Bonnie M from TX sent me this pic with the following caption:
My wife has been on my case to get the Christmas lights up for a couple of weeks.
They are up now and for some reason she will not talk to me.
Thanks for the laugh, Bonnie!! I also mailed her back to tell her how funny it is that we, two Bonnies, are both married to guys named David. Twilight Zone music needs to play, I tell ya!
I've been out to pick up a few goodies this morning, I've also been to the bank...and joined the Mall Walkers for about 45 minutes of hard fast power walking. Nice to be able to walk in climate controlled spaces! :cD
I've started the binding on "Crabapples", a leader ender top that I finished a couple years ago. Yes, it finally got quilted! So binding is commencing on that.
I've put together a turquoise backing for the Mad City Mama quilt..not sure when that will get on the machine, I've got some other things in the work for today.
And tonight I have an honest-to-goodness Christmas party to go to! Will that bring on more Christmas Spirit around here? I hope so.
Did you get your 15 minutes of something Quilty yesterday? I Hope SO!
I gotta say - having an outlet in the overhang on the garage is a FABULOUS idea! I wish someone would have thought to do that to my front porch!!
I never responded to a blog before, but I just had to on this one. I too am a Bonnie married to a Dave! How wierd is that? I mean, Dave is a common enough name, but there aren't that many Bonnie's out there!
15 minutes??? O my I was power sewing on my smokey mountain stars and my "crazy" trip around the world. thanks so much....
I need to make up for a few missed weeks of Quilty 15 Minutes! Maybe some serious power sewing today? Hmmmmm.....
I definately have a bunch of personal Christmas projects to get done, not to mention about 10 UFOs!
Well this weekend we're hoping to actually hang the lights.. still debating on the tree... with the twins the only option I can think of is to set it up in the computer room (fornt of the house) instead of in the den where we usualy put it.. and then baby gate the computer room off for the month of December!! EWveryone can sitll "enjoy" it each time we see it coming and going up and down the stairs... LOL
Good luck to your family for decorating this weekend too!!! They say the way to a man's heart is FOOOOOD... maybe put on a big ole pot of chili!? and then they'll help ya? ;)
Love from Texas!
and thanks for mentioning me on your post today :) I feel "noticed" and importnat... a friend of the famouos "THE" Bonnie Hunter of quiltville! ;)
Hope you have a fabulous time at your Christmas party! I can't believe how close Christmas is already! Now I'm off to the sewing room!
Merry Christmas!!
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