I'm getting ready to leave for my Hilton Head retreat weekend! My guild has been having their retreat in Hilton Head this same weekend for years and years. It is also the same weekend as the Jinny Beyer Convention, and though we don't take classes, we do go down to where the convention is and do the quilt show and shop the vendors mall that is set up there.
I am taking my massage table..There are 4 people who want massages so far, and that is going to cover my expenses of the retreat, and still leave me plenty of time for quilting on my own projects!
Big decision, big reversal. I worked at the chiropractor's office on wednesday, and decided that I am NOT going to take the position. It's hard to explain, but it isn't about the money. I want to fit the massage AROUND my life, not have it BE my life...and it would take too much time away from things I love dearly, including most of all my freedom and flexibility. So. I will tell him on monday that I will work for him part time through the month of feb while he finds someone else to take the full time position. I won't leave him high and dry, but I don't want the job. I need to do what is right for me! I'd rather be quilting on other people's quilts than down there at that office every day.
I finished the binding on "My Blue Heaven". How long has this thing been hanging around? It's a blue albatross which might be a better name for it....*Heheh* But it is done.
I used a simple homespun in tan/blue for the backing. I had JUST enough, so it was good to get that whole piece of fabric yardage out of my stash! Close up pics show some of the weird old uglies I used up in this thing! My fave is the little cow, and a pair of cowboy boots and horseshoe in the other pic. You may also see a few noah's arks floating around. Don't be afraid to use weird fabrics in your quilts! I think it adds a lot of interest to them!
I'll be working on UFO's at the retreat. One is a batik kaliedoscope I made about a year ago...just needs borders. It was made from the remnants of strip piecing donated to me by a guild member. I want to finish this. I think it is a cool quilt. The other one is the crumby quilt that Tonya and I did. I want to work on the borders for it too. I'll take one other quilt that needs the binding finished on it for evening work, and a bit of hand quilting,and that should be plenty. Especially since this retreat ends sunday?!? Just what do I think I'm going to be able to accomplish in a day and a half?! *LOL* Oh well..better too much than not enough as far as projects to bring go.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Sounds like a lady that knows what she wants out of life. Beautiful quilt... I love how 'Ugly' fabrics come together to make beautiful quilts....
I love this blue quilt.
Good for you to figure out exactly what works for you and your life.
Hi, I am new to your blog site, but I have visited your scrap quilt site lots of times and I love it!!!!
I love this blue quilt. If I may ask, what pattern did you use?
I am a regular at the massage therapist's and chiropractor's office. I was in a car accident 10 years ago and I couldn't function with out regular treatments.
It is wonderful! That backing is just perfect for that quilt! Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!
I love all the little "surprises" lurking in the blues on your quilt. Great job on that! I applaud your courage and determination to take control of your life and listen to your heart, what a blessing to be able to do that! Enjoy your retreat...
Have a very nice retreat week-end. I wish I could take part as well!
Your blue quilt is a winner!
oh my! that little blue square with the cow is THE BEST EVER!
i followed a link over here from be*mused ... and my head is already in a tailspin.
i have bookmarked you. i hope to make a quilt this year :)
(i made one a few years ago ... and it took me 8 years to complete)(oops!)
A retreat....I so want to go on a quilt retreat again! Have fun. Love the way the blue quilt finished and the lilly quilt in your blog below is wild!!!
This is a beautiful quilt. I have put a tan and blue quilt on my list of quilts to make - I'll probably do Shakespeare in the Park.
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