quilt at our favorite quilt store in Texas where she lived as a treat to myself, but also as one last trip there in her honor, since we probably won't be back to that small town fabric store any time soon. My husband was mad I bought more fabric, but I meekly, sweetly and gently told him to shut up and said his mother would want me to have these fabrics from our favorite LQS. :)
I can't wait to get started (hopefully tomorrow, but I have to unpack first). It's absolutely stunning. It's more beautiful than I imagined it would be. Maybe it's my new favorite. I can't decide, but it's for sure, a keeper.
Thank you for blessing others with your mind, heart, soul and hard work. You mean a lot to me, even though I'm a stranger and we don't know each other. LOL
God bless you in the new year. I pray for prosperity and favor in your home.
Love, love, love your cat. I want one! We've always had dogs, but only one was a quilt connoisseur. I would have a quilt top laid out on the floor for basting with only 6" of room on the side to walk by - Lacey would literally tiptoe in that 6" to get from one side of the room to the other. Our current dog, on the other hand, has stolen blocks, snatched fabric off the table, and jumped into my chair to stick her nose all over the sewing machine. She's settling down now, and sleeps on top of my foot while I sew. When I get up to iron, she rolls over and lays on the foot control (Yes! I turn it OFF!!). I figure she's keeping it warmed up for me!
Greatly enjoying the DD, even though I'm taking my time and just finishing up Step 1.
Your kitty is so cute! We have it's twin...Louie over here!
Seriously they look exactly alike! Our kitty weighs about 20 lbs. Yours?
That kittie has the cutest face, just want to snuggle her. Carline
I love your cat!!! Looks like mine but yours has a long hair!!! They look like cousins!!! The same colors, the same lovely face!!! I can't believe!!! My cat has parents in America.
You make a great work with the patchwork techniques, I hope one day I can learn as much as you know!!! Great work!!!
Lots of love from Spain!!!
I have one just like yours.
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