Hi, Bonnie,
Your patriotic quilt is also very beautiful. I am a little worried, though,
as I have told quite a few people that you designed the quilt based on the
Trinity windows. There was a REALLY good reaction to that. I think that
would be an extra selling feature to all the church organizations.

Argh. So Okay. I'll do the patriotic star quilt for NEXT year...and proceed with plan A...doing the stars and ladders quilt for this year. I sewed the 4patch halves together last night and ironed them this morning. This quilt needs 305 4 patches! I think I came up with 316 by the time I counted them, but that's okay, it gives me room to cull the ones that just "don't go".
I'm really okay with this option. I like both quilts, I think they both would sell tickets well....the next step is to do the 1/2 sq triangles of red and black to go with half the 4 patches for the jacob's ladder type blocks. I'm leaving the peaky/spike star points for last..I think that is going to be a time consumer!
Oh noooo! Does this mean I have to make the star quilt for myself now!!!
Wish I could run up the road and help out...I can press well : )
Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn here but gratitude should be shown and not soured by pickiness!!! Sorry Bonnie I'm off my soapbox now - it's good for people to realise sometimes that time is often THE most precious thing we can give - especially if one's as busy as you are - hope the new quilt doesn't act as the straw breaking the camel's proverbial back!
I think I'd have to agree with the comment above...and add that some people just can't handle change. They seem to take it as a personal affront. The Patriotic Quilt would have been beautiful and quite appropriate. Ah well...you love to live on coffee right Bonnie??? (vbg)
Lori in VA
I agree whole heartedly with the above comments. I actually like the plan B quilt better! When you give a *donation* it should be whatever you wish to give. I just had a similar thing happen to me and I am struggling with feeling a little under appreciated. (I'll get over it, but my time is valuable, at least to me and my family!) Wish I lived in the vacinity, I would pop on over and help!!
Oh it is going to look wonderful! I love that stars and ladders quilt! Sorry you have so much to do yet. I'd drive right over and help you if I could!
Did you just design the stars and ladders?; it is really pretty! Sorry you have to piece like crazy in a time crunch. You are so encouraging to me. I fall apart with not too much pressure applied and when I see how you hold up and switch gears, wow, you help me see I can be stronger! Kerri
I'm on my way to help Bonnie ... With about 20 hours of flying ... I should be there by about this time tomorrow!
You're such a generous person Bonnie, it's a shame that people can take advantage of that.
Well, I thought the same thing everyone else already said until I looked at the EQ drawing of the Stars and Ladder quilt - that one looks VERY *stain glass* like to me and I think it will be a WONDERFUL donation for the cathedral. Too bad they're going to raffle it off rather than display it.
Ouch. Sorry the committee couldn't accept the change. At least you are ahead for next year (trying to find a silver lining here). I'd help if I could -- I'm great at pressing and can make a mean cup of coffee. Hang in there, you can do it!
This type of situation is what I call a mill-stone quilt--when something is offered before it is finished (or, in your case, even started!) and the recipients expectations kind of suck the life out of you. I get myself into such situations, vow never to repeat it, and then they happen again. I think it comes from our enthusiasm for our work, we jump in, and recipients don't realize what is involved to finish.
Oh, my! This will be a stunning quilt and you are such an incredibly good sport. Another star in your crown!
Ahhhhh, Bonnie - I have been there. You will get it done and it will be the beautiful quilt ever.
Do you have the Stars and Ladders quilt pattern available online? I really like that and I have a whole box of four patches with white and I think that this is the perfect pattern to use them up. I am heading over to your other site to see....
Hi Bonnie, so sorry to hear that the committee doesn't know how to play nicely with others. The substitution top would have worked equally well I think.
Sorry to see your poor arm,does look like a lot of bleeding out into the tissue. Hope the pain isn't too bad.
Sending hugs and good thoughts for all you have on your plate, Finn
Sorry to hear that the committee didn't like your patriotic quilt top because it's gorgeous. That's the thing with design by committee. They do get a bit "demanding" of the time and skills of the person who's actually doing the work.
A couple of years ago I volunteered to help with making new torah covers at temple. Of course it turned out that no one else knew how to sew except for me and a nice English lady. We worked months on that project, from drafting the pattern to sewing not one but three of them! Afterwards the committee chair decided that they needed something else sewn. My new friend and I opted to let someone else take that honor. We were worn out.
Don't let them wear you out. And once you've finished you'll be pleased at your good deed. :-)
You handled this in such a humble manner and that is the best donation of all.
You handled that in a nice humble manner.
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