
Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm Such a SUCKER!

Buddy got his cast off yesterday. They just LOVE him at the vets, he is such a push over for anyone who pays him the slightest amount of attention. It takes 3 of us to get him up onto the exam table because when you take him into the room he just goes limp on the floor. He's lazy that way when I get him groomed too...just lays down, won't stand!

So I said to the vet, a great guy...I love how he talks to the animals and explains things to me as the owner..."He's just an overgrown ragdoll kitty in disguise, because he just goes limp!" and the vet said....
"Speaking of Ragdolls, we've got one that we have to find a home for, or we have to put it to sleep, are you interested?!"

The story goes that someone just left the cat outside the vet's door in a carrier with a note that said they couldn't take care of her anymore. She was badly matted. They had been trying to clean her up at the vets, and the fur on her back has big chunks out of it where someone had tried to remove the mats with scissors.

Long story short...one look at this sweet girl and I was a goner. How could I let them put her to sleep? It would be on MY conscience if I didn't take her home! So...I am now owned by Chloe, a tri color ragdoll baby. I don't know much else, but by her exam, she looks to be about 3 years old. All I had to do was pay for a rabies shot. A whopping $17.50 and Chloe and her carrier were loading into the car along with Buddy (who couldn't care less and showed no interest in her whatsoever.) Oh, and she is declawed and spayed...someone had some money invested in her.

I brushed her a bit more last night, but there are still some tough mats on her chest. She did purr a bit...a very soft purr. She is also very chatty with lots of little mew mew sounds like she is talking back at you when you talk to her. Her coloring reminds me a lot of Tonya's Pokey...only longer hair. I can only hope for Pokey's sweet personality.

For now she is residing in my basement away from the other two kitties. I figure she is traumatized enough as it is. So here she is...Chloe! Jeff thinks we should call her SWIFFER.

I'm in love and I hate to leave her for the weekend, but the guys will take good care of her...(I hope!)


QuiltinLibraryLady said...

She looks a lot like Harry, one of the Ragdolls that claim Mary J.'s sister Deb. Beautiful kitty.

Fran said...

God bless you Bonnie, you won't be sorry. She will return your love 100 times fold. We've had our Duke for 13 years. He was a rescue pet from our vet also. Same situation. Our daughter had lost her kitty 2 weeks before and when this kitten(Duke) was abandoned at the vets, she gave us a call. He was about 2 months old. At first DH was mulish about getting another pet. That lasted as long as the drive to the vet. As soon as he saw him it was love at first sight. He insisted on naming him though. This MALE cat was not going to be named Fluffy or Bootsie, so as we were leaving the vet, the receptionist called the patient, a doberman, "It's your turn Duke" she said and our 2month old kitten got it's name. We've never been sorry. He's been a joy. Fran:-)

CindyB said...

I've never met a Vet who would put a healthy pet to sleep because it wasn't wanted. That's very hard to think about. I'm so glad you found a new friend. I know she will be loved bunches!

Andee said...

She is beautiful, Congratulations!

Diannia said...

Bonnie she's gorgeous! I got my lilac Siamese as an adult and she was already spayed and declawed. She's a bit clumsy w/o her front claws and watch out for the back ones when she feels comfortable w/you to jump in your lap...the back claws come out for traction...I'm sporting 2 scratches on my leg from earlier this week. Poor thing clumsy AND a bit crosseyed! Lucy loves attention 1st thing in the morning while I'm on the computer!

Regina said...

What a sweetheart! My two are nearing 15 years old and I can't imagine a day without them.

sewkalico said...

I would have been a sucker too. She's lovely. So pleased she's found a good home :-)

Anonymous said...

What a great story and I am sure that she will be able to find her place in this loving and caring family of yours! good for you to take in this poor creature and congrats on this new purrrrrrrring familymember
Hugs from the Netherlands
Winda aka Dutch Quilter

The Calico Cat said...

poor kitty... (But then again that is specifically why I have short haired cats.) Glad she found a good home.

