DS Jeff starts classes at Forsyth Tech at the end of the month. Lots of figuring and deliberating was done until we came to the conclusion that a scooter would pay for itself in the amount of gas that it saves.
This scooter is so cute I'm even thinking of getting myself one...in PINK! :cD
It's a 150cc so it has enough power to go 70mph and can go on all the roads that cars can. It is big enough to require tags and insurance. I like that it is big enough that he can be SEEN on the roads!
I left him at the dealership to finish up the paperwork, and drove home and waited....here he is as he just pulled into the front yard. Have you ever seen such a happy young man?
Guild meeting last night was very fun! I met lots of wonderful ladies and I hope to get more involved as the months roll by. It was nice to sit there and see someone else do a presentation instead of the other way around!
As Mrs G says...Life IS good!
He's positively GLOWING! LOL Congrats to him.
Looks great and he does seem very happy. My gosh it even has a seat for the girlfriend, small seat, can't get into much trouble on that;-D lol. Good luck to him at his new school
Very Awesome! What brand of scooter did you buy? I was looking into getting one for myself!
Thumbs up! from Scooter-Grandma!
I just LOVE your blog. I gave your blog an award, look my blog when you have time for the details. Susan in SC
Excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint. :) My (17 year old) DS is trying to talk me into a motorcycle to conserve gas!
When my boys were small, they thought it would be the ultimate in cool to have a motorcycle. So, one day, to tease them, I said I was going to have to look into getting a pink Harley Hog for myself. My eldest didn't blink an eye, but advised, "Mom . . . you're a girl . . . you have to get a Harley Sow".
I want to get one when I get back. They are all over the place over here! I even remember having one for my Barbie doll!
Hey Bonnie! Congrats to Jeff on his new scooter! Do they really make them in pink? :o) I'm loving reading your blog! Good luck on getting the mealy-bugs out of your basement. I had that in a basement-apartment in college--nasty things! We had to 'bomb' them out. Blech! I have to admit I didn't mind them half as much as the spiders!!! LOL!
Love ya!
It is really cute!
What brand is it? He sure looks happy. My son is looking for one as we speak.
So happy that life is beginning to, once again, settle into a semblance of normalcy for you and your family. There's great peace associated with that.
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