
Saturday, September 13, 2008

More on Gwen's Book....

Look over there to the right. Yes, right there in my side bar below my profile. See that? It's a little badgie for you to click and order Gwen's new book, directly from her! The pic is clickable. Yep. That's right. Just mouse over it...and....click!

I sent off my check yesterday. You know, Gwen doesn't even have internet up where she lives on Beaver Island, Michigan. Which might mean you have to PRINT AN ORDER FORM and WRITE A CHECK. Remember when that was the ONLY way to order things way back when? But guess what? She will sign the book for you.

This one is self published via lulu.com and I really want it to be a success for her. Click the lulu link and you CAN order it online through lulu. But you won't get it signed! All you Gwen Groupies, send off your check, order your book, and then YOU TOO please place the little gizmo in your side bar to help promote this book. Do it for Gwen, and do it for me...I KNOW you will do it for me :c)

I once got an email from the gal that runs Gwen's website and she said she got most of her traffic through links on this blog! Isn't that cool? So let's show our appreciation for all that Gwen has done for the Liberated Quilting World and ORDER!

:::::::::::::End Infomercial!::::::::::::::

So, yesterday DH calls and says...do you need gas? I said, no, that I had filled up at Sam's Club on Thursday when I got the lenses in my new glasses. He said good..because gas has skyrocketed overnight. This makes me SO SAD. Just when I thought it was going down. I actually paid $3.55 a gallon, and amazingly that felt cheap? But now....I am wondering if I want to drive the 20 miles to my guild's sew-in this morning. That's 20 miles there and 20 miles back, and I'm so stinking mad about the gas thing. I mean, I can stay home and sew for "free"...but this is my chance to get to know the ladies in this guild because every time they have a meeting I am OUT OF TOWN!

And compared to what people from Galveston up through Houston and beyond are going through, I know this is a selfish whimpy whine. I'm sorry. I'm humbled to think that I am sitting here griping about gas, when many of you are flooded out. I'm sorry. I'm also afraid to turn on the news because it might prove to be worse than anticipated. I'm sorry. Maybe I'll stay home today and piece some relief quilts. Or SPEND the gas money gratefully and go make some relief quilts while sewing at my guild's sew-in.

OH, and a funny....

You know you live in the Southeast when your fabric and ironing board cover are so humid that you don't have to add water to your iron to make STEAM when you press! HA!:cD

Isn't this hilarious! It's from the EXTREME IRONING COMPETITION! You have to click over for a laugh.


Unknown said...

Thanks so much on the tip about Gwen's new book! I love her stuff. I will have to hop on over to her site and order one for myself! Love the extreme Ironing competition!

Judy said...

Bonnie, I love reading your blog! Mocha colored walls....we just painted and I used Faint Maple (color - where do they get these names?) made by Valspar from Lowes. It is reminiscent of chocolate milk. We love it with the white woodwork.

Anonymous said...

$3.55/gallon -- I'd be jumping for joy. State of Washington has so many taxes we're paying $3.75+ and that's down from well over $4.00/gal. Just wish my PT Cruiser got better mileage.

Judy said...

Well I know that price gougers are in full force in NC asking $5 a gallon and more when there is really NO reason. They are doing it too in VA but the governor said they will be prosecuted, so hopefully it will stop soon.

Thanks for the Gwen tip, I'll mail my check today!

Anonymous said...

Well, I went to the extreme ironing competition ... REAL men can iron! I saw them! Please send me a man who will iron while I sew ...

Thanks for the great 'reads' Bonnie.

Salem Stitcher said...

I'm glad you decided to spend the gas and come to the sew in. It was a fun day!

Jan said...

Thanks for your concern for those of us in Ike's path. The eye passed over us about 2 hours ago and we just got our power back. We still have some high winds but not like earlier. I am in NE Texas and we are the staging area for Red Cross and Salvation Army. All disaster vehicles are in the process of leaving to help those in the Houston/Beaumont area. We have over 5,000 evacuees here. Pray for all those who have been in the middle of this.

Marianne said...

I love the Extreme Ironing Competition!!! I heard gass prices in NC went up in anticipation of supply going down after Ike went through, kind of like a run on the gas stations.

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

There's a couple of awards for you over at my blog, bonnie:-)

cityquilter grace said...

makes me think of a hallmark card that asked why lawyers belong at the bottom of the ocean....because down deep they are really nice...LOL

cityquilter grace

YankeeQuilter said...

I finally had a minute to catch up on some blog reading...love the house. I used a color called DEVON CREAM in my kitchen which is the color of a medium Dunkin Donuts Coffee with two creams. My favorite!

Karen Newman Fridy said...

geez, I thought the rule in quilting was to use a DRY iron ;-)

too funny!

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