I'm still digging out of boxes. Life is endless with boxes! I'm getting there though.
Would you believe that I haven't really SEWN yet? It's been weeks! And I can't seem to allow myself to sit and sew while there is still so much to be done to get this house together. I guess I'm one of those who can't let big stuff slide...little things...like whether the laundry is folded or not...doesn't bother me (at least it's clean?) But all these boxes and stuff not where it belongs is driving me batty.
And I'm tired! And I don't know what to do with myself! I took a nap yesterday in the middle of the afternoon, and then felt guilty. I think everything is a bit of an adjustment, and I know I need to give it time.
The contents of the fridge are back to normal. I'm cooking meals. That is progress, right?

The fabric folding is finally done. I have ONE BIG BOX of culled FQ's and smaller hunks and chunks to be cut up as time allows..maybe not. Maybe I'll sew them into funky backings. The fabric you see here in the wire cubes is the "charity" or "use it up for backings" fabric.
There is this little unfinished room/closet/storage thing in the basement that is very handy space, even if it is an eye sore. Good thing it has a door on it! It will be great for storing battings, bins of stuff I don't use all the time like denim, extra sewing machines, etc. I plan on putting a rug on the concrete floor at least to make things a bit more cozy under foot. Dontcha just love the aesthetics of gray cinderblock walls complete with water pipe? Worked really hard to get this effect..*LOL*
The other pics you see are just various sites around my studio down here. I've installed book cases on either side of the wood stove. I love yummy candles, and I have one burning there right now on top of the stove:c)

The computer armoir also holds my TV which I am using as a super-duper puter monitor! It's 26"!! *LOL* Believe me,it is pushed as far back into the armoir as it can go and I'm typing at arms length because it is so big...but no sense having a tv AND a computer when I can use just one monitor for both. Messy desktop shows you that I'm still sorting through stuff and finding places for things.

I finally have room to display my treadle machine unfolded! It's a rough room, but great space, and little by little I'm making it mine.

Bad Sadie has been at it again. She ate out the center of Jeff's CrissCross quilt...whhhaaa.. BAD SADIE! I told Jeff no more quilts on his bed. I went to Walmart and bought him a "bed in a bag" which is much easier for me to replace than my quilts! Even tho this one has been worn and used and washed and loved until it is faded, it makes me sick that she ate it. Not just tore at it, but ate it. Dumb dog :c(
I did load my Bargello on to the quilting machine, only to find that my motor brushes decided to be a factor and the machine was running SO SLOW...at first I thought it was something we did in transport..but closer inspection upon removal of the brushes shows that they are worn down, and that might be why they are slow mode. You can't quilt nice smooth curves and feathers when in slow mode. They get squarish and hurky-jerky..so...it sits. I did find a place to order the parts, and they should be here in the next couple of days.
I'm getting stuff ready for leaving on Tuesday. I've got a dentist appt in Columbia SC Tuesday afternoon. It's the final crown on my implant, no sense in changing docs this late in the game. After that I head straight to Cumming GA for a Star Struck class. Then on to Marrietta where I am doing two workshops and a trunkshow/lecture for the Cobb Quilter's Guild...and after that on to Alpharetta GA for a lecture/trunkshow. I'll be gone from Tuesday to Tuesday! The guys here will just have to fend for themselves ;c) (After getting used to having me around!)
I'll have my laptop with me,but if you don't hear from me next week..you'll know why! :cD
You're making GREAT progress. And naps ARE mandatory when moving / unpacking. I know, I'm a professional. Trust me on this.
What a wonderful space you have! I have to tell you I don't think I will be as quick as you at getting all moved in when we do it this summer. I am dreading it. It makes me want to take a nap just thinking about it.
I'll miss you, Bonnie! Be safe and take care, call me when you get back.
I think you're making remarkable progress - don't be hard on yourself if you need rest - listen to your body - things will be sorted soon enough - the food in the fridge and home cooking is a major achievement and your studio is looking great!
Your space is really coming together. It takes time making a new house/room your very own. Be gentle and take care of yourself. I'm sure I still have boxes in the basement from our move from Houston to Atlanta almost 9 years ago. LOL
I live in metro Atlanta, but not near the East Cobb Quilt Guild. i was thrilled to get into your Saturday Crumb Workshop. Your posts on Stashbusters, your website and blog have been some of my favorites for years. As you are getting ready for your trip, please know that we can hardly wait until you are here in Georgia. Have a safe trip!
Becky in Georgia
You're getting things done a lot faster than I ever do. And, it's looking wonderful. I love that fireplace....
Regina in MI
Hi Bonnie! I love your Blog!
If you get a chance while down in Georgia, my very good friends, Rita and Laura DeMarco own a very wonderful quilt shop called Log Cabin Patchworks in Hiawassee, Ga. Be sure and tell them I sent you. :-)
Much luck in your new home!
Tracey Van Slyke
Wow Bonnie, you're really doing wonders in your new home. It's so much fun having peeks into your sewing space. Be kind to yourself, naps are okay, you've had a major upheaval in your life.
Bonnie, I think it looks like you are making wonderful progress. It would take me months to unpack and I would worry about it the whole time. Oh your classes and lectures sound like so much fun - have a great time!
The studio is looking good! Question: Do you think there might be any problem with dampness in the little fabric storage room?
Wow, what a schedule! Are you driving it all? Have fun with all your travels and classes, etc!
Bonnie, it just makes me tired looking at all your work to get the studio back up and running. It looks like we will be moving the end of March and although it's just a mile and a half down the road I'm dreading moving all my quilting stuff again.
Bonnie, take those naps without guilt. you've been doing lots of work, you need to rest too. your quilting space is marvelous - wow. Your Singer looks great set-up with those tops on display. Can't wait to see it all in person.
Good luck with the dentist and enjoy the classes. Stay safe.
Bonnie, thank you for sharing. Your sewing space as well as your home is looking wonderful.
I have never heard of a dog eating quilts! Shoes, furniture, plastic yes but quilts? No. And in your house too! God must have had some lessons in mind to send Sadie to you!
I love reading your blog and webpage. In fact your culling of your fabric has inspired me to go though my fabric to see what needs to be cut up into precut strips and squares for future quilts.
Your new space is looking wonderful. Particularly love how you have displayed your treadle :)
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