In between everything today...taking Jeff to work, picking him up from work, working a client's quilt...going to the oral surgeon (extraction and implant surgery is scheduled for next week...wwahhhh) I started thinking of things I might be able to do to simplify my life a bit (YOU THINK!?)
Here I am stewing over this donation quilt....and it suddenly popped into my head...why don't I just take a top that I have already pieced, that is not quilted yet, quilt it up, call it good. The sooner it is done the sooner we can start selling tickets on it, right?
So this is the one I pulled out of my cupboard. It is called "tribute" and was sample I made a few years back for Common Threads in Waxahachie TX. I just never got around to quilting it...so now I think I will.
The question is....how do you think this would look with baptist fans on it? Or another panto thing? I keep thinking "simplify, simplify" and I am reminded that someone will win this quilt for $1. :cÞ Any ideas from the other machine quilters out there? I really am not in the mood for heirloom on this thing. It just doesn't have that heavily quilted need to me...
I'm adding this pic! Right now as I rummage through things (I found a red enough to piece a back from...has little tan stars on it) I am considering this panto called "rosie" by willowleaf studios....it kinda goes with the rose print fabric in the quilt....so....fans.....or....roses?? I need your ideas!
I'm thinking baptist fan would look good. But I don't remember how much work it is -- I do my quilting on a domestic machine, and WANT to learn how to do that baptist fan!
This one of yours must made me smile - it is so 'happy'!
I've been reading your blog for a long time. I think your quilts are wonderful and whatever you decide to do will be great. Since you're branching out with your banana recipes, I'm sending one along to you. If you can find the HErshey's Cinnamon Chips instead of chocolate chips they're great! Enjoy
Banana Cream and Chocolate Chip Muffins
Yield: 12-18 muffins
1 stick butter, softened
1 (3oz) package cream cheese, softened
1 cup brown sugar
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1 egg
1/4 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup baking chips -Chocolate or Cinnamon
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Cream butter, cream cheese, and brown sugar together. Add banana, egg and sour cream; mix thoroughly.
Combine flour, chips, baking soda, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Make a well in the center. Pour creamed mixture into well and mix until just blended.
Pour batter into greased or lined muffin cups, filling 2/3 full.
Bake 20 to 25 minutes.
*I substitute Hershey Cinnamon Chips for the chocolate chips. I have also doubled the recipe with no problems. Very moist and good.
I'd go with the fans. No particular reason. I have Rosie and use it often. Either would look great . . as does everything you do!
Funny, although I love the BF I'd go with a panto - I like the one you showed - it would fill up the space around the star with more decorative stitching than the fans would.
You know, I vote for fans. A fancy panto like this gets lost on a quilt like that I think. Fans are easy and quick with the Circle Lord - I think you have that big template - and perfect for a sampler like this.
I'd say either would be fine, so which would you enjoy more and which would be easier for you...
Ok, I'm going to be no help here but I think the fans would add to the masculine feel -- tone down some of the applique already in the top and play up the stars.
On the other hand, the panto would really help to accentuate the vine applique and give a nice feminine touch. Which way do you want to go?
I am partial to the fans - and you did say Simplify, right ? :-)
You know I don't think I'm going to be much help at all here - I like the roses panto but I do like fans too - the quilt top is lovely and would be a delight for any raffly winner no matter how it is quilted. Basically then it boils down to whatever takes least effort from you. Whichever you decide it will be a really lovely raffle prize
good for you Bonnie, simplify!
this quilt is beautiful and Iwould love to win it!
I say FANS!!!!!
just think it is better than the roses for this quilt...
I'm thinking fans, but honestly Bonnie, in my eyes you never put a foot wrong, so go with your instinct. I love the quilt, and how wonderful to have a top ready to go!
I would go with fans.
Your quilt is georgous.
I love all of your quilts and the quilting is always so pretty.
I remember you making these blocks at retreat! I ended up buying the book and like so many someday projects it sits in a box with most of the fabric just waiting. Can I just send you some money for some raffle tickets?! And since I am so sure I will win...I am partial to the roses! : )
What a great idea to use a top you already had. If your fabric is a stash and piles of blocks are a WIP's, what do you call the stacks of tops waiting to be quilted?
YankeeQuilter wrote: "If your fabric is a stash and piles of blocks are a WIP's, what do you call the stacks of tops waiting to be quilted?"
I call them NAGGERS! Some people are calling them "Flimsies" Pipe Dreams? Some-days? Who knows..there are too many of them here. Maybe I have enough raffle quilts for the next 15 years? *LOL*
Love the quilt top. Do whichever pattern is fastest and easiest for you to get done quickly and then it will be out of the way!
I'd go with the fans since it's a raffle quilt. Very generic-neither masculine nor feminine.
The panto. Definitely the panto.
I LOVE the fans you did for me, but I think this one needs the roses panto.
I'm pretty certain that you've probably already made your decision on what to quilt. So I'm not going to add my 2 cents. But...BRAVO for deciding to simplify!!!
I've been saying (and often doing) SIMPLIFY to myself for about a year or more...and am so glad. I think we longarmers often think that we have to come up with new things all of the time...and is that really necessary?! I don't know...I don't think so.
Good luck Bonnie! And do take care of that nasty bruise. I think lots of Vit C helps with healing, doesn't it?
Hugs to you!
I LOVE that top! It is perfect for the raffle! I still could have you quilt everything with the fans for me - Fans are just good with anything!
I vote for the fans, too. I think they'd look spectacular on this quilt.
I vote roses, roses, roses!
I'M slightly partial to the fans here, but the roses could look like to the untrained eye like a lot more work? Sorry to be so unhelpful. I vote for doing, as someone above said, whatever is easier or more fun for you to do, since they would both be great just in different ways.
How can I buy a ticket?
I vote fans too:)
The top is awesome!
How do we ppurchase tickets?
Tracy in Virginia
Fans for me. The quilt is busy as is the rosie panto. The quilt is gorgeous so however you quilt it, it will just be even MORE gorgeous LOL.
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