I met with Mrs Goodneedle and her church's quilt ministry and SEWED for two hours! Two hours might not sound like a lot, and in fact it goes by way too quickly for my liking, but it was just the medicine I needed to get me out of the slump I've been feeling since Saturday night.
I have been feeling SO DRAGGY. I asked Yankee Quilter if she felt this way after her big move too, and she told me her mother called it "Acquired Tiredness Syndrome" Because I couldn't pinpoint what would make me feel so blah and lethargic, I figure she must be right. I had A.T.S!
Since the charity quilt thing was only 2 hours this morning, it didn't wear me out! Two weeks ago, the last time I went, I picked up a little pre-cut kit of 5" squares to make into a top. Today I finished putting it together, and got the borders on. It turned out really cute, but I neglected to get a pic of it. :c(
I felt energized when I left, like I had the whole day in front of me, and I ran errands all the way home. I stopped and got a haircut. (Ran out of time to do that the other day)and then....
I stopped and got some drawer pulls for my kitchen drawers. This house was built in 1978 and has a serious case of "golden oak overload!" (G.O.O.??)Even the handles for the golden oak drawers and cupboards in the kitchen are brass with little golden oak inserts on them. Blech.
I can't afford to totally re-do the kitchen at this point, so I am scrubbing everything down, re-oiling the wood, and putting on more "rustic" looking hardware.

I'm looking for cabinet handles, but I found the drawer pulls I want at Target! One problemo, tho...the screws are too short. So on my little jaunt, I stopped at Lowes and got bigger screws. Uno Mas Problemo!! Now the screw heads are too small and pull right through the screw holes! Ayie Carumba! So tonight..on the way back from Maundy Thursday stuff, (choir singing) I'm going to stop for WASHERS. Do you think I'll eventually get these things IN the drawers?
And sheesh..for such a little kitchen...I need ....10 drawer pulls and 29 (29!!!!!!!!!) cabinet handles! So you can see what I mean about G.O.O.! (Golden Oak Overload). It's also the same in the master bath, where the cabinets have the same brass/oak handles, and the previous owners went so far as to have
Two oak towel racks
one oak circle hanging hand towel rack
oak hooks for robes, etc
2 oak medicine cabinets
and an OAK TP holder!
Oh the joys of setting up a new household in an older house. I sometimes feel like this place could be on one of those makeover shows on HGTV (Maybe they could call it OAK BUSTERS?!)

Buddy got a checkup for his broken leg, and a new cast yesterday. Bad Doggie has been pulling on his cast, and licking at it, so to stop that I put an old knee hi sock over it, and then sprayed it with that bitter apple stuff. He isn't licking NOW!(And I know why, because I didn't wash my hands after spraying, and when I wiped my mouth, blehh!)
Bonnie, you are a blessing to all of us! The quilt ministry, your family, your choir, and of course... Buddy! Oh--I was supposed to take a picture of you and your quilt today... what's wrong with ME? I love the G.O.O. acronym, too funny!!
Why don't you try painting, staining your cabinet hardware. Just for now. You could use black and rub part of it off, but leave the center all black or paint it another color.
Just a cheap thought.
"Oak Busters"...too funny. I wish I had some golden oak around here--we have a kitchen full of white plastic knobs...hundreds of them! Blech here too....
Excellent drawer pull selection! We just redid my daughter's dresser handles and they are almost exactly the same kind. They look really good as yours will! Congrats on getting through the slump too!
Of course you're in a slump...when was the last time you did nothing?
You are always on the move with a million things to do.
Open that door and go sit on those great rockers for an hour and do NOTHING.....look out at those flowering trees and shrubs and RELAX.
Happy Spring! Be good to Bonnie :0)
Oh that stuff is nasty!! I got it on my fingers once from the outside of the bottle..... Had to brush my teeth and tongue three times!!
I can relate on the shlump feeling. I'm trying to work my way out of mine.
Quilty Hugs!!
G.O.O. too funny :o) I am glad you feel good and energized. You definitely need it with your busy schedule. Your dog is adorable! Hope he heals fast.
HAPPY EASTER Bonnie, take time to smell the ....flowers....
Quilting Memories
No wonder you've got ATS. You haven't stopped since you moved in. Promise me you'll take some you time over the Easter weekend, just chill and relax.
Have you heard of Rawlplugs? Plastic things which you can push into the hole in the draw and the screw will grip to that and not fall out. You can get wooden ones too which may be the answer.
We used to put curry powder on animal's plaster casts. They never licked it again :-))))))))))
Bonnie, I had a pretty dreadful time with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after I retired from teaching, probably as a reaction to doing too much for too long. It took me about six months doing NOTHING before I was able to read/sew/embroider again. So PLEASE take a tip from me and build in some real relaxation time every day - even ten minutes of yoga breathing and relaxation can really help.
I am still totally amazed at home much you have your house in order! I think it woudl take me forever! And poor buddy, he still looks so sad!
Three moves ago I had a house full of oak too. I ended up painting the bathroom stuff - a quick sanding, some primer and a few coats of paint and I had a new set of towel racks, medicine cabinet and mirror. I was pretty happy with it and it was so much less expensive than replacing everything.
You probably know that there is an anti-thumb sucking product not unlike that sour apple stuff for dogs. My MIL was in town this past weekend - turns out that my husband grew to like that cr@p! (Ah, the tid bits of trivia that you gather when the MIL is in town.)
No oak toilet seat???? ;-)
I unfortunately also know what Bitter apple or Bitter Yuck tastes like! I dabbed our cats incision and then no matter how hard you wash it stays! My fingers would go to my mouth and YUCK!
oh for some oak in my kitchen...I have OLD built-in plywood cabinets. They have ugly handles, because the spacing is non-standard. However, they have food in them, and we are very blessed. :)
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