June said...

I am so jealous! I've wanted a Ragdoll ever since I've been reading about Lucy on Wendy's knitting blog. You are so lucky to have her & she is beautiful. I'm going to call my vet right now & see if she knows of any here.
June in Dobson

Judy said...

Oh, ragdolls are so much fun but are extremely needy cats...I can show you 2 boys here with me that are like babies! They love to be around you all the time and even sleep in the same room as us on the cat tree.

Make sure your son spends some time with her while you are gone, she'll crave the attention and they LOVE having their tummy's rubbed! The hair should work out eventually and I can usually get any knots out with a quick comb. But cutting works too and the fur grows back easily. So glad that you adopted her.

Vanessa said...

You may already know of this blog http://ragdollquilting.blogspot.com/

It was the first time I'd heard of Ragdoll cats. Cloe is beautiful and blessed to have you there in time to rescue her.

Ruth said...

What a darling kitty! My DS & DIL have a cat with long fur just like hers and they have to cut it all off once a year or so because he refuses to let them brush him and he does get matted. So you might want to just do a "crew cut" all over with a razor to get all the mats off. Good luck!

Beth said...

Oh I just LOVE the Swiffer name! rotlf! We got a cat from a vet once too...only they didn't even know her name. She was white and long haired, so I was prepared for Fluffy, Marshmellow or Snowball. The kids named her "Maybe"...because I had told them "Maybe, someday we can get a cat!" ROTLF

Mama Spark said...

She looks like a sweetie. I think Rag dolls are so cute. I hope she works out for

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Isn't she a sweety! I'm sure she will fit in nicely and after all cats and quilts go together so well..I'm hoping we'll see more pictures of her and your other 4 legged friends.

Betty J in OKC said...

Bonnie, Bless you for adopting this fur-baby into your family. You'll be blessed with her love in return! I can't imagine not having my SIX cats to spoil rotten.

Cheryl said...

What a good person you are and how lucky Chole is. It was meant for you to be at the vet. Nice to find your blog.

Lori said...

Congrats on the new kitty.
I'm sitting for my military daughter's till she settles in Maine this summer. Thankfully the landlord will accept him. Polo is also a ragdoll, major limp when you pick him up.

swooze said...

She is beautiful. I would love a cuddly kitty but the dogs said NO!

mckie2 said...

Man - You always find the best deals. Now a beautiful cat. I love that cat. But I already have 4 so I guess it was a good thing I wasn't there because I couldn't pass her up either.

Becky said...


IMR said...

Just give her a quilt and she will be the happiest kitty around. LOL

tami said...

Congratulations on your new owner!
She looks like she has made herself hat home already. I understand how you couldn't leave her there.

Tonya Ricucci said...

What a sweetie pie and she does have Pokey's coloring. Let's hope she really does love the belly rubbing because you needed a belly baby. I hope Oscar doesn't pick on her too much and Emmy has a new friend. Love the name Swiffer - think I'd have to go with that one, hee hee hee.

Helen in the UK said...

She is gorgeous - hope she's a quilt lover too!! Glad to hear Buddy is doing well :)

BilboWaggins said...

Bless your heart for taking her, she looks an absolute darling. I have a Bearded Collie and am very familiar with those matts - good luck and quilty hugs to you both.

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

What a beauty!

The infamous Phoebe was a rescue Persian and a lovely cat all her days.

Congratulations to all!

n, np

Ahava Hopps Brooke said...

Hurray! Another worthy cat finds a loving home. Chloe looks wonderful. I'm glad that you two found eachother. happy purring!

Sara said...

She is so beautiful! I would love to have a rag doll. Right now the only cat we have is a barn cat. No indoor cats till we retire or somewhere down the line! Absolutely gorgeaus. I would have taken her too!

YankeeQuilter said...

What a sweet cat (it only takes a happy kitten story to get bloggers out of the woodwork to comment!) Thought of you lots at the quilt show today!

