I opened the bedroom door, turned on the light...and there on the carpet was a BAT. Not a baseball bat, not a quilt BATT, but...a flying, flapping, bat-man style bat! Only he wasn't flying anymore because I think Oscar broke his wing...
It is now 1:20 am and I am sipping a cup of cocoa, trying to un-freak myself out so I can get back to sleep. Where did the bat come from? (And what's worse...Why was the first thought that came to my mind "Where is my camera? This is good blog stuff!") *rolling eyes* No, I didn't get a pic. Instead I got a towel. By this time everyone one was up. We spread the towel over the bat, scooped it up, and gently deposited it in the front yard where nature can take it's course.

Oscar is 2 for 2 today.....earlier it was a bunny he caught in the woods. *Sniffle* He got Thumper. So much for loving the country life! (At least it wasn't a snake??)
euw euw euw ick. hope the kitties' rabies shots are up to date. I remember my dad chasing a bat around the house trying to get it out a window - it's a lot harder without the broken wing.
Yes, I know that feeling well Except in our case, the cat had a live mouse ON our bed. yuck.
welcome to living in the woods!
our neighbors had a bat in their house and they all had to have shots for weeks...
they didn't want to take any chances...
Been there got the T shirts; my best little hunter, Jazzy who died prematurely about 4 years ago brought me mice, live and dead, moles alive, bats, lizards and once when my vegetarian son and daughter in law where coming to stay he deposited a dead ferret in their room, what a pong; but my BEST memorie is he and Juni the other cat fighting over a live mouse in the middle of the night on my bed, LOL
susie, thatcham, uk
That would wreck my nights sleep! You are brave to take care of it by yourself. I would yelling, Jimmmm.....y can you get up and come here!
Ugh, that'll wake you up... Hey, Did you know you got a shout out in Quilter's Home?
Gadzooks! I remember having one get in our house when I was a little girl. This is creepy, hopefully it was a once in a lifetime event.
When we first moved into our last house we would get them off and on. I have long hair and it would freak me out afraid they would get into my hair. I know they don't really do that, but I would scream and hit the floor as they flew around in circles near the ceiling. DH would catch them in an old fishing net and put them outside. GROSS!! I know they eat mosquitos, a very valuable service in our neck of the woods, but I just want them to stay OUTSIDE. I'll take care of the mosquitos that get into the houe. We finally had someone come and flash better around the chimney and they stopped gettin in. Thank goodness.
Welcome to the country!
When we bought our little house in the big woods, I told my husband I could handle anything except snakes. When there was a snake, I planned to stand on a chair and scream like a girl until he came home and took care of it. That's exactly what I did. More than once. *shiver*
They say bats are good, eating tons and tons of bugs. My In-laws even have a bat house in the yard. Still, I think I would be a bit disturbed by finding one in the house. I probably would have thought about taking a picture too:)
There was a bat in our house in KY right before we moved. My first thought also was . . where's my camera? I understand why you're wide awake and can't get back to sleep!
I love bats...outside eating all the bugs. I hate bugs. Bats in the house...not so much.
I would have thought "where's my camera" too.
Hope you can get a little nap in today to make up for the loss of sleep!
He's just doing his job as a hunter and wanting to show you (he doesn't have a blog to bragg on like you do!! Hahaha!
That sounds like a quilting night for sure Bonnie!
I am deathly afraid of bats and can scream like a little girl when one is in the house. The bad news is they can come in a hole the size of a bic pen, so it can be tough to find all of the openings. We have had them come in between the storm window and the window screen. In a pinch an oven rack works to hit it. I am fine with creatures outside, but not in my house!
When I was first married I lived in a mobile home. The dryer was in the bathroom but not hooked up. The cat used the vent as her personal kitty door and one night she was playing with "something" so I reached over (middle of the night) to make her stop and put my hand on it. Turned on the light and started screaming...I was a very young adult and thought it was a scorpion! I had to call my dad and wake him up to describe it. He assured me it was a crawdad. Next time it rained she brought in a frog. I always kept the door closed to the bathroom when it rained after that!
It must be that time of year for bats or something, because we had one in our house this week also. Thankfully, hubby was home with the cats (and I was at work), so he caught it, dumped it outside, and took a picture (posted on my blog). They are quite ugly, I think, but we need them to eat all these Minnesota mosquitoes.
Aren't pets the sweetest things? They just love you up and then go off and do their own thing. Gotta luv em! Renée
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