But the borders are ON!

I took my inspiration from a long leftover binding strip from the "Virginia Bound" quilt...it was all shirt strips joined on the diagonal, and you know how it is when you are piecing binding...I pieced about twice as much as I should have! So I only had to piece some more yet, and then inserted the red strip between the two shirting strips. I let the seams fall where they may!

I used the leftover triangle squares and some left over 4 patches to make the cornerstone units. Sometimes I struggle and struggle with a quilt design and other times the muse takes over and BAM it just works! This quilt? Well, I made the first 4 blocks WRONG...then couldn't figure out what was missing in the sashing...I guess I had my moments with it. But all in all, I think it turned out pretty great!

It needs a name...and I have to decide whether I want to hand quilt it (who am I kidding?!?) Or machine quilt it (Like how long will it be on the ever increasing pile until it reaches THAT stage?) I am thinking that big-stitch quilting would be great on this...*sigh*
Born to Quilt....Forced To Work! That's Me!
We've got a handy man here today fixing things on the house to get ready for the appraisal. Having teenage sons mean that they get angry and have occassionally hit the wall..literally! There is also the spot in the laundry room where a slamming door pushed the doorknob through the dry wall, and a few other "fix it" things that need to be done so we can get the best appraisal possible.You know, all those things you wanted to do while you lived there, but you do it before you move so some one ELSE gets to enjoy it? :cÞ
love it love it LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
Now I want one!!!!I've heard of a longarmer who actually puts her own tops in her customer line when she gets them done.....HA!!! either pretty nervy or independantly wealthy??! Definately SMART!!!!!!
Your "shirt" quilt is beautiful. The red and ?green? or ?tan? triangle sashing sets it off just right for me. Great Idea for the border to include the shirtings.
When I grow up (I'm 65 now), I want to be able to quilt like you.
Fondly, Peg
I think you should call it Hounds Teeth, or something like that. The pattern looks like huge hounds tooth checks, and the sashing looks like hound's teeth.
Just a thought.
Goodness - you did it again! It's wonderful!
Bonnie, I always loved the half square triangles with the red, and I think using the darker tan was just the right choice! Also having the red triangle on top.
PS we lived in Columbia from 1979-1982!
How about "Cornered Milky Way"?
Love it!
You did so much right on this quilt--asking for input, considering it, then heading in your own direction is the way to go.
Great choices all the way around.
Galaxy Quest? Spilled Milk?
You are amazing Bonnie~!! Love this new little ditty. I looked back...you started this quilt top 11/21 and finished 11/26. If I can substract correctly, that is 5 days from inspiration to completion! God had definitely given you more time in your day than He gave me. Well done girlfriend.
It turned out great! I wasn't sure about that sashing but I love it! You might try to find a house at the new location with a fairly nice dog house . . a hole in the wall and that would be my son's next home! :) Good luck with getting everything done and finding a new house!
Oh it looks great! And I love the strippy border!
We have a few holes in the wall like that! Actually they fought over the bathroom once and someone kicked a hole in the bathroom door! So we make them use it with the hole in it!
This quilt top is so beautiful. It's clearly the culmination of many years of making decisions about putting fabrics together. You rock! Possible names - Rusty Way, Homespun Galaxy, Star Trip.
Oh yes. I know all about fixing up a house for the next person...sigh.
Love that quilt! How about "The Shirt off My Back". Ouch...that's bad. Actually the "pinwheels" make me think of turning. I'm thinking of a song...arrggghh...I can't quite remember it. I thought it was Lord of the Dance but that's not it. Something with turning.
Do you mean "Spinning Wheels"?
I like the Spillt Milk suggestion up there.
The quilt is really lovely. Lots to love about it.
Wow, Bonnie, that was quick. I love this quilt.
Great quilt!
Beautiful, just beautiful, as always. That red is so perfect for everything, do you buy it by the bolt?
This quilt reminds me of a cross between Ninja throwing stars and American Gothic! No name for you there, I'm afraid.
Good luck on the house hunt.
Oooh -- love the borders! Hmmn, no help with the names though.
As for the house -- oh my, do I ever know that list!
The red definitely finishes it off. As always your work is beautiful. I don't know if I am clever enough to come up with a name. I like the spilled milk suggestion.
bonnie, if you had just showed it to me now and told me it was an original 1880s quilt, i would definitely believe it, it's that good....super job...show it again when finished.
Ohhh Bonnie, it's entirely wonderful. I just can't believe how much you get done in a day!
OK I have lurked long enough, I love your blog, and I love your talents...GREAT JOB once again with showing us *how* to give the second life to fabrics! Thank you for being willing to share your wonderful ideas with us! In my book you get full credit for being a very creative quilter, and very willing to share!! THANK YOU from the bottom of my envious heart :>)!! Barb
OK I have lurked long enough, I love your blog, and I love your talents...GREAT JOB once again with showing us *how* to give the second life to fabrics! Thank you for being willing to share your wonderful ideas with us! In my book you get full credit for being a very creative quilter, and very willing to share your ideas!! THANK YOU from the bottom of my envious heart :>)!! Barb
Love the quilt.
Beautiful top Bonnie! Again! I don't know how you do it! As for holes in walls I had a hole in the kitchen door in our old house caused by me - we used to have a kiddy stair gate in the doorway to stop small people getting to the cooker etc - the hole was from me slamming the gate against the door in frustration rather than taking it out on the kids - what a momento!
Your top is fantastic Bonnie.
I think we all have those little repair jobs around the house that we just never get around to. Like you mins was where a door handle had bashed it's way into the wall!
It's one absolutely GREAT quilt; the bumps along the road make it even increasingly more so. I thought we were the only ones who fixed up a place to sell and then stepped back and wondered why we hadn't done that for US? Best wishes with the appraisal.
Absolutely fantastic! It has that Bonnie stamp on it. I think you must have nervous energy going on with the upcoming move. God is going to provide a wonderful house for you guys; I just know it. Best wishes and God bless you.
I like this quilt so much.
Beautiful quilt! I love what you've done with the sashing - beautiful!
It's absolutley beautiful!!
Bonnie, I really like all of your quilts but I LOVE this one. Are you going to post directions on your other blog? Does this mean I have to start cutting up Dh's shirts?! It would be worth it!!!
Perfect color choice!
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