Imagine choir practice. We'd been singing for an hour and they call for break time. Bonnie runs to the little girls room....really the LITTLE girls room because the restroom is down the junior sunday school hall and the toilets are small and short and the sinks are low on the walls!
So here I am...sitting there...looking at my feet, and figuring out for the umpteenth time how I could replicate this floor in scrap fabrics!
I just happened to have my phone in my pocket, so it isn't very high quality and the lighting is bad with no flash, but you get the general idea? :c)
Hi Bonnie
Well, now, that takes "being on the alert for new designs" to a dedicated degree! hehe Actually, the pattern is in a similar genre with the "turning twenty," "just can't cut it," etc blocks. Knowing you, you will come up with a new and fantastic design. hmmm, I'll have to take a look at the flooring in the ladies' room at church when I go in for quilt group next. :-)
I can't imagine how many times I've looked at tiles like that and not seen the pattern. You're a great 'pattern spotter'.
Girl you are so funny!!!! Before I even read your post I knew what that photo was of - Bathroom floor!!!
You just took me on a trip down memory lane - I can remember being in 2nd grade and using the potty and staring at the floor wondering where the block started... and counting the tiles in each 12" block... I wonder if this could be linked to a "Bonnie" thing? LOL :P
My school and your church must have been built aroudn the same time b/c those are the exact same tile patterns!!! Mine were mint green and blues mixed with the whites though.
If you think that's good (and it has the promise of a lovely quilt I think) then you'd be in seventh heaven in St Mark's Basilica in Venice!
I think that's the same tile pattern that was on the bathroom floor at a place I worked at in the 80's. I have a sketch of it somewhere!
We had the same tile in our house when I was growing up. I think I even a photo of it taken when we moved my parents out of the house last year. I did it for the same reason - it looked like a quilt pattern to me. Mmmmmm . . . I think you've just given me my next project. Thanks!
Oh dear. I'm always looking at patterns in tile and such. It makes me nuts if it isn't symmetrical. I have to spot the repeat! :)
I remember one of my first outings with friends when I turned drinking age (oh so long ago) and in my tipsy state I was amazed to discover that the tile on the ladies room floor was the same as the tile on top of the bar! What designer thought that was a good idea???
I'm not laughing. I do the same thing!
That would make a great quilt. I've done that before...I 'm thinging we are obsessed, but there's not a thing wrong with that :-)
That would be absolutely BEAUTIFUL in batiks with black sashing. Makes me wanna start cutting the rectangles, as soon as you give me the measurements. I was cutting out batiks for the mystery 10/6 on Fabriholics. I'm using my fugly batiks for this one tho. Mom'll love it on her bed!!!
A similar pattern is the Seattle Streets pattern:
It may provide some ideas on how to make the quilt.
Oh such a way! that quilting literally takes over your life!! Everything from finding patterns on brick/concrete walls and tiles to wishing I could have my colleague's shirt so I could cut up the yummy colors for a quilt!! The joke in my house is one day my DH is gonna get dressed only to find he has a square cut from the back of his shirt!
I'm another of those who would look at the floor and see floor!!
Oh yes indeed, using 2-1/2" squares and strips. In green, burgandy, and tan. It will be lovely. Harriet taught a floor tile pattern in her class also. Although, I've never made it up.
No laughing her Bonnie, I do that all of the time. I am always looking at floor tiles and imagining a quilt from the pattern.
Inspiration is wherever you find it Bonnie. Ami Simms has a whole collection of photos of floors her readers send in. I can't wait to see what you do with this!!!
How funny - That looks like the original floor from my mom's house. Hers was brick red - right next to olive green foyer floor. Can we say, "70's" colors! I do love the pattern though. I'll watch to see what you come up with!
You reminded me of a picture I took on our last vacation. When I saw it I thought - quilt - right away. Great minds think alike?
Laurie already developed this pattern, Bon--go here:
That exact same tile is on the floor in my parents' house which is close to 50 years old.
The best part about this quilt will be the title, "the little girls room"
LOL...I've seen that floor too. But, ya know -- at the time, I wasn't a quilter. I think it would be specacular as a quilt!
I'm just THRILLED that someone else besides myself find old tile patterns the perfect thing for quilting. Our hall bathroom has about the same makeup but my husband thinks I'm crazy"seeing" a block pattern in it... oh well his loss.
Becky in SC
Hey Bonnie:
My bathroom vinyl has a pattern similar to this and I'm always meaning to go in there with a ruler and sketch it out to see if it'll work with the strips I have :-). Isn't there a book out somewhere with quilt blocks inspired by tiles in Europe?
Jacqui in Canada
You're just sick, sick, sick!!! ... along with the rest of us. LOL
my gmfg's stars were from a floor pattern in Philley last year. I must have 20+ pics of cool floor tiles waiting to be made into quilts
When you're in Europe next month, keep that camera handy. You walk on inspiration everywhere!
We have a linoleum floor in our laundry and bathrooms, and the pattern, whoops!, DESIGN is called Savannah Walk. I want to reproduce it in a quilt too... so YOU are NOT crazy! Tee-Hee!
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