We also tore down a rotten dilapidated playhouse/treehouse that was quite the eyesore, but probably served it's purpose in years gone by. The lot is awesome. Being out in the country is awesome!
The moving van was finally finished being loaded friday night about 9pm, and we headed out then...two dogs, two cats, and a trailer pulling all the stuff that the movers wouldn't bring. We got here about 1am...so tired and falling into bed, only to have the cats meow all night because they didn't know where they were!
Of course, they cat-napped all day yesterday, and were up again last night meow meow meow..dig dig dig in the litter box, and crunch crunch crunch on the kitty food... :c|

While the guys were pulling down the playhouse outside, I prepped the walls in the opened up studio space and started painting. I went with a color called 'pearl white' which is more of a sand, very light khaki. It sure cleaned up the look of that paneling a LOT! I also went with a semi gloss because I like being able to wipe things down. Flat paint is a pain, even washable flat..I just don't like it.
You can see the stripe in the carpet where the wall USED to be. I don't know what I'm going to do about that uncarpeted stripe. Most likely my machine and bins will cover most of it. I'm not going to worry about that now! I'm not crazy about the drop ceiling, but that is small potatoes too in the whole scheme of things. I do know I want to add more ceiling lights.

I rented a steamer from home depot yesterday, and spent all of yesterday taking two layers of wallpaper off the dining room walls, and all around the border of the living room. I started on the front hall...but gave up on that for now, it will be easy access for later since there won't be furniture in the way.

Today's project is taking the paper off in the kitchen! The kitchen is a smaller one than I had in the previous house..it has two different kinds of paper..one white floral thing, and a dark navy thing that makes the kitchen more like a cave..I need to bring the light IN! So today..I'm stripping in the kitchen :c)

I need to get the paper off of the wall behind the fridge today because the new fridge comes this afternoon! My arms are tired, I need a massage!
Tomorrow the chaos continues with the arrival of the moving van. They are going to hate life because they can't get down our windy driveway that is a bit steep! They will have to park up on the road and wheel everything down. Poor guys!
That's about all the time I have for this update..and of course nothing quilty to relate at all, other than the fact that upon cleaning out the vent behind the sofa in my old family room....we FOUND my lost THIMBLE! The $50 one I loved and lost..and it is FOUND! :cD Oh happy day....
Congrats on the move Bonnie!!!!
Looks like you've spent a hectic week. But now you're on the road to getting settled in and that should relieve some of the stress. Looks like a lovely house, you'll have to post pictures when you get all the changes made. Sorry about the cats disturbing your much needed rest.
The house looks like it will be great! Semi gloss paint will make the room brighter too.
You are still doing more in a day than I can do in a week... Don't know how you do it.
You're here, I'm so glad!! Even with all the work ahead it will be downhill from now on, you've ARRIVED! Welcome, Bonnie!
Wow! You have been busy! I love the remodeling/redocorating, but I hate the work that goes behind it! Good luck to you! I hope that kitties start sleeping better!
Yikes! I"m exhausted just reading all the work you are doing. Oh but the house will be so much like yours once your done! And hurray about the thimble!!!!
The movers had to cart everything out of our house in KY because the van couldn't get down the steep driveway. They rented a small U-Haul, loaded it, drove it over to the big van which was almost 1/2 mile away -- the closest they could get to our house. You're right - they probably will not be happy. You have a big job ahead of you with all that painting but you'll have just what you want when you're done.
Wow, you've gotten so much done already. And I love your basement space.
Oh my goodness!! You've been very busy! I need you for a few projects at my house so I can put it up for sale!! DH works in slow-mo when making repairs. Your are like the eveready Bonnie "bunny"!!!! Congrats on the move. Your home and lot sound awesome.
Congratulations on your new home. You're brave to tackle all that wallpaper - it's one of my least favorite jobs. But your house will be gorgeous when you're done. Hang in there!
Wow Bonnie, you're just amazing. You've only just moved in, and already you're tackling the stripping and painting. I just don't know where you get your energy from! What wonderful news about your thimble, definitely a happy day!
Welcome to our neck of the woods, Bonnie! I'm looking forward to meeting you. Mrs. Goodneedle has told us wonderful things about you.
I know a great massage therapist when the moving and stripping and painting get to be too much!
See you soon,
Good luck with the unloading...
So glad you found your thimble!!
Glad you made it! I've 'copied' a lot of your projects, Bonnie, but this one -- the move -- I'll have to pass up! LOL
Take care - don't overdo.
I wish I was there to help, I enjoy demo work. Don't wear your self out, there is always another day, even if the movers are coming. Every move something is found and something is lost.
We looked at townhouses here today. I'm ready to get out of this apartment and settled but we'd planned to wait until the end of the year. Seeing you set up at the new house makes me even more anxious although I won't have nearly the space you have there.
Don't work too hard!
HI Bonnie,
Your new house looks like it is going to be gorgeous- As always you are busy and productive - It will be worth it in the end - Try not to wear yourself out.
I hope that your pets are adjusting to the new place- I am sure the cats will soon be queens/ kings of all they preside:)
I will look forward to seeing your new sewing area..
Take care of yourself and Congratulations on your new home.
Regards from a Western canadian quilter,
Welcome to North Carolina. Can't wait to meet you. Have heard a lot from (good things) Ms. Goodneedle & Quiltkeemosabe.
You have been working hard! I am interested in hearing more about painting the paneling. I want to paint the paneling in my family room.
You'll have that place whipped into perfection in no time at the rate you're moving along. Good luck with it all and know that there a lot of women out here wishing you peace and happiness in your new home.
Regina in MI
Hurray! You're "in!" And are you ever making good progress in a very short amount of time! Taking the basement wall out was a good job! What a difference in oppenness and light!
I can't believe how much you've gotten done already. Taken out a wall and painted AND stripped wallpaper? (Wish I'd been smart enough to rent a steamer when I was doing a similar chore - never even crossed my mind). I'm with you one washable paint - I hate the flat stuff too. Congrats on getting there safely and getting all that done. My fingers and toes continue to be crossed for you.
Yay for you making it safely to your new home, and for being so organised and getting all that work done. I hope you enjoy settling in and making the place your own.
Woo hoo!! Not only are you in, you've knocked down a wall, painted the basement and nearly stripped ALL the old wallpaper. You go girl!!
After 10 years we are still stripping wallpaper in the kitchen. Can I borrow you please!
Congrats on finding that thimble. I have one of those and sure wouldn't want to loose it.
Great that you are able to get that stuff done before the furniture moves in. We had the same problem with the movers years ago when we moved to our new house with a steep hill. Told them to bring a small truck but they brought a big one and had to carry everything UP a steep hill.
Glad you found your thimble. Usually you lose stuff when you move! When you get a chance stop over to my blog and see the links to the bargello bloggers. See what you started!
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