Fabricfaire said...

Hi,My friend, Leslie, "put me on" to your wonderful and inspiring blog! You are so talented in quilting as well as having a "heart" to save a sweet kitty!

Floss said...

She is so pretty, I use to have a rag doll and she was such a sweet kitty. I think that’s par of the rag doll personality. Congratulation.

Anonymous said...

I would haven taken her too, she was very lucky to have you as her new "mum"
I just drives me mad to read things like that, I never can and want to understand how people can be that cruel to animals

and yes, swiffer would be the perfect name

Mary Johnson said...

What a cutie! My sister has 2 ragdolls and her *girl* is named Chloe too.

I like the rail fence quilt a lot but then it's one of my favorite patterns.

Nettie said...

Total cat envy here. another one who has always wanted a ragdoll. A similar situation resulted in Wolfgang coming to live with me in Tokyo and his eventually ending up in Germany, ensconced in a beautiful country home, much nicer than i could provide for him.

ForestJane said...

Aww, you're not a sucker, unless it's the sweet sort everyone likes. :D

And I think Chloe is an extremely lucky cat - and I'll bet she gets along great with your other two... do they suspect that she's down there yet?

I swapped rooms with mine for the first few days - put the newbie in the carrier, called the other two, then let them sniff where the new one had been and vice versa. Good luck for an easy integration!

Tanya said...

Bless you, bless you bless you! Already too kitties and your heart opens to another. What a wonderful person! And Buddy out of his cast. I hear Hallelujahs! I hope you and Cleo and all the other animals will be snuggling together soon! What GREAT GREAT NEWS! I love to hear of an animal rescued!!!

Lurline said...

Oh, a sucker? - I think not! Bonnie, I hope you and your little rag-doll have lots of happy times together - I have been tempted for a long time to get a rag-doll, but at the moment with 2 little Maltese is not the right time.
God bless - Lurline/Australia.

Anonymous said...

oh bonnie......

when we got our ragdoll, we had to drive clear across town....but minnie is a rescue, her owner put her up on free-cycle!

...and I LOVE the way they just 'melt' when they are happy!!

may you have lots of melt-y kitty and buddy moments!!

Sherry said...

Welcome to Chloe!!

Toni said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhh.....how wonderful!! I would have taken her home as well--she seems precious! Buddy will enjoy a playmate :)

Deborah Levy said...

What a wonderful thing to do! She will give you all the love you can stand. I have two ragdolls and they are very needy...they are my constant companions, always at my feet (or on my head at night in bed) My Girl is "Chloe" too, and her brother "Harry" is also a seal bicolor...looks just like your new little girl! You'll love her.

Karen said...

Bless you Bonnie for taking Chloe home with you! She is sure to be a very happy kitty once she gets used to her new family.

Cindy, the Original Wheelgirl said...

Oh Bonnie, you are an angel. Chloe is a perfect name for such a beautiful kitty. There is a special place in heaven I believe for you for taking her in. I can't understand why the vet was going to put her to sleep, when she was perfectly healthy, there are so many no-kill shelters. Anyway, love your blog you are quite the talented quilter, and Chloe will have many lovely quilts to choose from to lay on...My Maine Coon Dexter gives purrs to your beautiful Chloe.

sewnsew said...

trying to sign up for your drawing but having trouble with my google account. I love that block and wanted to go on the cruise with you but it was full. Also wanted to do retreat in Maine, but again full. Well, I teach quilting and sewing but also do professional Draft Oxen pulling at the Maine fairs. Love it. Ramona sewnsew@live.com

sewnsew said...

I have tried this 4 times, I wanted to go on your cruise but it was full, tried to go to your Maine retreat, but again full. Will be looking forward to your May 2013 workshops and presentation at the Pine Tree Quilter's Guild.
I teach sewing and quilting, but also am a professional Draft Oxen Driver at the Maine fair competitions. Ramona sewnsew@live.com

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